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Orlando Bloom = Orlando Shit.

Guest Ringmaster

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Guest The Ringy Complex

Why does he have work? Sure, he's good looking, but he's the worst actor ever. I'd rather see Chris Klein on my screen then this turd. I'd even rather have Fitzy on my screen. Just get him the fuck off the screen, please, and keep him out of any good movie again, ever.

He ruined my enjoyment of Elizabethtown, damn it, and I love my Cameron Crowe and that's one movie too far. :@.

I'd say he's the worst of this new wave of actors and should be wiped off the face of the earth.

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Lies. He was in the Lord of the Rings and that was the best three movies ever. The one scene where they were fighting for that ring after the other scene where they were fighting for the ring was brilliant. Also, I loved that one ending after the other ending after the other ending. That was awesome.

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Lies. He was in the Lord of the Rings and that was the best three movies ever. The one scene where they were fighting for that ring after the other scene where they were fighting for the ring was brilliant. Also, I loved that one ending after the other ending after the other ending. That was awesome.

There is only one return, and it ain't of the king.

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Lies. He was in the Lord of the Rings and that was the best three movies ever. The one scene where they were fighting for that ring after the other scene where they were fighting for the ring was brilliant. Also, I loved that one ending after the other ending after the other ending. That was awesome.

God, no they weren't.

And Orlando Bloom was a perfectly fine straight-man in PotC/PotC II, but that's about it. In LotR I can't really remember him actually acting ever.

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I love Orlando Bloom's one facial expression. It's at its best when he's taking the key from Davy Jones in Pirates 2. Is he intrigued? Nervous? Concentrating? No, he's just Orlando Bloom.

Oh, and by Pirates 2 they'd realised that the best parts of his role in the first film were getting knocked out in comical ways, so that was fine.

Edited by Skumfrog
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Lies. He was in the Lord of the Rings and that was the best three movies ever. The one scene where they were fighting for that ring after the other scene where they were fighting for the ring was brilliant. Also, I loved that one ending after the other ending after the other ending. That was awesome.

God, no they weren't.

And Orlando Bloom was a perfectly fine straight-man in PotC/PotC II, but that's about it. In LotR I can't really remember him actually acting ever.

I think he was taking the piss.

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I love Orlando Bloom's one facial expression. It's at its best when he's taking the key from Davy Jones in Pirates 2. Is he intrigued? Nervous? Concentrating? No, he's just Orlando Bloom.

Oh, and by Pirates 2 they'd realised that the best parts of his role in the first film were getting knocked out in comical ways, so that was fine.

I was going to bring this up; and it's the reason he's had work all the time. The man has an undeniably brilliant chin, and it's always pointing outwards, so you can see it more than his one wonky eye. Every scene in Lord of the Rings; he's slightly angled North East, and allowing his magnificent chin to take centre stage. Every scene or every film he's ever been in; I swear that's what he's doing.

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Lies. He was in the Lord of the Rings and that was the best three movies ever. The one scene where they were fighting for that ring after the other scene where they were fighting for the ring was brilliant. Also, I loved that one ending after the other ending after the other ending. That was awesome.

God, no they weren't.

And Orlando Bloom was a perfectly fine straight-man in PotC/PotC II, but that's about it. In LotR I can't really remember him actually acting ever.

I think he was taking the piss.

Yeah, I would have recognized that if I had read the entire post. Smooth, GoGo.

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I love Orlando Bloom's one facial expression. It's at its best when he's taking the key from Davy Jones in Pirates 2. Is he intrigued? Nervous? Concentrating? No, he's just Orlando Bloom.

Oh, and by Pirates 2 they'd realised that the best parts of his role in the first film were getting knocked out in comical ways, so that was fine.

I was going to bring this up; and it's the reason he's had work all the time. The man has an undeniably brilliant chin, and it's always pointing outwards, so you can see it more than his one wonky eye. Every scene in Lord of the Rings; he's slightly angled North East, and allowing his magnificent chin to take centre stage. Every scene or every film he's ever been in; I swear that's what he's doing.

I have to admit, the man has a damn fine chin. That's the kind of chin children wish for for Christmas.

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He was great in Extras.

Perhaps 'great' is a bit strong. But meh :shifty:.

He wasn't bad in Kingdom of Heaven either. No worse than Clive Owen was in King Arthur (mind you, it's really fucking difficult to be worse than Clive Owen was in King Arthur).

And to be fair, he didn't have a lot of acting to DO in LotR, other than helpfully explain the plot in a disguised fashion.

Edited by Cap'n Jean-Luc Picaaaarghd
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