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Smackdown! VS RAW 2007

Guest Anti-Hero

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Guest Anti-Hero

Haha, this year's insider reference that will go over 99.9% of people's heads is in the RAW season mode, where interim GM Triple H makes himself number one contender for the WWE title at Backlash. JR says on commentary "You'd think his last name was Gagne."

For those who don't remember, last year included a little inside joke at the expense of Dusty Rhodes when Bischoff declared that the World Heavyweight championship cannot change hands in a Cage match during the month of September due to the Virgil Runnels amendment.

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It is SO irritating to lose a Money in the Bank match after 45 minutes, to Kid Kash, who you only put in the match in the first place because you thought he'd be one of the easy ones. Bastard. My own fault. I had almost got the briefcase when he started punching me, I managed to counter, and throw him off the top. Then, I used two arms to reach for the case, which I was SURE was directly above me. I fell, he miraculously recovered and won. Git.

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Haven't really read through the thread, but is it normal for J.R. and King to completely miscall moves? Everytime I hit someone with a chair, J.R. calls it the Stone Cold Stunner, and often they'll start talking about wrestlers who aren't even in the match (HHH when I'm Orton, for example).

Is this the same for everyone, or did I get a dodgy copy?

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This game is great, I hated the new controls at first, but after a few days of playing, I've fallen in love with it.

I started season mode with Edge and I'm aheaded for the 2nd WM in the season. Anyone get the Chris Masters/Trish storyline angle?? Wow, just wow, that was weird.

I feel left out because it seems everyone has X-BOX live, does anyone have the game for PS2 online?

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For the guy that asked about the dodgy commentating, I usually don't get the complete missing of moves (chair shot being called the stunner for example). However, and this has been a problem in a lot of Smackdown games, I do get the announcers calling a move before it hits.

*Edge is lining somebody up for the spear, as he begins to run Lawler yells out "What a spear!"*

Or the fact that you'll know you're being countered before it happens thanks to the psychic ability of the announcers. Sometimes if I'm feeling really cynical I'll believe that the commentators dictated the reversal. It's silly, but sometimes video game players are bizare folks.

So does anybody have any favorite characters to wrestle as? I have really enjoyed using Edge, though he's always a good guy to use in Smackdown. He always has a good move set, and his high ranking makes him a formidable opponent.

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I rented it last night for PS2 and I've had tons of mis-calls in my matches. It was Nitro vs. Kennedy vs. Mark Henry and they rambled on about Orton, Triple H, and Lashley. I'm currently at the Royal Rumble as Nitro and I'm trying to win it coming in as #8, I don't think I'll be able to though :ohwell:

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For the guy that asked about the dodgy commentating, I usually don't get the complete missing of moves (chair shot being called the stunner for example). However, and this has been a problem in a lot of Smackdown games, I do get the announcers calling a move before it hits.

*Edge is lining somebody up for the spear, as he begins to run Lawler yells out "What a spear!"*

Or the fact that you'll know you're being countered before it happens thanks to the psychic ability of the announcers. Sometimes if I'm feeling really cynical I'll believe that the commentators dictated the reversal. It's silly, but sometimes video game players are bizare folks.

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I love playing as Edge or my Christian CAW. Seriously, with 64 layers, even a mediocre CAW creater like myself can make a Christian that LOOKS as if he's in the game. Perfect.

Edge especially rules in tables matches. Lay a table in the corner, whip your opponent into it, make sure you have a finisher saved, then use it, for an AWESOME spear through the table.

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I dunno why, I spent all the time to get all the caw points, in season mode for my characters, and then once i unlocked the unlimited pointed, i remade them, and their move lists to be more realistic. Instead of everyone being maxed out, now no one breaks a 90, cause honestly, if they were real, probably wouldn't be better then Kurt Angle by any stretch of the imagination. :shifty:

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You prolly did have the choice, but you didnt see the button selection pop-up at the bottom of the e-mail, ive done that a few times

I absolutely love playing as Lashley, the guys got some great moves in his moveset, i also enjoy having unlimited EXP points, my GM Mode stats are totally different, ive changed all the overalls, guys like Kennedy and Carlito and Chavo are up to 87, 88, 89 and guys like Big Show and Batista ive decreased a bit

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Guest Anti-Hero

Y'know who else is fun to squash people as? Mark Henry. Although he looks too skinny in the game, it's still fun to smack people around with this lumbering hoss. Funny how it works out that him, Umaga and Khali are the most fun to play as in the game.

Oh, I've failed twice to win MITB on Legend. Both times I was Khali against Daivari, Kash, Psicosis, Crazy and Hardy. I figured I could beat the shit out of them, Big Boot/ladder smash them all and retrieve the briefcase. However, I wasted half an hour each on my two attempts after doing all the hard work and being beaten by Matt Hardy (and on the second go, Kid Kash). Bastards. I may have to try Umaga next, another ladder match veteran. :shifty:

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