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Gaming industry Pet Peeves


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If there is anything to say in defense of the MK franchise, it's the storyline. It's a bit out there, and a bit messy, but for the most part, it makes sense. Tekken's storyline is fucking ridiculous and does Virtua Fighter even have one? That said, Mortal Kombat Armageddon can eat my ass for taking out character-specific fatalities. I know MK is a simplistic game, but I just don't have the time to learn how to play Virtua Fighter or Soul Calibur well. And there's no fun in those games if I'm always losing. Engines for fighting games are just too damn intricate and certainly aren't novice-friendly.

You know what's worse than MKA removing the character-specific fatalities? The fact that it promoted the new system as "Kreate-A-Fatality", which is possibly the most misleading description in the world, especially seeing as it was listed directly after "Kreate A Fighter". Fuck 'em.

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If there is anything to say in defense of the MK franchise, it's the storyline. It's a bit out there, and a bit messy, but for the most part, it makes sense. Tekken's storyline is fucking ridiculous and does Virtua Fighter even have one? That said, Mortal Kombat Armageddon can eat my ass for taking out character-specific fatalities. I know MK is a simplistic game, but I just don't have the time to learn how to play Virtua Fighter or Soul Calibur well. And there's no fun in those games if I'm always losing. Engines for fighting games are just too damn intricate and certainly aren't novice-friendly.
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The problem with Tekken's storyline is that they keep having to change motivations for some of the existing characters to keep them in franchises. The only storylines that are set in stone really are:

1. The Jin\Kazuya\Heihachi storyline involving the Devil gene and Heihachi having tried to murder Kazuya years ago. Jinpachi was added in Tekken 5 and his backstory has yet to be fully explained. Jin's mother Jun is dead, but Azuka, introduced in Tekken 5, uses most of her moves.

2. Paul Phoenix keeps entering the King Of Iron Fist tournaments to prove he's the strongest fighter in the world, but keeps losing, so he enters the next one. He thought he won KOIF 3, but after he left Ogre morphed into True Ogre and the tournament continued, so he was more or less disqualified. He got defeated by Kuma in the next tournament.

3. Ganryu keeps entering trying to impress Julia, who is in love with but who won't give him the time of day.

The other characters' motivations for entering keep changing from game to game, and either King or Marduk's ending (I forget which) in Tekken 5 makes King look like an idiot, because he goes from wanting to avenge Armor-King's murder by Marduk, who goads him into entering the KOIF 5 by fighting wearing Armor-King's mask (thus disrespecting AK's memory), to becoming Marduk's tag team partner.

Azuka hasn't been explained; she's a Kazama, and her fighting style and facial features make it seem to be that she is Jun Kazama's daughter (making her Jin's sister or half-sister depending on whether Kazuya is her father or not), but in Tekken 5 her and Jin don't recognize each other. Her exact parentage and where she's been all this time, as well as who raised her if Jun is her mother, haven't been explained yet. (My memory escapes me, but I think there's actually a reference to Azuka being Jin's cousin, not sister)

My biggest gripe with MK: Deadly Alliance, aside from Moloch being probably the cheapest boss to ever be included in a fighting game, was Scorpion's ending. Let me get this straight: even if you soundly defeat Moloch and that other character whose name I can't remember, his ending says they defeated him and sent his soul back to Hell? I DON'T THINK SO!!!

(Btw, if you haven't ever played DA and ever do, easiest way to beat Moloch is to use Johnny Cage and just use the Nunchuks relentlessly - I beat him several times without taking any damage at all that way, because I never let up enough for him to get any hits in)

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the only MK I liked was the original and the one with Stryker in it. I only played tekken tag and found it ok but pully off some of Kings moves were hard as hell . I like SC and VF because while some characters have long combos others do not and you can easily have good matches whether you use those long combos or not.

if I remember correctly VF4 does have a story can't remember exactly what will have to put it in in a while and look and see what it is.

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The other characters' motivations for entering keep changing from game to game, and either King or Marduk's ending (I forget which) in Tekken 5 makes King look like an idiot, because he goes from wanting to avenge Armor-King's murder by Marduk, who goads him into entering the KOIF 5 by fighting wearing Armor-King's mask (thus disrespecting AK's memory), to becoming Marduk's tag team partner.

Well that's just typical wrestling for you as Triple "You dropped me from 30 feet in the air whilst trapped in a car" H/Steve Austin can attest to. Granted it's not "You killed my brother you dirty rat" but still it's something.

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The other characters' motivations for entering keep changing from game to game, and either King or Marduk's ending (I forget which) in Tekken 5 makes King look like an idiot, because he goes from wanting to avenge Armor-King's murder by Marduk, who goads him into entering the KOIF 5 by fighting wearing Armor-King's mask (thus disrespecting AK's memory), to becoming Marduk's tag team partner.

Well that's just typical wrestling for you as Triple "You dropped me from 30 feet in the air whilst trapped in a car" H/Steve Austin can attest to. Granted it's not "You killed my brother you dirty rat" but still it's something.

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The other characters' motivations for entering keep changing from game to game, and either King or Marduk's ending (I forget which) in Tekken 5 makes King look like an idiot, because he goes from wanting to avenge Armor-King's murder by Marduk, who goads him into entering the KOIF 5 by fighting wearing Armor-King's mask (thus disrespecting AK's memory), to becoming Marduk's tag team partner.

Well that's just typical wrestling for you as Triple "You dropped me from 30 feet in the air whilst trapped in a car" H/Steve Austin can attest to. Granted it's not "You killed my brother you dirty rat" but still it's something.

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