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The EWB Band 100 III


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Yes. A lot of my friends do it, and it annoys me, although I'm not sure why. They'll claim one band is their favourite one month and then change it the next month. And I'm not saying thats what people on here are like, but its always with smaller bands.

Like I said, it annoys me, but I guess some people are just like that, and can't really help it.

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Is anyone else disturbed at the lack of bands such as the Beatles and the Rolling Stones on lists, and the overwhelming amount of "no name" bands at #1?

That's because it's a FAVOURITE list, not best or most musically changing, it's opinion. The fact The Beatles sucked something awful in my honest opinion has nothing to do with it, they were far better off as a 'boy band'.

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Guest seattlebandfan9

Is anyone else disturbed at the lack of bands such as the Beatles and the Rolling Stones on lists, and the overwhelming amount of "no name" bands at #1?

That's because it's a FAVOURITE list, not best or most musically changing, it's opinion. The fact The Beatles sucked something awful in my honest opinion has nothing to do with it, they were far better off as a 'boy band'.

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Is anyone else disturbed at the lack of bands such as the Beatles and the Rolling Stones on lists, and the overwhelming amount of "no name" bands at #1?

That's because it's a FAVOURITE list, not best or most musically changing, it's opinion.

Pretty much.

Though I tend to go for "all time favourite" rather than what I like this month. Reuben, Clutch and Paradise Lost are on heavy rotation for me at the moment, but I've chosen my favourite over the past few years at least. It changes, but only if a band is really good.

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Is anyone else disturbed at the lack of bands such as the Beatles and the Rolling Stones on lists, and the overwhelming amount of "no name" bands at #1?

That's because it's a FAVOURITE list, not best or most musically changing, it's opinion.

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Guest seattlebandfan9

I personally don't mind the Beatles, but the hype about them being one of the greatest bands ever is the most overused and overated statement of time.

Total bollocks.

The Beatles broke musical boundaries for fun. Really, they did.

They were the first 'pop' band to be taken seriously, to sell a million records, and they were doing it whilst combining their pop sensibilities with a really strong grounding in rock'n'roll, which they'd learned with three years on the gruelling Frankfurt scene in the late 50s and early 60s. The whole "boy band" thing is also anachronistic, as every boy band around is merely copying the Beatles' early look/appeal whilst being roughly worthless musically, which the Beatles never were. The "Beatlemania" craze was something this country had never seen before, at least not on such a massive scale, and it went global too - all of your crazed boyband fans running about after NSync and O-Town just wish they were around for Beatlemania, which started it all.

And, aside from that - musically. They did more than any band, before or since, has done in that realm, with the POSSIBLE exception of Bob Dylan. Largely through Dylan's influence, they turned away from the music they had been making, and started making progressive rock albums with a wealth of influences from all over the world - Rubber Soul, etc say hello - and this was the first time a so-say 'pop' band had ever had the nerve to break with expectation like this, with again only Dylan really before them, and certainly no British bands to speak of.

Their influences in turn influenced others - the psychadelic, trippy sounds of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, Magical Mystery Tour, and Revolver in turn influenced guys like The Small Faces, Joe Cocker, and Cream, etc - and pretty much laid the groundwork for generations to come. Want to make accessible pop music with credibility? Go look at Please Please Me, Help, etc. Want to make introspective, intelligent progressive music? The White Album should be among your research. Hell, want to make American soul-influenced albums? Rubber Soul! Trippy Eastern music is your bag? Sgt Pepper! Just about anything they did, they did brilliantly, and they did in such a way as they made it their own, and they practically invented genres.

The Beatles also pretty much invented dance music, in a very prototypical form obviously, but the seeds go right back to them.

Whether you think The Beatles were good or bad, whether you think Ringo can't play for toffee or McCartney can't sing, etc etc, saying they're not one of the most important, influential, and greatest bands of all time is a very hard argument to make stand up to anything like evidence.

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Ocean Colour Scene > All other 'Britpop' bands.

It's quite sad that all of Oasis best work seemed to come when their songs consisted of like 4 chords.

And The Beatles are awesome, but I didn't put them in my list purely because they're not a band I listen to all that often. Yeah, they may be great. But they're ovciously not one of my top 10 bands if I rarely really listen to them. I much prefer the 'psychadelic phase'. I remember first hearing "Revolver" and thinking "Wow, my dad listened to this...awesome"......now he likes Kylie Minogue :pervert:, but don't we all.

