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Little Britain

Guest 50Cent

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Mr Mann, as Darloboy said, is the best character on that show by a country mile.

I'm glad the show is finally finishing (if that's true) because since half way through Series 2, the show has been terrible.

What are the reviews like for the live shows? If they're anything like the current series, it wouldn't be money well spent.

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Guest Dakendo

I must say, I do like that neighbourhood watch guy. "Gypsies, gypolatas, gypmeisters". Mr. Mann also rocks, perhaps just because I can do an awesome impression of him, and a girl who's in a lot of my classes is called Margaret. She also gets very annoyed by that particular sketch.

But yeah, I do agree. I watched the entire Series 1 on a school trip to Switzerland, and it was awesome. Thankfully Marjory Daws is still good, but Lou & Andy have lost their falre. There's only so much "Yeah, I know" you can take before you realise just how one dimensional it is. Vicky Pollard can be good though sometimes still.

The problem was outlined pretty well in a newspaper review I read. Vicky worked because it was an exaggeration of what people nowadays are like. Same, I think, for the neighbourhood watch type person. A lot of the sketches are too "out there" and/or one dimensional. A lot rely on catchphrases or actions, and they do nothing else, e.g. the vomitting woman, Mrs. Emery, Lou & Andy, and it's fairly obvious that that cannot be sustained forever. However, I still find myself laughing out loud at the Fat Fighters sketches, because that's not the same catchphrases over and over again.

But what the hey, I've gone off on a nonsensical rant, haven't I?

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Little Britain ran out of ideas after the pilot episode. It just happened that the majority of their sketches, while not necessarily that funny, were eminently quotable. However, by this series you can tell they're running out of steam. Mr Mann is still funny, and has always been my favourite sketch on the show, but even Tom Baker is cringeworthy now, and not in the good Alan Partridge way.

It doesn't help that they keep trying to be edgy with their "ironic" racism and taking the "only gay in the village" sketch to near breaking point, either.

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I've never really liked Little Britain, to me it's always seemed like they've run out of ideas, as it's just so repetative, every week it's the same joke, and although that joke might be funny the first time you see it, it isn't week in / week out.

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Sir Norman Fry has been funny too...but there defenitely has been a lack of something in these sketches. I think it's because they all drag on abit.

One thing I am liking, they're doing Computer Says No differently every now and again. And Linda (college woman) is funny sometimes too.

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I'm quite into Sir Norman, but my interest has dropped since they've dropped two of my three favourites (Mr Mann being the survivor) the Scottish hotel owner (Carrot cake, carrot cake, have ye any nuts?) and Dennis Waterman (I'd be so good for, The Rebel Alliance). Missed the last two and haven't really been bothered, Peep Show and Mighty Boosh me up.

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Don't like Little Britain. People everywhere quoting it gets on my head. The humour is poor and I don't like Walliams in the slightest.

The only stuff I did kinda like was from the first series but they chucked it anyway.

The Grammar School Teacher was brilliant and well done (I went to grammar school and stuff like getting people to read from the book really happened) and the Scottish hotelier with the penny whistle was good too.

Everything else was not.

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