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SmackDown vs. Raw 2008

Riceman 4K

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They put Kelly Kelly, who is next to fucking useless, in the game as a playable character, but not Maria?! Dammit. I wasn't too thrilled Maria wasn't in last year's game, but they really should have put her in as a playable character and made Kelly Kelly non-playable.

Happy that Hardcore Holly and Mark Henry aren't on the roster. Wish they had removed Torrie Wilson and put Victoria back in.

The only wrestler I can think of who isn't in the game that I was hoping would be is Kevin Thorn. Happy Tommy Dreamer is in and surprised as hell that Sabu is.

Legends roster looks meh. The usual Legends I'm sure everyone expected, plus Rick Rude and Terry Funk, and that's it?! Geez. Here's hoping for the Iron Sheik and Superstar Billy Graham in 09.

(I doubt it'll happen, but anyone else hoping for Trish Stratus as a Legend in the 09 edition?)

Looking at the roster, I'm definitely gonna be waiting to see what the word on the CAW mode is; if it sucks ass like the 07 version, I may wait until 08 reaches Greatest Hits status before picking it up. That's what I did with 07.

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I don't get why they'd waste space on Kelly Kelly and Michelle when they could have put in Cade/Murdoch or London/Kendrick. I'm disappointed that there's no Kevin Thorn either.

And what's up with Sabu being in the game? Wasn't he fired long ago? I thought RVD had a shot at being in it, but not Sabu.

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Grr, they've done it again! Another version of the same character in a slightly different attire they've put on that could be used to have a NEW character on the game and have the alternate attire as that... an alternate attire, not another character.

This time it's Triple H in a suit (why?), other times its Kane in his old mask or 25 versions of Hulk Hogan through the years.

No doubt they'll both be on there too as well, when some one else could be on there.

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Even if it weren't the WWE who decide who goes on the roster, it's still not a matter of space, of one person or attire taking another's spot. Given todays technology, they could probably fit the entire roster in the game now, but they don't because they like to put a game out every year which means they don't have the time to do it properly, and thats not even taking into account the fact that the roster is almost constantly changing, either. Personally, I'd rather have Masked Kane than Thorne or someone else who I'd only ever see on the roster screen, but thats me.

I know this series deserves it's fair share of criticisms, but I'm always willing to give the roster issues a bit of slack. I'd rather have a fantastic game with a handful of wrestlers and the ability to create more, than have a 70+ roster and the same mechanics every time, just for the sake of rounding the roster out.

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He wasn't on there last night when that was first posted on IGN. I'm curious if that was a goof like when they confirmed Eugene last year and then removed him. Maybe they just missed him.

Kelly Kelly being in shouldn't be a surprise at all since they needed a Diva for ECW.

Honestly, the roster isn't bad, in fact it's better than usual.

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I agree with Zero, I'll probably pick this up (and Fire Pro Returns as well). There are some glaring omissions (I'm still kinda ticked at no Cade & Murdoch when KENNY DYKSTRA gets worked in there) but it's a pretty damn good roster. I just hope CAW mode this year is better than last year's.

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I agree with Zero, I'll probably pick this up (and Fire Pro Returns as well). There are some glaring omissions (I'm still kinda ticked at no Cade & Murdoch when KENNY DYKSTRA gets worked in there) but it's a pretty damn good roster. I just hope CAW mode this year is better than last year's.

Dykstra > Cade & Murdoch <_>

I like the roster, sure it's not perfect but the key people are in there and I'm really excited about the addition of Rick Rude in the legends. I'll pick this up as always. I really do hope the CAW mode's improved though, I can never get a decent looking one and as such only ever use the real wrestlers.

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I really don't get the hate on CAW mode, go to CAW.ws and take a look at what some people can do, it's not easy, but it can be done. look at this CM Punk, that's a damn good CAW.

The problem I have with the series is the same problems I always have with the series, and since the dumbasses on IGN's message board only complain about the roster, nothing ever changes. There's still zero customization, if you want to do a Hell in a Cell, it's always falls count anywhere. Why can't I have a Royal Rumble with pinfalls? Why Can't I have a Steel Cage First Blood Match? Why Can't I have a MITB with four people instead of six? Why can't I have a six-man Battle Royal where we can actually EXIT THE FUCKING RING?!

On top of a Season Mode that has little variety, online play being a total drag unless I'm playing with people I know and moves being deleted. The roster is seriously the least of my concerns when these same issues that have dogged the series for years continue.

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It's mostly to do with content, since the first game I've had a roster of guys that I always make and it's gotten progressively more difficult to make them because they've taken out a lot of stuff that I used and added a lot of stuff that, to me, is just crap. (I don't much care for recreating guys that are on the current roster or anything, I use original creations.)

Edited by Cloud Streezy
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Punk's profile and some videos of him in action.

EDIT: Is Rey's outfit in those screenshots the Spider-Man 3 themed one?

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