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24 Season 5

Green Demon

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I thought I read somewhere that they would continue to do the show and Kiefer said he was pretty sure that he wouldn't be the star for it's entirity, meaning a new bad-ass(hopefully) in later seasons. If they ever wanted to plant the seeds for Jack's "retirement" it would have to be how horrible he felt after Kim talked to him.

Man, the intensity this season is insane, I'm almost considering waiting til the DVDs come out because it's getting to me.

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One of the producers said this week that he'd like season 6 to be filmed in London with someone else running the operation. I can't imagine 24 without Jack, but if you're going to do it a complete break is probably the best way to go.


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Well it looks like Tony never got the silent clock. This is from the official 24 website:

7:59 P.M.

Jack enters the clinic and finds Tony and Burke on the ground. Gasping his last breath of life, Tony tells Jack that he couldn’t do it. Jack clutches Tony’s head. Tony dies, and Jack cries with him still in his arms.

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Just to confirm Tony actually being dead even more, the Canadian preview for next week shows them putting a white sheet over Tony's body. Seriously, do they want to lower their ratings? Fuck Jack, Tony is the man. It just won't be the same without Tony. Tony's death was even more shocking then Edgar's death to me. Plus the way Kim's storyling ended it looks like she won't be back for good.

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It sucks to see Tony die, but 24 didn't fall off at all in the early episodes of this season when he was unconscious, so I don't see why it would fall off now. Is it just me, or are the show's producers dropping foilers left and right? Originally someone listed Kim debuting on the show in the 1pm-2pm episode on IMDB.com, and with the story about Mia Kirshner and Carlos Bernard now apparently being impossible (unless Tony isn't dead), it seems like they're going to great lengths to throw would-be spoilers off. And it's a great thing, especially when they're doing a show that is most effective when it's twists aren't spoiled early. Good job boys, save us from ourselves. :P

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Ugh. They shouldn't have given Edgar the silent clock if they were going to fucking kill TONY an episode later.

That's just... ugh. I see what they're going for here but it's overkill at this point.

Edited by GoGo Yubari
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Well I feel that the reason Edgar is getting the silent treatment is that he was perfectly fine and then died out of the blue. Tony isn't 100% and odds are he'd of died sooner than later from the events that took place earlier. In all reality I do feel Tony deserved a silent treatment but if thats the case then why not every other big death like Michelle, Palmer, Mason, heck even Chappelle for that matter.

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Guest Ringmaster The Living Legend

It sucks to see Tony die, but 24 didn't fall off at all in the early episodes of this season when he was unconscious, so I don't see why it would fall off now. Is it just me, or are the show's producers dropping foilers left and right? Originally someone listed Kim debuting on the show in the 1pm-2pm episode on IMDB.com, and with the story about Mia Kirshner and Carlos Bernard now apparently being impossible (unless Tony isn't dead), it seems like they're going to great lengths to throw would-be spoilers off. And it's a great thing, especially when they're doing a show that is most effective when it's twists aren't spoiled early. Good job boys, save us from ourselves. :P

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It sucks to see Tony die, but 24 didn't fall off at all in the early episodes of this season when he was unconscious, so I don't see why it would fall off now. Is it just me, or are the show's producers dropping foilers left and right? Originally someone listed Kim debuting on the show in the 1pm-2pm episode on IMDB.com, and with the story about Mia Kirshner and Carlos Bernard now apparently being impossible (unless Tony isn't dead), it seems like they're going to great lengths to throw would-be spoilers off. And it's a great thing, especially when they're doing a show that is most effective when it's twists aren't spoiled early. Good job boys, save us from ourselves. :P

That's good then because (potentially weird/awesome/huge spoilers):

I'm going to ignore reports that said Xander Berkeley was seen on the set

Probably visiting old friends or something. I mean, unless they're using him via a video/audio recording done before his death, there's no way Mason could feasibly be alive at this point.

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Guest Ringmaster The Living Legend

It sucks to see Tony die, but 24 didn't fall off at all in the early episodes of this season when he was unconscious, so I don't see why it would fall off now. Is it just me, or are the show's producers dropping foilers left and right? Originally someone listed Kim debuting on the show in the 1pm-2pm episode on IMDB.com, and with the story about Mia Kirshner and Carlos Bernard now apparently being impossible (unless Tony isn't dead), it seems like they're going to great lengths to throw would-be spoilers off. And it's a great thing, especially when they're doing a show that is most effective when it's twists aren't spoiled early. Good job boys, save us from ourselves. :P

That's good then because (potentially weird/awesome/huge spoilers):

I'm going to ignore reports that said Xander Berkeley was seen on the set

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It sucks to see Tony die, but 24 didn't fall off at all in the early episodes of this season when he was unconscious, so I don't see why it would fall off now. Is it just me, or are the show's producers dropping foilers left and right? Originally someone listed Kim debuting on the show in the 1pm-2pm episode on IMDB.com, and with the story about Mia Kirshner and Carlos Bernard now apparently being impossible (unless Tony isn't dead), it seems like they're going to great lengths to throw would-be spoilers off. And it's a great thing, especially when they're doing a show that is most effective when it's twists aren't spoiled early. Good job boys, save us from ourselves. :P

That's good then because (potentially weird/awesome/huge spoilers):

I'm going to ignore reports that said Xander Berkeley was seen on the set

Probably visiting old friends or something. I mean, unless they're using him via a video/audio recording done before his death, there's no way Mason could feasibly be alive at this point.

I do know that one of the ending filmed for season 2 showed Mason walking alone in the desert so I wouldn't put it past them, although I won't get my hopes up

Honestly, as much as I loved Mason, I don't want him alive. He went out better than any other character in 24 (though Marwan had an excellent death as well) and I think it's a death and sacrifice that should stick. 24 dances on the lines of reality and supreme action movie bizarro logic more than enough already. But if they want to use a video recording of Mason, maybe to tie into the Henderson plotline, fine with me.

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Well I feel that the reason Edgar is getting the silent treatment is that he was perfectly fine and then died out of the blue. Tony isn't 100% and odds are he'd of died sooner than later from the events that took place earlier. In all reality I do feel Tony deserved a silent treatment but if thats the case then why not every other big death like Michelle, Palmer, Mason, heck even Chappelle for that matter.

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