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The Comic Book Thread (spoilers)

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Picked up the new Star Wars Legacy today and was amazed by it.

The duel between Obi-Wan and A'Sharad Hett on the outskirts of Owen and Beru's farm was awesome, and the framing story of Cade Skywalker's mother and friends mobilizing to rescue him and his own pledge to join the Sith was great as well.
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Yep The Boys is just with a new publisher now.

And anyone who said Batman : The Cult has horrid art is so beyond wrong. Bernie Wrightson was the artist. He is a god. The story, on the other hand, is pretty much so so, but it's not the worst thing ever.

Finally, the potential coincidences that existed between WWH and WWIII are just that. Both companies had long planned these events, so sorry but DC did not rip off Marvel.

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I have been meaning to get into Star Wars Legacy recently, but I have busy trying to catch up on the actual Star Wars books rather than comics. I have some of the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic tradebacks, but thats about it.

Is Legacy really worth the read before I decide to invest in looking for the first couple of issues?

I was quite excited when I heard that DC was bring back Ra's Al Ghul, as his thing in Tower of Babel (mentioned above) was beyond brillant. As for other Batman series to read, Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller is amazing and they have this huge 3 part tradeback Batman series at the shop I go to, but I cannot remember the name to save the life of me, but I do remember somebody telling me it was fuckin amazing.

Thor's comic has been really something special for me so far. After him getting gayed out by "dieing" and everything, I was supremely upset.

Course now that Asguard has been brought into our realm and Thor looks to take over the world (and really who is going to try to stop him?)

Anybody else heard about the series that is taking place after World War Hulk, AfterSmash? 4th Issue is due out sometime this week or next week I think (post phoned delievery due to Labor Day, Suck.) and the 5th due next month, any predictions on what you think is going to happen. I got a scenerio played out in my head, but it would piss off so many Hulk fans, I'll put it spoilers just to be safe.

Obviously, Issue 4 has the Hulk vs. Doctor Strange with to power of Zom and The Hulk is obviously going to mosh him big time, with the ending hopefully being The Sentry coming out of his house in all of his sexy glory.

Issue 5: The Sentry and The Hulk fight it out for all the marbles and The Sentry ends up purging the Hulk from Bruce, leaving him a shell of his former self and The Sentry looking like a BAMF, but really feels like purging the Hulk from Bruce and in a sense killing a part of Bruce was a step to far.

AfterSmash should be about Bruce trying to live without the Hulk, but realises that he relied on him and misses him, so goes through the expirement again to get him back.

Good, bad, just down right dumb? I think it sounds pretty awesome, but I am not a comic book writer... yet.

So there we go. Happy times.

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Jesus, is it me, or is Countdown the crappiest book out there? The only story that's being written in an interesting way, or remotely interesting, is Piper & Trickster's. Mary Marvel could be interesting as well, but they're more interested in drawing panty shots than fleshing out the story. And they absolutely fucked up with the Sinestro Corps storyline going on the Green Lantern's titles, because

Kyle, who had been possessed by Parallax, shows up all fine and well and remarks on being a Green Lantern again and not Ion on Countdown Presents: The Search for Ray Palmer. Also, what was up with the "Challengers" just casually and basically saying "fuck him" to the new Atom? How out of character was that?! Sure, it can be argued that they were on an important mission and didn't have the time, but I seriously doubt Kyle and Donna at least wouldn't object more than they did and wouldn't rest until they got Atom back.

Seriously, way to ruin at least one of the storyline threads, DC. How about putting some more effort into it?


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The Walking Dead is the best comic book being regularly published today. There is no arguing with this fact.

Runaways. Period. End of discussion.

However coming in close is The Loners, Walking Dead, and...err...well that's pretty much it I guess.

Oh and as for the Hulk...

Coming up in January the Hulk gets a second book. Greg Pak continues on with the third act of his massive Hulk story, meanwhile Jeph Loeb and Rd McGuinness are working on a second title. All that has been revealed is a promo piece of artwork where Hulk's face is half green and half red.

I'd almost guess that The Hulk gets split in two, with one being a mindless beast and the other being Hulk with Banner's brain, ala the majority of Peter David's run

So hey, you could be right.

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Jesus, is it me, or is Countdown the crappiest book out there?

DC in general is really fucking horrible right now. It's been one long crossover for, what, the past two years at this point, with ____ Crisis after ____ Crisis after _____ Crisis.

Like, after a certain point the only way I would buy a non-The Spirit DC comic book was if the Secret Six were in it. So naturally they break up and Knockout gets offed for Let's Kill Off Yet More Characters: The MINISERIES. It's retarded. I'm considering buying Booster Gold because it's supposed to be good and theoretically I should purchase a Booster Gold comic on principle, but. Yeah.

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Jesus, is it me, or is Countdown the crappiest book out there?

DC in general is really fucking horrible right now. It's been one long crossover for, what, the past two years at this point, with ____ Crisis after ____ Crisis after _____ Crisis.

Like, after a certain point the only way I would buy a non-The Spirit DC comic book was if the Secret Six were in it. So naturally they break up and Knockout gets offed for Let's Kill Off Yet More Characters: The MINISERIES. It's retarded. I'm considering buying Booster Gold because it's supposed to be good and theoretically I should purchase a Booster Gold comic on principle, but. Yeah.

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Jesus, is it me, or is Countdown the crappiest book out there?

DC in general is really fucking horrible right now. It's been one long crossover for, what, the past two years at this point, with ____ Crisis after ____ Crisis after _____ Crisis.

