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World Wrestling Federation 1996


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Credit Public Enemy for the logo

Date: May 24, 1996

Location: North Charleston, South Carolina

Attendance: 10,047

Ticket Sales: $401,880

Announcers: Dok Hendrix and Mr. Perfect

Friday Night Mayhem opens up with it's regular video package and then we're taken inside the arena where pyro shoots off. We're taken to the announce position where Dok Hendrix and Mr. Perfect are standing by. They hype up tonight's main event of Owen Hart facing Shawn Michaels!

Ron Simmons Vs. Jake Roberts

Simmons somehow pulled out a miracle and carried Jake to a great match up. And Simmons isn't really anyone who's used to carrying a match. Jake got jumped from behind by Simmons to start this one off. Simmons pounded the hell out of Jake in the corner showing a real mean streak. They went outside, Where Simmons send Jake to the steel steps! Simmons then took the top part of the steps and nailed Jake in the back with it! Back inside the ring, Simmons continued dominating Roberts. Simmons went for the Dominator but somehow Jake slipped out of it and nailed Simmons with right hands to the face! Jake even drilled Simmons with the DDT but Simmons ended up kicking out before the three count! Jake went for the irish whip but Simmons countered and caught Jake coming off the ropes with a huge spinebuster! Simmons lifted Jake up and dropped him down to the canvas with the Dominator! Simmons covered and got the 1,2,3! Ron Simmons posed in the ring as Jake was left down on the canvas.

79, 74, 85 ***3/4

Is British Bulldog ready for the Warrior?

We cut to the backstage area where we see Todd Pettengill standing by with British Bulldog and James E. Cornette.

Todd Pettengill- British Bulldog last Monday night you tried to beat down Ultimate Warrior with a steel chair after Warrior won a hard fought match up. Last Sunday night you did beat down Warrior with a chair. Warrior says he's going to get even with you and the big question is why have you decided to go after Ultimate Warrior?

James E. Cornette- Bulldog didn't choose to go after Warrior! Warrior got in the way! Warrior tried to take Owen Hart's title away and Bulldog being the good brother in law that he is stood up to Warrior and protected Owen. Warrior you tried to take away something from Camp Cornette and you paid the price! If you want a fight with Bulldog you'll get one!

Todd Pettengill- Aren't you guys worried about Warrior coming after you guys? He said he's coming after you Bulldog!

James E. Cornette- You think Bulldog cares? If Warrior were to get into the ring with Bulldog we'd all know what would happen. Bulldog would run right over Warrior. Warrior is no match for the power of Davey Boy Smith. Ultimate Warrior you think your warriors are going to stop Bulldog from going right to the top of the WWF? Bulldog has proved to you that he's the better man. Last Sunday night he left you flat on your back! Bulldog is the future of the WWF and you know it Warrior! Ultimate Warrior if you're any kind of man you'll face British Bulldog!

British Bulldog- Ultimate Warrior I'm going to make it real simple for you, I want you in the ring! You and I King Of The Ring! I want to show everyone who's the better man! Warrior lets you and I do battle at the King Of The Ring! Don't be a coward Warrior! Warrior I want to show everyone that you're nothing but a lunatic! And I will show everyone that I am the bigger and stronger man. Warrior can you really beat me at the King Of The Ring? I don't think so! At King Of The Ring everyone will see my era begin and they will see you go down one, two, three.

Todd Pettengill- Fans stay tuned up next we got alot more action coming!



Marc Mero introduces the whole world to Sable!

Friday Night Mayhem returns from the commercial break with Marc Mero's music hitting the arena to a great ovation from the fans. "The Wildman" makes his way down to the ring. Mero is handed a microphone as Perfect wonders what "The Wildman" has to say.

Marc Mero- You know something? Ever since I came to the WWF I have had alot of success. I've beaten some of the top wrestlers in this company day in and day out. But I learned that when wrestling in the WWF you need some back up. Last Monday night I learned that first hand as not only Ted DiBiase but Sean Waltman got involved in my business. So tonight I'm going to introduce the whole world to my new manager and also my wife............ Sable!

The fans cheer once again as Mero's music plays and out comes a beautiful blond women in black leather. Sable gets inside the ring and kisses Mero.

Marc Mero- Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Last time we faced you did get the win. But tonight I have a feeling I'll be the one getting the win! So come on out and lets get it on!


Sable gained overness from this segment.

