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WWE SmackDown! vs RAW 2006

Guest ch1ppy08

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Completed Raw season as Benoit, beating 3H in the Hell in a Cell at 'Mania. Awesome ending, we were on top of the cell, exchanged a few shots, I countered a grapple, then landed the three Germans, only the last German sent him flying off the cage! I just climbed down and pinned him to win the belt. Looked awesome, like I'd released him and purposely suplexed him off the celll.

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I just did a Masters/Richards match, and it went damn near 20 minutes (17 minutes) and it ended in a double KO after Richards hit his Double Arm DDT and we both couldn't answer the 10 count.

Good match. I Polish Hammered Richards until I busted his face open. :P

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I bought this today just because I wanted something to smash around with friends on. Unfortunely I seem to be spending all my single player time that was supposed to be on Burnout Revenge on this. Fucking hell, I don't even watch wrestling anymore and I love this game.

Going through my first season as Jericho since I don't really recognize half the other guys. :(

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I bought this today just because I wanted something to smash around with friends on. Unfortunely I seem to be spending all my single player time that was supposed to be on Burnout Revenge on this. Fucking hell, I don't even watch wrestling anymore and I love this game.

Going through my first season as Jericho since I don't really recognize half the other guys. :(

One of us... One of us... One of us...

The game speaks to you doesn't it?

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Just had another quality Last Man Standing match.

Sandman (Me) Vs Randy Orton.

After about a half hour, I get a special and hit Randy Orton with a Heinekenrana. I slide out of the ring and get a chair just in case. Referee is counting.. 7...8 ...9 ... Randy Orton gets up, straight into a Chair Grapple. (O) slow motion, he gets busted open, laying face down on the mat, the blood is pooling, referee counts to 10.

It was as beautiful a sight as I have ever seen.

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Had an amazing match with Kane vs. Edge just a minute ago.

I was playing as Edge, with Lita at ringside. Go for a spear, Kane reverses and throws me into an exposed turnbuckle, then spears me into that corner. He hits the chokeslam, pins, but Lita is on the apron and I kick out. Kane gets me in a sleeper hold, 1-2-up before ref gets to the third arm drop. We go outside, brawling around for a bit, I hop onto the apron and hit a diving spear, Kane gets in the ring when the ref's at 9. Ref gets knocked down by a clothesline from Kane that I ducked, I hit Kane with a chair, pin - 1-2-3.

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Just tried online, it's pretty cool, not too laggy, but there are a lot of twats on there, just disconnecting because they're eliminated first from the battle royal or are about to tap. Disconnecting adds a loss to your record anyway doesn't it? So what's the point in ruining the match?

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Played a Last Man Standing (my favorite match type right now) last night. AJ Styles (me) vs. Abyss for the WWE Title (I was champ). After a million chair shots, six Black Hole Slams, nine Styles Clashes, and an unexpected heel turn by Styles superkicking the ref, I finally took the monster down with a running title shot starting from the stage to ringside for a ten count. Took 35:47.

Then beat Paul London in a tables match that took only less then ten minutes with a Styles Clash right through a table.

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Just tried online, it's pretty cool, not too laggy, but there are a lot of twats on there, just disconnecting because they're eliminated first from the battle royal or are about to tap. Disconnecting adds a loss to your record anyway doesn't it? So what's the point in ruining the match?

No, a disconnection doesn't give anyone a loss.

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Regarding the Storyline thing again. I just started a Smackdown Season with JBL, and ive just seen what happened to Teddy Long, now im straight on the Legends Tour. Tell me, is there normally more before this with a different character, or does it normally go in this sequence. Its just that i read what Ollie said a lil while ago, and hes listed the different storylines you get, im not sure whether that is in order or not.

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