Like, after a certain point the only way I would buy a non-The Spirit DC comic book was if the Secret Six were in it. So naturally they break up and Knockout gets offed for Let's Kill Off Yet More Characters: The MINISERIES. It's retarded. I'm considering buying Booster Gold because it's supposed to be good and theoretically I should purchase a Booster Gold comic on principle, but. Yeah.

Regarding the Booster Gold comics, at least the 2 that have come out that I read, I'm enjoying it. It's a new take on the character (at least that I know of) and hey, it's working. I actually recommend it.

Booster's new book is pretty much the only DC book outside of Birds Of Prey that I read on a monthly basis. Everything else can be read in trade form as far as I am concerned. This means DC proper and not Vertigo or Wildstorm, although I actually read all of those books in trade form too so nevermind.

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The Walking Dead is the best comic book being regularly published today. There is no arguing with this fact.

Runaways. Period. End of discussion.

However coming in close is The Loners, Walking Dead, and...err...well that's pretty much it I guess.

Oh and as for the Hulk...

Coming up in January the Hulk gets a second book. Greg Pak continues on with the third act of his massive Hulk story, meanwhile Jeph Loeb and Rd McGuinness are working on a second title. All that has been revealed is a promo piece of artwork where Hulk's face is half green and half red.

I'd almost guess that The Hulk gets split in two, with one being a mindless beast and the other being Hulk with Banner's brain, ala the majority of Peter David's run

So hey, you could be right.

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How do you guys feel about new writers? Like how much chance do you give them on your book? Because I like Gen 13 but in 2 more issues Gail Simone is leaving to do Wonder Woman and I am stuck with some new guy who I have no way to know whether I should like him.

Should I give the new guy an arc to hook me? An issue? What would you do?

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It depends on the writer for me. Like, supposedly Darwyn Cooke is going to stop doing The Spirit for DC and what I'm planning to do on that front is see who's replacing him. If it's nobody that would make me immediately drop the title (hi, Frank Miller), I'll give it a tentative shot. If it sucks, I'll stop buying it.

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How do you guys feel about new writers? Like how much chance do you give them on your book? Because I like Gen 13 but in 2 more issues Gail Simone is leaving to do Wonder Woman and I am stuck with some new guy who I have no way to know whether I should like him.

Should I give the new guy an arc to hook me? An issue? What would you do?

It depends on the writer for me. Like, supposedly Darwyn Cooke is going to stop doing The Spirit for DC and what I'm planning to do on that front is see who's replacing him. If it's nobody that would make me immediately drop the title (hi, Frank Miller), I'll give it a tentative shot. If it sucks, I'll stop buying it.

If it just a standard short story arc to follow (ie, 5/6/7 issues), then I'd be tempted to say follow the entire arc and judge it after that.

Speaking of writers, who are everyone's preferred writers on here? and whom don't you like?

From my somewhat limited reading, my favourite Marvel writer is probably Brubaker. His CapAm is fantastic, his Daredevil is damned good and Iron Fist is not bad either. I also like most Bendis stuff (though, not overly sold on his Daredevil run) and J Miachel Stracynski's Thor is some kind of awesome.

DC wise, Geoff Johns and Jeph Loeb have written some good stuff (Loeb's 'Hush' is possibly my favourite arc of anything ever.)

Oh, and I must throw in Garth Ennis and Neil Gaiman. Two quality writers right there.

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I have been meaning to get into Star Wars Legacy recently, but I have busy trying to catch up on the actual Star Wars books rather than comics. I have some of the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic tradebacks, but thats about it.

Is Legacy really worth the read before I decide to invest in looking for the first couple of issues?

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Jesus, is it me, or is Countdown the crappiest book out there?

DC in general is really fucking horrible right now. It's been one long crossover for, what, the past two years at this point, with ____ Crisis after ____ Crisis after _____ Crisis.

Like, after a certain point the only way I would buy a non-The Spirit DC comic book was if the Secret Six were in it. So naturally they break up and Knockout gets offed for Let's Kill Off Yet More Characters: The MINISERIES. It's retarded. I'm considering buying Booster Gold because it's supposed to be good and theoretically I should purchase a Booster Gold comic on principle, but. Yeah.

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Heel Turn knows his shit, that's a mighty fine list, although you are severely missing Thunderbolts. If you wanted to add two to that list, X-Factor (which is always funny and adds to the storyline with every issue) and, as I said, Thunderbolts are where you should head :) I'm going to steal your list making when I get to work or get back ¬_¬

Edited by Iron-Tail Benji
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Regarding DC, I dunno if it's just me, but I'm thoroughly enjoying Justice Society, which is a first for me, because I had never picked up any JSA book before. I'm now currently tracking the earlier JSA books for a bit more of history on the team.

The Sinestro Corps storyline also is somewhat intriguing, although them making Kyle possessed by Parallax (scratch that, them making Parallax a parasite at all turned me off - and yes, I know it was first shown on the Rebirth story) and Ion being a freaking supernatural space dolphin... ugh. So, let's see: Parallax is a parasite, Ion is a dolphin, what's next? A space koala for the Star Sapphire Corps? Still, I'm willing to give it a chance.

Teen Titans seems to be picking up after a downfall in quality, too. Let's see what comes out of it with the new Titans of Tomorrow story.

Booster Gold is quality. Although there are only 2 issues out, it's one of the best DC comics out there, period.

Flash is again written by Waid, so if it's anything like it used to be, I'm all for it.

And that's all the DC defense I can muster. Feel free to dissect :P

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