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Bands That You Wish Would Reform


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How could I forget :o

I absolutely fucking adored Spineshank when I heard New Disease, they were used phenomenally in the Prince of Persia: Warrior Within video when "Fallback" was played in the background. Personally I wasn't overkeen on all the songs from that album, but that by no means meant I wished they'd have broken up, the music was still good and, if anything, it allowed me to discuss them with more mainstreamed people.

Spineshank really lost the plot after Height Of Calousness, it was clear things were going wrong when they had that harmonised, almost boy bandish opening song on their last album. Prior to that album though, they were truely immense and their live show in Manchester with Dry Kill Logic is still one of my favourite ever.

Glad you got there first, because like I said in my first post in this topic, some bands went out at the right time. Any more Spineshank albums would have been steps downhill IMO.

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The Smiths

Not too long ago, Morrissey said that a Smiths reunion was completely out of the question, but not to rule out a Morrissey & Marr reunion, so fingers crossed!

Personally, I'd love to see a Public Image Limited reunion. The Sex Pistols have reformed a fair few times, and it's gone down rather well, but I'd much rather see Lydon's other, far superior, band re-unite. Partly because I just feel they were a much better band than the Pistols, generally under-rated, and an utterly fantastic band, and partly because the crowds at Pistols reunions were often taken up by a lot of "pop-punks", and a PiL reunion would probably draw in a more "legitimate" crowd. That sounds twattish and elitist, but it's the closest I can get to saying what I mean...I just think the feeling and the atmosphere would be better.

And with Lydon's new best of out now, it's the most logical time for it to happen!

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Probably the Dead Kennedys at the forefront. They are one of the most influential bands in my music life, and I unfortunately will probably never get the chance to see them live. I think the law suits and such probably created a rift between them that will never be repaired. I always wondered how his relationship with two of the original band members is. Ted was the original drummer before D.H. Peligro, and Carlos was the guitar player alongside East Bay Ray, so I often wonder if he'd get together with those guys and possibly find a different bass player. Of course, it'd be hard to match the DK sound without Klaus or East Bay Ray, it's still a thought though.

The Mummies are the second band I can think of, as I've never heard a band capture the stripped down rock and roll sound quite like them. Another band I'd have loved to seen live, but probably never will get that chance. Even if they do a few reunion shows, I'd imagine they'd be featured primarily on the west coast.

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Probably The Lightning Seeds. They were too underrated and really need to be remember for their talents rather than that fucking Three Lions song.

I'd also like to see Creed reform for a couple of live shows so I can go to one. Although Alter Bridge are much better so I don't really care about Creed reforming as a whole.

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Probably The Lightning Seeds. They were too underrated and really need to be remember for their talents rather than that fucking Three Lions song.

Definately. Lightning Seeds were the first band I loved, it would be great if they got back together. I haven't heard any of the solo stuff from Ian Broudie apart from that one song he released.

Another band that I'd like to see reform is Grand Theft Audio. The Blame Everyone album was good, such kickass songs. Along with Overseer, they are one of the bands you have heard the songs they've made, but could never guess who they are. They've been on Gran Turismo 3, Dude, Wheres My Car? and the trailer for Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy.

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Million Dead!

They've been gone for like 2 months and I miss them :crying:

Million Dead, At The Drive-In (as much as I love Mars Volta, I'd love to be able to see ATD-I live) and N*E*R*D are the main 3 I'd love to see back in the recording booth, and then maybe the Libs, if they did a reuinion tour, as although I think they've done their bit and the world needs to move on, it would be nice to see Pete & Carl on the same stage agin, even if the second album was bullshit.

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The Smiths are a tough one... I love them... but I just don't know about a reunion. Seeing Morrissey and Marr live would be amazing... but it wouldn't last long and soon enough they'd have split again. But if it was just Morrissey and Marr and no new songs were written, then it could be good.

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Seeing as Rage Against the Machine is my 2nd favorite band of all-time.. Rage Against the Machine.

Stone Temple Pilots as well. Another one of my favorites. I'm not a fan of Velvet Revolver.

Stop giving me so much reason to love you for all three band comments :wub:

Blazing Squad, Friday Hill is clearly excellent, but not quite up to the Squad's standard.

Oh, or the Stone Temple Pilots.

At least you redeemed yourself in the end...

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