Marc Mero with Sable Vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Mero and Helmsley have had one hell of a rivalry this year that ended with Helmsley winning it at last month's In Your House event. Mero and Helmsley went right after each other as the bell rang. Helmsley got control of the match after he and Mero ended out on the floor where Helmsley suplexed Mero on the padded area! Helmsley tried to mess with Sable but she slapped the blue blood snob! They went back into the ring where Helmsley had Mero grounded. Helmsley worked over Mero's back and kept Mero locked into a abdominal stretch. Mero eventually got out of it and drilled Helmsley with a knee lift! Mero made his comeback and was scoring several near falls on Helmsley ! Helmsley ended up going for the Pedigree but Sable got up on the apron! Helmsley threw Mero down and went over to Sable and again he got slapped right in the face! This allowed Mero to roll up Helmsley from behind and score the 1,2,3! Afterwards, Mero and Sable headed to the back while Helmsley threw a fit inside the ring.

87, 88, 85 ***1\2


D'lo Brown and Masked Americans Vs. Scott Taylor, Brian Christopher and Chris Candido

The crowd was pretty dead for this one, There were a few "USA" chants but nothing big. D'lo Brown was isolated early on and took the beating from the heel side. Taylor and Christopher looked really good out there while Candido was his usual self........... Brown ended up giving Christopher the Sky High and tagged in Steve Lombardi while Candido was tagged into the match. All hell broke loose and all six men went at it. Steve Lombardi finished Candido off with the American Bomb to score the win for this team! Afterwards, Masked Americans and D'lo Brown posed as we went to a commercial break.

68, 54, 83 **1\2

This match suffered because the crowd were still pumped up from the last one, and so this bout was seen as something of a let-down to them.


The Corporation will be on top!

Friday Night Mayhem comes back from the commercial break with The Corporation making their way down to the ring. Ted DiBiase leads his men to the ring as Dok Hendrix wonders why they're coming out here when none of them are wrestling tonight. Ted DiBiase grabs a microphone and the fans start booing The Corporation.

Ted DiBiase- I know all you morons are wondering what Ted DiBiase and The Corporation are doing out here. And we're out here to send a message out to the World Wrestling Federation. See my boys are tired of the way they're getting treated in the WWF. We're the most dominant force in wrestling and yet there's no titles around our waists. Look at this group! We got Crush! A man who survived being in prison! Every prisoner was scared to death of this man! There's Al Snow! The man who can choke anyone out with the Million Dollar Dream! Al Snow is someone who should be right at the top of the World Wrestling Federation! We got Sean Waltman! Who's such a amazing high flier. No one can take to the air like Sean Waltman! There's Steve Austin! Austin is another technical marvel! Austin has faced men like Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart and has come close to beating them! Take a look at Albert! He's a monster! Are you people forgetting about what Albert did to Marty Jannetty? Where has Marty Jannetty been since Albert destroyed him like the piece of trash that he is? How about Chris Chavis? Not only is he a wrestler but he's a business man! He owns four Indian Casinos! He's almost as rich as me! And then there's Kama! "The Supreme Fighting Machine". This man is a animal. He's the ultimate fighter! He's been in the ring with every top guy in the WWF! This is The Corporation! These men are the most talented wrestlers in the world! They're the future of the World Wrestling Federation! They're men who's going to be making impact! These men are going to be causing all kind of mayhem! Three of these men are entered in the 1996 King Of The Ring tournament. And one of them will win! Doesn't matter who! But one member of The Corporation will be the 1996 King Of The Ring! Ted DiBiase and The Corporation are in control! DiBiase lets out his evil laugh as The Corporation's music plays.

The Corporation raise their arms high in the air while Dok Hendrix and Mr. Perfect wonder which three men have entered the tournament. Friday Night Mayhem goes to a commercial break with Dok and Perfect hyping Jim Neidhart in action up next!


Steve Austin gained overness from this segment.


Goldust with Marlena Vs. Jim Neidhart

The crowd got into this match up. Goldust received some huge heat here while Neidhart got a pretty good pop. Goldust tried to play his mind games with Neidhart early on but Neidhart shoved Goldust down! Neidhart pounded the living hell out of the bizarre one. Marlena tried to get involved but Neidhart scared her off and she just stood at ringside for the rest of the match. Neidhart missed a avalanche in the corner which allowed Goldust to take control of the match. Goldust came close to putting away Neidhart but "The Anvil" wouldn't stay down. Goldust went for the Curtain Call but Neidhart got out of it and put Goldust down with a stiff clothesline. Neidhart kept running over Goldust with several stiff clotheslines! Neidhart went for the Hart Attack clothesline but Goldust ducked it and Neidhart hit the canvas hard! Goldust dragged Neidhart up and planted Neidhart with the Curtain Call to score the win! Goldust and Marlena kissed each other while Neidhart was down on the canvas flat on his back.

80, 83, 74 **1/4

Interview with Owen Hart and James E. Cornette

We go to the interview area backstage where Kevin Kelly is standing by with the WWF Intercontinental Champion Owen Hart and his manager James E. Cornette.

