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Cheating In Games


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Have you ever cheated to complete a game? I don't mean the cheat for big heads or for a quick rampage without saving on GTA, but actually cheated so you can progress the game? I'm assuming you have, but do you feel wrong for doing so?

I hate cheating on games, yet I don't mind checking a guide if I'm stuck or if I want to get everything, but what is the difference?

So here's my questions, do you feel comfortable cheating to complete a game? How often do you check guides and do you go back to a game to attempt without cheating after?

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I don't understand the point of infinte lives cheats and the like so have never used them and the only other form of cheat I've uysed is the slot machine on Premier Manager 2 and there was a chance of losing money on that so it was more mini game then cheat.

However on the Lion King on the mega drive I always used the level skip to get past the second level (with all the monkeys) since I could never get it to do what I wanted. I redeemed myself though by playing through to the end oince I'd got through that level.

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I think cheating is justified. After all it's your own personal game so it shouldn't really effect anybody. Plus if you've spent money on a game shouldn't you be able to get your moneys worth? There's no point in being stuck on a level for weeks just caus your stubborn about cheats.

Personally, I don't cheat much nowadays but then again I don't tend to play a lot of games to utilises them. I cheated on GTA 3 and VC to progress but didn't on SA and to be honest, it's not like I felt different.

Edited by King Ellis
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However on the Lion King on the mega drive I always used the level skip to get past the second level (with all the monkeys) since I could never get it to do what I wanted. I redeemed myself though by playing through to the end oince I'd got through that level.

God damn, I was playing that the other week and couldn't stand that second level, come to think of it the first wasn't that great, it was your general platformer and the only games of them I could ever bring myself to like were Mario, Sonic, Spyro and Crash.

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However on the Lion King on the mega drive I always used the level skip to get past the second level (with all the monkeys) since I could never get it to do what I wanted. I redeemed myself though by playing through to the end oince I'd got through that level.

God damn, I was playing that the other week and couldn't stand that second level, come to think of it the first wasn't that great, it was your general platformer and the only games of them I could ever bring myself to like were Mario, Sonic, Spyro and Crash.

Lion King rocks, though it's the fifth (? possibly) level rather than the second that causes me problems. You have to do the whole thing *perfectly* to avoid being killed by those falling rocks...

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Guest The Trooper

Well, i normally cheat all the time. With San Andreas i've only ever cheated once so far (the sad part is i dont think it affected my skills but counted) so i guess i'm slowly learning to work hard at games.

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I laugh at people who 'feel wrong' about cheating on a game. Seriously, it's not real, and it's not 'bad'.

Anyway, it depends on the game. If it's some sort of story-based game, like say FFVII and I couldn't beat a boss then I would cheat, yes. If it's a game like Tekken, or Timesplitters where the fun is in the actual fighting, then no. Whats the point? I'd only cheat if I was bored and wanted to just run around blowing things up, or whatever.

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However on the Lion King on the mega drive I always used the level skip to get past the second level (with all the monkeys) since I could never get it to do what I wanted. I redeemed myself though by playing through to the end oince I'd got through that level.

God damn, I was playing that the other week and couldn't stand that second level, come to think of it the first wasn't that great, it was your general platformer and the only games of them I could ever bring myself to like were Mario, Sonic, Spyro and Crash.

Lion King rocks, though it's the fifth (? possibly) level rather than the second that causes me problems. You have to do the whole thing *perfectly* to avoid being killed by those falling rocks...

Oh the cheetas there too right? The part I gave up on was the waterfall, seriously, how the fuck do you reach the top?

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However on the Lion King on the mega drive I always used the level skip to get past the second level (with all the monkeys) since I could never get it to do what I wanted. I redeemed myself though by playing through to the end oince I'd got through that level.

God damn, I was playing that the other week and couldn't stand that second level, come to think of it the first wasn't that great, it was your general platformer and the only games of them I could ever bring myself to like were Mario, Sonic, Spyro and Crash.

Lion King rocks, though it's the fifth (? possibly) level rather than the second that causes me problems. You have to do the whole thing *perfectly* to avoid being killed by those falling rocks...

Oh the cheetas there too right? The part I gave up on was the waterfall, seriously, how the fuck do you reach the top?

I think we're thinking of different levels...

Hang on *looks up walkthrough*

Level 1: "Pridelands". Yeah, easy enough. All green and with a few bugs, plus one dumb hyena at the end.

Level 2: "Can't Wait To Be King". The one people seem to have problems on. It's simple enough once you've run it through enough times...and you learn that you have to press a direction BEFORE you press jump if you want to clear any distance whatsoever. ¬_¬

Level 3: "The Elephant Graveyard". Tedious, more than difficult.

Level 4: "The Stampede". Piss-easy. 3-D animation at its most entertainingly bad. >_>

Level 5: "Simba's Exile". This is the one I meant, though I do always manage to get past it...I just lose a lot of lives first, unfortunately.

You were probably thinking of either Level 6, "Hakuna Matata" (with the waterfall), or possibly Level 7, "Simba's Destiny". I don't usually get much of a go at them because I've wasted half my lives already. <_<

...And so on, up to Level 10. I did complete the game once, years ago, and I've only just got it back again recently. But still, give me Aladdin over Lion King any day.

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I only cheat in games after I have beaten the game once without cheat codes. If I get stuck on a certain part of a game I try to spend time figuring it out if not I will check a guide

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I suppose cheating is all based upon what you want to do with a game.

I cheat at games, but then again, they're games I've beaten so it doesn't matter to me.

Is it cheating to use a gameshark code to unlock everything on WWF No Mercy? I don't think it is. I want to make CAWs, and I need the clothes. But this "Player so and so has infintie spirit"...that's cheating.

All in all, non-linear games, where there's a world to explore, or shit to build...I say fuck it, go for broke. Cheat if you want.

Linear games...I say get as far as you can, and cheat when you get stuck. (Y)

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I use guides on old games I never got around to playing. Like I just beat Silent Hill 2 a couple months ago for the first time, but I used a guide. I just started playing Metroid Prime for the first time, and there's no chance in hell I was getting through that without a guide.

But I don't use cheats, I didn't pay $50 to blow through a game without dying. I enjoy a challenge... even if it's God of War making me want to slit my wrists. That said, I will use cheats on old school games. I ain't beating Contra without the Konami code, I can't beat TNMT: The Arcade Game without the extra lives code either. But games are ridiculously easier now than they were then, so it's different.

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I revived San Andreas' interestingness by pumping it full of cheats. Made the game way more enjoyable, and realistic in a lot of areas. Like not falling off my bike all the time due to tiny taps and nicks on the ground.

I used the bicycle nearly all the time. It was just badass.

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