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Lord Of The Rings: Fellowship Of The Ring- 9.5/10

The LOTR movie series has to be my favourite, and it is shown in my ratings. This movie was great, and perhaps better than Two Towers. Not sure though, will watch Two Towers again in the next week

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American Pie 7.5/10 It was funny and I mark for teen comedies (or at least the good ones like this). I've seen this movie plenty of times and my favorite scene is, of course, the nude scene but the most classic scene (and the scene the movie is forever known for) is the pie scene.

Saving Silverman 6.5/10 This was playing (on TV) at the same time as Pie but I've seen this one, too. It was pretty funny as a dark comedy and Jack Black, of course, was the funniest person in the movie.

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Maniac Cop 2- 7/10

Hell of a sequel. The Maniac Cop lived through the events of the first film and forms an allegiance with a serial killer to terrorize the city. Very interesting, and it went down a different road than the original did.

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EuroTrip : 5/10

-Way too many boobs and schlongs, not enough actual humor. While I did find the movie funny at times, the inclusion of a sausage-fest and the over-use of female breasts brought this movie WAY down.

50 First Dates : 8/10

-Feel good romantic comedy. All of Adam Sandler's usual cronies appear in the film, and every one of them made me laugh. Drew Barrymore did a good job again with Sandler as her on-screen romantic interest, and I'm kicking myself for watching EuroTrip with my girlfriend instead of 50 First Dates.

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Terminator 3 6.5/10 Okay, I went back and watched this and realized I was a little harsh to this film but it still kinda destroy the point of T2.

No Alibi 4.5/10 Lexa Doig is so cute, it's insane. Watch it if you see her cuteness on Andromeda or Jason X, but don't expect much story with this.

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In my 8 days without internet access....

Soul Plane - ** or (4.5/10) - (N)

All The Real Girls - ****1/2 or (9/10) - (Y)

Eurotrip - ***1/2 or (7/10) - (Y)

Deathstalker - * or (2/10) - (N)

Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone - **1/2 or (5/10) - (N)

Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets - **1/2 or (5/10) - (N)

Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban - ***1/2 or (7/10) - (Y)

The Fast And The Furious - *1/2 or (3/10) - (N)

2Fast 2Furious - *** or (6/10) - (Y)

Clueless - ****1/2 or (9/10) - (Y)

Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Rings - ****1/2 or (9/10) - (Y)

Godzilla - ** or (4/10) - (N)

The Chronicles Of Riddick - **1/2 or (5/10) - (N)

The Terminal - ***1/2 or (7/10) - (Y)

Saved! - *** or (6/10) - (Y)

Bowling For Columbine - ****1/2 or (9/10) - (Y)

Down With Love - ***1/2 or (7/10) - (Y)

Road To Perdition - ****1/2 or (9/10) - (Y)

Napoleon Dynamite - ***1/2 or (7/10) - (Y)

In The Cut - ** or (4.5/10) - (N)

See you in a couple more days...

Edited by Numbahs
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I was wondering where you were Numbahs....I was waiting forever to see your rating for Harry Potter...and the wait was worth it :D

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Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban:

I have never read any of the Potter books so I can't judge the accuracy of the movie compared to the book however I can make a judgement on whether or not the movie made the transition well.

I saw the second film at the cinema and I thought it did the job perfectly. it made the transition form the book onto the screen whilst managing to keep the boring bits to a minimum. However The prisoner didn't fair as well in my opinion. It seemed as if the story was only half a movie, it struck me as something that could have happened in between a more important story concerning Harry Potter. This film also dragged for me, there were no edge of the seat thrills and instead I found myself constantly gazing at the scenery rather than watching the interaction between characters. Yet I still managed to follow the sotry with no problems. This is mainly due tot he fact there was no real story being told here.

Another gripe was the fact that you never found out who won the game of Quidditch Potter was playing, instead it seemed as if it was thrown in for those that like seeing the game in the movies and as a way to introduce yet another broom stick.


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Oh, Zaz sorry about overreacting on giving a low score on Harry Potter, it was all jokes. I loved the movie, and you didn't, thats cool, I just wanted to try out my wizarding powers ;)

The Haunted Mansion: 5/10

Oh and Numbahs I'd also like a full review of Harry Potter, makes me feel good inside :P

Edited by Laice_
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Oh, Zaz sorry about overreacting on giving a low score on Harry Potter, it was all jokes.  I loved the movie, and you didn't, thats cool, I just wanted to try out my wizarding powers  ;)

The Haunted Mansion: 5/10

Oh and Numbahs I'd also like a full review of Harry Potter, makes me feel good inside  :P

The thing is, I'm a fan of the books, but I think the movies have been... well... pretty crap so far. That's just my opinion though

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Soul Survivors 3.5/10 The film started terrible, then the film got decent around the middle and showed that the film had massive potential. However, the movie had to end with a cheap ending. I won't spoil it here, but the ending is too Hollywood and feel-good.

Just Married 6.5/10 I thought the movie was good because there was actually some funny stuff here. The movie itself is enjoyable and fits the job of an hour and a half viewing well.

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