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Atomic Twister - Zack Morris saves the state of Tennessee from a nuclear meltdown? FUCKYEAH! 16/10

Tormented - An odd film. Funny in places, but there are massive plotholes that makes the pre-determined outcome unbelievable. 6/10

Up - Almost cried twice, and I now want to own a dog and a Kevin. Pixar films will be remembered for years to come just like your Snow White's, Dumbo's and Beauty and the Beast's are today, and it's fully deserved. 9/10

A Dog's Breakfast - Featuring a good ending and the world's greatest cameo. Makes me want to watch Stargate Atlantis. 7/10

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(500) Days of Summer

Hello first movie I've ever cried at the end of. This eerily parallels my current situation, so it was fucking heartbreaking to watch. But I suppose it gives me hope.

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Away We Go - 8/10 - Watched this about two weeks ago and loved it. I didn't expect much going in and I found it really quite funny. Nice little indie movie.

Zombieland - 9/10 - I loved it. It was just awesome, fun and packed full of comedy. Quality film.

Smallville Season 6 - 7.5/10 - Has a really good start and a really good finish; but a really 'meh' middle. The Lex/Lana/Clark trianle was outright boring.

Fringe Season 1 - 10/10 - Loved it. It's really gripping and I find Walter hilarious. I seriously reccomend picking up this show. It's action-packed and it just keeps getting better.

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True Romance - 9/10

Finally got around to seeing this thanks to Netflix. Really fun movie that has some great scenes. Christian Slater has always been a favorite of mine. I'll have to pick this up eventually to add to my collection.

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I figured not owning Terminator 2 is pritty sad so i finaly got out of my way and bought the Skynet BluRay that just got released (at least in germany, it think the uk had it for a while).

I watched the extended cut version (no idea what they actualy changed, it´s been a while) and have to say what was said before.... best sequell ever, one of the best SciFie Movies ever.... and from what i have seen very good extras. (i love the conclusion in wich they actualy stoped the war.)

Sound and Video qaulety is A+.

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Stan Helsing - 6.5/10

The usual piss take comedy that has been done to death. I don't mind though as I still enjoy these. Had some fun moments.

Zombieland - 8.5/10

Great movie with a tonne of laughs and a tonne of fun. Eisenberg is yet again awesome, isn't he always though? Just something different and great to watch.

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Tormented - An odd film. Funny in places, but there are massive plotholes that makes the pre-determined outcome unbelievable. 6/10

Rented this the other day because the bird from Skins is in it.

It was ok, but the ending was kinda meh. After watching the opening scene, I at least expected some sort of twist.

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Jabberwocky - It's decent, but the first half is slow and the comedy misses a lot. 7/10

Halloween - Working my way through the Halloween series, because I hate myself and want to die. I still jumped a couple of times, which is rare for a second viewing, nevermind the first one. 8/10


Tormented - An odd film. Funny in places, but there are massive plotholes that makes the pre-determined outcome unbelievable. 6/10

Rented this the other day because the bird from Skins is in it.

It was ok, but the ending was kinda meh. After watching the opening scene, I at least expected some sort of twist.

Re: The main character who is framed for murder. She was elsewhere with her old friends when at least one killing happened in the art room. Hello alibi!

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Chaos (7/10)- I knew nothing about this movie coming in other than the fact that it starred Jason Statham, Ryan Phillipe and Wesley Snipes. That's good enough for me. I figured it'd be nothing more than a typical action movie but the story was somewhat interesting and the there was a nice twist at the end. Perfectly acceptable.

Breach (7.5/10) - I love dramatic movies that are based on real stories and this definitely qualifies. A really interesting story about the largest security breach in US history. It's been sitting on my shelves for the better part of a year now so I figured I'd give it a watch. Totally wasn't disappointed.

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Zombieland: 8/10

A fun little film. The Comedic cameo had me in stitches!

Where The Wild Things Are: 9/10

I can see why some people might not like it but thankfully I'm not among them. I adored this film; the wild things themselves are technical marvels and the Cinematography is so far the best I've seen this year. I must mention the boy (Max Records) who plays Max was perfect....one of the best child performances....ever.

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Punisher: Warzone

8/10, sweet jesus that was retardedly good. And by that I mean good, in an entirely retarded fashion, cause it was horrible.

And yet, awesome.

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51st State - 8/10

I have seen it on a couple of times and never gave it a chance, until yesterday when I was bored. I loved it. Robert Carlyle is very underrated. <3

My Cousin Vinny - 7.5/10

A fun little comedy about two guys who get done for a murder they didn't commit, and their representative in court is one of the accused uncles.

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