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WWE SmackDown! vs RAW 2006

Guest ch1ppy08

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Just had my quickest legit match, as in not winning with countouts or anything.

Samoa Joe vs. Shark Boy was over in like a minute, hit a diving spear, my momentum was full, placed him on the turnbuckle and hit a Muscle Buster. 1-2-3, so simple.

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What does selecting 'fight dirty' achieve?

Your special meter goes up after doing 'dirty' moves such as taking off the turnbuckle pad, low blows, weapon shots, attacking the ref, etc. Whereas fighting clean boosts your meter by doing crowd pleasing moves like diving off the top rope. With dirty moves you can get a lot of small boosts, while fighting clean you get one or two big boosts before getting a special.

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Also the dirty/clean selection determines what special moves you can do when you have a full momentum meter and a stored finisher. With Clean you can steal your opponents finisher whereas Dirty has a selection of low blows and a DDT when you stamp on your opponents foot or something.

Hang on, I thought you'd stopped playing it Mudda as it was crap?

Edited by King Ellis
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Paul London over Tajiri (6:37) with a Northern Lights Suplex to retain the Cruiserweight Championship. Friggin AWESOME match, may not sound it with the length, but there was no 'build', it was a balls-to-the-wall great back and forth match, like move-counter-move-counter. A Shitload of strikes from both of us, which is unusual for the CPU. Some great moments, like me going for a dropsault. Tajiri counters, kick. I try again, counter, kick. I try again, counter, Tornado DDT. Tajiri taunts as I lay on the mat, then I spring up with a dropsault, looked awesome.

And a great moment as I whipped him into the crowd barrier, did the move where you slam them onto it, then climbed the turnbuckle, and connected perectly with an SSP to the floor! Just really quick action, Tajiri puts his knee's up to counter a 450, kicks out of London's 'Dragon Suplex' finisher despite having a red head and orange body, after he gave me a Dragon Suplex out of nowhere for a long two.

Sorry, I rambled like an over-excited school boy. Was great though. I've had a string of title defences with London, and I'm getting partial to six man battle royal's, they can be very fun, make a good title defence.

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I wish this game had more mma-ish moves. its hard to make a decent fighter

Echo'd, and puro moves as a whole.

I don't see the big deal in putting in 10 or 15 more moves that hark to the Indy/Puro/MMA ranks, so as to please fans of the WWE who aren't just into WWE.

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I think they should worry about getting the North American moves right before they start screwing up Puro and MMA moves.

Didn't I read that over two hundred moves were removed since the previous game?

I mean... the fuck? People have been using the TKO for decades, why take it out now.

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I think they should worry about getting the North American moves right before they start screwing up Puro and MMA moves.

Didn't I read that over two hundred moves were removed since the previous game?

I mean... the fuck? People have been using the TKO for decades, why take it out now.

From what I remember, of the 200, a sizeable amount WERE puro/indy moves.

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I think they should worry about getting the North American moves right before they start screwing up Puro and MMA moves.

Didn't I read that over two hundred moves were removed since the previous game?

I mean... the fuck? People have been using the TKO for decades, why take it out now.

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I would kill for a good Samoa Joe.


I'll tell you the thing I hate most about online play, CAWs. There should be a specific lobby for CAW matches, because it just takes the fun out of the game. It's not even everyone using 99OVR that bug me so much, it's just the really horrible CAWs I see out there. There's nothing worse than some CAW called xInFeRnOx and he's dressed like a combination of Bruiser Brody and Jeff Hardy, and then has every good move in the game. He's 7 feet tall, 400 pounds, does the running headbutt to the gut, the Swanton, the fast toe kick, a running Shining Wizard, the Spear, The Pedigree, four different Powerbombs, the Chokeslam off the top rope, a Frog Splash, and the Big Boot just to name a few. It's so fucking lame.

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I would kill for a good Samoa Joe.


I'll tell you the thing I hate most about online play, CAWs. There should be a specific lobby for CAW matches, because it just takes the fun out of the game. It's not even everyone using 99OVR that bug me so much, it's just the really horrible CAWs I see out there. There's nothing worse than some CAW called xInFeRnOx and he's dressed like a combination of Bruiser Brody and Jeff Hardy, and then has every good move in the game. He's 7 feet tall, 400 pounds, does the running headbutt to the gut, the Swanton, the fast toe kick, a running Shining Wizard, the Spear, The Pedigree, four different Powerbombs, the Chokeslam off the top rope, a Frog Splash, and the Big Boot just to name a few. It's so fucking lame.

That move-list does just about encapsulate every one I have fought so far. It's stupid, and pathetically hard at times, as people just tend to have these "wash, rinse, repeat" styles of play which are boring, yet usually guarantee them victories, as they just stick to the same moves.

Plus, 99 Over matches are ok, but they get to a point where it is just down to luck, plain and simple, more than anything.

I now have a 2 win, 9 loss record, ph34r me!

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