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The Guitar Hero Thread


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Surely it'd be better to just play a real guitar? 5 fret buttons would be far too limiting, and how would scoring work?

Anyway, Bark At The Moon can fuck off. I've been trying to do it for close to an hour now, no doubt I've ruined any chance of enjoying future listening to it. Furthest I've gotten is 44%, and that was by flukily managing to hit all the star power notes so i could skate through the trickiest parts. I can't even do the intro properly, I can just about manage the green to blue and green to yellow, but green to red seems to be a different timing and it catches me out, every time.

I'm dreading hard/expert :(

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I blew £60 on it yesterday because I had an incredible urge to play it. It's awesome, it actually feels better to play on a harder setting, as it's more like playing real guitar.

It'd be cool to have like a "jam" mode, where you can do freestyle lead guitar to a standard backing track. That'd rule.

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Surely it'd be better to just play a real guitar? 5 fret buttons would be far too limiting, and how would scoring work?

Anyway, Bark At The Moon can fuck off. I've been trying to do it for close to an hour now, no doubt I've ruined any chance of enjoying future listening to it. Furthest I've gotten is 44%, and that was by flukily managing to hit all the star power notes so i could skate through the trickiest parts. I can't even do the intro properly, I can just about manage the green to blue and green to yellow, but green to red seems to be a different timing and it catches me out, every time.

I'm dreading hard/expert :(

Well, of course it would be better to play a real guitar. But surely that rule would apply to the whole game, thus negating the whole shebang would it not?

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GH2 needs the following:

Iron Maiden - anything really, maybe The Trooper, although I bet it'll be Run To The fucking Hills if anything.

Metallica - again, anything will do. As long as it's pre nineties. I bet Enter Sandman would get the nod.

Trivium - Bit of popular modern metal, I daresay Martyr or Gunshot would be the most popular choices.

Sex Pistols - god Save The Queen, nuff said.

Green Day - Basket Case, American Idiot.

Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit - Easy as all hell, but hella fun to play no doubt.

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Jam mode, I don't think would really be all that great. As you can tell in every different song, the virtual guitar is tuned different and there's effects in there that you don't really have enough buttons for, it's just programmed in. Hitting the blue note once, might sound different later in the song.

Songs that I would love to see in:

Red Hot Chilli Peppers: Under The Bridge

Foo Fighters: Learn To Fly

Bad Religion: American Jesus

Matthew Good Band: Load Me Up, Hello Time Bomb

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I haven't wanted a computer game this much in years. It sounds like an awesome game to play casually and with friends. What's the two player like though? Do I need two guitar controllers? If so, where do I buy a second controller?

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A second guitar controller will set you back £30 on guitarhero.co.uk, or you can try ebay. It's hella fun on one player though, I've been stuck on Bark at the Moon for two days now and I'm still not bored. Incrasingly annoyed at myself for not being able to pick it up, but whatever.

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Seems pointless to buy another copy of the game, because you can't exactly dish off the game to someone else, because they'll want the guitar. Suppose you could sell it on ebay or something.

It's simultaneous play as you trade off guitar solos and whatnot. So yeah, you couldn't take turns with the one controller.

In other news, I finally beat Bark at the Moon on medium, scraped through with three stars. I've passed the first five tracks on hard, got two 4 stars and the rest 3 star. Iron Man is awesome, but the solo fucking killed me, can't pass that yet. I struggle a lot with hammer-ons/pull-offs.

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I got this tonight and spent the last 3 hours playing it and oh my god this game fucking rocks. I'm just starting on medium with the second set of songs and I can already tell I'm going to have a hard time with the 5th and 6th set of songs.

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