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Anna Nicole Smith dies


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I wasn't going to post in here, because I couldn't give a fuck about her when she was alive, quite frankly, and I knew I'd just get pissed off by people saying "R.I.P" as nothing but empty sentiment as I do in every death thread ever, but I had to post just to disagree with a large part of Dukes' argument.

Yeah, it's a shame that her family lost a mother, sister, wife, whatever. That's the only part of your argument that I agree with. As for everything else you've said, I'll talk as much shit about her as I like. She was a cunt when she was alive, and I didn't care for her then, why should I start now? Just because she died? I'm not going to show her any more or less respect, I'm not going to "mourn her", I'm not going to "weep for her daughter" or anything of the sort.

And the Eddie comparison, for everyone using it, is pathetic. Not just for the reasons that he was an entirely different situation, but mostly because none of you ever knew either person, so saying it's alright to get upset when one completely distant person dies but not another is ridiculous, you only "knew" the public image, you didn't know the person. Yeah, I got more upset when Eddie died than I have now, hell this hasn't affected me in the slightest, it's not going to change my life, or any aspect of it, but the only reason is that I cared about what Eddie was doing. To say that he deserved "mourning" any more or any less than Anna Nicole Smith because of that is heartless.

Skummy hit the nail on the head here. Nobody is probably going to literally come to tears over her death unless they knew her personally but that doesn't mean that she doesn't "deserve" mourning. It would be like if for instance your mother was a drug addict who lived a terrible life and she died, you would cry over it and be mourning for days or weeks, while other people would look at it as another druggie gone. To say that she doesn't deserve "mourning" is fucking sick, so while I won't come in to say R.I.P because while her death does effect some people, this hasn't bothered me a bit because I wasn't the least bit bothered with what she was doing in her life. With Eddie I followed him since the late 90's so of course I would be incredibly sad when he died, but Anna Nicole on the other hand who I never paid much attention to anyways doesn't effect me.

My cousin was a drug and alcohol addict, lived a terrible life, raped a girl, cause nothing but grief for the family. I'm glad he's dead.

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Lowerdeck must be a fucking beacon of virtue to be able to pronounce someone's entire life a complete and utter waste. You don't know a thing about her except what the media has deemed worthy to tell you, and that is basically just the bad shit.

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And LD, this is Earth. We never had priorities. Your hypothetical Bob deserves mourning as much -- he, too, is a human being. Your personal choices don't make you less human.

So basically we can treat Anna Nicole on a higher platform simply because she was on TV and in Playboy meanwhile Bob never got anyone's attention or headlines?

AS MUCH, you spiteful nimrod. Not less -- AS MUCH. For crying out loud, if you're going to disagree, at least understand what the heck you're disagreeing with.

You DO understand he's talking about TV coverage and such?

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"Bob" doesn't exist. You wouldn't care if he had existed and died, and someone had posted a topic. Simple as that. The fact is, she's lived in the public eye, so she's died in it. It's not fair, and it's not just, but it's an unfortunate byproduct of the celebrity culture we live in.

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Let's find some 80 year old dude from Pennsylvania named Bob who just died earlier today. Loved his family, worked in a steel mill for 40 years to support them. Let's name him Bob. Bob is a much greater human being than Anna Nicole Smith will ever be, and yet he's getting two paragraphs in the middle of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Where's the priorities in humanity?
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Yeah, it's a shame that her family lost a mother, sister, wife, whatever. That's the only part of your argument that I agree with.

To say that he deserved "mourning" any more or any less than Anna Nicole Smith because of that is heartless.

Actually, we agree on more than you realize. Death is a tragedy for those left behind. The death isn't what's fazing me -- like you, she means nothing to me. It's the people like LD who basically act like she's better off dead, and that she did the world a favor.

It's too bad. Nothing more, but nothing less either.

And LD, this is Earth. We never had priorities. Your hypothetical Bob deserves mourning as much -- he, too, is a human being. Your personal choices don't make you less human.

So basically we can treat Anna Nicole on a higher platform simply because she was on TV and in Playboy meanwhile Bob never got anyone's attention or headlines?

Yes. Of course :blink:

How can we possibly treat her and Bob equally if we don't know who he is? I know you're taking an intense dislike to her personal life but thats irrelevant. Whether she posed nude, built schools in Africa, or sucked Bill Clinton off, the simple fact of the matter is that she was made known to many people and will then have an affect on them. You're acting as if it's her fault that Bob didn't get in the headlines.

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Let's find some 80 year old dude from Pennsylvania named Bob who just died earlier today. Loved his family, worked in a steel mill for 40 years to support them. Let's name him Bob. Bob is a much greater human being than Anna Nicole Smith will ever be, and yet he's getting two paragraphs in the middle of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Where's the priorities in humanity?

I pretty much paid no thought to everything else you said, as it's your personal opinion, and one I respect.

However, with this, you have to realise that while "Bob" may have been a better person, Anna Nicole Smith was a celebrity, and therefore would be put on a higher platform then said guy named "Bob". I'm not saying his passing is more or less important then hers, but that's what celebrity status will do for a person. If you haven't realised that yet, then you must be oblivious to what the difference is in the public world regarding a celebrity's passing and an unknown local person's passing is regarding media and news coverage.

And there's two things I find bad about this whole situation.

1. Why do we have a celebrity culture in the first place? Where people who do terrible things to themselves get rewarded with idolatry? Because they stand in front of a camera and entertain us? Then two...

2. For people who had real roles in movies and television, respectable roles. People who also carried themselves out in a professional and dignified manner. Those who didn't use cocaine and prostitute themselves out ... why do they get two paragraphs and a 15 second mention on the news, when this depravity gets breaking news coverage on all major TV networks and on Yahoo as if Dick Cheney or George Bush just died. Give me a fucking break. If you're going to have a celebrity culture, at least get our priorities straightened out. Respectable people who don't kill themselves are good, people like Anna Nicole and Lindsey Lohan and Paris Hilton are bad.

