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Gone Baby Gone: 9/10

An Early Best Picture nominee. Ben Afleck should really start writing and directing more, and Casey Afleck was amazing and may be one of the best actors in our generation. One more thing, I saw the trailer for No Country For Old Men and it looks absolutely fantastic....I can't wait.

Edited by Laice07
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2007) - frantically trying to pull a 7/10 and almost coming close.

A surprisingly entertaining film, with some good action scenes and a good plot. A bit too often in the first third is aims too much at kids, but this isn't as big a problem as the action-quota picks up. The GCI is a bit crappy though, I don't like the look of the models much at all. Anyway, it's enjoyable for the action and the plotting towards the end.

Edited by Big timmayy V
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The Comebacks

There was almost nothing funny in this movie, and I actually enjoy some of the more recent parody movies like Scary Movie 4. This film was awful though, even when you excuse the cliche plot because, as a sports movie parody, it has to have that plot.

Mad Max

The age of the film and it's small budget are pretty apparent, but that final scene is still cool as hell.

Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday

Had some cool kills, but I didn't like the whole switching from body to body part. That was lame.

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Hard Candy


This movie is about a girl who accuses a fashion photographer of being a pedophile. She tricks him into inviting her into his home, she attacks him, ties him down and then castrates him...I was ready to beat the shit out of her by the end of the movie...

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American Gangster: 9/10

Great performances by Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe to go along with a great outing by director Ridley Scott and you get this movie. I can't find a single thing about this movie that I would change. Just a great, great movie; I really enjoyed it.

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The Predator.

That's a fucking awesome action flick. Any movie with Carl Weathers, Jesse Ventura, Arnold Schwarzeneger and the Predator ( :shifty: ) can't possibly be bad. The story isn't deep, but fuck, who needs a deep storyline when you have commandos fighting against an elite alien hunter? The special effects aren't bad either for the time period, and the final battle between Arnie and the Predator is one of my favorite action sequences in any movie. That last sequence is reminiscent of the old story "The Most Dangerous Game", based on the concept of predator and prey.

I recommend this for those that want to sit back and watch a good action flick.

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The Proposition

Ok, so a movie set in Colonial Australia, starring Ray Winstone, Guy Pearce (uttering a dozen words all film as an Irish outback Clint Eastwood) and a nicely off-kilter John Hurt and with a screenplay and soundtrack written by Nick Cave unsurprisingly didn't set the world alight when it came out.

But it should have.

Thankfully and rightfully it won a nice smattering of awards and deserved them due to it's fantastic music, beautifully understated yet savage plot, spot-on acting (ESPECIALLY the phenominal Ray Winstone and a pleasingly introverted Guy Pearce) and some great cinematography and visual flair.

I'm more than happy to hit this with a very high 8.5/10 because it's just THAT GOOD.

Please hunt it down and watch it.

18 certificate - swearing, bloody violence, head explosion, scenes of rape and torture.

Edited by ChrisSteeleAteMyHamster
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Bee Movie: 8.5/10

The Bee Movie is a movie that theoretically should have been a disaster. It involves a bee falling in love with a human, who later sues the entire human race. It lacked all common sense and logic. And the laws of physics and ecology were just ignored completely. It's also worth mentioning that 70% of the jokes are pathetic puns about bumblebees.

It is a great movie though. First of all, because of the voice acting. Jerry Seinfeld ("Barry") and Peter Warburton ("Ken") especially. Everything they said had me crying with laughter. Even when the jokes were awful (which was often), they were still delivered to perfection.

The cameos by Ray Liotta (who was involved in one of the greatest scenes I've ever seen in an animated movie), Chris Rock, Larry King, and Sting were also hilarious moments that made Bee Movie a must see movie this year. In terms of comedy movies of 2007, only The Simpsons Movie surpasses it.

The Bee Movie would have been unbearable to watch if it tried to take itself seriously. Intentional stupidity was the right way to go. Give Bee Movie a chance, you won't bee disappointed.

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Cruel Intentions - 7.5/10

Consider me stunned...Roger Kumble made an amazing film with Ryan Phillippe and Sarah Michelle Gellar being the leads. And somehow his writing and outright stylishness with the story managed to make the fact that Phillippe is not buyable as the sexual god he is seen as in the movie or SMG isn't great at showing acting ability completely obsolete. Of course, he pried from the right source material, the novel used as the basis for Valmont and Dangerous Liaisons, and managed to make the twists work well. By the final fifteen minutes, you see the brilliance of the film's payoff. Hell, soundtracking it to "Bittersweet Symphony" alone should get somebody a studio exec's job and it does a brilliant job of saying all that's truly left to be said. And amazingly, by the end, they actually got me to cheer for Reese Witherspoon. Bravo.

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Eyes Wide Shut: 9/10

I don't get the hate this movie gets, I thought it was superb. Yeah it was the worst Kubrick movie I've seen so far, but that's not exactly saying a lot. If I knew it was gonna be this good, I would have taped it off last night (yes, I'm really cheap).

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Friends: The Last One

I just watched it at home & besides Pheobe driving plus Ross & Rachel FINALLY getting back together, it's probably one of the least funny episodes of Friends I have ever seen. Plus the last line felt out of place too, it barely got a laugh even if it did fit Chandler's character to a tee. So yeah, 5/10.

EDIT: I just rewatched it & I've changed my mind completely, 8/10.

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Planet Terror (a fun factor of) 8.5/10

This is awesome, and more enjoyable than Death Proof IMO. The style is great, I love the humour, I love the soundtrack and I LOVE how hot Rose McGowan is in this. A fuckload of fun.

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Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - I was bored so I hunted it down and decided to watch it, because I've seen it hyped up here so much over the past few years. I thought I'd be let down but I wasn't, and it was amazing. Just a fantastic all-around film. I loved how everything came together as the film progressed. 9/10.

American Beauty - felt a bit down, and bored at the same time, so I decided to watch my favourite film to cheer myself up. I was doing maths work at the same time, but I can never rate it any less than 10/10. I don't think there's anything to dislike about it. It's the perfect film.

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Final Fantasy: Advent Children


I was let down by this film. I came in with high expectations and got some absolutely ball-suckingly bad voice acting and The Cloud & Tifa Show. I mean, don't get me wrong - Cloud's always been the main character - but in a surprise twist (!), he's by no means my favourite. I'd have much rather seen more of Barrett/Cid/etc. etc. Touching back upon the voice acting thing, what the fuck was with Rude's voice? Seriously, at some points it seemed like there were 5 or 10 second gaps in between every word he said.

Anyway, not bad, but certainly not what it was hyped to be.

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28 Weeks Later: A much more focused film that the first, now that the writers have managed to juxtapose moments of surreal calm with balls to the wall shaky-cam panicking without having to resort to the absurd "Lets go shopping and drive around the countryside in a London cab!" portions of the first. Oh, and none of that preachy shit about rape and stuff . For some reason the character deaths in this one seemed especially powerful, even though the main kids are annoying as hell.


Edited by Gongsun Zan
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My friends and I have been in a Star Wars mood so we've been trying to watch them all. I've only seen Episodes 2 and 4 all the way and I've seen enough bits and pieces of 5 and 6 to piece them all together but not in one sitting. They've been watching the original trilogy while I'm at work and stuff but I finally saw Episode 1 after the OSU/Michigan game and watched some of Episode 2 yesterday. I can see why people hate the prequels. But we rented Episode 3 and have to get around to watching that soon.

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