The 'problem' with The Beatles, and the reason why so many people 'dislike' them in my eyes is that fact that their songs are 'simply' and thinly scored. And in this day and age 'the kids' want 'stuff to happen' and have 'cool effects' and stuff. I dunno. Or that's what I think.

Edited by BillyGunnPinchedMyBum
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I personally don't mind the Beatles, but the hype about them being one of the greatest bands ever is the most overused and overated statement of time.

Total bollocks.

The Beatles broke musical boundaries for fun. Really, they did.

They were the first 'pop' band to be taken seriously, to sell a million records, and they were doing it whilst combining their pop sensibilities with a really strong grounding in rock'n'roll, which they'd learned with three years on the gruelling Frankfurt scene in the late 50s and early 60s. The whole "boy band" thing is also anachronistic, as every boy band around is merely copying the Beatles' early look/appeal whilst being roughly worthless musically, which the Beatles never were. The "Beatlemania" craze was something this country had never seen before, at least not on such a massive scale, and it went global too - all of your crazed boyband fans running about after NSync and O-Town just wish they were around for Beatlemania, which started it all.

And, aside from that - musically. They did more than any band, before or since, has done in that realm, with the POSSIBLE exception of Bob Dylan. Largely through Dylan's influence, they turned away from the music they had been making, and started making progressive rock albums with a wealth of influences from all over the world - Rubber Soul, etc say hello - and this was the first time a so-say 'pop' band had ever had the nerve to break with expectation like this, with again only Dylan really before them, and certainly no British bands to speak of.

Their influences in turn influenced others - the psychadelic, trippy sounds of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, Magical Mystery Tour, and Revolver in turn influenced guys like The Small Faces, Joe Cocker, and Cream, etc - and pretty much laid the groundwork for generations to come. Want to make accessible pop music with credibility? Go look at Please Please Me, Help, etc. Want to make introspective, intelligent progressive music? The White Album should be among your research. Hell, want to make American soul-influenced albums? Rubber Soul! Trippy Eastern music is your bag? Sgt Pepper! Just about anything they did, they did brilliantly, and they did in such a way as they made it their own, and they practically invented genres.

The Beatles also pretty much invented dance music, in a very prototypical form obviously, but the seeds go right back to them.

Whether you think The Beatles were good or bad, whether you think Ringo can't play for toffee or McCartney can't sing, etc etc, saying they're not one of the most important, influential, and greatest bands of all time is a very hard argument to make stand up to anything like evidence.

They still weren't that good, though.

RK, you have been beaten. Seriously, nobody is denying their influence, but as a band in itself, taking them only from listening now, they were not anywhere near the best.

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And The Beatles are awesome, but I didn't put them in my list purely because they're not a band I listen to all that often. Yeah, they may be great. But they're ovciously not one of my top 10 bands if I rarely really listen to them.

The 'problem' with The Beatles, and the reason why so many people 'dislike' them in my eyes is that fact that their songs are 'simply' and thinly scored. And in this day and age 'the kids' want 'stuff to happen' and have 'cool effects' and stuff. I dunno. Or that's what I think.

I don't mind The Beatles, but I too don't listen to them often enough to really list them. I do agree with the "simple", "thinly scored" sentiments, along with the fact that because of them, they can sound a little dated personally.

In a time when you can seriously get music to sort all tastes, people don't have to settle on the Beatles also, so though they may not be getting high votes on these, I'm sure quite a few people do dig The Beatles, just not to the same extent as other bands.

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Is anyone else disturbed at the lack of bands such as the Beatles and the Rolling Stones on lists, and the overwhelming amount of "no name" bands at #1?

That's because it's a FAVOURITE list, not best or most musically changing, it's opinion. The fact The Beatles sucked something awful in my honest opinion has nothing to do with it, they were far better off as a 'boy band'.

Thank you.

If the list was like that Led Zeppelin should and probably would be number one on most everyones list. What lines didn't they breech and who didn't they inspire?

