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Guest Pirate Chasin' Booty

I definitely see a double standard here, that episode was about 59 minutes of a bunch of people bitching about her behind her back and yet she's this bully?

I can't stand sitting watching whilst my sister rips it into her and fails to see a bunch of bitchy girls and a couple of queers, doing far worse.

EDIT: That was possibly the most boring episode ever.

Edited by muddatrucker
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I definitely see a double standard here, that episode was about 59 minutes of a bunch of people bitching about her behind her back and yet she's this bully?

I can't stand sitting watching whilst my sister rips it into her and fails to see a bunch of bitchy girls and a couple of queers, doing far worse.

EDIT: That was possibly the most boring episode ever.

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I definitely see a double standard here, that episode was about 59 minutes of a bunch of people bitching about her behind her back and yet she's this bully?

I can't stand sitting watching whilst my sister rips it into her and fails to see a bunch of bitchy girls and a couple of queers, doing far worse.

EDIT: That was possibly the most boring episode ever.

My sentiments exactly, I hate all the women, even Orlaith, but at least she's good to look at unlike the rest of them. I want Eugene to win, that's how bad the contestants are at the moment.

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I actually think that was one of the MOST interesting programmes of the series so far.

Craig was just ridiculous. I wish he'd stop crying when all his 'friends' get evicted.

Yeah they bitch about her but they don't pretend to like her to her face. In fact in the last few weeks, none of that group have been overly friendly to Saskia. Especially not Derek or Science.

If anyone is "two faced" it's Vanessa.

And talking about people behind their back with people who have similar feelings is not "bullying". Doing it in their presence is.

That's why this series has been decent, cos people are probably the MOST honest about eachother...Especially Science, Maxwell, Saskia, Derek....It's just a case of choosing which of those four you like the most and whichever you do, you'll come down on their side!

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Science made that episode. Bar Derek, I couldn't care less about Makosi etc - but, bar Anthony, I don't really like any of Saskia's lot. Science's whole "weak" bit was fucking classic - Maxwell, the huge beefcake, calling Science skinny was also pretty good.

Housemates I like:





Housemates I don't care about:




Housemates I dislike, and if I was around them I would go nuts:





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Guest Pirate Chasin' Booty

At school, you were even more of a bully if you were a group and tearing into someone behind their back, especially when its obvious that they're doing it.

Talking about someone behind their back isn't bullying, but letting them know you don't like them is? thats the biggest pile of shit I've ever heard. People seem to be selectively watching things because they're unwilling to change their opinions. Its sad really.

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Guest Red Devil

I'm with Mudda here. From what I can see, for the past couple of week the so called divas have found out that since Maxwell and Saskia got the cheers on that Friday Night they know the only way they can win is to get them out. Saskia's change from then and nearly everyone hates her so I think Max will be staying. From what I've been watching all I can see is the so called divas excluding Sceince and Derek who I don't think are really in the group have been chatting shit about Team Saskia behind their backs.

And the people who say Team Saskia talks like they like the other group is chatting bullshit. In that episode and many others I always see Team Saskia pulling away trying to get away. That gives the other group the message. Also I always see the Divas coming up to Team Saskia to strike up conversations and then go behind their backs and call them two faced and slag them off for the things they do themselves. Let me give you some examples of this only from this episode.

First up Kemal, He nominated them 2 becuase he didn't like it, couldn't stand them and didn't want to talk to them. First thing in the morning, he's in bed and starts talking to Maxwell. If he wasn't two faced and actually beleived in what he was saying he would've either stayed queit or left the room. I don't really think I've seen any of Team Saskia strike up conversations with Makosi, Kemal and Vanessa. Another example. Makosi has been slagging off Anthony for some time now for him being to much for the cameras. Then while he's talking to Orliath she calls him over and strikes up a conversation. If you don't like them don't talk to them unless you have to which at both times they didn't. If you ask me their just a bunch of hypocrites.

