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The biggest pile of shit I've ever watched. Ugh.

I caught that at the cinema a while ago and it was terrible. I can't even remember much of it now, must have blocked it out. I just remember shitty characters, no tension and an awful ending.

The Bourne Legacy

The movie went incredibly quickly for me. And the ending was abrupt and a bit of a let down.

Yeah, I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would minus Greengrass and Damon, but it definintely felt like I was watching the set-up to another film.

Edited by ZJ Penn
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Agreed on all points, but it kinda all added to the charm, I thought. Poorly acted at times, a concept that didn't quite pan out each time, kind of a sleazy vibe throughout, a little confusing at times, some pretty messed up stuff, plenty of scares... don't see enough of that in horror anymore.

Yeah, the webcam one actually had me jump. I really enjoyed the last segment though and wish more stuff like that was done (well) in horror films.

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I know. Considering I'm doing a film course at uni, I really thought I better catch up. I've still got loads to do, too. My problem is I really, really like going to the cinema, opposed to watching something on DVD. If they played all the films I needed to watch at the cinema, I'd have seen them all by now. I have to be in the mood to watch a film at home because there's so many distractions around and such.

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The Expendables 2 last night.

Holy shit that was fun. I was dreading Chuck Norris being in it, because he's absolutely terrible, and only made worse by the stupid meme, but even though his character was in itself just one giant Chuck Norris joke, it was the best possible way they could have used him, and I found myself laughing out loud a couple of times. You get the impression that he was the only one not realising that he was being ridiculed.

JCVD is absolutely amazing in it - the fact that we've missed out on him playing smarmy, classic action movie villains all this time he's been playing generic action movie heroes is a travesty. Possibly the best he's ever been, acting-wise.

Arnie was just so utterly ridiculous and clownish, but it worked perfectly. Stallone was spot-on, even managing to get the odd "emotional" moment to work - the whole "when we get dark, we get pitch black" speech was fantastic. Statham was magnificent, and I normally hate the guy.

Dolph Lundgren was brilliant, and I loved the references to his background in chemical engineering. One of the better little nods to their real personas.

Terry Crews was a lot of fun, and Randy Couture was great in the limited bits he had. Would have liked to have seen more of him.

Utterly absurd, ridiculous fun, and such a perfect throwback to the kind of movie I grew up with - even moreso than the original was. Exactly the right amount of self-deprecation.

I think the best way of summing it up is in the opening scene, my friend just lent over to me in the cinema and said "METAL SLUG: THE MOVIE".

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There Will Be Blood

Fucking hell, Paul Thomas Anderson really knows how to make a good couple of films. He's fast becoming one of my favourite directors and this picture lives up to the hype, especially after I'd seen Boogie Nights and Magnolia. Daniel Day Lewis deserved his oscar and I'm shocked Paul Dano didn't pick up a nomination. Heartbreaking and intense throughout.

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Just watched Pandorum.

I know it got panned, but the story & setting is fantastic. Really engaging.

Spoilers now..

In fact if you change the hunters into a more human/less super powered thing then it'd be fantastic. It felt a little too silly because of how they looked sometimes. I think it was the glowy shit, speed & strength that caused it. Their superior numbers and complete killer instinct would have been enough to make them a threat.

It's meant to be the first in a trilogy, but I doubt we'll ever see the next two.

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Best horror movie I've seen this year. Probably the best since the first Paranormal Activity.

Really? My friend and I watched it last week and thought it was pretty bleh. There were a few cool things (I liked the first VHS and the last one), but overall it wasn't very good, in my opinion anyways.

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The Possession

Went to see it with a friend yesterday.

Utter shit, DUD.

I saw this Monday and yeah, it wasn't that there was anything overly bad about it but for a scary film, I should have jumped more than twice (and one of those was because my friend was holding my hand and she jumped).

Also saw The Watch on Wednesday which was alright, funny in places but with the cast I expected better. The story was pretty naff but it was a comedy film, so I wasn't expecting too much.

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Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - It was good but this just wasn't for me. Some real fun moments, especially some of the drug imgagery and Johnny Depp's fine doing his usual shtick, but I feel this one was just a bit overhyped for me. I usually like pretty weird stuff, but it just didn't do it for me. Don't think I can explain it well.

Chungking Express - Very beautiful cinematography and some very cute and interesting moments. I liked this one, it was interesting to see a narrative with two seperate stories which had a very loose link and didn't revist the first story once it was told, not even in a cameo sequence.

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Best horror movie I've seen this year. Probably the best since the first Paranormal Activity.

Really? My friend and I watched it last week and thought it was pretty bleh. There were a few cool things (I liked the first VHS and the last one), but overall it wasn't very good, in my opinion anyways.

Fair enough. It's been getting really mixed reviews, people seem to love it or hate it.

This weekend, I've watched:

Area 407

Stupid, poorly acted, cheesy FX, but damn, I had fun watching it.


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucked up.

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