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I've been listening to nothing but a shit load of Paramore, both All We Know is Falling and Riot! are good albums. I usually don't care about other bands like Paramore, but god damn it there songs are catchy.

I've gotten ahold of a few of A7X's new songs and they're alright, nothing like the last album was, but they're still good.

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I've been listening to Saul Williams' new album Niggy Tardust. Its a really solid cd. Its hard for it too live up to Amethyst Rockstar but it is doing a fine job. My favorites songs so far are Tr(n)igger and Black History Month. Its just a really solid CD. There are no bad songs.

9/10 from me.

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Maroon 5 - It Won't Be Soon Before Long

This is my album of the year & despite what other people say, there are some really great songs on this album while the rest of it is filled with a lod of fun pop songs (excluding Wake Up Call, hate that song). I also think this album is better than Songs About Jane, which was hit & miss. All of their songs are catchy in their own right, but if you're looking for something similar to "This Love" you're going to be disappointed as this more soul & retro influenced album. "Until You're Over Me", "Goodnight Goodnight", "If I Never See Your Face Again" & "Won't Go Home Without You" are probably the best songs on there, including the bonus tracks. Overall, I'd give it a 9/10.

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Velvet Revolver - Contraband: 8/10

One of the best Rock n' Roll bands out right now and this album proved just that. The band's first album and they blended together perfectly IMO. Slash's rifts were epic at times such as the one for Slither which was the first song released and argueably the best of all Velvet Revolver's songs. The best songs I think are: Slither, Loving the Alien, and Dirty Little Thing.

Avenged Sevenfold - City of Evil: 9/10

A band that I believe are destined for great things in the future, possibly the next Metallica, although I'd rather them keep to their work on City of Evil than their grittier, more Metallica influenced stuff in their new self-titled album. This album was their break through album which many loyalists called their selling out album, thats a completely ridiculous thing to say and they should be ashamed of themselves... Anyhoo, about the album. The music is some of the best Metal/Hard Rock I've ever heard. Synyster Gates and Zacky Vengeance are a great duo of guitarists and its shown with so many great riffs in the songs, mixed with the talents of the The Rev on drums and Johnny Christ's bass skills, and finally the unique singing of M.Shadows, and you have a special album called City of Evil. Best songs IMO are: Beast and the Harlot, Seize the Day, Trashed and Scattered, and Betrayed.

... I rambled...

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Never rated any CD's in this thread before so I'll throw in a few. I got all these about a week ago for my birthday and there all I've heard for a while.

Foo Fighters - In Your Honor

This ones a grower. The first listen through was very meh, but now I love nearly every track on their. The songs are quite hard to get out of your head to (espiacally Friend of a Friend, In Your Honor and Hell.) My only grievance is that the first CD is advertised as being loud and none of them are really that loud, except maybe Best Of You. But that still isn't that loud.


Bowling For Soup - A Hangover You Don't Deserve

How can anyone not love this album? Fun cheesy pop rock, great lyrics and just general awesomeness. Mark my words if you hear it you will fall in love with Almost.


Metallica - ?

I don't know what this albums called, windows media player says its a self entitled album, shops say it hasn't got an album name and I like to call it the Black Album. The album we're talking about here is the Metallica album with a completely black cover. This album surprises me. Most songs are stellar but not great like I thought. The Unforgiven, Sad But True, Nothing Else Matters and Enter Sandman are all frickin awesome. But the others are listenable, but just not up to that great Metallica standard you'd expect. All the songs I listed are really worth listening to though, the into to Enter Sandman is just awesomeness and the lyrics of The Unforgiven are second only to The Unforgiven II.


Green Day - International Superhits

Gold. Pure gold. With a track list containing Welcome To Paradise, Basket Case, When I Come Around, Good Riddance, Nice Guys Finish Last how can this not be worth picking up? Granted its not a record you'll want to put on repeat and grab a broom and dance around your room singing (......that never happened) but it is great.


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Alexisonfire - Crisis

Remember, it's "Alexis On Fire":P. A band with some great riffs, an awesome singer, let down by the generic shouter. Thanks to him, he nearly shattered my skull when playing the first song on the album in uni with headphones in. :angry: . If only insted of him, they had someone who actually sang the angry parts, ie a Wes Scantlin (Puddle Of Mudd) or something style voice. Had several songs from the album before my friend gave me all of them.

Stand-outs are "We Are The Sound", "Rough Hands", "This Could Be Anywhere In The World", "Mailbox Arson", "Bolied Frogs" and "Crisis". Hell, thats six of the eleven songs, and others ain't listed as I'll probably have to get used to them.

Overall: 8/10

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If only insted of him, they had someone who actually sang the angry parts, ie a Wes Scantlin (Puddle Of Mudd) or something style voice.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but this is just ridiclous. You want Alexisonfire to sound like another band. Do you realise how inane that is. There already is a Puddle of Mudd. Why should another band try to be JUST like Puddle of Mudd? Screaming is what generally sets Alexisonfire apart. The screaming is a good idea. They actually really suck now because they like to have that pussy Dallas Green sing all the songs. Their first CD was amazing. Watch Out was alright. And Crisis? Unlistenable and flat out boring.

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Caribou - Andorra - 8.5/10

The type of breezy electronic-based indie-pop that charms from the onset of "Melody Day" up until the finale "Niobe". There's no other word to describe this album other than beautiful. Soothing voices and fantastic orchestration often cover the fact that the subject matter is on the dark side, and Andorra is the type of easy listening that is actually pleasant and relaxing to hear as opposed to obnoxious.

Minus the Bear - Planet of Ice - 8/10

Wow, it's like a poppier version of The Mars Volta who know how to control their experimental tendencies. Awesome.