Derek and Sceince are doing their own thing which is cool with me. As you can probably tell I'm a fan of Team Saskia but more specifically Maxwell. Other then the Divas and the new ones these 2 are the only others. If the rest of them were like that then it would be ok. They could be a group and like Team Saskia do their own thing. What sums it all up to me is what the groups do while their on their own. Unless there's an eviction looming or nominations Team Saskia forget about the rest of the housemates and try and have fun or talk about something else. Whenever the Divas are alone it's 90% of the time badmouthing Team Saskia.

I'm not sure if I'm the only one who sees it like that but that's my opinion. By the way, that wasn't a rant. I'm just trying to back up my views.

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I agree with RD and Mudda. Whenever Team Saskia are alone they talk about either themselves, or some other random things, and whenever the others are alone, it's always slagging off Saskia or someone, and yet Team Saskia come accross worse out of the lot. It's really just bullshit, and I can't understand it.

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Can someone fill me in? I haven't been able to watch it since Sunday/Monday, can't remember. The last thing I can remember is Makosi (who is actually quite attractive, if only she had a mute button, and a "stop making stupid facial expressions" button), having to choose two of the three secret housemates to go into the main house.

What's happened since? Who'd she pick? Are they in yet? Etc.

Also, I quite like Eugene. Kinga was obviously named by a sadist who wanted to give bullies an easy time of it at school :shifty: Although the obvious pisstake is quite appropriate...ewww. Orlaith is ok, from what I've seen of her. She's kinda too far the opposite of Kinga figure-wise, though :P I hope Science doesn't feel the urge for a spliff, because she'd make an ideal fag paper.

The whole Makosi/Kemal love dealio has made me feel sorry for Kemal, because underneath it all he seems to be a pretty nice person. If he didn't keep lapsing into "Camper Than Butlins" mode, I'd quite like him. It's kind sad to see him being used by Makosi so blatantly :/ Especially as she's pretty much told him she'd been lying to his face about just about everthing, and he's STILL hanging on to her as his "only friend".

Derek is a pretty good person too really. It's just that most of the housemates are too fucking thick to realise when he's joking most of the time, because his sense of humour isn't on the same level as Maxwell's :P

Saskia is really starting to annoy the living shit out of me. I don't care if she has nice tits, she has a face like Boots' makeup counter, and all the personality of..well...Kinga.

Ah yes, Kinga. Jade Goody v2.0b. (2.0a was Nadia, but that didn't work too well).

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Derek is a legend!! Derek to win. Fuck Maxwell, he may be awesome but Derek is much better. 'Pussy bumping' will now go into my every day vocabulary. I also loved it when he was verbally admiring Orla's tits, she's turning him. :shifty:

I came up with this 'gay' chart....

Queer - Derek (Well spoken. Witty, clever, funny. Seems a good bloke other than he's a black conservative :shifty:)

Faggot - Kemal (Bitchy, annoying, overly camp in an in-your-face kind of way. The kind of gay you'd want to smack the shit out of)

Puff/Ponce - Craig (He's funny, more like a toned down faggot (Craig started as a faggot, but he has toned down). More funny than Kemal and doesn't call himself a 'diva' so I want to hit him less. A puff because he cries. Then again Kemal cried...... gayboys).

:shifty: I have nothing against gay people, lets just clear that up.

Best part of last nights episode, over than Derek was after the nominations when they wer talking.

Makosi - I want Maxwell to stay.

Orla - I do

Kemal - I do too

Science - I don't, I 'ate 'im.

It had me rolling around on my sofa.

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I just worked out why I like Makosi; everything she's said so far this episode has been right on the money. Especially what she said about Saskia nominating Maxwell so that he gets evicted and Orlaith can't touch him (I don't know if Saskia did actually nominate Maxwell, but it's not exactly a stretch of the imagination).

Also the thing about her telling Maxwell to "behave himself" if she gets evicted (in relation to Orlaith), then sleeping with every Footballer that comes her way :P

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Guest Pirate Chasin' Booty

She didn't nominate Maxwell, this episode seems to be a complete replica of last nite, someone kill Makosi or ship her back off to Zimbabwe, she's a generally annoying cunt.

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