Kevin Kelly- Owen Hart tonight is a huge night for you. You take on Shawn Michaels in a non title match up. Owen if you are able to beat Shawn Michaels tonight then you will no doubt be the undisputed number one contender for the WWF Championship. You and Shawn Michaels have a storied past and in February it was Michaels pinning you one, two, three. Tonight can you beat "The Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels?

James E. Cornette- First of all I'd like to say that this match is a huge injustice to Owen Hart!

Kevin Kelly- What? He's facing the World Wrestling Federation Champion! This is a huge opportunity for Owen Hart!

James E. Cornette- Yes it's a huge opportunity but why isn't Michaels' title on the line? I can understand why the Intercontinental Championship isn't on the line but why isn't the WWF title on the line? Shawn Michaels is the top guy in the company! He should be putting the title on the line against Owen Hart! Shawn Michaels is nothing but a coward Kevin Kelly! The title should be on the line because everyone knows if it was on the line then Owen Hart would be standing in front of you as the new World Wrestling Federation Champion! It's that simple!

Owen Hart- Shawn Michaels I know you're running scared of facing me. You should put the title on the line! But I guess sucking up to the Commissioner gets you out of a title match! But it won't matter! Tonight I'm going to do to you what I did last November and that is knock you with the enziguri kick right upside your head and leave you laid out. Shawn you know that I can knock you out and send you back to the hospital anytime I please. And tonight I'm going to do it. After I'm done with you, They will have no choice but to put the World Wrestling Federation Championship around my waist!

Kevin Kelly- Fans lets take you to Todd Pettengill who's standing by with Shawn Michaels!


Interview with Shawn Michaels

Our cameras take us to Shawn Michaels' locker room where we see Todd Pettengill standing by with the "Heart Break Kid".

Todd Pettengill- Shawn Michaels tonight it's you and Owen Hart one on one and neither the Intercontinental title or the WWF title are on the line. We just heard from Owen Hart who says he's going to knock you out with the enziguri kick and send you back to the hospital. Shawn you just faced Kevin Nash in a Last Man Standing match last Sunday night. And now you're facing Owen Hart. Is this a smart decision?

Shawn Michaels- Todd Pettengill is it a smart decision? Probably not. But HBK came here to North Charleston ready to have a match. I said sign me up against whoever you got and they chose to put me in there with Owen Hart. I am a little banged up from the Last Man Standing match but you won't see Shawn Michaels back out of a match because of some minor injuries. I'm ready for the match and I'm confident in my abilities even when I'm not at one hundred percent.

Todd Pettengill- Will you be able to put away Owen Hart in this big match up even though you're not at one hundred percent?

Shawn Michaels- I've been in the ring with Owen Hart many times in the past and I have always beaten Owen Hart. I beat him this past February before I became the World Wrestling Federation Champion. Tonight I might not be one hundred percent but I will beat Owen Hart in that very ring. Owen Hart is no match for HBK and the Kliq. Tonight I might get hit with the enziguri kick and I might get locked into the Sharpshooter but in the end I will deliver some Sweet Chin Music to Owen Hart knocking his teeth right down his throat.

Todd Pettengill- Tonight Commissioner Ric Flair has a huge announcement regarding the number one contender for the WWF Championship. What do you think the announcement will be? Who will be getting the title shot?

Shawn Michaels- I have no idea on who Commissioner Flair will pick as the number one contender for my title and frankly I don't care who he picks. I don't care if it's Sid, Jarrett or Vader. I'll beat them all. No one is taking this title off of around my waist anytime soon!

Todd Pettengill- Good luck out there tonight Shawn, Fans up next it's Owen Hart versus Shawn Michaels!



Shawn Michaels Vs. Owen Hart

Cornette was ordered to go to the back before the match even started! This did not suit well with Owen who threw a huge fit. Both men started this great match off trying to out wrestle each other. In the first exchange it was Owen getting the best of Michaels. But in the end second one, It was Michaels tossing Owen out to the floor and skinning the cat back into the ring. Michaels came off the top turnbuckle with a huge dive to Owen on the outside! They brawled out on the floor where Michaels send Owen to the steel steps and rammed Owen's head into the steps! Back inside the ring Owen was able to score with his spinning heel kick to Michaels. Owen controlled the rest of the match and worked over Michaels' back giving it a real beating. Hart even locked Michaels into the Sharpshooter but Michaels somehow was able to make it to the ropes. Owen then drilled Michaels with the enziguri kick to the back of the head but Michaels had his foot on the ropes before the three count could be made. Michaels hit Owen with the flying forearm and nipped up! Michaels took Owen down with a few trademark moves but the Intercontinental Champion kept kicking out. Michaels slammed Owen down and came flying off the top turnbuckle with a elbow drop right to Owen Hart's heart! Michaels went to the corner and tuned up the band! Owen Hart stood up and Michaels drilled Owen with Sweet Chin Music! Michaels covered and got the 1,2,3 over Owen Hart! Michaels posed with the WWF Championship as Friday Night Mayhem went to a commercial break.

