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Danny Wallace.


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That extract was fucking awesome.

'Again - busy. I'm very busy, Hanne. Look at me.'

I don't know why I asked Hanne to look at me. It's not as if I looked particularly busy. I was just a man standing up.

'Or Buddha, for that matter. Buddha would've probably just smiled a lot. Or taken you to a nice restaurant. That's the thing about Buddha, he knows how to have a good time.'

Those two parts particularly made me laugh.

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I've heard good things about "Yes Man". I've checked my local library and they don't have it. Guess i'm going to have to buy it. His new program looks interesting judging by the averts. I guess i'll be doing some more reading, i've pretty much finished all of Bill Bryson again, so I need some good material.

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I thought that show was excellent.

Danny: (To Sargent Major Somebody) There's a ferry leaving at 2:00, how about me, you, couple of your mates, John Bond... we can overthrow France.

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That was great. Invading the island was quality, and that dude giving him the finger rocked.

But more importantly; where can I buy me some moon?

To Tony (Blair) :lol:

Edit: Shit, I just realised, I'm going to miss the next couple of episodes because I'm on holiday :(

Edited by The Rock Box
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bwahahaahahahahaahahaha. How To Start Your Own Country was absolutely immense!!!!

It started quite slowly (Though the American people were fucked up. THe bloke selling bits of the moon. And the bloke who said getting WMD's so he asked where he cold get them. hahahahahaha)

The last 10 minutes though were the greatest bit of comedy i've seen in a long, long time. All the little things were awesome. The comment about the History GCSE made me choke on my sandwich, it was so funny. And his friend John Bond. It was purely awesome. When he saw the British Army bloke. "There's a ferry this weekend leaving for Callais. How about you, me, a couple of your guys, John Bond, all go across...." bwahahahaha. And the bit about the bridge. It was so awesome. So much good stuff. This man is my legend. On of the best BBS comedies at least in god knows how many years.

Yeah the Tony (Blair) thing cracked me up. As did John Bond's t-shirt when they invaded the island.

Edited by Retail Dragon
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That was quality programming at it's best. The part where the guy told him to get a WMD, and the bit with the Police made me laugh - "The police man was the final straw....so imposing...."

However, in terms of hilarity, did anyone watch Citizen TV afterwards? I found it to be funnier, in a more immediate sense, because of his interaction with the public. After telling a guy that he should consider making the parka national uniform, he said "promise me you'll put your parka on later and dance a little. Then maybe you could put some glasses on, and mess up your hair a little.....then it'd be a bit weird and........". Quality.

Anyone signed up to become a citizen yet?

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That was great.  Invading the island was quality, and that dude giving him the finger rocked.

But more importantly; where can I buy me some moon?

To Tony (Blair)  :lol:

Edit: Shit, I just realised, I'm going to miss the next couple of episodes because I'm on holiday  :(

I'm missing next week's too :crying:

Still, great tv and he kept reminding me of Nick Frost (Danger 50,000 Volts) for some reason.

The island invasion - magnificent.

After the guy sticking up his middle finger at him: "I'll be coming back for you!"

Basically all very funny, and sure it will continue to be...Have to set up my video I think

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That national anthem is perhaps the most cheesiest thing ever, but it's still awesome. He seems to have poo pooed the idea of Alternation which sounded cool. That and was that the way the flag was meant to be used? Just when he was in that building i'm sure they showed it the other way round.

Bah, the song player on the site is Real Player and I refuse to download that, someone better MP3 that some bitch.

Edited by King Ellis
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