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The Reccomend A CD Thread.

MalaCloudy Black

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I figured it would be best to have a recommendation thread to quell threads asking for recommendations of certain artists, etc. (most of them are started by me, but..)

Anyway, recommend away.

In order to contribute to my own thread I'll recommend the following;

RHCP - Mother's Milk

Sepultura - Chaos AD

Eazy-E - Eternal E


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Agoraphobic Nosebleed - Altered States Of America or Frozen Corspe Stuffed With Dope. Both albums breeze by you in a matter of less than half an hour each, but by the time you finish with them, you'll be left breathless. It's in the vein of bands like Pig Destroyer, since it does belong in the category of grindcore. Mm, 5 second songs galore.

Lamb Of God - Any of their three albums. It's so good you just have to listen to one of them yourself. New American Gospel is probably the bes tof the three IMO, but the other two are worth a listen too.

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Jeff Buckley - Grace (if you like good vocals, and folky-rocky kinda music)

In Flames - Clayman (for the more metal of fans)

Children Of Bodom - Hate Crew Deathroll (again, for metal fans)

I must also agree with Cloudy...Chaos AD rules.

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I'll do new CD's.

Sage Francis - "A Heathly Distrust"

~Not the best Sage CD, but I'd say it is the most accessible to both rap and music fans in general. Sage keeps the rhymes fresh and intelligent, but the production it seems has gotten a bit.

Arcade Fire - "Funeral"

~Alright, so everybody and their indie friend are pissing their pants over Arcade Fire. Rightfully so. This CD is simply amazing. What is it with Canada and completely stunning bands?

Bloc Party - "Silent Alarm"

~The same as Arcade Fire. Everybody is pissing their pants, but rightfully so. These guys are great! I am not sure if the CD is released in America or not, but even if it ain't, IMPORT IT!

Stars; "Set Yourself On Fire"

~Okay, yeah, another buzz-band. I can't help it if the buzz bands all happen to be fairly decent. Got a smoking review from Rolling Stones mag too.

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I must also agree with Cloudy...Chaos AD rules.

Yeah, I'm just a bit peeved that I can't find my copy. I wanted to go back and listen to Biotech is Godzilla the other day.

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"The Bravery" by The Bravery (out in the UK on the 14th).

Tis great. No scratch that. Tis AMAZING.

"The Man Machine" by Kraftwerk (been out for years).

Ok so I can't spell the original German title for the album. These guys made sequenced music before sequencers existed. The Godfathers of electro.

"Any best of Beethoven CD" by Beethoven (been out for hundreds of years!"

Get some class. Develop an understanding of music in it's purist form.

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Bloc Party - Silent Alarm

Lots of hype surrounding this CD before it was released, they've been getting airtime for a year previously. It doesn't dissapoint, hopefully they'll keep plugging away and produce great albums in the future.

The Falcon - God Don't Make No Trash Or Up Your Ass With Broken Glass

Only 12 minutes but it's awesome. Gritty sound, poor production (But in a good way) some great songs. Can't wait for a full length in the future.

Break the Silence - Near Life Experience

Great debut album. I was a fan of 88 Fingers Louie, Rise Against and I heard some stuff by All Else Fails (And it wasn't bad). So I might be a bit biased, however it is awesome. Mixing screaming vocals with some great guitar riffs and melodic singing. Branching all the way from pop punk to hardcore, it's a great album.

I'll possibly add more later, I'm currently drawing a blank.

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I'm not gonna recommend anything, but instead am gonna ask someone (most likely Zero) to recommend me a Garbage album.

I've heard 'Why Do You Love Me' and 'The World Is Not Enough' and like what I've heard, so I wanna get an album. Just dunno where to start.

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System Of A Down - System Of A Down

System Of A Down - Toxicity

The Mars Volta - De-Loused In The Comatorium

A Perfect Circle - Thirteenth Step

A Perfect Circle - eMOTIVe

At The Drive-In - Vaya

At The Drive-In - Relationship of Command

Defacto - Megaton Shotblast

Omar A. Rodriguez-Lopez - A Manual Dexterity: Soundtrack 1

Tool - Lateralus

Tool - Salival

That should do. Every one of those CDs is amazingly good. Amazingly, amazingly good.

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