88, 85, 92 ****


WWF Slam Of The Week- Bart Gunn nails Chris Chavis with the Forearm Shot to pick up the win! (Monday Night Raw 5/20/96)

Monday Night Raw main event announced!

Friday Night Mayhem returns from the commercial break and we're taken to the office of Commissioner Ric Flair. We see the Commissioner on a big black leather couch with some paperwork.

Ric Flair- Wooooooooo! North Charleston! The "Nature Boy" is in the house! Wooooooo! Now I know everyone is wondering what my big announcement about the number one contender is. Who is the man who will meet Shawn Michaels at the King Of The Ring? Will it be Vader? Jeff Jarrett? Or maybe Sycho Sid? Well I have no idea frankly! See those three men are right. They do deserve to be the number one contender. Sycho Sid picked up a huge win over Crush! Vader destroyed Bret Hart and put "The Hitman" out of action! And Jeff Jarrett did the impossible and beat Undertaker thanks to a little help from Cactus Jack. These three men have picked up huge wins. But there's not man I feel should be in the fight for the number one contender spot. And that man is Ahmed Johnson. Ahmed Johnson is a young man that I and many people in the WWF feel could be something huge. I know Ahmed Johnson didn't ask but I'm putting him in the fold! So that's why on Monday Night Raw it will be Vader versus Jeff Jarrett versus Ahmed Johnson versus Sycho Sid in a four corners match! And the winner will be the number one contender and they will meet Shawn Michaels for the WWF Championship at the King Of The Ring! One man has to win it! Who will it be? We'll find out this Monday night! Wooooooooo!

Friday Night Mayhem goes off the air with the announcers going nuts over Flair's announcement! A four corners match on Monday Night Raw will determine the number one contender for King Of The Ring! Who will it be? Johnson? Vader? Jarrett? Sid? We'll find out this Monday night!


Overall Rating- 82

TV Rating- 7.44


Saturday Night

TV Rating- 2.95

Attendance- 6,542

Ticket Sales- $261,680

Hardcore TV

TV Rating- 0.31

Attendance- 501

Ticket Sales- $10,020


Elektra has agreed to an open contract with ABWF!

Edited by Baby Hewey
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Date: North Charleston, South Carolina

Location: May 26, 1996

Attendance: 10,035

Ticket Sales: $401,400

Announcers: Michael Cole and Kevin Kelly

Superstars opens up with it's regular video package. We're then taken inside the arena where Michael Cole and Kevin Kelly are standing by. Cole and Kelly hype up today's main event of Al Snow taking on Scorpio!

D'lo Brown Vs. Chris Candido

Now this is the way to open up Superstars, Even though the crowd was pretty silent this was a great match up. Candido had the upper hand through out most of the match but the young D'lo Brown wouldn't stay down and kept coming back. Candido had D'lo down after a DDT but decided to mock D'lo! Candido started doing D'lo arm taunt and accidentally hit himself in the nose! D'lo Brown was quickly able to put Candido down with the Sky High. D'lo headed up top and connected with the Lo Down to pick up the win! Afterwards, D'lo Brown posed as Candido headed to the back with a hurt nose.

80, 68, 92 ***3/4

Chris Candido lost overness from this match.

D'Lo Brown gained overness from this match.

Interview with Alex Porteau

Backstage Alex Porteau was interviewed by Todd Pettengill. Todd asked Porteau for his thoughts on his upcoming match up with Albert. Porteau said that he's seen what Albert has done in the past but he's not afraid. Porteau said size didn't matter and today he would prove to everyone why he's the best Canadian athlete in the World Wrestling Federation!


Alex Porteau gained overness from this segment.


Albert with Ted DiBiase Vs. Alex Porteau

Porteau and Albert had pretty decent chemistry here but the crowd could care less about this match. Porteau proved to be a challenge for Albert as Albert didn't dominate Porteau like he has dominated the other men he's been in the ring with in the past. Porteau came close to putting Albert away but when it was all said and done with, Albert dropped Porteau down to the canvas with the A-Bomb to score the win! Albert and Ted DiBiase then posed over a fallen Porteau.

69, 59, 80 **1/4

Undertaker/Cactus Jack video

We're shown a video recap over what happened between Cactus Jack and Undertaker this past Monday night.

