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The Meyerowitz Stories - Enjoyed this. Think it basically falls in the ven diagram between Squid and the Whale and The Royal Tenenbaums, but I like both of those too so naturally I liked this. Ben Stiller's good. Adam Sandler's good in the same way I feel every time I watch Punch-Drunk Love where I wish he'd stop doing so many of the goofy, shitty slapstick comedies where he plays some slobby man-child and do more stuff like Punch-Drunk Love and this. 

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Killing Hassellhoff was far more watchable than I expected for a film I'd never heard of. Naff in bits but any scene with Ken Jeong and Rhys Darby together were just brilliant. Especially Murray's (fuck it, he's Murray) list of death methods, and the extended one in the credits. Jon Lovitz too. 

I believe it's the only WWE film I've seen too, completely by accident. Apparently Hogan was in it but they had to reshoot loads. 

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1 hour ago, Colly said:

Killing Hassellhoff was far more watchable than I expected for a film I'd never heard of. Naff in bits but any scene with Ken Jeong and Rhys Darby together were just brilliant. Especially Murray's (fuck it, he's Murray) list of death methods, and the extended one in the credits. Jon Lovitz too. 

I believe it's the only WWE film I've seen too, completely by accident. Apparently Hogan was in it but they had to reshoot loads. 

It was better than I thought it would be. And that isn't saying a lot.

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5 hours ago, stokerino said:

Just got The Death of Stalin on DVD. Love this film.

"I know the drill. Smile, shake hands and try not to call them cunts."

I just watched it this weekend. Super fun film. Steve Buscemi basically acting like his Nucky Thompson character in a political satire is all I ever wanted.

The "Who invited the bishops?" scene had me in stitches. 

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11 hours ago, stokerino said:

Just got The Death of Stalin on DVD. Love this film.

"I know the drill. Smile, shake hands and try not to call them cunts."

Imagine my surprise when it was banned in Russia.

Brilliant film though. I'm so happy they didn't bother with bad Russian accents because it was so much better with Whitehouse and Issacs accents.

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16 hours ago, K said:

Watched London has Fallen again. I love any movie set in London, and I love Olympus has Fallen. LHF obviously isn't good, but it's pretty exciting watching them blow up my city.

Have you seen Bullet Boy?

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There Will Be Blood. 

Despite the lack of real plot so to speak, this film was pretty phenomenal purely for the acting of Daniel Day-Lewis. One of the best performances I have ever seen in a movie. Plus, the cinematography really was quite good.

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Watched Ferdinand and Jigsaw over the weekend. 

Me, the missus and my step-daughter laughed at Ferdinand throughout. Decent enough.

Jigsaw was as fucked up as ever. Barely 90mins long but was a fun watch. Wouldn't bother me if they stopped there, but I'd also find time to watch another one if it's made.

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16 hours ago, Liam Mk2 said:

There Will Be Blood. 

Despite the lack of real plot so to speak, this film was pretty phenomenal purely for the acting of Daniel Day-Lewis. One of the best performances I have ever seen in a movie. Plus, the cinematography really was quite good.

I watched this again recently too. This has been my favourite film ever since I saw it at the cinema when it came out. I sometimes worry the next time I watch it again it might lose something for me but it never does. 

Probably pointless even mentioning the acting at this point, but I find Daniel Day-Lewis just weird to look at in it too. Like I look at Daniel Plainview and I just can't really see Daniel Day-Lewis in there? If that makes sense? Like if you shaved off the moustache he somehow wouldn't just look like Daniel Day-Lewis? It's weird.

Also watched this deleted scene for the first time the other day, despite owning the film also for about a decade. It's also pretty great.


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