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The shorter match results are fine, they get the point and flow of the match across without being too long - and if it helps you carry this on longer, then even better.

The characters are... different from what you normally see, especially the Rednecks and The Masked Nazi's, but they're still a good couple of characters and the promos help to establish them even more.

I don't have a problem with the results in quotes, so I'm not fussed either way on that.

Overall, this is great so far, and I'm looking forward to NoC.

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Winner: Joey Idol

I demand justice! Justice for the 'Hardcore Homo'! DAMNIT!


Also quite liking how things are shaping up, Idol vs. Hardy is something that I've tried plenty of times in both EWR & TEW games. I usually never wield good results due to Hardy for the most part, but with Deathrow and some creative writing I know you, syco, can make it good :thumbsup:

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In your hands, you hold a DVD. No markings on the case, other then a simple 03/05/05 date notation. The DVD is a copy, with the same date notation written in permanant marker on the surface. It came to you in a plain brown wrapper, with no return address. Inside is a simple note, 'If you did not order this tape, please, dispose of it as you see fit. If you wish to order more, please call the number supplied on the tape'. You pop it in your DVD player, and hit play. There is no FBI warning, no frills, no extras. Just one simple logo...

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This DVD opens much like the last one, with Freebird playing, and The Kentucky Rednecks stomping their way down to the ring, with Denny Ray proudly waving the Confederate flag. He continues to do so once in the ring, while Creek Walker grabs a mic.

Creek Walker: ' Now, last week, bookerman up there in his office, he decided to put me 'n ol' Denny Ray here, in a match with a nigger...'

The crowd starts an impromptu 'Saed Killed You' chant. Hope they don't turn him face. Walker responds by lowering the mic, and arguing with the front row, as does Ray.

Walker: ' SHUT... THE FUCK...UP! We was cheated 'n that match, and all you half breed, nigger loving, white hatin' bitches know that. Was as plain as day! But this ain't the reason we is out here today...'

Ray emphasizes this by shaking his head 'no'.

Walker: ' No, we is out here because bookerman, in his infi-night wis-dom... has decided to put us in the ring with not only a faggot... but a nigger who is a faggot!'

At this point, the crowd starts up a nice 'WHOA FAG' chant. Nice to know XPW is alive and well in their hearts.


This only fuels the crowd's chant. Walker decides to talk over them.

Walker: ' Now...me and Denny Ray here... we is not going to just stand by and let this happen. The bookerman cannot continue to oppress and hold down the white man, and allow the minorites and faggots to run this company. We is gonna stop it right here, right no...'

Walker is cut off as Barbie Girl by Aqua fills the warehouse, as 'The Hardcore Homo' Angel makes his way out with his 'life partner' Kraq, much to the alarm and dismay of Walker and Ray. Angel and Kraq rush the ring, getting the night's action started off.

The Kentucky Rednecks vs. The Rainbow Coalition

Angel and Kraq take it to the Rednecks early on, dumping Ray from the ring, and letting things get back to a manageable level for the referee. Angel starts things off with Walker, taking him down with a drop toe hold, and smacking his ass, delighting the crowd, and angering Walker. From this point, the fired up Southern man responds back with some big right hands, and the Redneck's double team poor Angel, although I'm sure he's used to that back in West Hollywood.

A reverse DDT leads to a hot tag, and Kraq comes in, using his size to his advantage, and bowling over both Rednecks with a huge clothesline, then dropping the legal man Ray with a shoulderblock, before avalanching Walker in the corner. Kraq goes for the big splash on Ray, but the wiley Kentucky native rolls out of the way, causing Kraq to crash to the mat, and leading to a bit of a Redneck comeback, before things get crazy once again, with all four men in the ring.

Some wild brawling, and the Rednecks are getting the worst of it, as they just can't compete with Kraq's size. A Bath House Bomb by Angel sends Ray to the mat in a heap, and then to the floor, as the 'Hardcore Homo' takes him to the floor for some interior decorating with the guardrail, allowing Kraq to hit the West Hollywood Splash, a second turnbuckle splash, on Walker to pick up the one, two, three.

Winners: The Rainbow Coalition (Kraq p. Walker)

Cut backstage, where X2C is in their pimped out lockeroom. 'The Teen Idol' Cade Sydal is having a little 'fun' with Candice, but nothing can really be seen, we just hear some soft moans coming from the shower portion of the lockeroom. X-Cal is pacing back and forth on camera.

X-Cal: ' So, umm... you know that Andy Van Dam gets a shot at your title for pinning you... right?'

Cade's voice can be heard from the back, over the moaning.

Cade Sydal: ' Yes, dumbfuck, which is why you are wrestling The Prodigy tonight.'

X-Cal looks confused for a moment.

X-Cal: ' Dude... that dosen't make sense.'

At this point, Cade walks out from the back, his face and hair wet, with a towel around his waist. He walks up and lightly slaps X-Cal upside the head.

Cade: ' You take him out... and I don't have to worry about him interfering next week.'

X-Cal: ' Oh... right.'

Now, Candice pokes her head around into camera view, with a wanting look on her face.

Cade: ' I'm spent... its YOUR turn now.'

X-Cal: ' Man, why do I always get fucking sloppy seconds...'

X-Cal walks to the back, taking off his shirt as he does.

Cade: ' X2C is a hellavu drug, ain't that right sugatits?'

With both X-Cal and Candice off camera, the only answer is a loud moan.

Cade: ' Damn right.'