From Monday Night Raw

Cactus Jack- I know all you people are wondering why I went after Undertaker. Why would Cactus Jack go after someone as feared as Undertaker? Undertaker why? Why? You want to know why? It's simple! You're everything that I hate! What have you done? What kind of sacrifices have you made Undertaker? I have done everything for this sport and for these ungrateful fans! I lost half a ear for this sport! I got beat up! I went through tables and barbed wire! I got set on fire! And no one cared. No one ever cared about me. Not the WWF, Not the fans in Philly. Not the fans in Atlanta. I have made all kind of sacrifices but no one cares. Undertaker you on the other hand, Got famous because of what? What makes you so damn special? Undertaker you intimidate people to make yourself a force. Well Cactus Jack is going to do what I do best and that it take the violence to a whole new level. Undertaker I'm going to be the guy who ends you. You have had a great run in the WWF but now it's time for Cactus Jack to be the dominant force. It's time for Cactus Jack to become the phenom. Last night was only the beginning. I'm not scared of you Undertaker. I'm not afraid of getting hurt either. Lets see how badly you're going to hurt me! Pain is my calling Undertaker. It's what I life for. And yet none of these people can realize that. Undertaker what are you going to do to me that's so bad? You see..........

Cactus Jack is interrupted by the lights going off! The bells toll and Undertaker's music plays to a huge ovation from the fans! And out comes Undertaker walking with purpose. Undertaker gets inside the ring and the lights come back on! Cactus Jack goes right after Undertaker! Both men start trading blows in the center of the ring! Undertaker uppercuts Cactus! Undertaker with a clothesline and Cactus Jack goes down! Undertaker goes to lift Cactus up but Cactus low blows Undertaker! Cactus Jack takes Undertaker down with a double arm hook DDT! Undertaker sits up and Cactus clotheslines himself and Undertaker out to the floor! Cactus Jack sends Undertaker right into the steel steps! Cactus Jack grabs a steel chair and whacks Undertaker over the back with it! Cactus Jack drops the chair down and nails Undertaker with a right hand! Cactus Jack comes charging at Undertaker but Undertaker back drops Jack all the way out into the crowd! Undertaker goes into the crowd and goes after Cactus Jack! Both men brawl through the crowd and eventually out of sight as Monday Night Raw goes off the air!



Sean Waltman and Steve Austin with Ted DiBiase Vs. The Thrillseekers

This is no doubt a match of the year candidate. It's also up there with tag team match of the year right with the Diesel/Michaels versus Hart/Bulldog match from the first episode of Friday Night Mayhem. The Thrillseekers attacked the team of Austin and Waltman early on! Lance Storm was the weak link for his team as Waltman and Austin isolated the Canadian athlete. But they could not put away Storm. Storm made the hot tag to Jericho who cleaned house! Jericho knocked down everyone who got in his way! The Thrillseekers came close to putting away Waltman after some double teaming but Austin made the save! Waltman hit Jericho with the Six Kick out of nowhere and got the win while Austin beat Storm down on the outside! Austin and Waltman headed to the back victorious while Storm checked on Jericho.

94, 88, 100 *****


The Godwinns with Hillbilly Jim Vs. The Headbangers

The crowd died down for this one after the hot tag match we just saw. The Headbangers isolated Phineous and kept him from making the tag to Henry for awhile. Phineous was eventually able to tag in Henry who came into the ring and cleaned house! The match ended when Hillbilly Jim tripped Mosh allowing Henry to Slop Drop Mosh to pick up the win! Afterwards, The Godwinns and Hillbilly Jim did a hillbilly dance.

67, 49, 86 **3/4

Hillbilly Jim debuted his new gimmick. (old school face)

This match suffered because the crowd were still pumped up from the last one, and so this bout was seen as something of a let-down to them.

Interview with Al Snow and Ted DiBiase

Backstage Todd Pettengill was standing by with Al Snow and his manager Ted DiBiase, Pettengill asked for Snow's thoughts on his upcoming match with Scorpio. Ted DiBiase made sure to mention that all the members of The Corporation have been victorious today on Superstars. Ted DiBiase said that Al Snow would lock Scorpio into the Million Dollar Dream and make Scorpio tap out! Snow told Scorpio that there would be nowhere to run when he locks you into the Million Dollar Dream.



WWF Slam Of The Week- Shawn Michaels delivers Sweet Chin Music to Owen Hart to pick up the win! (Friday Night Mayhem 5/24/96)

Al Snow with Ted DiBiase Vs. Scorpio

Wow! Three great matches on Superstars today. First it was Brown/Candido and then The Thrillseekers/Austin/Waltman. Now it was Al Snow and Scorpio putting on quite the show that had the crowd into this match up. The announcers wondered whether or not Al Snow was entered into the King Of The Ring tournament. And who the three Corporation members in the tournament are. Scorpio and Snow started off doing a sequence that ended with Scorpio dumping Snow out to the floor and hitting a big asai moonsault to Snow on the outside! They went back into the ring where Snow connected with a big sit out powerbomb to Scorpio and took control of the match. Al Snow went for the Million Dollar Dream several times but Scorpio wouldn't let Snow put him into it! Scorpio made his comeback after hitting Snow with a spinning heel kick! Scorpio gave Al Snow everything he had but Snow kept kicking out. Al Snow won the match after ducking a right hand from Scorpio and locking Scorpio into the Million Dollar Dream for the submission win! Superstars went off the air with Al Snow celebrating his big victory.

