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Best Shitty Movies


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So my friends and I watch a lot of shitty movies. I think there is really a whole subgenera of movies that are so bad that they somehow circle about and become good. My two glaring favorites at the moment are They Live! and Death Race 2000.

Death Race was on AMC the other night and I blew my proverbial shitty movie load. It takes place in some post apocalyptic world in which an authoritarian government rises to power and offers up their form of bread and circuses: The Death Race. The race is a cross country frenzy that has no set course and best of all rewards points for running over anyone you come across. Women are worth 10 points more than men in all age brackets, teenagers rack up 40 points, and toddlers under 12 rate a big 70 points. The big score: anyone, any sex, over 75 = 100 points.

It stars a young Sly Stone and David Carradine.

So what are yours?

Edited by The Grifter
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So my friends and I watch a lot of shitty movies. I think there is really a whole subgenera of movies that are so bad that they somehow circle about and become good. My two glaring favorites at the moment are They Live! and Death Race 2000.

Death Race was on AMC the other night and I blew my proverbial shitty movie load. It takes place in some post apocalyptic world in which an authoritarian government rises to power and offers up their form of bread and circuses: The Death Race. The race is a cross country frenzy that has no set course and best of all rewards points for running over anyone you come across. Women are worth 10 points more than men in all age brackets, teenagers rack up 40 points, and toddlers under 12 rate a big 70 points. The big score: anyone, any sex, over 75 = 100 points.

It stars a young Sly Stone and David Carradine.

So what are yours?

BWAHAH, I remember seeing that a while ago. It blew balls, but I still watched it.

I guess The Running Man can go in here, as its pretty naff, I know its naff, but I love to watch it.

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Brotherhood of the Wolf has had some massive negatice reviews (although some rate it highly).

Basically it combines:

17th/18th Century France costume drama.


Martial Arts

Mark Decascas as a Red Indian

A weird cult who all wear red and wolf masks.

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I think all Arnold movies slide into this. My favorite is the first Conan... If only for when he punches out a camel while drunk.

Or the line, 'His victories grew and grew... until they could not easily be counted.'

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I have always wanted to see Death Race, but the movie stores around here never have it. I'll probably just roll the dice and buy it, sounds like something I'd love.

Dead Alive was the ultimate is terrible, but I absolutely loved it. I can't think of many movies that made me laugh so fucking hard, and the cheap gore is always a huge plus. On top of that, there are plenty of whacky incidents throughout the movie that one can't help but laugh at.

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Demolition Man! Definitely, Demolition Man. What a God awful movie it was, but I love it. I remember vividly that the sex scene in that movie was the first introduction to sex I had... and they didn't even touch each other. It was all futuristic 3D garbage. Good times, good times.

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Demolition Man! Definitely, Demolition Man. What a God awful movie it was, but I love it. I remember vividly that the sex scene in that movie was the first introduction to sex I had... and they didn't even touch each other. It was all futuristic 3D garbage. Good times, good times.

Demolition Man >*

Some real good SHITTY shit is "Robot Jox". Roughly speaking, it's kinda like Mechwarriors the movie.

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I consider Tom Green's opus "Freddy Got Fingered" to be an art film that nobody understood. Or I just like it for no real reason.

I really like parts of that film, which I also consider (probably wrongly) to be quite arty in parts...

But not the jacking off an elephant parts.... :huh:

I don't think it deserves the slating that it got. The first time I watched it was with a group of friends and we all enjoyed it, though it does suffer from comedy film-itis like Anchorman (ie: great first third, an average middle and an end that isn't as great as it should be) but then most comedy films do that.

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Street Fighter: The Movie.

"I'm gonna kick, that sonofabitch Bison's ass, so HARD, that the next Bison wannabe, is gonna feel it. Now, who wants to go home.........AND WHO WANTS TO GO WITH ME?!!!!

Best. Line. Ever.

As far as the Hulk Hogan movies, Suburban Commando is his best work bar none, if anything for the Undertaker's classic line. "You're a dead man Ramsey."

Mr. Nanny was funny, but I just couldn't take it seriously with him being beat up by Kamala and Skinner.

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