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2005 NBA Playoffs Topic


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The Spurs usually start off a little cold, but that was just about the first five minutes when they were struggling. But whatever little respect I had for Carmelo Anthony just went down the drain. His cheapshot at Manu Ginobili was just uncalled for. I hope Melo gets fined/suspended for that cheapshot.

Spurs in 5.

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okay, i'm sorry but now is a good time to bring back this topic.

Game 4 between the Spurs and the Nuggets, every time down the floor theres always a foul called, its BS. The Nuggets should be happy after bitching and moaning about the "horrible officiating". I can't enjoy a playoff basketball game because of a foul being called every 10 seconds and Carmelo Anthony getting his way to the line on such BS calls, half of these fouls are just pure bullshit.

But enough for now, I'm watching the Spurs win this ballgame from the freethrow line.

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Well, looks like the Spurs are going to win a game in OT that should have ended in regulation if the refs had left Boykins' 3 pointer as a three. That one point may just have handed San Antonio the series. Assholes.

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Actually, Boykins foot was on the line, they showed the replay from several angles and it wasn't even close.

That was probably one of the worst reffed games ever just because of the whistle having to be blown every time down the court, and I'm sick and tired of hearing the Denver crowd chanting "Bullshit" and booing Manu Ginobili everytime he touches the ball. No Class.

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Manu Ginobili is being ripped off coming off the bench...watch him outshine everybody if the Spurs play the Pistons in the Finals and win Finals MVP...Although it'd probably go to TD anyway.

B. Wallace won the D Player of the Year...I woulda went with Tayshaun, or Larry Hughes or Camby not fucking cheap ass dirty Bruce Bowen who doesn't defned, he attacks stars (Who the hell makes Ray Allen wanna knock them out) and tries to injure them (Him moving under VC to try and injure him after VC dominated him for 43 after 3 quarters before being ejected), read Pippen's Blog on NBA.com, man speaks the truth, about the Bowen/TD thingy anyway.

And boo to Gordon winning 6th Man, shoulda went to Ricky Davis.Guess this means he definately isn't getting the ROY (Okafor deserves it, he fucking broke Shaq's record for consecutive Dub-Dubs)

Sonics look like they could win in 5....

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B. Wallace won the D Player of the Year...I woulda went with Tayshaun, or Larry Hughes or Camby not fucking cheap ass dirty Bruce Bowen who doesn't defned, he attacks stars (Who the hell makes Ray Allen wanna knock them out) and tries to injure them (Him moving under VC to try and injure him after VC dominated him for 43 after 3 quarters before being ejected), read Pippen's Blog on NBA.com, man speaks the truth, about the Bowen/TD thingy anyway.

And boo to Gordon winning 6th Man, shoulda went to Ricky Davis.Guess this means he definately isn't getting the ROY (Okafor deserves it, he fucking broke Shaq's record for consecutive Dub-Dubs)

I think Ben's a good choice for Defensive player of the year, he's great at making people think twice about coming down the lane (except Iverson, that man is fearless). It's comforting to know that the Pistons have two players that both were in the top ten (one being the winner) for defensive player of the year.

I also agree that Ricky Davis should have been sixth man of the year. Ben Gordon had a great season, but I think Davis was even more explosive coming off of Boston's bench.

And onto Detroit matters, the Pistons win the series in five games as many people expected. Even though Philly managed only one win, I still give them alot of credit. That team plays with alot of heart, and scraps right until the last minute. Iverson is definitely one player I hate seeing my team go up against, he's a hell of a player. Now I'm hoping for Boston to win so that the Indy/Boston series goes to 7 games, which would give Detroit an extra bit of rest. More importantly, it would help rest Tayshaun Prince's sore ankle. I honestly don't care who wins between Boston/Indy, I think either will give the Pistons hell.

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As much as it pains me it looks like Detroit and San Antonio will make the Finals relatively easily, and play to approximately a 2.3 rating nationally as only those two cities will watch that series. The first team to 60 points wins, that should be exciting shit <_<

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Its nice to see Ben being the Defensive Player of the year. Gordon, I think he does deserve it a bit. If I look at it, he is a bit explosive than Davis. When you compare their time on the court and their points, it just shows that Gordon is like a TNT stuck on the very foundation of the other team's building....Davis is the TNT stuck on the corner pillar.

