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GTA: San Andreas

Miami Vice

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Thanks, that helped, but I still failed. Normally 2 of them are left when they escape, and doing it as you suggested left me with one.

I'm just keep replaying this mission over and over again. By the law of averages I have to pass it once..............

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Wow, you guys are boring.

Get 3+ stars, jump on a bike, and try to make it through all three cities.

You and I think alike, buddy. I first did it by taking the whole train track around the whole map. Then went through all the cities and country. Fun fun fun stuff.

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Got it :D. It was number 7 in the Brady Guides, in El Corona, down the side of a house, i hadn't even done it, so i don't know how i got it crossed off.

Anyways, i figure i'll probably work my ass off to get to Hitman level by just standing and going ape until i get wasted, go back, get the Tec-9 back, repeat.

I have a good technique to get up to hitman very quickly. Whether you consider it cheating though is another thing. You get a wanted level for shooting peds. So that's out of the question. Your gun level goes up with shooting cars but once one explodes you also get a wanted level.

The Answer? First make sure you have plenty of ammo to make it to hitman (stock up from killing gang members or something.) Then shoot at a car that's parked in your garage. As it sets on fire move quickly away from the garage so that it closes. The car will not explode and when you go back to the garage the car will have been restored. Resume shooting and just keep repeating this process. It might be duller than shooting peds but it's much quicker and less dangerous.

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