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Obscure Films You Liked


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Another 'obscure' movie to check out is Ghosts of Mars.  It's got Ice Cube, and the bitch from Species in it.  Really fucking gorey, even though it's more of an Action Horror, than a Slasher movie.  The only real complaint is that at times it's a little bit too CGI.  If they could spray food die over a massive chunk of land to make it look 'mars like' then why the fuck couldn't they make the death scenes a little bit more lifelike.  Other than that, I dug it just like I dig practically every other Ice Cube movie.

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I liked 100 Girls, it had the kid from that one show all grown up. Larissa Olyenik is who I was thinking of.. she had that Alex Mack show.

Empire Records > *

Edit: There was also a cool movie that used to come on HBO about a kid that wasted his whole summer trying to date this chick and like sat outside her house for the whole summer.

Edited by CM Punk
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Cube is a fucking awesome movie for all those who haven't seen it. (BTW, I'm a huge mark for horror/sci-fi flicks so take that for what it's worth)

Is that the one where a bunch of traps are set in rooms that constantly move? If so, I marked when Resident Evil stole the bit where they sliced someone up with laser/wires :P

I'd have to go with Zatoichi though. I'd never heard of it before Hamster recommended it, and was stunned to find my local Blockbuster had a DVD in stock that had almost never been rented. I might have been a bit blinded by Hamster's stellar review before watching it, but even then I was genuinly enjoying the action scenes, the (to me at least) strange storytelling techniques and the wholly unexpected funny bits. So yeah, get Zatoichi :thumbsup:

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Maniac Cop and Maniac Cop 2 were both really well done movies. The acting was top notch, and more importantly, the plots were interesting.

The same goes for Duel, a really fun suspense/action movie, also Steven Spielberg's first foray into full length direction.

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I share the love for Ghost World, it's my second favorite movie of all time. It is a movie that's about not being like everyone else, but it's not wrapped up in a neat little package and sold to you by a corporation unlike most things you see today about the same topic. See: Good Charlotte, Linkin Park, that fucking Britney Spears movie.

Session 9 also, one of the best thrillers in the last twenty years.

Series 7: The Contenders is another good one. Came out right around the time reality TV was getting popular, before it became hip to spoof it.

A Better Place... a fucked up little movie from View Askew but definitely not a Kevin Smith romp. It's nothing spectacular, but it's a good movie to watch.

Glengarry GlenRoss - I'm still bewildered as to why this movie doesn't have a huge [at least internet] following when it has a cast like this: Al Pacino, Jack Lemmon, Alec Baldwin, Ed Harris, Alan Arkin, and Kevin Spacey. I never see anyone talking about this movie and I still don't know why.

Harold & Maude - the blackest of black comedy

And finally, Run Lola Run - yeah, this one is pretty well known, but still... I like to think of myself as hip and artsy when I watch it.

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I liked 100 Girls, it had the kid from that one show all grown up. Larissa Olyenik is who I was thinking of.. she had that Alex Mack show.

Edit: There was also a cool movie that used to come on HBO about a kid that wasted his whole summer trying to date this chick and like sat outside her house for the whole summer.

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I'm with Zero on season 7. I would also add Freeway, the best and funniest Reese Witherspoon vehicle ever. For those not in the know it's a modern of retelling of little red riding hood; but not in the way you think. In Australia it's rated 18+.

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For me, I would pick Last Man Standing. I bought it for like 5 bucks just for the hell of it and loved it. It has Bruce Willis blowing absolutely EVERYONE away in gunfights and of course....Christopher Walken is in there too. Good Movie. :thumbsup:

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Used Cars

From the back of the DVD...

"Jack Warden is brilliant in a double role as two feuding brothers Luke and Roy L. Fuchs, who own competing car lots and are trying to drive each other out of business. Rudy Russo (Kurt Russell) is Luke's ace salesman, a charming and conniving cheat and liar who is merely in training for his true ambition: Politics. In one of Rudy's most outrageous advertising ploys, he hires a model (Penthouse Pet of the Year Cheryl Rixon) to strip on television, and they all wind up in a crazy automobile stampede involving 200 vintage cars in a high-speed chase that becomes a free-for-all demolition derby."

