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The Guitar Hero Thread


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Yeah, there's still encore animations. I can't actually tell any difference between the GHII Detroit venue and this one, although admittedly I'm too busy playing notes to notice too much.

Fade outs are a little odd, doesn't really affect anything, you just play the same bit a couple of times as it gets quieter, then it cuts out, I think on one song it's mid riff. But really, what else could they do? It hasn't been enough of a point of contention for me to rant on it as above. I guess they could have reworked it a little bit and just ended it at the last point before the fade out. Or if they were doing covers, they could rewrite the ending maybe, but then true fans of the song might get a bit pissy about them using creative licence just to stop a song fading out.

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Went ahead and got the 80s expansion today, gotta say I'm disappointed. It's missing a few characters(Not even counting the unlockable characters), some of the menus are the same(which is just fucking inexcusable, since all they did to most of them was re-color them). I'm up to tier 4, and some of the songs are pretty fun(Turning Japanese, and Holy Divah! are my favorite so far), but a lot of them are so boring. I didn't even stand up to play The Warrior or Hold On Loosely.

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A bunch of new songs confirmed by Activision for GH3, and three songs will now be appearing on BOTH GH3 and Rock Band.

Miss Murder by AFI*

3's and 7's by Queens of the Stone Age*

Raining Blood by Slayer*

Reptilia by The Strokes*

Paranoid by Black Sabbath

Cities on Flame by Blue Oyster Cult

Mississippi Queen by Mountain

And these next two were released by various web sites, but have not been confirmed by Activision.

Hearts on Fire by Hammerfall*

Heavy Metal Lady by Lions*

*-Denotes Master Track

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Most of those I don't care for, but "Reptilia" might be fun.

Also, I'm not going to bother getting Rocks the 80's until I can get it for like thirty bucks at most.

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No way. That's just too awesome to be true. Things that cool just don't happen in the real world. I refuse to believe One will be in Guitar Hero 3 until I'm playing it myself, and even then, I'll have a faint suspicion that I actually died a few seconds before I read this news, and everything after that had been a near-death delusion.

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Does anyone know if the wireless GH3 controllers are gonna be backwards compatible with the older games? I don't see why they wouldn't be but you never know.

Also, that GH3 lineup is starting to give me a boner. I'm hoping they go the GH2 route and get some more underground-yet-more-known songs for the bonus lineup like they did with Shadows Fall, All That Remains and such.

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