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Caught Lawless last night. Really enjoyed it too, Tom Hardy is awesome again. It's probably reached that rare point with him were I'll go to see a film just because he's in it.

As for the film it's grim, violent, funny occasionally and for the most part gripping. Guy Pearce is very good too, and as usual, a film is only improved by casting Gary Oldman.

Although it's quite distracting watching Hardy walking round in a cardigan with essentially Banes physique. There's a bit where he's walking towards a group of people and it took me 10 seconds to figure out who they were because I couldn't see past his shoulders.

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So Star Trek: TNG reruns are on, as they are every Saturday on whatever channel I'm watching on DirecTV. A lot of the episodes with Ro Laren as a central character are freaking weird.

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So Star Trek: TNG reruns are on, as they are every Saturday on whatever channel I'm watching on DirecTV. A lot of the episodes with Ro Laren as a central character are freaking weird.

I like the one where her and Geordi become invisible to the rest of the crew.

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Went to the cinema yesterday. Got the timings wrong so it was either Anna Karenina or Keith Lemon. Went for Anna Karenina. Actually really enjoyed it. Compelling plot and some awesome moustaches. Highly recommend it.

Can't believe you even had to choose between the two! Think AK will be my next viewing at the cinny.

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I saw Silent House yesterday (the American remake) and it was alright, I guess. Elizabeth Olsen is great, but she needs to work on her crying as it sounds like laughter. The movie being shot in one long continuous take is done pretty well, except some of the shots are ugly and far too blurry. The alright part comes mostly with the story that has a twist you could see coming towards the third quarter of the movie. There's probably a worse way you can spend 87 minutes of your life, though.

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Wild Hogs was on TV today, so I watched it. Then I wanted to kill myself.

It's times like that when you need to turn off the TV and go outside.

Well, it was like 1 AM, I had been sleeping from 9 AM to 8 PM leading up to it because of drinking and it was a Sunday. So yeah. :shifty:

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