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The Lord of The Rings: The Return of The King: 9.5/10

An amazing movie. Breathtaking. I love it.

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The Big Lewbowski - 8/10

Good funny movie. John Goodman is hysterical in this movie.

High Fidelity - 5/10

Basically a whole bunch of John Cusak talking to the camera. With the occasional, "In the rain" scene.

Zoolander - 6/10

I hated this movie the first time I saw it, but I saw it again the other day, because TBS is showing it non stop, and I thought it wasn' t that bad. The Gasoline fight is hysterical.

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Dodgeball: 7/10

Some good laughs, Ben Stiller being Ben, it was good. :thumbs-up:

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Dodgeball: 7/10

Some good laughs, Ben Stiller being Ben, it was good.  :thumbs-up:

Fuckin Chuck Norris...


Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story - 6/10

It is sometimes scary how well Vince Vaughn plays comedy. Despite performances in Swingers, Made, Old School and countless other comedies, it's almost hard to not take him serious when you think of his many dramatic roles. Still, movies like this show his definite talents at playing the deadpan funny guy. If the script is a little sketchy, it is more than offset by the hilarious cast of characters, including Rip Torn, Ben Stiller and especially Stephen Root as Gordon. Maybe some points seem ridiculous, but one is so consumed with laughter that it's almost hard to notice. Thumbs up, as this is one of the better films you'll see this year from a big budget comedy standpoint.

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Broken Lizard's Club Dread


It made me laugh, but only because it was so incredibly dumb. On the plus side, the non-goodness of this film allowed for some serious cuddling action with my girlfriend...so I guess there is a place for shitty movies in my life.

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Lion King 1/2: 6.5/10

My brother bought the dvd, and I watched it. It was alright, good time-waster, and much better then the crap that DIsney threw up over the past years( Atlantis, Jungle Book 2, Treasure Planet). If you loved the first Lion King, you'd like this one, plus some of the original voices are back! Thats always a good thing :thumbs-up:

Edited by Laice_
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The Lion King 9/10 This movie is just great. It seamlessly blends in many things: drama, comedy, birth, life, death, evil, good, etc. Jeremy Irons as the voice of the villain Scar is just brilliant as well. This movie is one of the best that Disney has ever made. Also, the Nazi Germanyish song scene and the stampede scene are done brilliantly.

Another film I watched that I had seen before was Femme Fatale (7/10).

Edited by TheROC-Revolt
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Equilibrium 8/10 At first, the movie teetered between boredom and brilliance but it quickly entered brilliance with the final fight scene which could be better, IMO, than my favorite sci-fi fight scene ever, the Final Fight between Neo and Smith in The Matrix Revolutions.

Ripper 2.5/10 Another conventional near Friday The 13th knockoff.

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