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The Comic Book Thread (spoilers)

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Batman Detective comics are awesome, I'd defo recomend it. I love the writing, and I love the art. I seem to be collecting that comic and Uncanny X-Men right now, waiting for issue 500. I took a look at Moon Knight #20, the first story, with new art, looks awesome. But older Moon Knight didn't intrege me so much. Anyone here read Moon Knight? Anyone can tell me if it's any good?

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Re-reading the Road To Civil War and at Spider-Man's issue I really have to question, why did they screw with Spider-Man's status quo so much? I loved him working with/for Stark, his life seemed to be working and there were some genuinely enjoyable issues. After 20 odd issues of "Brand New Day" continuity, all I can think of is how sick I am of the new style and how much I wish they'd go back.

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Re-reading the Road To Civil War and at Spider-Man's issue I really have to question, why did they screw with Spider-Man's status quo so much? I loved him working with/for Stark, his life seemed to be working and there were some genuinely enjoyable issues. After 20 odd issues of "Brand New Day" continuity, all I can think of is how sick I am of the new style and how much I wish they'd go back.

You're far from the only one that thinks that way. I was loving the direction they were taking Spidey...actually making some changes to a continuity that really needed some freshening up and was getting just that. At this point I'm basically sick of Spider-Man...they've fallen back into the same old hole he's been in for ages, only this time he's not married. That is of course until they end up having him and MJ remarry a year or so down the line.

Honestly they have Ultimate Spider-Man to retread over all of Peter Parker being single and working for the paper, I wish they've have continued to take Amazing in it's new direction to freshen it up and make it exciting. Seems like Marvel is scared to make too many drastic changes to the Spider-Man formula since it's so "iconic" or something of the sort.

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I was all for the change initially, even if I hated the way they got there, anything fresh in comics I'm more than happy to embrace, but instead of fresh stuff I feel like I'm reading some kind of parody of Spider-Man, it's so self mocking it's beyond all belief, out of its era and totally not what I want to read with a modern Spidey.

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I'm trying to think of some stuff for two girls that don't read comics at all, but I want them to. One said she likes Ben Templesmith's stuff, but she gets confused when it comes to actually reading dialogue in the right order. The other's my girlfriend, who will read anything I tell her to. She just hasn't read comic books because she never really got into it.

So, I come to you guys for advise. My girlfriend is a MASSIVE Batman fan, so I already know of Batman stuff to recommend to her, but any help for both? I'm thinking something that has both a good story and amazing art.

I dunno about any of Frank Miller's Batman stuff. The story is great, but personally, I absolutely despise the art style and I can't see them getting into it. Anyyyywaayyy.

So far I have:

Bone (both)

A Killing Joke (girlfriend)

Arkham Asylum (girlfriend)

Batman: Long Halloween (girlfriend)

Batman: Year One (girlfriend)

Batman: Hush (it wasn't my favourite, but it's Batman and it's still pretty good, girlfriend)

Gotham Central (girlfriend, I haven't personally read it, but I've only heard good, so why not?)

Fell (both, another Ben Templesmith book, people should read it)

The Watchmen (well, fuck, obviously both)

JTHM (I love this book, the art's simple and rad, it's surprisingly deep, and a fun and short read)

That's just off the top of my head. I'm sure there's more I could think of if I really tried. Also, I'm trying to stay away from stuff that hasn't been going on forever, simply so they don't have to read up on the mass amounts of history to understand things.

Edited by Will.
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Runaways is always my number one recommended book for a girl who doesn't read much or any comics. It's much more character development and interaction than it is super hero stuff, plus it's just goddamn good. I haven't read it, but Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane is an all ages read that they say is quite good and has actually developed a female fanbase. They seem to be able to get into it. My ex wife also read and devoured Manhunter at DC. Maybe it's because it's a woman, or maybe it's because it's well written with some damn good art, but she really enjoyed that. If either of them like high octane adventure stories with a hint of superheroics, I can't recommend the Chuck Dixon issues of Birds Of Prey enough. Hell the Gail Simone stuff was solid gold, but the Chuck Dixon stuff was less super heroey and more action movieish. Finally I'd recommend any of the X-23 minis or NYX. Just some off the top of my head.

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Just went to Hastings, and they had some new stuff in, but ultimately is pretty old probably. Anyway, the two main things that I saw (or didn't see) were they had Angel: After The Fall, Vol. 1 in hardback, and then just the regular ATF comic on their comic rack. And second... no Watchmen. :( I checked the graphic novels (all anime/magna), science fiction books and the regular comic trade paperback section, and nothing. Thought it was pretty weird.

I'm not happy that they're releasing ATF in volumes, unless that's how they usually do it before a complete book comes out. I don't know how this works.

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It depends on the length of the series and how well it sold in individuial issues. There is no norm though.

Watchmen will likely be hard to find for a few months. DC is letting their old print runs sell out before they release a new 200k prin run later this year to coincide with the movie.

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After watching Batman Begins (to hype myself up for TDN) I figured it's probably a good idea to start collecting Batman comics, problem is it's near impossible to work out where best to start. Seeing as I'll NEVER eventually work out what the fortnightly comic storylines are going to be about can anyone reccomend any trades (I think that's what they're called).

I heard that Frank Miller just started the whole story again by scratch and that's probably an idea where to start but what trades are there in this universe and do they have to be read in a certain order (Like for example bad guy A dies in Book B but because the numbering system isn't shown in trades he'll 'come back to life')

So far I've ordered:

  • Batman Year 1 (Frank Miller)
  • Batman The Dark Knight

And am looking at the Killing Joke and something called Hush

Hush kinda confuses me a bit because i've seen two versions of it


V2 http://www.amazon.co.uk/Batman-Hush-v-Jeph...5053&sr=8-1

Are they two different books, are they the same book but reprinted or are they something I shouldn't be looking at until Book Z or is it not worth the money.

So what would be the main reccomendations after the two I listed?

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Hush kinda confuses me a bit because i've seen two versions of it


V2 http://www.amazon.co.uk/Batman-Hush-v-Jeph...5053&sr=8-1

Are they two different books, are they the same book but reprinted or are they something I shouldn't be looking at until Book Z or is it not worth the money.

You're looking at Volume 1 and Volume 2. I found it to be surprisingly enjoyable, but it's a bit nerdcore and perhaps unapproachable for someone new to Batman comics. I'd say give them a shot and see what you think.

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Actionpad has been warned. Jairus won't be, because he didn't actually come out and say he'd done it yet. Anyone else doing this will be warned and suspended since I've now blatantly said that offering illegal uploads of comic books to people on the boards is clearly against the rules. It's illegal warez, one of the oldest rules on the board. Come on people.

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