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I watched Last of the Mohicans. This is an absolutely brilliant movie. I've always had an affinity for historical war movies, but this is one of the best ones I've ever seen. Daniel Day Lewis is fucking great as usual, and man is a stark contrast to his role in Gangs of New York as the Butcher.


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Little Miss Sunshine - **** out of *****

The second movie I've seen this year that I'd give ****. The last 20 minutes lays the wackiness of the situation on a little thick, but the movie is still great.


Death Trance - * out of *****

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Tolerable, but underwhelming.

Without the subject matter (aspiring wrestler) I wouldn't have gone to see it, and the lack of humour outside of the trailer snippets that have been overplayed to DEATH in the past month is a big negative.

I thought I'd like this film more because I like wrestling and Jack Black. Neither of those facts could prevent me from being disappointed at this sub-par film.



I didn't want to go and see it but I was dragged along as part of a group. Thus, I went into this film negatively, not wanting to be there and not wanting to watch it. We had the shittiest seats in the theatre because we arrived late and I was prepared to snooze off -- but despite the negativity I attached to the opening half hour (I hated it, hadn't seen the first one and was bored by the pirate concept that I'm not overly fond of) I was laughing by the end and enjoyed it overall.

It did a good job of being an entertaining film, but a poor job of being a standalone film. Maybe I wasn't paying attention, but there were some things that followed on heavily from the first film, and it wasn't until the end of the film that everything made sense to me... So yeah. Watch the first one before going to see this one and you'll enjoy it.

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V for Vendetta


Excellent movie. Simply Excellent.

I haven't watched a movie for a while that has kept me gripped for so long, and not wishing that it would end. The performances of Natalie Portman and Hugo Weaving are excellent, and the supporting cast - including Steven Fry are on the same level. The story itself was stunning - and the ending was very satifying to me, they could have done it differently but kept "V" as what he always was...rather than as himself if you know what I mean.

I can't wait to watch this again.

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Miami Vice


I hated the movie, I really did. The story was incredibly stupid and the only thing that saved it were the few decent action scenes, which still didn't do much for it. It seemed like the movie tried to hard to be original and failed miserably.

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Nacho Libre 5.5/10

Not boring per-se, but certainly a very bland film with bits that do drag. Probably would have enjoyed it less if I wasn't a wrestling fan as well. The odd funny bit.

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Quickie review - If you hated Club Dread, you'll be glad to know Broken Lizard is back in more of a Super Troopers kind of way. Fucking hilarious.

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movies I saw in last couple days.

National Lampoon's Animal House

A great movie. One of the best comedies I've ever seen. However I did slightly prefer the NL's Vacations movies more.


Jason Goes To Hell: The Final Nightmare

Better than part 7 and Jason X. But still not that good. This was definitly the strangest of the Friday movies. I'd rank it about on par with part 8.


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Brotherhood: 9/10


Just about the only word to describe it really, I think it is better than Saving Private Ryan. These foreign war films always seem to be amazing, the battle scenes in this are breathtaking as well.

I fully recomend it to anyone. Except people who are offended by violence, because this has a lot.

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