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Final Fantasy XII

Riceman 4K

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Guest Grapehead

I just got myself up to Level 20 in a very short period of time. All you do is get one or two quickenings, then go to Giza Plains where the Werewolves are and combo three quickenings to trigger the special move thing and bam, one Werewolve is dead and you just run. Go to the save point, recharge your MP, go back and finish off the other. If you do this when you only have Vaan, you'll get 1200 exp per Werewolve, and level up like mad.

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I'm 11 hours into the game, just got back to Bhujerba after being on the Leviathan, and to me the progress of the story is quite painful and I've yet to really dig any of the characters by their personalties. The battles aren't bad and Licenses actually works quite well, but the whole "Dungeon" theme so far just bores me when it seems like in a hour worth of playing the game that is going to take up 40 minutes while you get 10 minutes of story and then the other 10 minutes consists of buying/selling items or doing something that isn't going to advance the story.

If I had to give it a score out of 10 I'd have to say a 5 is about right.

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Yeah, I know it's supposed to have storyline purposes. But for all intents and purposes, it's crap. It's supposed to be able to destroy nethicite, supposedly the most powerful force in the game, yet it can barely scratch the Mr. Nethicite High Judge when you fight him next. I'd stick with my katana, thank you very much.

And I agree with you on how mind numbingly slow the game is going. I'm in the middle of the Salisawood, where you fight the Giant Bomb, and when I found out it can heal itself, I couldn't be arsed to fight it any more, and stopped there. Since then, I haven't touched it, decided to go play Gears of War instead. Seeing as I have COD3 and SDvRaw and Medieval Total War 2 (with diary with TEOL to write) to keep me busy with next, I don't see myself beating this game for a long time.

Plus, I'd like to question the amazing lack of character development in the game. I mean you have Penelo, Vaan, Fran and Basch with absolutely no personality, only Fran and Basch has had any backstory so far, and the only real character with any motivation to do anything is Ashe, and she's not exactly Captain Charisma herself. Jeez.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got it for my birthday, played it for a while and then left for a week... came back and I have been playing it nonstop... absolutely great. I just defeated the demon wall and decided to level up some of my characters before heading back into the dungeon. Ten out of ten all the way, Balhimer is my favorite character all the way and he's going to have that gun dammit... even if I can give him a weapon with 45345345 more power.

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Ten out of ten all the way, Balhimer is my favorite character all the way and he's going to have that gun dammit... even if I can give him a weapon with 45345345 more power.

That's the same thing I kept saying in my head. I've taken a break from the game for a while, but plan to start playing it again real soon. Should be fun.

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The only thing that annoys me is that I see how a character can have 20 more attack power with this weapon.. but it's far down on the license system... and I don't exactly WANT to rid them of a specific weapon.. but I gave the handaxe to... Basch I think and I plan on giving a spear or rod... something to Ashe. I like the liscense system, but I wish it was easier to define a specific class.

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Might I just say that the Ogir Yensa Sandsea rocked for me, the guys on the oil structures were easy to chain and gave out some good stuff, it's my first chain that's gone past ten because they're the ONLY ones there apart from one elemental I saw. I think I'm going to run back through it sometime soon as they give off decent EXP too.

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My best chain was like... 250 of the skeletons in the Lhusu Mines. Good stuff, I rocked ass in there.

I've played through to where I'm supposed to be going to Archades in one game, but I started over with a 'Enforced Class System' faq I found, with some minor changes by me (fuck no using items stupid faq maker!). The game is just too easy any other way.

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So, I started playing again and seem to be having trouble with Judge Ghis. I've decided I need to level up my characters about to maybe 13 and 14 from 12 as that might help, but have no idea if anyone knows any tricks to beat him?

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Quickenings. Seriously, they're a gem in this game. At the time I fought Ghis.. I had one on Vaan, Balhier and Ashe. The trick for me was to only use one when ONE of them were in the attacking party at the time... so it didn't drain all the mana. Then get rid of the one who casted and replace him\her with another.

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