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Hard Candy

-Definitly an odd movie, not what I was expecting. I'm surprised that it basically had only a couple characters. But that gave lots of time for character development. Also I feel there is no real protagonist or antagonist in this movie. It's your own opinion, of who you think was right or wrong.


John Carpenter's Halloween

-Very spooky music, has a superb score, very good acting. I rank this as the 3rd best horror movie I've ever seen. (2nd: Shining, 1st: Exorcist)



Jeepers Creepers 2

-#1 was bad, #2 was terrible. Making a writeup explaining why its bad would just be a waste of time.


Edited by Rashid
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A couple of famous NZ exports. These movies should be avaliable in your country. Anyways here we goes:




A Weed-based movie that isn't a comedy. Well it starts out comedy like, but takes a very dark turn. 5 student's squating in an abandoned house, in NZ's famous "student shithole" Dunedin, found a stash of marijuanna stuffed in the basement. They decide to sell the dope and life the good life, but things change when the owner of the dope comes back ready to harvest the stash. A suprisingly good movie, and show's a massive amount of "scarfie" culture (the culture of the dunedin students, is infamous in New Zealand). I'd suggest tracking down this movie and watching it. Espically students.


The Locals


New Zealand's attempt at a supernatural thriller is a very so-so affair. It's definatly a good watch, but not something that you are going to buy on DVD (unless your me who bought the DVD sight unseen :P ). This movie is full of New Zealand actors who any New Zealander will recognize, and even a few from Shortland St (It seems that every New Zealand actor goes on the daily soap "Shortland Street" at some point). It also contains quite a bit of music from New Zealand rocker's Blindspott, and New Zealand metaller's 8 Foot Sativa, as the director of all their videos is also the director of this move. Mildly suggest if your bored.

Edited by iamdanielj
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Nowhere To Hide - 4/10

I don't know if it's because I'm tired or wasn't interested going into it but I couldn't get through the whole film and stopped halfway. Maybe a viewing tomorrow might change my mind.

Edited by HEEL KuLex Luger
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Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning

It's Friday. We got so many choices to see. Black Dahlia, The Departed, Jackass 2, hell even Open Season would've been good enough... But they picked this shit.

Ugh... just ugh.


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Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning

It's Friday. We got so many choices to see. Black Dahlia, The Departed, Jackass 2, hell even Open Season would've been good enough... But they picked this shit.

Ugh... just ugh.


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Dexter - Crocodile - 8/10

This was another quality episode. Showtime has been great this year with Brotherhood and now this. Not to mention Weeds and the soon to be returning Sleeper Cell (December). I wonder how Dexter is doing in the ratings. Anyways, I like this little game the serial killer is playing with Dexter where he breaks into his home and puts a dolls head on the door of the fridge or puts the entire doll body taken apart inside the fridge (or removes it).

Watch it, if you have yet to see it. You might enjoy it.

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Yesterday my life sank to a new low as I sat in bed all, sick, and watched every single episode of the first season of Survivor on TVTropolis. As gay as it sounds, I was completely obsessed with Survivor back in the day, for many years actually. It was a fun trip down memory lane as I stopped watching the more recent installments of the show. I remembered how original the show was for it's first few seasons, how well it was put together, and how you much you became involved in the casts emotions and actions. Watching it the first time around, I never really noticed how everybody goes from opportunistic and energetic, to becoming completely exhausted and emotionally drained by the end. Of course, it wasn't nearly as gripping as it was watching on a weekly basis, not knowing what was going to happen each episode, but it was still really fun. That being said, I don't think I could even do half of that all over again. I was in bed, sick, feeling like shit, just laying there, couldn't sleep, I wasn't going anywhere. I could probably catch a handful of episodes, or I would have been willing to tape the whole thing and watch them on my own time. But I can never, ever, EVER watch over 12 hours of television straight in my life. I felt like dirt. Useless dirt.

But I will give the entire first season of Survivor a solid 10/10.

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Yesterday my life sank to a new low as I sat in bed all, sick, and watched every single episode of the first season of Survivor on TVTropolis. As gay as it sounds, I was completely obsessed with Survivor back in the day, for many years actually. It was a fun trip down memory lane as I stopped watching the more recent installments of the show. I remembered how original the show was for it's first few seasons, how well it was put together, and how you much you became involved in the casts emotions and actions. Watching it the first time around, I never really noticed how everybody goes from opportunistic and energetic, to becoming completely exhausted and emotionally drained by the end. Of course, it wasn't nearly as gripping as it was watching on a weekly basis, not knowing what was going to happen each episode, but it was still really fun. That being said, I don't think I could even do half of that all over again. I was in bed, sick, feeling like shit, just laying there, couldn't sleep, I wasn't going anywhere. I could probably catch a handful of episodes, or I would have been willing to tape the whole thing and watch them on my own time. But I can never, ever, EVER watch over 12 hours of television straight in my life. I felt like dirt. Useless dirt.

But I will give the entire first season of Survivor a solid 10/10.

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Guest Ringy Loves TGChit

Dexter - Crocodile - 8/10

This was another quality episode. Showtime has been great this year with Brotherhood and now this. Not to mention Weeds and the soon to be returning Sleeper Cell (December). I wonder how Dexter is doing in the ratings. Anyways, I like this little game the serial killer is playing with Dexter where he breaks into his home and puts a dolls head on the door of the fridge or puts the entire doll body taken apart inside the fridge (or removes it).

Watch it, if you have yet to see it. You might enjoy it.

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The Departed 10/10.

This movie was fucking incredible, and it must be seen by everyone. I can't really add anymore that could sell it, JUST GO SEE IT!

Edit: Oh well fuck it, I've bumped it to 10, it's warranted though.

Why don't you tell everyone why it's really great?

Firebert says:

And there was a man named Fitzy in it.

Edited by Fitzy
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