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WWE SmackDown! vs RAW 2006

Guest ch1ppy08

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If you dont win the rumble, then you get thrown into another match straight after (a 6 man over the top rope battle royal). this is represents the rumble match still, and its easy to win as thez just mainly cruiserweights in it. But you dont get the royal rumble reward, although the story continues as though youv'e won it.

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With the disk making funny noises, I'd be careful to watch your PS2. That happenned to me last year when playing SvR 2005 and it ended up with my PS2 laser breaking and refusing to play PS2 games, PS1 games, DVD's and CD's.

On the game, it's awesome but slightly annoying. Aside from the new controls, which I'm getting used to but I still prefer last years, I've had problems in submission matches where the meter reaches the end of the submit bar and nothing happens, the match just continues. I had a submission match with Kurt Angle in season mode and I got so fed up after giving him my finisher about 30 times and using over 20 submissions and wasting 45 minutes of my life that I had to quit the match. Grr.

Also, THQ have made a woopsie in Create a Moveset mode. The move Drop Toe Hold is most certainly not a Drop to Hold.

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On the game, it's awesome but slightly annoying. Aside from the new controls, which I'm getting used to but I still prefer last years, I've had problems in submission matches where the meter reaches the end of the submit bar and nothing happens, the match just continues. I had a submission match with Kurt Angle in season mode and I got so fed up after giving him my finisher about 30 times and using over 20 submissions and wasting 45 minutes of my life that I had to quit the match. Grr.

The easiest way to get around this, I've found, is to get their body into red and then do down + circle - it'll automatically do a half crab, the default submission move, and it usually gets the tap out quite quickly as long as the opponent is beaten down enough.

BTW I think the problem with the submission bar is that it's visually misleading - what looks like the end of the bar isn't, you have to go a little bit further until it looks like you're going to go right off the edge.

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How come I never knew about that sleeper addition? That's awesome. I was playing a match against Jericho in the season, he gets me in a sleeper on the canvas and suddenly the new bar pops up. That ruled, mainly because I never knew about it. Managed to get the arm up at the two count luckily. A question though, how do you actually do that yourself? It's only happened once and that's for Jericho, is it a certain sleeper or what?

Finished my season too, won the title at Mania. Does anyone find it weird that they hype it saying Mania XXII, yet the ring says Wrestlemania 21? Just a little thing again. Had my best match so far against the returning Jericho. Went back and fourth, I tried to do his Walls Of Jericho about four times with him reversing everytime, before finally I nailed it. Finish, he tried the enziguri, I spun him around and scored the DDT, great finish. Nice finish to the season with the top of the cell stuff, that was very cool. All in all, I loved that first season, so fresh and it felt very good.

So I guess I'll start a new one tonight on Smackdown. I was at the WWE website and noticed a trailer, and in it Teddy Long got run over. What storyline is that does anyone know? And who do I need to be to be involved in it down the line? Oh and one final question. If I go to Smackdown now, is it a different storyline for sure? Or is it the same stuff but just over on Smackdown? I was thinking about being either my own man or Benoit.

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So I guess I'll start a new one tonight on Smackdown. I was at the WWE website and noticed a trailer, and in it Teddy Long got run over. What storyline is that does anyone know? And who do I need to be to be involved in it down the line? Oh and one final question. If I go to Smackdown now, is it a different storyline for sure? Or is it the same stuff but just over on Smackdown? I was thinking about being either my own man or Benoit.

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Unlocking Jake

All you have to to is draft him as 1 of your 3 pics in GM mode year 2, and he will be unlocked. This was a miatake on Yukes part, from what the websites say. I don't have the game till tomorrow, but I bet someone can confirm this for me.

Edited by Dirty Johnny
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Since I need to get back into this and I was doing a review for my school paper...

Bulletproof Video Game Reviews: WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2006

Throughout the Playstation and/or 2's time in video games, I've had a love-hate relationship with the console's Smackdown series. Love because the games are usually blue-chip for being at least playable, and well- it's the only game in town if you want a decent professional wrestling game on the PS2 (for those reasons, the games are usually quick rentals and often bought when they come out by this reviewer), hate because the games never tend to be the completely awe-inspiring game that WWE games were in their golden era on N64 (with games like Wrestlemania 2000 and No Mercy, two rare sports games that remain essential purchases for their system even after going out-of-date.) This had simmered through most of the PS2 era of the Smackdown series, finally coming to a head with last year's atrocious "Smackdown vs. Raw", which featured such "gems" as a dramatically lessened Create-A-Wrestler system (until then a credit to the series) and gameplay that was cheaper than an off-season sports video game (it was not uncommon to see matches where your created wrestler would face lower carders on Easy mode, then proceed to have all your ultimate moves be sold by the opponent as if you hit them with a feather while moves by the opponent while they were across the ring from you were sold by your character as if they were shot.) However, when the newest installment of the series came out, I knew I had to review it. Why would I do this? Three reasons:

1) I am a huge wrestling fan, and it's the only game in town.