89, 82, 97 ****1\2

Overall Rating- 78

TV Rating- 2.93


WCW Spring Stampede

Pay Per View Buyrate- 1.37

Attendance- 14,825

Ticket Sales- $889,500

Pay Per View Revenue- $3,425,000

SWF Counterpunch

Attendance- 849

Ticket Sales- $25,470


"D'Lo Brown and Chris Candido work pretty well together due to their similar styles."- Pat Patterson

"I think i should be higher up the card."- Alex Porteau

"I think i should be higher up the card."- Al Snow[/bv]

"I'd like to request a match or two with Owen Hart. I'm pretty sure we could do some good work together."- Shawn Michaels

"Our ratings battle with Worldwide is so close that neither show is gaining a clear advantage!"- Sophie


ABWF were forced to cancel their last show.

Pitbull #1 has agreed to an open contract with SWF!

New Jack has agreed to an open contract with SWF!

Greg Valentine has agreed to an open contract with SWF!

OOC: The King Of The Ring tournament brackets should be up soon, Just got to go through it all and double check a few things.

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All right here's the 1996 King Of The Ring tournament brackets, Feel free to leave predictions on who you think will win the tournament.

King Of The Ring Tournament

Rick Martel


Sean Waltman


Al Snow

Bob Holly

Marc Mero

Steve Austin

Ahmed Johnson

Ron Simmons

Jim Neidhart

Shawn Stasiak

Hunter Hearst Helmsley


Scott Taylor

D'lo Brown

*The Qualifying Round begins on Monday Night Raw with the first two matches lined up. After the Qualifying Round there's the Quarter Finals (final 8) and then the men who reach the Semi Finals (final 4) will go the King Of The Ring. The Semi Finals will be at the King Of The Ring. So at the King Of The Ring it'll be down to the final four men, Two men will wrestle two matches in one night to become the 1996 King Of The Ring*

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Date: May 27, 1996

Location: Nashville, Tennessee

Tonight on Monday Night Raw the number one contender for the World Wrestling Federation Championship will be determined. It will be a four corners match between Vader, Sycho Sid, Jeff Jarrett and Ahmed Johnson. And the winner of this huge match up will get a shot at the "Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels at the King Of The Ring on June 23rd. Who's going to walk away tonight as the undisputed number one contender? Will it be Vader? Sid? Jarrett? Or Ahmed Johnson?

Tonight we know that Undertaker is scheduled to show up. Last week we saw Undertaker and Cactus Jack get into a wild brawl that ended up with both men brawling into the crowd. Tonight we'll hear from Undertaker and his manager Paul Bearer. What does Undertaker have to say about being Cactus Jack's first target? Will Cactus Jack show up?

On Friday Night Mayhem we saw British Bulldog lay down the challenge for King Of The Ring, Bulldog wants Ultimate Warrior in a one on one match up. Will Warrior accept Bulldog's big challenge? Both Bulldog and Warrior are scheduled to be apart of Monday Night Raw tonight.

Shawn Michaels is also going to be in Nashville tonight, You know HBK will be watching the big four corners match to see who will meet him for the title at the King Of The Ring. What will Shawn Michaels have to say? Will Michaels do anything tonight and cause an impact?

Matches for Monday Night Raw

Rick Martel faces Goldust in the first King Of The Ring tournament match up, This is a Qualifying Round match up. Can Martel continue his impressive return to the ring with a win over the former Intercontinental Champion or will Goldust advance into the Quarter Finals?

Bob Holly will go one on one with Hunter Hearst Helmsley, This should be quite the contest between two men who are also entered in the King Of The Ring tournament. This won't be a tournament match but the winner will no doubt have bragging rights.

Al Snow and Steve Austin are looking for gold, Tonight they challenge the Smoking Gunns for the Tag Team Championship. Can Al Snow and Steve Austin bring the titles to The Corporation or will Bart and Billy continue to dominate the tag team division?

Another Qualifying Round match in the King Of The Ring will take place, Sean Waltman faces Scorpio. This will be a great contest between two great high fliers. Can Sean Waltman advance into the Quarter Finals or will Scorpio pull off the upset? The winner of this match will go on to the Quarter Finals to face either Rick Martel or Goldust!

In the main event it's the huge four corners match between Sycho Sid, Jeff Jarrett, Ahmed Johnson and Vader! Who will go to King Of The Ring to face the "Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels?

Plus we'll hear from Undertaker, Shawn Michaels and Ultimate Warrior and British Bulldog are scheduled to appear!