Fade to another portion of the Deathrow warehouse, where the current number one contender to the Deathrow Heavyweight Title, 'The Panther' Seth Shai, stands in front of a plain white brick wall, as he has done for every promo he has cut since joining Deathrow. Next to him stands the curvalicious Halloween Barbie. Shai has his usual serious demeanor.

Seth Shai: ' Every fucking time I enter this place, I take a look around, and what do I see? I see freaks, I see faggots, and I see sycophants. What I don't see is fucking wrestlers. Then I look at myself. Then, and only then, do I see a true wrestler. I see someone who dosen't need a chair, or a bat, or a fork, or whatever object you desire, to get the job done. I see someone trained in the classical art of technical wrestling... and I see the next Deathrow Heavyweight Champion.'

Halloween Barbie nods in agreement as Shai makes 'belt' motions around his waist.

Shai: ' The Spanish Angel, you've got one more week, before I'm coming for that belt. One more week before you go face to face with the only real wrestling in this entire company. One...more...week... before you find out exactly what its like to tap out to the Panther Clutch.'

More nodding from Halloween Barbie, much to the crowd's delight, as her titties bounce with her head.

Shai: ' We're gonna do it my way champ, and my way will be a very, very, tough road for you to hoe. I'm going to take this company someplace it has never been before, and that is to legitimacy, because next week, Night of Champions, we're going to have a match that has never been done in this God forsaken company. Two men will enter, and one, The Panther... Seth mother fucking Shai, will walk out with the belt, with bragging rights, and with the pride of knowing that I have dragged this company out of the fucking gutter, when I make your ass tap out in a Submission match.'

At this point, on the voice over, Steven Jackson and Lodi go crazy over the stip pick, as it HASN'T been done in Deathrow, suprisingly. Jackson puts Shai over as a 'pure' wrestler, and both agree that with the stips, The Spanish Angel will have his work cut out for him. On screen, Shai smiles wickedly, before delivering his tagline.

Shai: ' So, Spanish Angel, tap out, or black out, because the Panther... is on the prowl.'

Yeah, it sucks, but he's not over because of his catchphrase people. As we fade out, Jackson announce's tonights main event, as Seth Shai teams up with the Deathrow Junior Heavyweight Champion 'The Teen Idol' Cade Sydal to take on the Deathrow Heavyweight Champion The Spanish Angel, and the always volitaile 'Cracka Killa' Mustafa Saed. That... is fucking huge.

Back at ringside, Sublime's Smoke Two Joints is playing as High Impact's The Prodigy is making his way to ringside, suprisingly alone. He slides into the ring, and poses on the turnbuckle, before hopping down, and adjusting his mask as Rockstar (Poser) by N.E.R.D. fills the warehouse, and X-Cal makes his way out, also alone, as Cade Sydal apparently has to 'finish up' with Candice. X-Cal climbs into the ring, and eyes up The Prodigy, before the bell is rung.

The Prodigy vs. X-Cal

We open up with some nice back and forth action between the two, as they appear as evenly matched as their respective tag teams were last week. X-Cal is the first to score big, as a plancha suicida hits after Prodigy had taken to the floor in search of a breather. Both men are slow to their feet, and then slug it out for awhile on the outside, giving the crowd what their looking for in the form of a fight. Beer cups go flying as X-Cal sends The Prodigy up and over the guardrail, then follows, leaving his fear of bodily harm at home as he crashes into the crowd and his opponent.

Back in the ring, both men are quick to go for pincovers, but neither can succeed in putting the other away. A nice stalling brainbuster by The Prodigy gets two, and he's outraged that he didn't pick up the win with that maneauver, but the first ever two time champion here in Deathrow isn't that easy to put away. The Prodigy tries to follow the move up with another, but its countered into a rollup, which gets a long two, and its X-Cal's turn to argue with the referee.

By this point, the match is slowing down, as both men have gone balls out in an attempt to put their opponent away. Prodigy finally scores what looks to be the deciding pinfall with a sick DDT off the top, absolutely spiking X-Cal's head into the mat. In fact, I'm suprised the mat isn't stained with brain matter after that one, as the referee starts the pincount. ONE...TWO...THRE...NO! HOLY SHIT... X-CAL KICKS OUT, X-CAL KICKS OUT! The Prodigy is up, and he can't believe it, and begins arguing with the ref, which is all the opening Andy Van Dam needs, as he appears through the crowd, chair in hand, as The Prodigy has the ref's back turned. ITS A DAMN SETUP, as Van Dam tosses the chair to the rising X-Cal, who, still hazy from the devastating DDT, catches it, for the set up to the VAN DAMINATOR VAN DAMINATOR!!! X-Cal is DONE! D...O...N...E... DONE. Prodigy stops arguing with the ref, and makes the cover, getting the three count after the interference.

Winner: The Prodigy

It ain't over yet folks, as AVD heads to the top, and signals for his 4 Star Frog Splash, a copy of his 'brother's' move. However, the save is made as Cade Sydal comes running down the aisle, and pulling X-Cal out to saftey, as AVD crashes and burns on the mat. Sydal floors The Prodigy on the outside with a right hand, and helps his partner to saftey as we fade to the back.

In the back, 'Devilish' Lee Handsome is, suprisingly, alone. Which is a bad thing, considering Chris Extascy just came upside his head with a steel chair. I guess Hollywood Inc. dosen't work on the 'buddy system', as Extascy lays in with stomps to the side of Handsome's head. The camera pans around, and we catch a glimpse of Jeff Hardy, looking on, as if in agreement with what has gone down, before the camera goes to static.