2) The line was that this would finally be the No Mercy-killer (something to know: Wrestling game fans are the video game equivalent to Cubs fans, always thinking this will be "the year".)

3) I am a masochist.

The results of this game were actually a pleasant surprise from last year's game. Rosterwise, the game still has the weakness Smackdown games have (for the past three years, active WWE titleholders at the time the game's roster were announced were not in the year's game- this year's snubs being [at the time] "World" Tag title holder Rosey and WWE Tag Title holders MNM. However, a whopping 6 characters in the game no longer work for the WWE. [Despite recent events, Eddie Guerrero is not being considered one of these 6 workers due to the fact that he was not released or quit the WWE.]) Graphically, the game is much more beautiful than previous Smackdown games, with graphics you would be more inclined to expect on the X-Box console rather than on the PS2. However, the important question remains: How's the gameplay this year? From the looks of things, it appears to take one giant step forward, then a baby step back: Forward because the gameplay has become much fairer for your character (rather than be at the mercy of even the weak characters, it is now possible for your character to be on par with WWE top names like Rob Van Dam and John Cena right from the start). However, it gets weaker because Smackdown keeps adding new features, and with new features come many more new ways for the CPU to be incredibly cheap. The most notable "cheap" feature in this game is the Submission guide, specifically the Sleeperhold meter. The meter simulates the common spot in matches where a bad guy puts a sleeper on the good guy, then by the power of the fans' cheers, the good guy fights his way out of it. This works in realism...until you realize that the CPU is able to get the Sleeper meter on target every time regardless of the damage it took, while when a player gets put in a sleeperhold, it's basically match over. To suffice, the game hasn't been the No Mercy-killer fans are waiting patiently for, but it has went from "Most Disappointing Game of 2004" to "Most Improved Game of 2005", which is always a plus...right?

Rating: ***.5- The potential is there for greatness, but there's still a few holes that need to be filled first.

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The Jake thing is bullshit as far as I'm concerned.

I played through GM mode with my girlfriend until around Summerslam, and then we got bored so we autobooked and simmed almost all of the shows. Got to the end, went through draft stuff... Jake wasn't in the draft nor was I able to add him.

Regardless, the game's decent. Haven't had to much time with it since we were messing around with GM mode (to get the unlockables). I'm not liking the Irish whip setup. It worked with a Gamecube but with the way a PS2's controller is designed it doesn't feel right at all. Not being able to edit stats pisses me off. I wanted to up Eddie's charisma to 10 (nothing to do with his passing either, I intented to when I first saw his stats on IGN) but can't. Some other people I'd like to give higher, or lower stats.

And I'm thinking I got too used to Day of Reckoning's reversal system... It just worked so much better, felt more natural with the timing. And at least there were different counter sets to pick from instead of "elbow to face", "elbow to gut", "flip over", "get behind", "push away" and "low blow".

And getting a finisher icon is ridiculously easy. I was happy when I heard they did away with story multiple finishers, but damn... There's no need, do a couple good moves and a taunt and you have one.

I also LOATHE what they did to top rope moves. I got tired of Day of Reckoning's handful of moonsaults, splashes and elbows but at least I could hit the damn things. As stated before by others, and myself, hitting a top rope finisher is a bitch. It needs a ridiculous setup every time just to make sure you connect. I've seen Benoit eat more mat from a missed flying headbutt in my short time with the game than in his entire career.

Haven't touched create a wrestler, but create an entrance is worse than Day of Reckoning 2. I can tell just by briefly looking it over. Not as comprehensive or full of stuff. The computer also drains the ringout meter in Royal Rumble's way too fucking fast. Same with submissions or anything that requires it to "tap".

Too much time is going to be spent on fixing movesets as well. Seeing Bret do a spin kick the second year in a row is pathetic. What do they exactly do with a full year between games? Add some hackneyed systems that have been done better in games only released a few months ago and change shit for no reason.

Oh well... As usual, three steps forward two steps back.

And even though it started bugging the shit out of me, I desparately miss interupting moves in Day of Reckoning. If they added the reversal system, the stamina system from it (slapping on a resthold felt more natural than holding select for a second or two), entrance creation and the move interuption (albeit tweaked better) from Day or Reckoning this game would be superb. I muss DoR's tangability to connecting with stuff as well (I just felt like I was doing a move instead of pressing a button and watching one).

As is though, I'm left with an experience that leaves me wanting more of what I know is possible but also want the things done right in this. Bah, just THQ's shitty business practices showing themselves again.

Eh well it's the only wrestling I'll have for a long while since I won't be getting DoR2 again and no next gen systems for me. And I doubt they'll make the next Smackdown on the PS2 as well. Pfft, you'll probably need a PS3, a PSP and some unforseen contraption to unlock half the stuff.

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