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Guest Prototype

I really liked Mayhem. Surprised to see Ahmed put in the title picture, but Im happy cause I was always an Ahmed mark. Maybe even an upset in the making. I was surprised HBK got such a clean win over Owen. Looking forward to Raw and KOTR.

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Guest Prototype

King Of The Ring Tournament


Rick Martel

Sean Waltman

Al Snow

Marc Mero

Ahmed Johnson

Shawn Stasiak

Hunter Hearst Helmsley

D'lo Brown









Al Snow wins the KOTR

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Date: May 27, 1996

Location: Nashville, Tennessee

Attendance: 10,037

Ticket Sales: $401,480

Announcers: Jim Ross and Vince McMahon

Monday Night Raw opens up with it's regular video package and then we're taken inside the arena where pyro shoots off. We're taken to the announce position where Jim Ross and Vince McMahon are standing by. They hype up tonight's main event of Jeff Jarrett versus Ahmed Johnson versus Vader versus Sycho Sid in a four corners match to determine the number one contender for the King Of The Ring!

Undertaker and Paul Bearer make it clear to Cactus Jack

Monday Night Raw kicks off in a big way as the lights go off and the bells toll. Undertaker's music hits the arena to a huge ovation from the crowd and Paul Bearer comes out with the urn leading the man from the dark side to the ring with him. They get inside the ring and Undertaker raises his arms bringing the lights back into the arena. Paul Bearer is handed a microphone and these 10,000 plus fans on hand start a "Undertaker" chant.

Paul Bearer- Oh yes, Oh yes. The creatures of the night have united here tonight in Nashville, Tennessee. Last Monday night we saw what happened when Cactus Jack tried to fight my Undertaker. Cactus Jack do you think you're going to be able to make Undertaker rest in peace? Oh no. Oh no. Cactus Jack you made a big mistake when you hit me and Undertaker with a steel chair. And then last week you thought you could be able to put Undertaker away? Many men have tried but Undertaker has always come out on top. Undertaker doesn't care if you can take a beating like no one can. The power of the urn will lead Undertaker into battle and he will always be victorious. No one can stop Undertaker. Cactus Jack if you want to take a beating then Undertaker will gladly give you one. But you won't be getting up from the beating Undertaker gives you Cactus Jack. You won't be coming back for more. Because when you look into the eyes of Undertaker you'll know that there's no beating Undertaker. It's impossible!

Undertaker- Cactus Jack, You started a game and now it's time for me to end it. You think you're going to be able to beat me Cactus Jack? You're not the only one who likes violence and pain. Cactus Jack I'm going to make you feel all kinds of pain when you're in that ring with me. You might have been blown up and you might have fallen into bed of nails. But Cactus Jack you'll know real pain when you step inside that ring with me. All the pain you felt will be nothing when I get my hands on you. Cactus Jack you'll know why no one can stop me and my creatures of the night. Cactus Jack get inside the ring with me and you will rest in peace.

Paul Bearer- Cactus Jack if it's a match you want, Then you're going to get one very soon! Oh yes you will!

The purple lights come on as Undertaker's music plays. Bearer holds up the urn and Undertaker poses. McMahon tells us that Dok Hendrix is waiting to interview Rick Martel.


The 1996 King Of The Ring?

We cut to the interview area backstage where we see Dok Hendrix standing by with Rick Martel who takes on Goldust tonight in a Qualifying Round match up of the 1996 King Of The Ring.

Dok Hendrix- Rick Martel tonight is a huge night for you. It was less than a month ago when you made your huge comeback to the ring. Tonight it's you and Goldust in a Qualifying Round match up of the 1996 King Of The Ring. What is going through your mind right now as you prepare to face Goldust?

Rick Martel- Dok Hendrix I said it before and I'll say it again. I came back to the World Wrestling Federation to prove myself. To prove to each and everyone of these people that I still got it. Since my return I have beaten everyone who's stood in my way. And tonight Goldust you're going to be the next men who gets locked into the Québec Crab and taps out. I have worked very long to make my comeback to the ring and I'm not going to let some freak of nature beat me in front of these people tonight.

Dok Hendrix- What about the tournament? If you do win tonight then you'll meet the winner of the Sean Waltman versus Scorpio match up. Can you become the 1996 King Of The Ring?

Rick Martel- Like I said, I didn't return to the ring for nothing Dok Hendrix. I'll beat Goldust tonight and then Scorpio or Waltman. And then everyone else who makes it. I will be the 1996 King Of The Ring. My return to the ring has been amazing and I'm not going down anytime soon. Everyone of those fifteen men in the tournament better watch out because when you're in the ring with me, I will do everything it takes to walk out with the win. Rick Martel will be the 1996 King Of The Ring, I promise that to everyone of these people who doubt me and my comeback to the ring!