Jackson apologizes for what seem to be 'technical difficulties', before throwing it to our next match. Already in the ring are The Masked Nazis, and, as Jackson puts it 'the only man in this fucking company that will team with them'... 'The Preacher' Edgar Stryfe. Stryfe is out here tonight in full blown televangilist glory, although he removes his jacket before the match.

Their opponents enter as a group, to ELP's Fanfare for the Common Man, as Abdullah the Butcher suprisingly tags up with 'The Fighting Rabbi' Harold Goldstein, and Icarus. This odd trio is no laughing matter, however, as all three have proven themselves in Deathrow, even if that having been on the losing end of a numbers game, for the Rabbi.

The Masked Nazis & Edgar Stryfe vs. Abdullah the Butcher, Icarus, & Harold Goldstein

Goldstein is hot to start things off for his team, but neither Nazi will step into the ring with him, so we get a match up of ideaoligies, as 'The Preacher' locks up with 'The Rabbi'. Goldstein kivitzes all over the 'Man of God', then gets all veklempt on his ass as well. I don't know how many more words I can remember from old Mike Meyers SNL skits here folks. Lets just say that the Spanish Inquisition ain't got nothin' on the righteous fury of good Rabbi Goldstein. Stryfe is reeling, but manages to make a tag, bringing in Nazi #2.

The masked master race member is loath to lock up with Goldstein however, in fact, refusing to wrestle unless he tags out, which he does, much to Nazi #2's dismay, to Abby, as 'Madman from the Sudan' climbs into the ring, still a bit scarred up from his encounter last week with Pogo the Clown. The Nazi looks to make use of his quickness, but the only thing quick about this match up is the speed in which Abby puts him on his ass with a bionic elbow, followed by the haste in which the FORK~! makes its appearance. What follows can only be described in the following way:

Fork, fork, fork, fork, fork, fork, fork, fork, fork, fork, fork.

With that done with, Abby sends the Nazi back to his corner with his tail between his legs, and his blood now trickling out from under his mask, where he makes a tag to his normal tag team partner, the aptly named Masked Nazi #1. Abby also takes the oppurtunity to tag out, as Icarus enters the battle for the first time.

Icarus is quick to lockup, but this time the Nazi gets the best of him, taking him over with a snapmare, then kicking him in the back of the head after a running start. The heel corner begins to utilize quick tags to wear down Icarus, and keep him isolated in their corner, particularly between the Nazis, although Stryfe gets in there as well. This continues on for awhile, until the Nazis are able to drive Icarus into the mat head first with their double team move, The Gas Chamber, which prompts the 'everybody into the pool' portion of our six man tag, as Abby and Harold Goldstein enter the ring to make the save. Abby and Edgar Stryfe end up fighting out of the ring, and out into the crowd, as Goldstein is left with both Nazis. They encircle him, then whip him into the ropes, going for The Gas Chamber on the Rabbi as well... BUT GOLDSTEIN NAILS NAZI #1 WITH THE TORAH TORAH TORAH SPEAR!!!! HOLY SHIT, WHAT A COUNTER!!!! Nazi #1 is down and OUT, literally, as he rolls to ringside. Goldstein is up in a flash, and waits for the very confused Nazi #2 to turn around... TORAH TORAH TORAH AGAIN! COVER... PINFALL... ITS OVER! Harold Goldstein has managed a small measure of revenge here tonight, as he has taken out both Masked Nazis with the Torah Torah Torah!

Winners: Abdullah the Butcher, Icarus, & Harold Goldstein (Goldstein p. Masked Nazi #2)

Goldstein is going crazy in the ring, having gotten some small comfort out of finally getting a bit of a reciept on the Masked Nazis. He helps his partner up, and Icarus, seeing what has transpired, congratulates Goldstein, as we once again cut to backstage.

Somewhere in a darkened part of the Deathrow warehouse, the reigning Deathrow Heavyweight Champion The Spanish Angel is standing, with the title slung over his shoulder. He looks down at the camera positioned slightly below him, and takes the stogie out of his mouth.

The Spanish Angel: ' Seth Shai... da Panther... you want ta wrestle? Too fucking bad. I don't wrestle. I fight, and around here, what I say, goes. Dis' fifteen pounds a' gold, it make sur-a dat. So, next week, your lil' submissions match, its gonna happen, but it ain't gonna be no wrestlin' match, dat's fo' damn sure.'

He starts to walk, as its almost time for the main event.

The Spanish Angel: ' I ain't had dis here belt near long enough. I ain't even had no time ta take it back ta Fordham Road, ta show da boys, so I damn sure ain't gonna let no pussy ass white boy take it from me. I learned a long time ago, you ain't gotta tap out ta give up. You want a submission match, you gonna get beat inta submission, like da bitch you are!'

The champ stops, and pulls the belt off his shoulder, and holds it up to the camera.

The Spanish Angel: ' Dis, dis here is mine, and ta-day, tomorrow, or next week, it ain't goin' no place.'

We fade back to the ring, where ring introductions are being finished for Angel's tag team partner tonight 'Da Cracka Killa' Mustafa Saed. Their opponents, the reigning Deathrow Junior Heavyweight Champion 'The Teen Idol' Cade Sydal and the current number one contender to Angel's title, 'The Panther' Seth Shai, are already in the ring, as How I Could Just Kill a Man by Cypress Hill hits.

Ring Announcer: ' ...and now... weighing in tonight at 250 pounds... he is the CURRENT, reigning, and defending Deathrow Heavyweight Champion... from Fordham Road in The Bronx, NEW...YORK...CITY... This... is... THE SPANISH ANGEL!'