What lines didn't they breech? None. Plenty of people had shamelessly plagiarised poor black blues musicians long before Jimmy Page got round to doing it :shifty:

They were a good band, but it pisses me off when people say that any band was "the best ever" as if it's fact. I'd rather listen to The Lucksmiths than Led Zeppelin, The Beatles or The Rolling Stones. I couldn't give a toss whether you think the other bands are better, I prefer The Lucksmiths. Art is objective.

I liked Led Zeppelin a while ago, now I see them for what they are, a talented band, but far too much pomp and pretention (and solos. Fucking solos.), with the vast majority of Page's guitar parts, especially in the early days, shamelessly stolen from other artists. Hell, they even stole entire songs on several occassions. And then in the latter days, they were about as pretentious and overblown as any band has ever been. Everyone who complains about hair metal being OTT, or prog rock being OTT, that's not even half as bad as latter day Zeppelin.

The Beatles were a great and influential band but, for the most part, have aged horribly. The Beach Boys were better.

I couldn't give a fuck how influential those bands were. Plenty of bands have been better since. Yeah, The Beatles may arguably have been the best band around at that time (I disagree, but let's just play Devil's Advocate), but that means fuck all when you look how many bands there have been since that have surpassed that. Influence doesn't equate to talent. Timing doesn't equate to talent. If I could travel back in time, and play an Avenged Sevenfold song in 1970, it would still be a shite song.

Oh, and Pulp > Britpop. Pulp formed in the late 70s, I don't consider them exclusively part of the 90s Britpop scene as so many people do, as much of their best work was recorded well before that, although Disco 2000, Common People, Sorted For Es & Wizz et al are all superb, naturally.

Edited by Skumfrog
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What lines didn't they breech? None. Plenty of people had shamelessly plagiarised poor black blues musicians long before Jimmy Page got round to doing it :shifty:

They were a good band, but it pisses me off when people say that any band was "the best ever" as if it's fact. I'd rather listen to The Lucksmiths than Led Zeppelin, The Beatles or The Rolling Stones. I couldn't give a toss whether you think the other bands are better, I prefer The Lucksmiths. Art is objective.

I liked Led Zeppelin a while ago, now I see them for what they are, a talented band, but far too much pomp and pretention (and solos. Fucking solos.), with the vast majority of Page's guitar parts, especially in the early days, shamelessly stolen from other artists. Hell, they even stole entire songs on several occassions. And then in the latter days, they were about as pretentious and overblown as any band has ever been. Everyone who complains about hair metal being OTT, or prog rock being OTT, that's not even half as bad as latter day Zeppelin.

The Beatles were a great and influential band but, for the most part, have aged horribly. The Beach Boys were better.

I couldn't give a fuck how influential those bands were. Plenty of bands have been better since. Yeah, The Beatles may arguably have been the best band around at that time (I disagree, but let's just play Devil's Advocate), but that means fuck all when you look how many bands there have been since that have surpassed that. Influence doesn't equate to talent. Timing doesn't equate to talent. If I could travel back in time, and play an Avenged Sevenfold song in 1970, it would still be a shite song.

Oh, and Pulp > Britpop. Pulp formed in the late 70s, I don't consider them exclusively part of the 90s Britpop scene as so many people do, as much of their best work was recorded well before that, although Disco 2000, Common People, Sorted For Es & Wizz et al are all superb, naturally.

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The Beatles were a great and influential band but, for the most part, have aged horribly. The Beach Boys were better.

The Beach Boys? Are you kidding me? All of their work pre-Pet Sounds is ridiculously dated that, to me, sounds like cheesy novelty bullshit. Plus "Surfin' USA" is just a rewritten version of a Chuck Berry song that was far better when it was a Chuck Berry song.

Pet Sounds is amazing, yes, and "Sail on Sailor" is a beautiful song, but jeez. I'm not denying their impact or their success, but I can't fucking stand that stuff.

Conversely, The Beatles are my favorite band of all time. Not because they revolutionized blah blah blah, not because they had amazing impact, but because I just think they were a great fucking band. Their range is wonderful, their songwriting is catchy, the musicianship is fantastic, and they were just incredibly cohesive. It all comes down to a matter of opinion, as said before. I didn't simply put them on top of my list because I thought they deserved to be there due to accolades and impact but rather because I felt they deserved to be there because I have never listened to a single album as many times in the space of one weekend as I did with Abbey Road and "A Day in the Life" and "Strawberry Fields Forever" are, to me, two of the best songs ever made.

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