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The 10 Biggest Wankers in Rock

Herr Matzat

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I doubt he's hardly a wanker in comparison to others, but from people I've chatted with who've met him, apparently Bloc Party's Kele Okereke is quite the diva.

And on the Flowers point, though, one of my friends did mention that in some Blender interview that he seemed pretty humble and even put down his own looks. Then again, Blender is hardly the beacon of excellent interviews to begin with.

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Donny Tourette. Whichever the Gallagher is I hate (the one with the whiny-er, more nasal voice). Aaaand...Gerard Way, for the whole cancer patient thing. For sure.

I can forgive Courtney Love because she's fucking nuts.

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Phil Anselmo, even though I like him.

I'll second that, he comes across as a right cunt in almost every interview of his I've read.

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To me, Axl Rose kind of gets a pass because: a. He's a redhead, and the stereotypical thing about redheads having hot tempers is true. b. Most of the time his crap has backfired on him and he just comes off looking like an idiot rather than anything.

I can't stand either of the Gallagher brothers at all. Mainly because to me Oasis is one of the most overrated bands of all time, and because I've never seen an interview with either of them where I didn't wish the person interviewing them would knock the shit out of them before it was over.

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To be fair, I think Noel Gallagher's alright, because he clearly knows exactly what Oasis are, or at least seems like it in more recent interviews. He doesn't have a problem with putting himself, and his band, down, and acknowledging that they've ripped off older songs, while Liam still insists that they're "BEST BAND IN THE FOOKING WORLD".

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I think Brandon Flowers gets a fair bit of unjustified stick to be honest. Apart from thinking that Sam's Town was gonna be the most important record of the last 20 years, but oh well. He just seems like a bit of a shy, misunderstood guy.

I'll probably forget a few, but for my votes: Liam Gallagher, Donny Tourette, Johnny Borrell of Razorlight, Axl Rose, and of course numero uno - Pete Doherty. I actually wish he'd just hurry up and die, because it's gonna happen sooner or later.

Just as well the topic doesn't cover rap or I'd be here all day. <_<

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Lars Ulrich.

Yes, Metallica lost SO much money because of that damned Napster. Why, they had to settle for a privately owned DC-9 instead of a DC-10 :shifty:

In all fairness to Lars though, most bands don't make a lot of money from the albums, but without the sales then the record company won't get behind bands when touring and promotion are concerned. Personally I'd be worried that my music is going out at a lesser audio quality than what was intended, but then again I'm not some rich rock star.

Meanwhile I think Johnny Borrell should get raped by a knife. He defines a hack in my opinion, with even Jarvis "God" Cocker pointing out that Borrell's got the mind of a record company executive with comments about thinking they'll break America. Johnny has a big ego, his bands music is rather generic and he sings like he's having a reverse shit.

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What's wrong with Armstrong? I assumed that whenever he came off as a douche it was all for the cameras, because during his more candid moments he seems like a pretty down to Earth (well, as down to Earth you can be for a rockstar), normal guy.

I'll third Phil Anselmo. I love Pantera, but man, he comes off as a self centered, straight-up cock faced prick like none other.

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