Angel hits the curtain, blowing past it, and making a beeline for the ring, where he starts going toe to toe with Shai, as Saed and Sydal mix it up on the outside. The referee calls for the bell, and this one is on!

Cade Sydal & Seth Shai vs. The Spanish Angel & Mustafa Saed

Angel and Shai goe toe to toe on the inside, until Shai realizes that he's not going to win that way, and sneaks in a drop toe hold, and applies a headlock. Now, normally, this would get boo's from the crowd in Deathrow, but Shai has been able to get actual wrestling over, well, for him anyway. He wrenches back, but Angel powers up, and counters out of the hold by throwing Shai to the ropes, catching him with a stiff right hand as he comes back. Angel makes the tag to Saed, who walks up to Shai, who is holding his head on the ground, and reaches to pick him up, but Shai was playing possum, and takes him down, rolling him over into a leg lock, and making a quick tag to Sydal, who comes off the top with a knee drop onto the exposed leg of Saed, who rolls over in pain.

Sydal then uses his speed to his advantage, sticking and moving on the larger Mustafa, and scoring with a range of kicks. Finally though, he gets caught, and Saed slams him down to the mat, and is able to make a tag to Angel, who enters with a knee to the rising Sydal's forehead. He tosses him into the corner, and berates him, before adding injury to insult with a wicked boot scrape, then stomping him down.

Angel makes the mistake of taking a moment to taunt the crowd, while Sydal smartly rolls from the ring, allowing Shai to enter as the legal man, and come up behind Angel with a nice release German suplex, putting the champ on his head. A cross armbreaker follows, before a rope break. Angel is lost, and dosen't quite know what to do, leaving him open to an attempted Panther Clutch, which is broken up with a boot to the head from Saed. This prompts Sydal to enter the ring with a missle dropkick, sending Saed to the outside. Cade measures it up, and follows him to the floor with a breath taking plancha, sending them both crashing into the guardrail.

In the ring, Angel has once again got the upperhand, as he slugs away at Shai in the corner, before whipping him across. He takes a moment to play to the crowd, and once again pays for it, when, by the time he finally gets across the ring for the shoulder block attempt, Shai is waiting for him, and Angel eats boot. A snap suplex follows, and Shai once again goes to lock in the Panther Clutch, and its once again broken up by Saed, who re-enters the ring. Saed then follows up by whipping Shai to the ropes, and nailing him with a savage boot, sending him from the ring, where 'Da Cracka Killa' follows.

All this allows Cade to enter the ring as the legal man, and he looks to take advantage with a stunner variant on Angel. Angel pushes out of it, and collects Cade stumbling back off the ropes, planting him in the center of the ring with a Harlem Driver, a square/Rikishi driver. Cover is made, one...two...THRE... CADE KICKS OUT! DAMN! Spanish Angel can't believe it, but he didn't get to the top of the mountain by being stupid, as he pulls Sydal in for another one. Sydal is able to fight back, scoring with a flurry of kicks, taking the heavyweight champ to one knee, before he runs off the ropes for a shining wizard attempt, which is BLOCKED! ANGEL BLOCKED THE SHINING WIZARD! Cade can't believe it, and in the moment, is swept up and planted with a SECOND Harlem Driver, which ends the match!

Winners: The Spanish Angel and Mustafa Saed (The Spanish Angel p. Sydal)

As the DVD is ending, Shai makes his way back into the ring, and begins fighting with The Spanish Angel. As this happens X-Cal runs down to the ring to help his partner, and Saed re-enters the frey, and all 5 men are brawling around the arena. This leads to High Impact coming out and joining in, which leads to Harold Goldstein and Icarus trying to even up the odds, which leads to The Masked Nazis coming down, which leads to a God damn clusterfuck to end the show, going into next week's Night of Champions.

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Night of Champions

March 29th, 2005

Deathrow Heavyweight Championship

Submission Match

The Spanish Angel defends against 'The Panther' Seth Shai with Halloween Barbie at ringside!

Deathrow Junior Heavyweight Championship

Ladder Match

Andy Van Dam challenges 'The Teen Idol' Cade Sydal with both X-Cal and The Prodigy BANNED FROM RINGSIDE!

Deathrow Deathcore Championship

Stipulation to be Named

Pogo the Clown will defend against the returning 'Human Horror Film' SUPREME!

Pick Your Poison

'The Rock Superstar' Joey Idol with Hollywood Inc. takes on 'The Enigma' Jeff Hardy with Chris Extascy

Icarus and 'The Fighting Rabbi' Harold Goldstein will meet up with The Masked Nazis, who promise to bring their 'fuhrer' with them!

Also, 'Da Cracka Killa' Mustafa Saed has laid down an open challenge to ANY WHITE MAN in the United States of America! Who will accept his challenge?

Prediction Contest

Predict the winners of the following matches:

The Spanish Angel vs. Seth Shai w/ Halloween Barbie

Cade Sydal w/ Candice vs. Andy Van Dam

Pogo the Clown vs. Supreme

Joey Idol w/ Hollywood Inc. ('Devilish' Lee Handsome and Valentina) vs. Jeff Hardy w/ Chris Extascy

Icarus/Harold Goldstein vs. The Masked Nazis

Mustafa Saed vs. Mystery White Man

Bonus Questions

1. Who is The Masked Nazi's 'fuhrer'?

2. Which of the following stips will be used for the Deathcore Championship match?

a. Buckets of Gore

b. No Ropes, No Ring, Exploding Barricades

c. Barbed Wire Heaven

d. Glass Menagerie

3. Who is the Mystery White Opponent for Mustafa Saed?

4. Will either The Prodigy or X-Cal be involved in the Jr. Heavyweight Title match?

5. How much do I rock?

The winner of this contest will recieve A FABULOUS PRIZE!

