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Well, I didn't watched them today, I watched them yesterday ...but here goes.

Knocked Up - Decent enough comedy. I imagine it will easily get a 15 certificate/R in America for the amount of language in it...didn't expect that much. A funny comment from it was when Seth Rogen is arguing with Paul Rudd, and Rudd comes out with "You're like Babe Ruth's gay brother...Gabe Ruth." Ain't heard that one before, but then again, I ain't american...so excuse me for liking that.

1408 - It has to be said, I expected more from it. It's one of those films where it will get better ratings simply because of the involvement from John Cusack and Samuel L Jackson. Don't get me wrong, it was "OK", but I have the feeling that if it never had that sort of "star power" in it, people would probably like it less.

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Hellboy Animated: Blood and Iron 8/10

The second in the Hellboy animated series, after the VERY average sword of storms, Blood and Iron is a great DVD release. Featuring a cracking story, not to mention a clever one, a good script and good voice talent, Blood and Iron is great stuff from it's starting scene which features a couple of Hellboy giggle-worthy one-liners, and Abe's kick-ass entrance. A large part of the film is a story set in 1939, and these parts have a great, classic Dracula-esque mood to them.

The only complaints are minor, there are one or two slightly too convenient parts in the plot, but these only occur at minor points anyway, and s few of the villains are dispatched a little too easily.

This would be good if it were a cinema film, but as a DVD release, this is sodding excellent. Add some fun if short extra's, and a mini-comic and this is a great package.

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Films I watched over the weekend,

Ichi The Killer: 9.5/10 or 10/10 Watched it again with a friend. I love it even more now.

Wayne's World: 9/10 One of my favorite comedies.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show: 8/10 I like it more now than I did with my first viewing.

Halloween: 8/10

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War: 7/10

Not a great movie, but I enjoyed it...even if almost everyone's Japanese was laughably bad. Not as much action as I would have liked, but I really enjoyed the twist at the end.

Shoot 'Em Up: 6/10

I was really looking forward to seeing this one, and though the action didn't disappoint, the whole movie just felt really unbalanced...action sequences were too short, a lot of the comedy fell flat, the plot development (all of which I could have done without, honestly) was rushed...it was just a really weird movie overall. There were a lot of cool or funny moments, but the movie as a whole just didn't work for me.

Balls of Fury: 8.5/10

The highlight of my day. Awesome performances by the whole cast (especially the side characters), and I loved finally seeing Jason Scott Lee, Diedrich Bader, and That Guy That Played Shang Tsung In Mortal Kombat again.


3:10 To Yuma: 8/10

Was fairly disappointed until the last third of the movie kicked in and made up for the slow start and middle. I mark hard for Peter Fonda, too, and it was nice to see him playing something other than an old stoner. I also liked that they didn't just stick to the original movie's ending.

Edited by Doc Funky
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Pulp Fiction: 9/10.

This movie just never gets old, a real classic. I really like Tarentino's cameo in it as well.

Clerks II: 10/10.

I swear this gets funnier everytime you watch it, one of the funniest films of all time, the LoTR/Star Wars scene is magic, the Pillow pants scene, the porch monkey scene. Fuck, the whole film is just magic.

Casino Royle: 6/10.

Never been a big Bond fan, the opening sequence is brilliant and really gets you into it, but then it just kind of drags off after that and I got less interested by the minute.

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Talking of Shoot 'Em up ....how long were Christian Cage (and I'm sure I've seen Jericho's name credited somewhere) actually in the movie for? I'd imagine they were really short parts, but have wondered how long we actually see him/them for.
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The 1408 - At the start I thought this was going to be awesome, but it seemed to drag out near the end. It could have been far better. I still liked it though.


Need some help here. There is this movie out now, may not even be out yet but its about this guy and some girl find out their neighbour is doing all this crazy shit, like killing people etc? Anyone know what its called?

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Shoot 'Em Up 7/10

Silly story and plot and plot-holes and conveniences. Preposterous but good action scenes. Fun. Clive Owen throws out so many one-liners your bound to find a few funny.

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3:10 to Yuma 8/10

A very good movie, with very good performances from Russell Crowe and Christian Bale. There is the odd little silly plot hole towards the end, but overall this is very good stuff.

Superbad 7/10

I feel 7/10 is a tad harsh, but it's not a 7.5! Superbad has a good amount of laughs, but with a not small amount of awkward bits. Its not amazing in any area, and does seem to go on for about six ice ages. But it is funny, and 'McLovin' is a great creation.


The Crow 8/10

Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back 8/10

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Dragon Wars: 7/10? ... 5/10?

Part of me says that a seven is a really, really big stretch for this movie, because the sequences with the humans are horribly, ridiculously cheesy and awful, and a lot of stuff just comes completely out of nowhere. But the other part of me says a seven is about right because dragons do wreck shit and blow stuff up, which is all I really wanted out of the movie. Either way, it could have used more Dragon and more Wars.

Death Sentence: 8/10

I've always liked revenge movies, and this one didn't disappoint. I loved how bloody and dark it was, though I was just a tiny bit disappointed that I didn't get the shotgun decapitation that the stairwell scene was just begging for.

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Shoot 'Em Up: 7.5/10


As Crank previously proved, stupid and ridiculous movies that KNOW they're stupid and ridiculous and don't TRY to be anything else can be a load of ripping tongue-in-cheek fun.

Owen, Giamatti and Bellucci all play their roles well and the cinematography and shooting effects add to the feel of the whole thing.

Of course you shouldn't take it seriously but it's comments on gun culture and gun law are interesting in amongst more shooting sequences (during sex, in a gun factory, in a house, while parachuting.....) All good fun and well presented.

In such a movie I can overlook plot holes, stupid physics, ridiculous situations all for a bit of a laugh with the mrs cracking up at the whole "baby on the roundabout" scene.

So ultimately a good entertaining movie well presented and decently acted.

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To those wondering about Christian (Jericho wasn't in it):

In the scene in the plane, behind the man running for President, that's where Christian is. His appearance is seconds long. Nothing more. Oh, and he wasn't wearing sunglasses. He's very distinguishable.

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Three Burials 8/10

aka. The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada

I was expecting a modern western, in the sense that I was expecting a western that was made recently. Instead, it's a modern western in the sense that it's a western set today, and even then isn't much of a western at all, giving this the most misleading DVD cover ever. Its still very good though.

After a dull opening half hour, the film really picks up into a very good drama, with a very good performance from Barry Pepper, and an excellent one from Tommy Lee Jones (who also directs). Once it get's going the story is engaging, and the bleak cinematography is great. Three Burials has a good story, with a great script which also means the film does a fantastic job of making you change your opinion on characters as the film goes on, and allows for tonnes of character development, mostly for Barry Pepper's character who goes full-circle convincingly.

It's not perfect though, aside from the dull opening act, there are a couple of times when the audience has to take a leap of faith (the second and main time being a desetrt 'chase' in the middle of the film that barely makes sense), and a 'mini-twist' towards the end serves no puropse other than to add five minutes to the runtime of the film.

This is still a very good, engaging film with excellent performances, once it gets going.

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Death Proof (Extended Cut): 9/10

Personally, I have nothing against releasing the movies separately, as Death Proof and Planet Terror are separate movies. Grindhouse was the cinematic experience of watching the two movies back-to-back in an excellent fashion. I'm just disappointed that the trailers were not added as special features.

Now I eagerly await the release of Planet Terror, and in a couple years probably the deluxe box sex edition of Grindhouse.

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