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24 Season 5

Green Demon

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Ahh, then Curtis is outside of the building.

Although, doesn't this mean the nerve gas is 1-3 KM OUTSIDE of the CTU building now? Curtis could get caught coming in and die?

Also, to explain what I said before, Audrey could be killed off IMO because her "jobs" on the show were to stop Lynn and get Kim back to CTU. Now that those are done, the writers could choose to take her off for dramatic effect instead of starting another storyline or throwing her in with the other people at CTU.

Bill, to me, has always been "just one of the head bosses". If Bill is taken out, Curtis or Audrey would maybe take over CTU (giving Audrey a storyline) and it would set up for Tony to possibly return at the end, now that Michelle is gone.

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Although, doesn't this mean the nerve gas is 1-3 KM OUTSIDE of the CTU building now? Curtis could get caught coming in and die?

I'm pretty sure the building has been sealed off. I don't see them doing anything nearly as anticlimactic as that, anyway.

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I can't believe how much this death hit me. Probably more than any other save MAYBE David Palmer.

There goes Edgar, and 24 will tragically be deprived of his bickering with Chloe endlessly forevermore. At least he got the silent countdown.

A. Meh, this one hit the worst. Even more than Palmer and Michelle. It's perhaps because those two were nearly simultaenous, at the beginning of the show, and rather fast. Where as with Edgar, it's like holy shit and you get to sit on that for a week.

B. Bring in another awkward fat New Yorker!

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It's perhaps because those two were nearly simultaenous, at the beginning of the show, and rather fast.

It's why I didn't mention Michelle, actually. The moment she left the house I knew she was a goner. Palmer, though, was different. Dear god was that sudden. There's something about how quickly and casually killed off a guy who starred in the first three seasons and then had a major role in the fourth that just astonished me.

However, it definitely wasn't as heartwrenching as Edgar's death. That was just fucking painful to watch.

Edited by GoGo Yubari
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I'm seriously wondering how this is going to work now with CTU out of operations. It's not like they're going to magically clean the place up and get a full workstaff in 12 hours time.

CTU Phoenix is now in charge!!!

My guess is that they get enough gasmasks to get everyone out of CTU thanks to Curtis (though I'd rather see Curtis playing the role of Jack Bauer for an episode or two just to see how that works out since Curtis is pretty much the black, (fairly) law-abiding version of Jack anyway) and then they have to set up some kind of temporary base.

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And the person who makes the sacrafice has to go out and let him in?

This would make sense, I suppose. If so, I'm betting on Lynn McGill biting the bullet.

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The killing of Edgar really did suprise me. But his fault for leaving the room. He knew what was going on and should have stay with everyone. When a minor or major character doesn't come back into CTU the other characters know what's going on.

Also C. Thomas Howell look like a 70's movie star or something.

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Also, to explain what I said before, Audrey could be killed off IMO because her "jobs" on the show were to stop Lynn and get Kim back to CTU. Now that those are done, the writers could choose to take her off for dramatic effect instead of starting another storyline or throwing her in with the other people at CTU.

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Also, to explain what I said before, Audrey could be killed off IMO because her "jobs" on the show were to stop Lynn and get Kim back to CTU. Now that those are done, the writers could choose to take her off for dramatic effect instead of starting another storyline or throwing her in with the other people at CTU.

It could also have to do with the fact that Kim Raver has already signed on to another pilot for next season.

Still no motive as to why she'd do it.

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Guest Ringmaster The Living Legend


Cuthbert: "Give My Character a Chance"

Actress Elisha Cuthbert is facing the critics on her return to cult TV series 24, after fans of the show previously became tired of her character's unrealistic storylines. The 23-year-old star has been plunged into increasingly ludicrous situations in the past, but she assures "frazzled" viewers Kim Bauer's journey will be more believable from now on. Cuthbert tells PageSix.com, "I understood where they were coming from with all the comments and reviews. Nothing was ever directed towards my acting, it was directed toward the storylines, and that helped. If it would have been about me being a disaster, then it would have hurt a lot because I worked my a** off to make sure the storylines were believable. I know a lot of (fans) were frazzled about it, but I think now Kim is coming back in an intelligent way that makes sense for the show."

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