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I'm not sure why, as we all know I am NOT a hardcore fan much at all, but this intrigues me enough to give it a shot. Having said that, you better actually post the fucking show.

Prediction Contest

Predict the winners of the following matches:

The Spanish Angel vs. Seth Shai w/ Halloween Barbie

He said it himself, he ain't held the title long enough yet. I do expect this to be an odd match, a little bit of everything is what I am guessing, but in the end the champ remains champ.

Cade Sydal w/ Candice vs. Andy Van Dam

Part of me wants to say that since AVD has had Cade and X-Cal's number so far that he won't win this, added to the fact that Cade has been pinned twice in two weeks, but the majority of me says fuck that, switch the belt and prepare for a long drawn out feud. I'm going with the majority of me.

Pogo the Clown vs. Supreme

Dunno and don't really care, but this seems to be the logical choice.

Joey Idol w/ Hollywood Inc. ('Devilish' Lee Handsome and Valentina) vs. Jeff Hardy w/ Chris Extascy

Perhaps it's JUST because I wanna see Jeff and The Spanish Angel have a match, but Jeff remains unbeaten.

Icarus/Harold Goldstein vs. The Masked Nazis

See #2 below for the reasons why.

Mustafa Saed vs. Mystery White Man

Again, I dunno why it just seems like the way for you to go.

Bonus Questions

1. Who is The Masked Nazi's 'fuhrer'?

Gotta go with Icarus being the man in charge. Mainly cuz I have NO OTHER FUCKING IDEA.

2. Which of the following stips will be used for the Deathcore Championship match?

a. Buckets of Gore

b. No Ropes, No Ring, Exploding Barricades

c. Barbed Wire Heaven

d. Glass Menagerie

I passed many classes in High School by picking D, so why change now?

3. Who is the Mystery White Opponent for Mustafa Saed?

I have NO FUCKING CLUE, so any guess is a good guess I guess. I'm gonna go with Big Vito just because I can.

4. Will either The Prodigy or X-Cal be involved in the Jr. Heavyweight Title match?

Yes, both will.

5. How much do I rock?

This is a trick question I think, but I'm gonna say more than Paris Hilton but less than Clint Black.


Edited by thegodcomplex
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The Spanish Angel vs. Seth Shai w/ Halloween Barbie

Cade Sydal w/ Candice vs. Andy Van Dam

Pogo the Clown vs. Supreme

Joey Idol w/ Hollywood Inc. ('Devilish' Lee Handsome and Valentina) vs. Jeff Hardy w/ Chris Extascy

Icarus/Harold Goldstein vs. The Masked Nazis

Mustafa Saed vs. Mystery White Man

Bonus Questions

1. Who is The Masked Nazi's 'fuhrer'? Hitler? :shifty:

2. Which of the following stips will be used for the Deathcore Championship match?

a. Buckets of Gore

b. No Ropes, No Ring, Exploding Barricades

c. Barbed Wire Heaven

d. Glass Menagerie

I just like the word "Menagerie"

3. Who is the Mystery White Opponent for Mustafa Saed? Perry Saturn? Wait, aw who cares, I'll be surprised. :P

4. Will either The Prodigy or X-Cal be involved in the Jr. Heavyweight Title match? Prodigy will.

5. How much do I rock? A whole fuckin' lot you sick son of a bitch.

Edited by Jack Krauser
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The Spanish Angel vs. Seth Shai w/ Halloween Barbie

Cade Sydal w/ Candice vs. Andy Van Dam

Pogo the Clown vs. Supreme

Joey Idol w/ Hollywood Inc. ('Devilish' Lee Handsome and Valentina) vs. Jeff Hardy w/ Chris Extascy

Icarus/Harold Goldstein vs. The Masked Nazis

Mustafa Saed vs. Mystery White Man

Bonus Questions

1. Who is The Masked Nazi's 'fuhrer'? Can't really tell, could be anyone.

2. Which of the following stips will be used for the Deathcore Championship match?

a. Buckets of Gore

b. No Ropes, No Ring, Exploding Barricades

c. Barbed Wire Heaven

d. Glass Menagerie

3. Who is the Mystery White Opponent for Mustafa Saed? Johnny Webb?

4. Will either The Prodigy or X-Cal be involved in the Jr. Heavyweight Title match? No

5. How much do I rock? 10 out of 10 if this diary stays going

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Prediction Contest

Predict the winners of the following matches:

The Spanish Angel vs. Seth Shai w/ Halloween Barbie

The Spanish Angel will kill Shai and move onto Hardy. Or do something totally different, you chose.

Cade Sydal w/ Candice vs. Andy Van Dam

XTC will still be a great group without the title, but I'd like to see it stay in the group, if only for the ability to hide anything sexual with the belt.

Pogo the Clown vs. Supreme

Fear the shovel

Joey Idol w/ Hollywood Inc. ('Devilish' Lee Handsome and Valentina) vs. Jeff Hardy w/ Chris Extascy

Hardy will probably be the next challenger to The Spanish Angel. Hardy has enough momentum to go on from here.

Icarus/Harold Goldstein vs. The Masked Nazis

There's no chance in hell Goldstein/Icarus will win, it'll kill all momentum the Nazis have gained. Their Fuhrer will run in.

Mustafa Saed vs. Mystery White Man

I'm hoping we're in for a suprise.

