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NFL Playoffs

Cactus Drags

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4th Down. My bad. I knew it wasn't a 1st.

Either way.......there's NO WAY that was on the goal line....

While I'm thinking about it.....UK NFL fans.....is their regular NFL in the UK? And is there regular NFL that isn't on sky sports!?

Channel 5 have the Sunday and Monday night games on in the regular season but it starts at like 2am.

There's usually a few EWBers up watching too.

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When that video pauses he is still off the ground. The hit that he took when the video pauses pushes him back and away from the end zone so that when he lands it's NOT a touchdown.

Not that I tottaly agree with the call but it doesnt matter when the ball crosses the line, it just matters that it crosses the line. It wouldnt make a difference where he ended up hitting the ground at the end of the play it just matters that at any point during the play the football went over the line.

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This is an excerpt from Gene Wojciechowski's ESPN.com column:

No one can deny there were questionable calls during the game. But before Holmgren and Latte Nation start whining about playing "the guys in the striped shirts as well,'' perhaps a history lesson is in order.

The striped shirts didn't cause tight end Jerramy Stevens to drop four passes. The striped shirts didn't cause the Seahawks defense to give up a Steelers first down on a third-and-28 situation (which later led to the Roethlisberger disputed TD). The striped shirts didn't cause the Seahawks defense to give up the longest touchdown run in Super Bowl history. They also didn't cause Etric Pruitt to sprint up from his safety position, only to be fooled by the trick play that resulted in Randle El's 43-yard TD pass to Ward (and by the way, if everyone knows the Steelers like to run gadget plays near midfield, don't you think the Seahawks knew it too?). Or cause Seahawks quarterback Matt Hasselbeck to throw a killer interception with nearly 11 minutes left in the game and Seattle trailing by only four points.

Enough already with the whining. The Seahawks had their chances. Plenty of them to overcome the Steelers and, if they insist, the refs, too.

Maybe, just maybe it's time we noted that the Steelers won the Superbowl and that won't change, and people start concentrating on preparations for next season?

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I used to respect you as a poster until I saw that helmet thingy. Yes a lot of us are crying(not including myself), but as I said before I know the Steelers were a better team, and although the scoreboard didn't reflect it, we hung in there for a while. I agree with Gene column, Seattle just dug themselves in a hole with Jerramy Stevens and the horrible clock management.

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