Written by Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale, directed by Zemeckis and Produced by Gale (both of Back to the Future fame)

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P.O.W. The Escape - A slightly cheesy movie based on the later stages of the Vietnam War. It's your typical 1970's war flick, complete with gung ho hero, and diabolical villian. The gung ho hero in this one is David Carridine (The same fellow who plays Bill in Kill Bill), and the basic plot is he leads a group of P.O.W.'s out of a prison camp. It's an unintentionally funny movie, and the action scenes are pretty good.

Cemetary Man - A great horror/comedy about a man living in a Graveyard. He is the caretaker with an Igor/Hunchback sidekick known as Noggi. His job is killing the dead when they return to earth, and eventually he begins killing the living. Again, that's a very bare bones plot description.

The Incident - A great movie from the late 1960's involving two hoodlums that terrorize a subway full of people. A young Martin Sheen is one of the hoods in the movie.

Glengarry GlenRoss - I'm still bewildered as to why this movie doesn't have a huge [at least internet] following when it has a cast like this: Al Pacino, Jack Lemmon, Alec Baldwin, Ed Harris, Alan Arkin, and Kevin Spacey. I never see anyone talking about this movie and I still don't know why.

I saw this movie in my tenth grade English class. It was very good, I enjoyed it alot. The teacher showed it to us because we were working on Death of a Salesman. His idea was to show us the work of a salesman, and the idea behind getting "leads". It was a hell of a movie to see in High School, that's for sure.

Edited by VerbalPuke
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Dog Soldiers is great. I've got it on DVD.

"Old Boy" is a fantastic Korean film....

Not enough people have seen "Versus" which has zombie Yakuza that are brought back to life in a forest by some force of evil....

I recommend two of Jeunet's (Amelie) earlier films - "Delicatessen" (about a butcher who kills people to give to the people living in his apartment in post-Apocalyptic France, and there's a Vegetarian People's Liberation Front) and "City Of Lost Children" (Just weird. About an old guy who kidnaps young children so he can steal their dreams)

"Tokyo 11" is a film made by a big fan of Battle Royale. It's pretty grainy and amatuar but it's very funny and very clever...

"The Big Finish" is an English film I got from my wife last year. I think she got it from poundland so it cost £1! It's about two guys who get their own back on the chav scum who always pick on them, but then rather shockingly it turns pretty nasty with violence and death. Still if you can handle that it's great, if not, the first half with "Laxative Digestive Biscuits" and the classic "Cling Film On The Toilet" is hilarious...And on IMDB it has an 8.3/10 rating!

"Intacto" is an amazing film about luck and fortune. There's this one guy who's the luckiest guy in the world, and people go to challenge him to Russian Roulette. If they can beat him they take on the title and all the bonuses that come with it. His former protege loses his luck and wants to pay his former master back so goes on the look out for lucky people, ending with a guy who was the only survivor of a plane crash. They compete in a series of fantastic challenges (Including an iconic scene of people running through the forest with blindfolds and hands tied behind their backs, the winner being the one who lasts longest without crashing into a tree) and it's a fantastic film...

I'll post more later...

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I liked 100 Girls, it had the kid from that one show all grown up. Larissa Olyenik is who I was thinking of.. she had that Alex Mack show.

Empire Records > *

Edit: There was also a cool movie that used to come on HBO about a kid that wasted his whole summer trying to date this chick and like sat outside her house for the whole summer.

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Toy Soldiers is another good one. A group of terrorists take over a boarding school for rich kids that have been kicked out of the best prep schools in the country and the kids fight back. The only person that went on to really do anything was Sean Astin, who was the title charecter in Rudy and Sam in the Lord of the Rings movies.

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