Bonus Questions

1. Who is The Masked Nazi's 'fuhrer'?

I'm hoping for a 'Russo swerve' and Goldstein is actually the Fuhrer, but I'm guessing on Icarus

2. Which of the following stips will be used for the Deathcore Championship match?

a. Buckets of Gore

b. No Ropes, No Ring, Exploding Barricades

c. Barbed Wire Heaven

d. Glass Menagerie

3. Who is the Mystery White Opponent for Mustafa Saed?

I'm hoping for Shane Douglas

4. Will either The Prodigy or X-Cal be involved in the Jr. Heavyweight Title match?

I'm with TGC, both of them will.

5. How much do I rock?


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Prediction Contest

Predict the winners of the following matches:

The Spanish Angel vs. Seth Shai w/ Halloween Barbie

Cade Sydal w/ Candice vs. Andy Van Dam

Pogo the Clown vs. Supreme

Joey Idol w/ Hollywood Inc. ('Devilish' Lee Handsome and Valentina) vs. Jeff Hardy w/ Chris Extascy

Icarus/Harold Goldstein vs. The Masked Nazis

Mustafa Saed vs. Mystery White Man

Bonus Questions

1. Who is The Masked Nazi's 'fuhrer'? Percy Pringle

2. Which of the following stips will be used for the Deathcore Championship match?

a. Buckets of Gore

b. No Ropes, No Ring, Exploding Barricades

c. Barbed Wire Heaven

d. Glass Menagerie

3. Who is the Mystery White Opponent for Mustafa Saed? Chris Hamrick

4. Will either The Prodigy or X-Cal be involved in the Jr. Heavyweight Title match? Prodigy

5. How much do I rock? You rock more then The Eagles (The band)

The winner of this contest will recieve A FABULOUS PRIZE!

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Guest JustJoe2k5

The Spanish Angel vs. Seth Shai w/ Halloween Barbie

Cade Sydal w/ Candice vs. Andy Van Dam

Pogo the Clown vs. Supreme

Joey Idol w/ Hollywood Inc. ('Devilish' Lee Handsome and Valentina) vs. Jeff Hardy w/ Chris Extascy

Icarus/Harold Goldstein vs. The Masked Nazis

Mustafa Saed vs. Mystery White Man

Bonus Questions

1. Who is The Masked Nazi's 'fuhrer'?

Hitler's dog, don't remember the name but you know the one I'm talking about.

2. Which of the following stips will be used for the Deathcore Championship match?

a. Buckets of Gore

b. No Ropes, No Ring, Exploding Barricades

c. Barbed Wire Heaven

d. Glass Menagerie

3. Who is the Mystery White Opponent for Mustafa Saed?

Chris Hamrick, the stereotypical white man.

4. Will either The Prodigy or X-Cal be involved in the Jr. Heavyweight Title match?

Neither of them will be, there's a change.

5. How much do I rock?

As much as you want to.

Usually I'm not into diaries using workers I've never heard of, but you've done such a great job at building up everyone and getting their characters across so well that I'm definitely going to keep up with this one. Keep up the great work and Night of Champions should be awesome.

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Prediction Contest

Predict the winners of the following matches:

The Spanish Angel vs. Seth Shai w/ Halloween Barbie

I'm going to take Seth Shai on this one, simply because he seems focused and ready to elevate himself.

Cade Sydal w/ Candice vs. Andy Van Dam

I'll take Cade in this encounter, as I don't see AVD winning this, especially when Cade has his lady and X-Cal behind him.

Pogo the Clown vs. Supreme

It looks like Pogo is being booked as a dominant champion, and I see no reason for that to change right now.

Joey Idol w/ Hollywood Inc. ('Devilish' Lee Handsome and Valentina) vs. Jeff Hardy w/ Chris Extascy

This one is hard to decide on, but I'm going with Joey Idol.

Icarus/Harold Goldstein vs. The Masked Nazis

I'd bet on the Masked Nazi's in this match as they seem to be more of a cohesive unit then Icarus and the Rabbi. The Masked Nazi's will take this match via cheating but I can see the Rabbi and Icarus having the last laugh.

Mustafa Saed vs. Mystery White Man

I figure Mustafa will take this match, if he's to lose to a white boy then I think more hype will surround the match.

Bonus Questions

1. Who is The Masked Nazi's 'fuhrer'?

This is a tough one, my guess is somebody that is very charismatic, a great speaker. I'll go with Don Callis.

2. Which of the following stips will be used for the Deathcore Championship match?

a. Buckets of Gore

b. No Ropes, No Ring, Exploding Barricades

c. Barbed Wire Heaven

d. Glass Menagerie

Exploding Barricades, only because it'll hopefully endanger the lives of the fans :thumbsup:.

3. Who is the Mystery White Opponent for Mustafa Saed?

Chris Hamrick was the first name that came to my mind, therefore he is my guess.

4. Will either The Prodigy or X-Cal be involved in the Jr. Heavyweight Title match?

Yes, both will be involved. As I said earlier, I think Cade will win due to X-Cal's involvement in this match.

5. How much do I rock?

As long as you continue life as a fan of D.I., I'd say quite a bit. :thumbsup:

The winner of this contest will recieve A FABULOUS PRIZE!

As a sidenote, I usually don't participate in prediction contests, but this is really an intriguing diary. I like the fact that you pulled no punches when creating gimmicks for your workers, as you covered many different social areas. I love the gritty promos used for each character, again you pull no punches with the content of each characters promo. As far as the critique's on writing shows in the quote function, that doesn't bother me so much. As far as I'm concerned, if the diary is well written, then it's format holds no bearing on my enjoyment of it. I just hope you decide this is the right diary for you, and give it some sort of long term commitment.

