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The Comic Book Thread (spoilers)

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As far as I know, Toxin only had a 7-issue limited series of his own, which is collected in Trade Paperback form, but is probably only available online at this point.

You'd have to find out what other books he was in leading up to it though, if you wanted the whole story, from start to finish (or, start to his most recent appearance.)

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man, I found so many paperbacks at Books-A-Million I wanted to buy, but I don't want to buy each volume. Do they not release all volumes in one book? I wanted to get the Civil War stuff, but it's the same way. Still can't find The Preacher at any of my local places, but I did find it at Amazon, but again, it's seperate volumes.

and the Angel Season 6 paperback isn't released yet. :(

I'm not sure what you mean, exactly.

Four to Six issues of a book usually get released as one trade paperback. Occasionally, they'll combine three or four trade paperback's to make one bigger edition, but not often, and usually only on the "big" books like Spidey and X-Men.

I mean like an entire run of a series, like the Civil War series, in one book. So I don't have to buy like three or four books.

On a different subject, I saw a HUGE fucking book at Books-A-Million (The Sandman series) that was only Vol. 2. It had to be atleast 300 pages and thick as two bibles. :shifty:

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Oh, you want all of the relevant stories involved in a crossover event, all in one book.

I'm not sure if they've done that really. The Age of Apocalypse was collected into four books. One would have been way too thick. I know House of M was collected in a series of TPBs as well, but I'm not sure about Civil War. You'd have to go down to a local comic shop and ask.

Amazon and other online retailers tend not to carry those types of TPBs. You'd have to buy all the separate books online if you wanted the whole collection of a certain crossover event. If they're collected together though and available, your local shop will be able to bring it in for you.

Sometimes it's cheaper to just buy all the necessary TPBs than it is to buy Collected Works.

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Look for and ask about the Omnibus and Absolute versions. I just bought Captain America Omnibus Volum One for example, and it features the first 25 issues of Brubaker's run, the Captain America 65th Anniversary Special, and Winter Soldier: Winter Kills one-shot all in one very large book. Good deal, and it only cost me 45 dollars. Not bad.

However I can say with certainty that Civil War has not been offered yet in the Omnibus format, if it ever will be. For now the only way to get the ENTIRE story is to buy the multiple trades.

Absolute Preacher was announced last year in passing at a con, however no official word on a release date or even if it will indeed ever coime to print. It won't feature EVERY issue in one book, as that's over 80 issues and would be a very large and unweildly book. Much like Absolute Sandman, you might get 20 to 30 issues in a single book, but not the full run. Marvel's Omnibuses generally have about 30 issues in each. The Uncanny X-Men Omnibus I am buying has UXM 94 to 114 plus Giant Size X-Men #1 for instance.

Finally, you won't see an Angel collection until the mini is completed, and it's on issue 4 now I think. Think fall.

***CORRECTION*** Think July:

Product Description

In Angel's final television season, his world ended... but his story didn't. Picking up where Season Five of the fan-favorite TV show left off, this first collection looks at who lived after that climactic battle, who died, and what happened to all of Los Angeles in its wake.

Comic: 192 pages

Publisher: IDW Publishing (June 25, 2008)

Language: English

Finally finally, a Secret Invasion 2 Spoiler:

If they reunited Hawkeye and Mockingbird just to have one or both be Skrulls BMB is a cocksucker!!!
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Wow. I have over the last week or two accquired a heck of a lot of comics. Some single issues, a load of trades and a bunch in digital format. Most of the stuff goes between early 2005 upto late 2007, so pretty much the last few years of Marvel is covered. I bought a lot, and have been given lots too.

Currently reading Iron Man - Extremis, Incredible Hulk - Tempest Fugit, Marvel Team Up and Wolverine - Agent of SHIELD and I'm actually really enjoying them all at the minute. I have here New Thuderbolts too, Im not really familiar with the original series... will I be able to enjoy this just as much as the next person?

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So I'm nearly done with the first volume of Ultimate X-Men (#1-12) and after that I'm going to read the next volume. However, after that I run into a bit of a problem because at this point I just want to only buy TPB and Volume 3 is going to be a bit of time in between. I prefer to stick to TPBs for now and want advice on where to go after X-Men. I've heard great things of Spiderman but I'm wondering if there is anything else on the TPB shelves that would be worth checking out.

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What's happening in Uncanny X-Men at the moment, I've always been a fan of X-Men and when I'm next near the shop I'll pop in and buy the comic. But would anyone care to update me? In this thread or by PM would be great.

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SS, this is the story following Messiah Complex:

The X-Men have gone their seperate ways, with Cyclops pondering disbandment (and telling Tony Stark that they already have disbanded, as to avoid registration with the SHRA).

Wolverine, Colossus and Nightcrawler went on a European road trip to the latter duo's home countries ,which ended with them captured by Russian authorities, who want to know how it is that Russia has lost all of its mutants on M-Day while the X-Men still have their powers.

Angel, Cyclops and Emma Frost are in San Francisco, which has been transformed into its '60s-style counterpart by someone being called the Goddess. Angel, like the rest of SF, has been turned into a hippie, and Cyc & Emma have come to his rescue.

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OK, Thunderbolts 120 spoiler:

Was it just me, or was the Green Goblin's return just awesome? After months of watching Norman as a bureaucrat behind a desk, it was awesome seeing the Goblin kicking Swordsman's ass all over the place and crucifying him in his own insane way. It made me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
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I just finished reading Messiah Complex (and Endangered Species) and I have to say that it is the best comics I think I have ever read. From start to finish it is just pure quality. Twists and turns everywhere, nobody is out of character and we finally find out who the X-traitor is. ES and MC make up for the shiteness that was House of M.

If you haven't read it, read it.

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I've been reading a hell of a lot of recent-ish Marvel stuff at the minute, currently really enjoying Annihilation.

One thing I haven't really looked at is Daredevil. I wanna read something pretty modern, and go from there keeping in mind I no very little about DD's history other than his first few years which I read in Essential Daredevil.

Recommendations folks?

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Most people will say Bendis' run, but I wasn't impressed.

Kevin Smith's volume 'Guardian Devil' is excellent, if a bit word heavy, and I find the art terrible. The first volume of Ed Brubaker's run, 'The Devil, Inside and Out vol. 1' is simply brilliant too, maybe one of my favourite's, though Brubaker's run as a whole descends somewhat from the end of it. 'The Devil, Inside and Out vol. 2' is fine, but then it gets a poor.

So, for Daredevil, I highly recommend those two volumes, Guardian Devil and 'The Devil, Inside and Out vol. 1'

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