I bet you if Keifer Sutherland or George Carlin died right now, they wouldn't get this much attention and media coverage.

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Let's find some 80 year old dude from Pennsylvania named Bob who just died earlier today. Loved his family, worked in a steel mill for 40 years to support them. Let's name him Bob. Bob is a much greater human being than Anna Nicole Smith will ever be, and yet he's getting two paragraphs in the middle of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Where's the priorities in humanity?

I pretty much paid no thought to everything else you said, as it's your personal opinion, and one I respect.

However, with this, you have to realise that while "Bob" may have been a better person, Anna Nicole Smith was a celebrity, and therefore would be put on a higher platform then said guy named "Bob". I'm not saying his passing is more or less important then hers, but that's what celebrity status will do for a person. If you haven't realised that yet, then you must be oblivious to what the difference is in the public world regarding a celebrity's passing and an unknown local person's passing is regarding media and news coverage.

And there's two things I find bad about this whole situation.

1. Why do we have a celebrity culture in the first place? Where people who do terrible things to themselves get rewarded with idolatry? Because they stand in front of a camera and entertain us? Then two...

2. For people who had real roles in movies and television, respectable roles. People who also carried themselves out in a professional and dignified manner. Those who didn't use cocaine and prostitute themselves out ... why do they get two paragraphs and a 15 second mention on the news, when this depravity gets breaking news coverage on all major TV networks and on Yahoo as if Dick Cheney or George Bush just died. Give me a fucking break. If you're going to have a celebrity culture, at least get our priorities straightened out. Respectable people who don't kill themselves are good, people like Anna Nicole and Lindsey Lohan and Paris Hilton are bad.

I bet you if Keifer Sutherland or George Carlin died right now, they wouldn't get this much attention and media coverage.

Is your whole purpose here to just try and stir up arguments? People who crash and burn ARE the celebrity culture. We love it when famous people fuck their lives up. It's been this way for decades. So stop acting like this is some great new travesty the world has just thrust upon you.

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She was a prostitute, a stripper, and a drug addict.

What does being a stripper have to do with anything? Is someone automatically less of a person because they take their clothes off for money? If you think that, you're either very naive or one of those crazy puritan types. Many strippers fall into a stereotype, but not all of them, so don't group them all together.

As for a prostitute? Why, because she married that horny old bastard for his money? Grow up, people marry someone else for their money everyday, it was that guy's decision to give his money to whoever the fuck he wanted. He was easily blinded by a woman, how is that her fault? She's a gold digger! Gasp! Someone alert the media, someone is doing something for a ton of money! Hell, I would have blew the old fucker for $1.6 billion.

And drug addict, sorry, but Dukes has a point on the whole Eddie thing. Sure, Eddie cleaned his life up, who is to say Anna wouldn't have? Who's to say the death of her son didn't send her spiraling back down? You let me know how well you handle life after one of your children die and we'll talk about who can judge who. You know, I know a lot of you are probably a younger bunch and haven't experienced the harsh realities of life, but keep in mind there are lots of addicts out there. Not like I'm some old hand who has seen it all, but I know you guys are better than that to just say "she's a drug addict, so fuck her." Most addicts, you can't even tell because they hide it or they don't live under the constant watch of the media.

Am I fan of Anna Nicole? No. Do I care about Anna Nicole? No. Am I going to get on here and start posting "RIP" all over the place? No. But it bugs me to see that many of you can easily judge her because she had "personal demons."

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Well, I dont even know a thing about this woman. However. I'd say that if she didn't become a celeb then she probably wouldn't have been on all these drugs or whatever she was doing. That and as TGC said, you only hear the stuff in the news that can be marketed and money made from it, very little else apart from the bad stuff (or extremely good stuff) is mentioned, and thats just how things go.

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This is ridiculous. Somebody died. Some people knew who she was, and felt the need to acknowledge her death politely. If you don't want to do that, don't post.

People get less attention when fewer people know them. It makes perfect sense and is to be expected. Nobody is saying Anna Nicole Smith's life is worth more or less because she was famous.

Edited by That One Guy
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Either way, I have no idea why people are even discussing it anymore. Either you have some kind of value for any human life, or she was a bottom of the barrel attention whore. Either way, there's no need to limit who can post in these topics anyways, because there's been royal assholes in the topics for people who had some semblance of reason for any random person on the net to write three letters for them.

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Let's find some 80 year old dude from Pennsylvania named Bob who just died earlier today. Loved his family, worked in a steel mill for 40 years to support them. Let's name him Bob. Bob is a much greater human being than Anna Nicole Smith will ever be, and yet he's getting two paragraphs in the middle of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Where's the priorities in humanity?

I pretty much paid no thought to everything else you said, as it's your personal opinion, and one I respect.

However, with this, you have to realise that while "Bob" may have been a better person, Anna Nicole Smith was a celebrity, and therefore would be put on a higher platform then said guy named "Bob". I'm not saying his passing is more or less important then hers, but that's what celebrity status will do for a person. If you haven't realised that yet, then you must be oblivious to what the difference is in the public world regarding a celebrity's passing and an unknown local person's passing is regarding media and news coverage.

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Either way, I have no idea why people are even discussing it anymore. Either you have some kind of value for any human life, or she was a bottom of the barrel attention whore. Either way, there's no need to limit who can post in these topics anyways, because there's been royal assholes in the topics for people who had some semblance of reason for any random person on the net to write three letters for them.

I will assume you know what you just wrote. The rest of us might be having some issues with comprehending that however.

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