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If only insted of him, they had someone who actually sang the angry parts, ie a Wes Scantlin (Puddle Of Mudd) or something style voice.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but this is just ridiclous. You want Alexisonfire to sound like another band. Do you realise how inane that is. There already is a Puddle of Mudd. Why should another band try to be JUST like Puddle of Mudd? Screaming is what generally sets Alexisonfire apart. The screaming is a good idea. They actually really suck now because they like to have that pussy Dallas Green sing all the songs. Their first CD was amazing. Watch Out was alright. And Crisis? Unlistenable and flat out boring.

Again, own opinion. I wasn't saying that the screaming guy or the whole band should be like POM, I just meant, IMO, that the the screaming parts would be better turned down a notch from that voice that I hear on most songs from similar artists. Keep the passion, just make it clearer, as personally, off the top of my head, the only screaming part I can understand is the first line of his on "Rough Hands"< which is "She says I swear too much...".

I not much of a fan of the whole genre that they perform to be honest, and have only heard songs on Crisis, so I can't compare them to anything before, and their sound (on that album at least if you're saying they're different on other albums) just sits right with me. Angry enough, but not full of growling .

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Michale Graves - Illusions

So the new Graves CD is in part a collaboration with Damien Echols (who if you don't know is one of the West Memphis 3, if you still don't know... look it up). Echols contribution was in the form lyrics for 5 of the songs. Unlike previous albums by Michale Graves this CD is mostly acoustic, including a re-recording of (the Grave's written) Misfits' song "Dig Up her Bones", and a live acoustic version of the Misfits "Saturday Night" (also written by Graves). Graves also re-recorded the song "Teenage Monster" (from his first solo CD "Punk Rock is Dead") The CD comes in at about 46 minutes which is about as long as both of Graves Solo CDs (the aforementioned "Punk Rock is Dead" and "Return to Earth").

Lyrically there is a departure from the standard horror punk fare from Graves which is part of what the album is about. The lyrics of Graves and Echols do work well together, and do tie the album together, however, the re-recorded Misfits' songs do seem a little out of place here.

The acoustic style of the album does allow Graves to show off his voice, which is a good thing.

Overall, if you like Michale Graves solely for "Horror Punk" stay away from the CD. If you enjoyed the songs from Graves (the band... his first project after leaving the Misfits) and Gotham Road (in particular songs like "You Awful Me" and "Say Something") you will probably be into this album.

For people who like numbers... I'll rate it 9 out of 10. I am a huge fan of Michale Graves, and this album really shows off his voice, and allowed him to do things a bit differently (again most expect horror punk from the man).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alkaline Trio - Grimsom 8/10

I got into them after having Mercy Me as myspace music for a while and this album is great. I can really live myself into their music, which gives the album a lot of value in my book

Standout tracks: Burn, Mercy Me, Settle for satin

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nightwish - Dark Passion Play

The new Nightwish album is terrible different :(

'Once' was a very small step in the wrong direction. Most songs were at least very listenable. Some were great. But the album gave off a definate "let's try to get some songs into the mainstream charts' vibe ('Wish I Had An Angel' being a clear example. Not that it's bad, just... poppy).

But now they're an emo shitfest like Evanescence. I mean, 'Cadence For Her Last Breath'? That's not a fucking Nightwish song title. And the song itself is... well, it fits the title, let's leave it at that. Either the new chick has changed shit, or they wanted to change shit anyway. Whatever, it's not the singer's voice that's bad. She's probably actually better than Tarja; at least, has less of an accent (which isn't always a bad thing, but is in Tarja's case :P), it's the whole band changing into something I don't like at all. Good luck to them and all that, but... wagh. I want the guys that wrote 'Oceanborn', 'Angels Fall First' and 'Wishmaster' back :( It's hard to believe that the people that wrote one of my top ten albums of all time, Over The Hills And Far Away, are the same people - bar one - who wrote 'Dark Passion Play'.

In conclusion, I'm sure they'll do very well for themselves, and will probably be at Download next year, where they'll go down a storm. But they're not Nightwish any more.

Edited by Farmer Reil
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Guest djthemic

foofighter's Learn To FLY Anyway, guys have you heard the History of Howard Stern-Day 1? Check what I've found, they will be airing today the History of Howard Stern: Day Two. In the next installment of this groundbreaking five-part radio documentary, get the real story of Howard's first days at DC-101. Hear Episode 2: Howard's Radio Journey Begins repeated all day on howard100. Ohh I remember I saw a holiday special going on for Sirius radio might want to check it if you wish to purchase cheap price of satellite radio it's in here freeradio/shop . Thanks.



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Soundgarden - "Badmotorfinger"

Holy shit is it good.

I already had the first 2 songs, and by the 4th song, "Jesus Christ Pose", I loved the album. Chris Cornell in a band is genius, from Soundgarden to Temple Of The Dog to Audioslave, he is god.

I already had Soundgarden's later album "Superunknown" and love it, I heard that Badmotorfinger was harder so didn't what to expect. While it is harder, it's still the Soundgarden I love. At this rate, I'll have to get the later "Down On The Upside" album (which is apparently softer again than Superunknown) and their early EP stuff, then I'll have the full Chris-Cornell-In-A-Band collection, with Audioslave's 3 albums owned and Temple Of The Dog's (only) album owned.

I would name some stand out songs, but I haven't really got to know them yet as I've only had one listen. But I will put "Rusty Cage" and "Outshined" down.

Rating: 9/10

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Makeshift Romeo's self titled ep... not bad... not amazing... pretty solid.

Angels and Airwaves I-Empire. If you liked the 1st angels & airwaves album you should like this one. Its pretty good. though the songs do tend to blend together during listening and i often fail to even register when a new song starts.

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