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Prediction Contest

Predict the winners of the following matches:

The Spanish Angel vs. Seth Shai w/ Halloween Barbie

As metioned before, Angel just got the gold. Too soon to have him lose it.

Cade Sydal w/ Candice vs. Andy Van Dam

AVD just debuted, I see him winning the gold later into the feud however.

Pogo the Clown vs. Supreme

Flip a coin, all I know is their will be a lot of blood.

Joey Idol w/ Hollywood Inc. ('Devilish' Lee Handsome and Valentina) vs. Jeff Hardy w/ Chris Extascy

Hardy is a heel, and I think the winner will feud with Angel. While both would work, Hardy is a pretty big draw and I can see you using that to put over Angel.

Icarus/Harold Goldstein vs. The Masked Nazis

The "Furher" will be involved in the decision.

Mustafa Saed vs. Mystery White Man

He is the cracka killer dammit.

Bonus Questions

1. Who is The Masked Nazi's 'fuhrer'?

Alex Wright.

2. Which of the following stips will be used for the Deathcore Championship match?

a. Buckets of Gore

b. No Ropes, No Ring, Exploding Barricades

c. Barbed Wire Heaven

d. Glass Menagerie

3. Who is the Mystery White Opponent for Mustafa Saed?

Matt Sydal.

4. Will either The Prodigy or X-Cal be involved in the Jr. Heavyweight Title match?

No, they are barred from ringside :shifty:

5. How much do I rock?

More then most people here I am sure.

The winner of this contest will recieve A FABULOUS PRIZE!

I hope it's porn.

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Guest GhostShadow

Prediction Contest

Predict the winners of the following matches:

The Spanish Angel vs. Seth Shai w/ Halloween Barbie

Cade Sydal w/ Candice vs. Andy Van Dam

Pogo the Clown vs. Supreme

Joey Idol w/ Hollywood Inc. ('Devilish' Lee Handsome and Valentina) vs. Jeff Hardy w/ Chris Extascy

Icarus/Harold Goldstein vs. The Masked Nazis

Mustafa Saed vs. Mystery White Man

Bonus Questions

1. Who is The Masked Nazi's 'fuhrer'?

Hmmm, toughie, maybe Johnny Fairplay!

2. Which of the following stips will be used for the Deathcore Championship match?

a. Buckets of Gore

b. No Ropes, No Ring, Exploding Barricades

c. Barbed Wire Heaven

d. Glass Menagerie

3. Who is the Mystery White Opponent for Mustafa Saed?

4. Will either The Prodigy or X-Cal be involved in the Jr. Heavyweight Title match?

Maybe, thinking a ref bump leading to interference

5. How much do I rock?

Alot because your diary rocks!

The winner of this contest will recieve A FABULOUS PRIZE!


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Prediction Contest

Predict the winners of the following matches:

The Spanish Angel vs. Seth Shai w/ Halloween Barbie

Too soon to change titles.

Cade Sydal w/ Candice vs. Andy Van Dam

He's gotta get the job back.

Pogo the Clown vs. Supreme

Because syco loves Supreme in a manly way.

Joey Idol w/ Hollywood Inc. ('Devilish' Lee Handsome and Valentina) vs. Jeff Hardy w/ Chris Extascy

Extascy turns on Jeff here and a massive beating ensues.

Icarus/Harold Goldstein vs. The Masked Nazis

You're not crazy enough to put Nazis over... right?

Mustafa Saed vs. Mystery White Man

This is all about putting Saed over anyway.

Bonus Questions

1. Who is The Masked Nazi's 'fuhrer'?


2. Which of the following stips will be used for the Deathcore Championship match?

a. Buckets of Gore

b. No Ropes, No Ring, Exploding Barricades

c. Barbed Wire Heaven

d. Glass Menagerie

He was going to do this in the NWA:Domination diary back on EWB3, so here's hoping he comes through. I vote D only because I'm not allowed to vote "All of the Above"

3. Who is the Mystery White Opponent for Mustafa Saed?

I'm gonna go Tracy Smothers here, because he does a good confederate, even though Smothers tends to be squeamish.

4. Will either The Prodigy or X-Cal be involved in the Jr. Heavyweight Title match?

Both. At least.

5. How much do I rock?

Depends. Does this show actually get posted? :) If so, you rock like a hurricane. If not, you only rock the casbah.

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I have yet to ever win a Prediction Contest, so don't copy mine...

The Spanish Angel vs. Seth Shai w/ Halloween Barbie

He'll hold on just a little longer.

Cade Sydal w/ Candice vs. Andy Van Dam

X2C is about ready to get serious with the tagteam situation soon i'd hope, and a singles title would distract from that. AVD may not hold it too long, but he could use the belt more than Cade, who is already more entertaining.

Pogo the Clown vs. Supreme

Pogo would be awesome chasing the belt and randomly attacking the champ

Joey Idol w/ Hollywood Inc. ('Devilish' Lee Handsome and Valentina) vs. Jeff Hardy w/ Chris Extascy

Jeff's ties with large feds should be used to put over Deathrow talent, since they usually make him out to be a second-tier guy.

Icarus/Harold Goldstein vs. The Masked Nazis

They should win, and the new Fuhrer will help with the post-match beatdown to give their stable some good heat and give Harold an uphill battle against the odds to strengthen him at the end of their feud.

Mustafa Saed vs. Mystery White Man

What's the point of announcing a mystery jobber? Saed makes an open challenge, and gets surprised, leading to a retribution match later.

