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Why? Its not like the fighter can't come back, The UFC is over flowing with talented fighters so why not cut a fighter following a couple of losses or a less than stellar record/performance and let them fight on some smaller shows, win a couple get some momenntum and then come back and try again?

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I think it helps the sport as a whole more than it helps the UFC ironically enough, right now at least.

A guy goes out has four fights for the UFC, gets a bit of exposure but is cut for having a 2-2 record in the UFC. This guy with national recognition will now be known enough to go out and headline shows for smaller regional promotions who will put these guys or ex-TUF fighters on top of the card due to the name recognition, and this brings in more casual MMA fans to the small show, meaning the smaller promotions and the lesser known fighters get seen and talked about, as well as more money going to the smaller promotions as well.

In the long run this helps the UFC as more fighters have more recognition, no matter how little, when they come in to the UFC, rather than them having to start from square-one with a lot of their talent to make them known and marketable.

I will agree with you that the are gung-ho about it and do let the talent go a little quickly sometimes.

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Guest Mr. Grinch

I'd prefer they keep fighters so that their fans are familiar with them, good or bad. They seem to prefer turning over their roster like a card in a Texas Hold'em game. That will bite them one day...

I know it a personal preference of sorts.

Actually I'd say the bigger problem is that UFC seems unable to build any new stars. Since the boom, who have they made into a superstar other than Brock Lesnar (where most of the work was done by WWE) and maybe Anderson Silva (the least-drawing champion in UFC)?

It's leading them down this path where the main event slots are going to people who aren't anywhere near the best fighters (Liddell, Couture, etc.) and the undercard guys are interchangeable enough that it's unlikely any of them will break out.

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I'd prefer they keep fighters so that their fans are familiar with them, good or bad. They seem to prefer turning over their roster like a card in a Texas Hold'em game. That will bite them one day...

I know it a personal preference of sorts.

Actually I'd say the bigger problem is that UFC seems unable to build any new stars. Since the boom, who have they made into a superstar other than Brock Lesnar (where most of the work was done by WWE) and maybe Anderson Silva (the least-drawing champion in UFC)?

It's leading them down this path where the main event slots are going to people who aren't anywhere near the best fighters (Liddell, Couture, etc.) and the undercard guys are interchangeable enough that it's unlikely any of them will break out.

They're in the process of building a few IMO, Dos Santos and Velasquez at HW, Machida and Jones at LHW to name a few. There are more but I think it's hindered by the fact the champions at MW, WW and LW are unstoppable.

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Versus sent out a press release that talked about them renewing WEC and also airing two live UFC events in 2010.

My guess is it is just away to test UFC crowds getting a mix of both UFC and the WEC weight classes together on these shows.

Spike then sent out a release stating they have no problems with UFC on another cable station, claiming it is "good for Spike."

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I think it's another tool for WEC to promote on UFC shows. Not necessarily with WEC fighters on UFC shows, just saying "while you're on this channel, tune back on Thursday for more action".

I would love to see them put WEC guys on a lackluster UFC card to punch it up. Faber would be a fan-dabi-dozi addition, if only to showcase his talents against a newcomer. I don't see them doing that though.

And of course Versus is going to take this on. UFC will bring the biggest rating on that channel, by far.

EDIT: Just saw this when looking for more info on the re-up.

"An interesting aside to the agreement is Comcast’s potential acquisition of NBC Universal. Comcast also owns Versus. If the NBC acquisition is approved, Comcast, according to The New York Times and other media outlets, is poised to rebrand Versus and position it as a potential competitor to ESPN."

Good luck with that... :w00t:

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Guest Mr. Grinch

Well Versus could become a solid #2 sports network. NHL, UFC, plus with Dick Ebersol behind them the speculation I've read says they'd likely be able to open up the chequebook and put some bids on some very big properties.

My worry is that UFC's just running way too many shows and oversaturation is going to be a huge problem.

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I don't think they run enough. They pride themselves as being the only game in town, yet run more pay-per-view shows than common "free" television ones. They should sprinkle in more low cost/high reward Spike, VS, etc. shows just to stick it to Strikeforce early.

Strikeforce is already going to play to more people by just being on CBS for a couple shows.

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I am wondering why I don't hear it often, but wouldn't Strikeforce benefit from bringing in a show like TUF (not necesarilly in that style) that they can use to promote their fight cards and their fighters so that we care about them?

I mean I kmnow about Fedor, Mousasi, etc... but I don't know anything about their personalities, and if I don't care about the fighters I don't care about the fight. I mean TUF 1 was fan-dabi-dozi, it promoted the youngsters in the house and made them as widely known as the top talent already in the UFC, viewers cared about Forrest, Florian, Sanchez, Leben, etc... but the public don't really know or care about the majority of the Strikeforce roster.

Again, they don't have to do a TUF style of show, just something that makes the public care. Hell do something online, such as on Youtube, make the people at home care, Kimbo was the drive behind this seasons TUF ratings and he got known from the interent, why not attempt to utilise this medium that virtually everyone in the developed world has ready and easy access to.

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That would be a nice idea for them, considering America's boner for "reality".

Maybe something where you put King Mo, Shields, Diaz and any other name that would incite controversy in the same house would be better than unknowns trying to make it...

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Shane Carwin has a new blog up where he basically says that as Frank Mir came out injury free, he would be willing to fight him after the birth of his child in February, providing an interim champ was needed. Then the winner of that would fight the winner of Nog/Velasquez for the belt tournament style. Pure speculation, but that'd be a fan-dabi-dozi way to do things I think. Mir/Carwin could probably headline a show now, which would be useful considering the UFC are running events quicker than the champions can recover.

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I don't think Frank Mir is an incredible fighter, but I don't see how any of those guys will blast through him. Mir should take that mini-tourney.

I would like to see Carwin and Velasquez fight each other. I think they are both a product of the poor heavyweight division and are being pushed too fast, BUT only time will tell...wrestling is a fan-dabi-dozi background to come from.

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Donald Cerrone says win or lose at WEC 45, he's dropping to 145 for fights and plans on bouncing between 145 and 155. I can't see him posing any real threat to Jose Aldo (not that I see anyone at 145 posing a threat to him), but with the talent there, there's more options to have some fan-dabi-dozi fights for him.

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I would be more interested in seeing guys like Cerrone stay at 155 and try out in the UFC as viable contenders to BJ Penn... I mean BJ now has probably 8/9 months and two fights against Maynard and Edgar before he's cleaned out the division as it stands, but why not tryout some of these dynamic WEC 155ers and try and shake up the UFC 155 division and build somebody new as a threat to BJ? Maybe I am clutching at straws but I can't see Aoki or Alvarez coming accross from Japan, and if they do I really don't feel that they are threats to BJ straight away and both would need a fight or tow to get their footing in the Octagon where they could be found out prior to a title fight and then it doesn't happen anyway. I just want to see them do something different. BJ is not built for 170, realistically as Junkie Radio said earlier could you see him facing a Rumble Johnson kind of fighter, a guy who'll out weigh him by 30lbs on fight day? Johnson could wail on BJ due to his greater size but does it mean he's a better mixed martial artist? NO! it just means he has a genetic and physical advantage over this naturally smaller guy.

I don't think the problem is "Where does BJ go after he cleans out the division?" More of "What can the UFC do over the next 12, 18, 24 months to reinvigorate the top end of the divison and present a challenge to BJ Penn?"

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