And I think this is the most possible award he could ever get this year. I think Gordon doesnt have a good chance of being the rookie of the year since sources are already saying that Okafor won the ROTY award.

Props to Mavs getting a 3-2 lead. But I think that lead would just motivate T-Mac more to force a game seven in this series where that final and deciding game could go either way.

I pray that it wont be a SA-Detroit finals. I mean...It would be nice to see only ONE of those two teams playing at the finals against a team that can score a lot like...the suns? or..some team at the east?

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In the playoffs, it's all about defense. A Spurs-Pistons matchup I think would be real competitive. If you don't enjoy a good defensive battle then you aren't a true NBA fan because defense wins championships and thats why the Spurs and Pistons would be there.

And about Bruce Bowen being a dirty player, no he's not a dirty player. The play where he "moved under VC while he was in the air is BS. Bowen was just playing solid defense. Bruce Bowen has to go up against the teams best players night in and night out and contains them most of the time and the other players get frustrated over it.

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In the playoffs, it's all about defense. A Spurs-Pistons matchup I think would be real competitive. If you don't enjoy a good defensive battle then you aren't a true NBA fan because defense wins championships and thats why the Spurs and Pistons would be there.

And about Bruce Bowen being a dirty player, no he's not a dirty player. The play where he "moved under VC while he was in the air is BS. Bowen was just playing solid defense. Bruce Bowen has to go up against the teams best players night in and night out and contains them most of the time and the other players get frustrated over it.

Edited by Malenko
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The Bulls-Wizards series was finally aired on my country this morning, and it was good. I mean, the bulls caught up with Washington at the end, but in the end, Arenas kicked ass and shot a buzzer beater. Now, I aint too sure about this game. At one point, I jumped for joy seeing pargo hit that 3....then I kinda got happy when Arenas hit a game winner since he is one of my favorite NBA players. But then it hit me, he was playing against Chicago.....

So a part of me just said "OH YEAH!" and the other part just mourned and muttered 'OH S###!" It was a good game, but...I just have mixed feelings about it. On the Washington side, I like Arenas...on the other side, I like the enitre bulls team ever since I was introduced to the NBA via the TV 10 years ago. So, I guess I'll root for the winning team in this series, when they get swept by Miami....in the semis.

In other news, I guess you can say its Seattle vs San Antonio since the spurs got the win.

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Stupid piece of shit Bulls. They were up 2-0 in the series, and now have lost 3 straight to the Wizards, including one at the buzzer. Man, that sucks. I hope the Bulls can bounce back and still win this series, though I have a feeling Washington will close it out.

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Nash isn't even the MVP of his own team.

You're nuts. Not liking him is one thing and you have the right to don't like him, but saying that is nonsense. There were two different Suns teams this season. The one with Nash that played great basketball because he made EVERYONE play better, and the one without him, that lacked so much in gameplay.

ANYONE that watched the suns with and without him has to realize the same thing.

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Nash isn't even the MVP of his own team.

You're nuts. Not liking him is one thing and you have the right to don't like him, but saying that is nonsense. There were two different Suns teams this season. The one with Nash that played great basketball because he made EVERYONE play better, and the one without him, that lacked so much in gameplay.

ANYONE that watched the suns with and without him has to realize the same thing.

Edited by sahyder1
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Nash isn't even the MVP of his own team.

You're nuts. Not liking him is one thing and you have the right to don't like him, but saying that is nonsense. There were two different Suns teams this season. The one with Nash that played great basketball because he made EVERYONE play better, and the one without him, that lacked so much in gameplay.

ANYONE that watched the suns with and without him has to realize the same thing.

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As good as Shaw was I guess they factored in what the Suns record was this season without Nash. You can never argue against Shaq as far as MVP is concerned but without Nash at PG the Suns are nowhere close to what they ended up being. He set the tone for that offense.

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