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I went to a screening of Here Comes the Boom last night. I wasn't expecting much, but it exceeded my expectations. I'm sure it won't be winning Oscars or anything, but the film was clean and surprisingly funny, with some good acting as well.

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Last night i saw the sweeney. Thought the acting might suck but it was fine. The gaping plot holes were the problem. And too much of ray winstones arse.

Also saw killing them softly. couldnt really get into it, felt too much like a "isnt Brad Pitt cool?" vehicle.

Edited by ZJ Penn
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Looper - A lot of fun with a bunch of nice ideas. Was nice to see a good original kind of blockbuster with a strong cast to boot. One scene in particular really stuck with me.

The scene where Paul Dano's future self starts losing his limbs was harrowing and one of the most effective things I've seen in cinema. It made me feel uncomfortable in ways use of gore never could. A really excellent scene which will probably stick with me.

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So apparently the cinema had some sort of big cheap day thing where tickets were 50% off. So my friend and I went to see Ted and Dredd. Ted was perfectly bland and unfunny, apart from a few scenes and jokes scattered here and there, I honestly just wanted to see it because it was Mark Wahlberg in another wacky comedy role because I really enjoyed him in The Other Guys. Mind you, I've never been a fan of either Family Guy or American Dad so I guess that is why I didn't like it much. That and the embarrassing gay jokes. Dredd, on the other hand, was amazing. It was so refreshing, clean and generally awesome although it did start slow; I know the slow motion scenes were there for a reason but it got really tedious after the first four or five in a row. Otherwise, it had great atmosphere, great acting and just great characters and character interaction.

So yeah, everyone, go fucking watch Dredd, it is awesome.

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Cedar Rapids.

I remember seeing previews for it last year and thinking it looked a bit shit, but it surprised me. It's funny, heartwarming, and at one point it took a really dark turn that I wasn't expecting at all. Cast was great as well, with Isiah Whitlock Jr. stealing the show as Ron, noted fan of the HBO program The Wire ("I don't mean to brag, but I do a pretty mean impression of Omar from HBO's program The Wire".)

Also, was that the guy who played Herc in The Wire that beat Ed Helms' character up during that party scene? Pretty sure it was.

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I feel like Rock of Ages would be a lot more fun if it wasn't a musical. I'm enjoying it okay (but I'm a sucker for 80's hair metal) but they keep breaking into song and I'm just like... stop that...

Also Kevin Nash in the background distracts me too much.

And Tom Cruise kills it. He's amazing.

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Vertigo - Appreciated it, but I don't love it like a lot of people do, and I certainly can't see how it's billed as the greatest film ever made. I found parts of the plot kind of boring and the main character kind of unlikeable, but I think that was the point for some of it. Like, I can appreciate all the things that make it so good, but it didn't hit for me.

Sunrise - I've never seen a full feature silent film and I was surprised how much I liked this film considering I was so tired when I started watching it. Touching visuals and music make for a great little story.

Pi - I loved Requiem, Black Swan and The Wrestler and this was cool, but it didn't come near my enjoyment for Aronofsky's other films. It's pretty fun and has some cracking visuals and metaphors, but I don't think it's a film which will stay with me. Achieved a lot for the budget he was on and I'd be happy to make a debut feature as goos as this, cos it was fun.

The Apartment - Fucking loved it. Everything from the screenplay to the acting was top notch and I can see why it won so many oscars. I'll be damned if there's anyone that doesn't like Jack Lemmon 'cos the guy is just fantastic. Really, really liked this one.

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