Bonus Questions

1. Who is The Masked Nazi's 'fuhrer'?

Rather than turning Icarus on Harold, which would be too obvious, It should be someone new from the outside, or Harold will have to find yet another partner.

Someone charismatic, like a Heyman or a Sandman

2. Which of the following stips will be used for the Deathcore Championship match?

a. Buckets of Gore

b. No Ropes, No Ring, Exploding Barricades

c. Barbed Wire Heaven

d. Glass Menagerie

would be the most fun to write, so I'm guessing you'll go with that.

3. Who is the Mystery White Opponent for Mustafa Saed?

Another outsider. Maybe someone like Axl Rotten, or better yet, Balls Mahoney

4. Will either The Prodigy or X-Cal be involved in the Jr. Heavyweight Title match?

yes.what else would be the purpose of having them ringside?

5. How much do I rock?

if this diary is short-lived, then you rock like a kid who just learned the 3 barre chords of 'Smoke on the Water', but has to stop between each chord to reposition his fingers but if it keeps going as well as it is, then you easily rock as much as Eddie Van Halen's whammy-bar

Oh, and if it means anything towards the prize, I like the quoted style. The extra contrast enhances my reading enjoyment.


Edited by Besmirched Tea
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Prediction Contest

Predict the winners of the following matches:

The Spanish Angel vs. Seth Shai w/ Halloween Barbie

Title wont change hands yet

Cade Sydal w/ Candice vs. Andy Van Dam

Gotta Go With Andy

Pogo the Clown vs. Supreme

pogo's a psycho and id love to see him mutilate a few opponents

Joey Idol w/ Hollywood Inc. ('Devilish' Lee Handsome and Valentina) vs. Jeff Hardy w/ Chris Extascy

Jeff seems to be the best around at this point

Icarus/Harold Goldstein vs. The Masked Nazis

Gotta go with the nazi's unless their facing indiana jones or hell boy

Mustafa Saed vs. Mystery White Man

Mystery opponents usually win they wont debut jobbers as mystery opponents but

will probaly be a close one

Bonus Questions

1. Who is The Masked Nazi's 'fuhrer'?

Heyman or Pringle

2. Which of the following stips will be used for the Deathcore Championship match?

a. Buckets of Gore

b. No Ropes, No Ring, Exploding Barricades

c. Barbed Wire Heaven

d. Glass Menagerie

What About if u Go with the Barb Wire Heaven But Electrify the barb wire that would be cool

3. Who is the Mystery White Opponent for Mustafa Saed?

Trent Acid or Cody Hawk

4. Will either The Prodigy or X-Cal be involved in the Jr. Heavyweight Title match? Prodigy

Of course

5. How much do I rock? You rock more then The Eagles (The band)

Depends on how long this diary lasts

Edited by XxCactusmikexX
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Guest Azrael

Prediction Contest

Predict the winners of the following matches:

The Spanish Angel vs. Seth Shai w/ Halloween Barbie - The Spanish Angel, I too think it's probably too soon to be switching Titles

Cade Sydal w/ Candice vs. Andy Van Dam - Cade Sydal, gotta get his win back at some point

Pogo the Clown vs. Supreme - Supreme

Joey Idol w/ Hollywood Inc. ('Devilish' Lee Handsome and Valentina) vs. Jeff Hardy w/ Chris Extascy - Jeff Hardy to remain undefeated

Icarus/Harold Goldstein vs. The Masked Nazis - The Masked Nazi's

Mustafa Saed vs. Mystery White Man - Mustafa Saed

Bonus Questions

1. Who is The Masked Nazi's 'fuhrer'? - Alex Wright

2. Which of the following stips will be used for the Deathcore Championship match?

a. Buckets of Gore

b. No Ropes, No Ring, Exploding Barricades

c. Barbed Wire Heaven

d. Glass Menagerie

3. Who is the Mystery White Opponent for Mustafa Saed? Nick Gage

4. Will either The Prodigy or X-Cal be involved in the Jr. Heavyweight Title match? Yes, probably both

5. How much do I rock? Like a hurricane

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Prediction Contest

Predict the winners of the following matches:

The Spanish Angel vs. Seth Shai w/ Halloween Barbie - The Spanish Angel

Cade Sydal w/ Candice vs. Andy Van Dam - Cade Sydal Don't bet against the home team...

Pogo the Clown vs. Supreme - POGO!!!

Joey Idol w/ Hollywood Inc. ('Devilish' Lee Handsome and Valentina) vs. Jeff Hardy w/ Chris Extascy - Jeff Hardy seems like the smart choice

Icarus/Harold Goldstein vs. The Masked Nazis - The Masked Nazis

Mustafa Saed vs. Mystery White Man - Mystery White Man

Bonus Questions

1. Who is The Masked Nazi's 'fuhrer'? - Alex Wright

2. Which of the following stips will be used for the Deathcore Championship match?

a. Buckets of Gore

b. No Ropes, No Ring, Exploding Barricades

c. Barbed Wire Heaven

d. Glass Menagerie

I'd like to see the exploding barricades as well, but Buckets of Gore just sounds so damn cool

3. Who is the Mystery White Opponent for Mustafa Saed? Ken Shamrock Probably not, but I'd love it...

4. Will either The Prodigy or X-Cal be involved in the Jr. Heavyweight Title match? No.

5. How much do I rock? More than anyone else says you do :shifty:

Childish? Yes. But effective? I hope so. :P

I really like the diary, it's the 1st one in a really long time that I've read and actually LOOKED FOREWARD to seeing updates, I really like the whole layout and the DVD idea. As well as the pure bluntness and brutality of the whole promotion

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