Dok Hendrix- Fans up next it's the first Qualifying Round match up of the 1996 King Of The Ring tournament, Rick Martel faces Goldust!



1996 King Of The Ring Tournament

Qualifying Round

Rick Martel Vs. Goldust with Marlena

The crowd didn't know who to cheer for in the beginning since Martel is a tweener and Goldust is a heel. But as soon as Goldust started doing is gay taunts the crowd turned on him and booed Goldust. This is Rick Martel's best match since returning to the ring last month. Martel started off hot nailing Goldust with right hands in the corner and choking Goldust. Marlena distracted Martel which allowed Goldust to connect with a big bulldog to Martel. Goldust took control of the match and mounted on top of Martel choking the Canadian superstar. Goldust hit his usual moves but Martel kept kicking out. Goldust went for the Curtain Call but Martel slipped out of it and drilled Goldust with a big time DDT! Martel planted Goldust with a spinebuster and locked Goldust into the Québec Crab! Marlena couldn't do anything as Goldust quickly tapped out giving Rick Martel the win! Rick Martel is going to the Quarter Finals! Rick Martel posed on the turnbuckle with Jim Ross and Vince McMahon saying that Martel could be this year's King Of The Ring winner!

77, 84, 88 ***3/4

Goldust lost overness from this match.

Rick Martel gained overness from this match.


Hunter Hearst Helmsley Vs. Bob Holly

Helmsley and Bob Holly had pretty good chemistry out there and Holly is pretty over with the crowd despite his lame gimmick. McMahon says that next Friday night Helmsley will face Hakushi in a King Of The Ring Qualifying Round Match. Helmsley controlled the early parts of the match out wrestling Bob Holly and catching Holly with his usual moves. Helmsley had the match won several times but he'd pose instead covering. Helmsley went for the Pedigree but Holly countered and catapulted Helmsley right into the turnbuckle! Holly came back and hit Helmsley with a impressive drop kick! Holly then connected with a DDT but Helmsley kicked out! Holly dragged Helmsley up and planted Helmsley with the Race Car Slam! Holly covered but Helmsley had his foot on the ropes! Holly lifted Helmsley up and went for another Race Car Slam but Helmsley countered and delivered the Pedigree to Holly! Helmsley covered Holly and picked up the 1,2,3! Hunter Hearst Helmsley posed in the ring to boos from the fans while McMahon and Ross wondered if we could be looking at the 1996 King Of The Ring.

73, 83, 80 ***

New Tag Team Champions?

We go backstage where Todd Pettengill is standing by with Al Snow and Steve Austin but their manager Ted DiBiase isn't there with them.

Todd Pettengill- Al Snow and Steve Austin tonight you two team up to face Bart Gunn and Billy Gunn for the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship. But where is your manager Ted DiBiase? Shouldn't he be here for this important match up?

Al Snow- Ted DiBiase isn't with us tonight because we told him to stay with Waltman and get ready for Waltman's match in the tournament. Besides we won't be needing Ted DiBiase tonight. We got this match in the bag baby.

Steve Austin- Me and Al Snow can win the titles without Ted DiBiase, It's as simple as that Pettengill.

Todd Pettengill- Well tonight it's you two and the Smoking Gunns for the titles. Can you two beat the Smoking Gunns and become the new WWF Tag Team Champions right here in Nashville, Tennessee?

Al Snow- Me and Steve Austin will be walking out of Nashville, Tennessee with those titles. It's time for us to prove to the whole world why The Corporation is the best group in wrestling. Tonight me and Steve Austin are going to beat Bart and Billy and bring the titles home to The Corporation where they belong!

Steve Austin- Tonight is the night where new tag team champions will be crowned, Myself and Al Snow have been waiting for this match for a long time. Smoking Gunns you two boys think you have what it takes to beat us? Tonight in front of the world everyone will see me and Al Snow walk out with the gold. Smoking Gunns I hope you two polished those belts up nicely for us because in just a few minutes we're taking them!

Todd Pettengill- Can Austin and Snow win the titles or will the Smoking Gunns retain them? Fans find out when Monday Night Raw returns from the commercial break!



World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship

Smoking Gunns© Vs. Al Snow and Steve Austin

McMahon and Ross tell us that both Austin and Snow are entered in the King Of The Ring, And if both men win their Qualifying Round matches then they'll meet at the Quarter Finals! This was another pretty good match for the Smoking Gunns. It seems that when they face any combination of Snow/Austin/Waltman that Billy and Bart are able to shine. All four men started off brawling with the champions getting the advantage and tossing Al Snow and Steve Austin out to the floor. Austin and Snow were able to regain control of the match up after taking Bart Gunn out with some illegal double teaming. Snow and Austin beat the heck out of Bart and scored several near falls on Bart but Billy was always there to make the save. Bart ended up drilling both Austin and Snow with Forearm Shots allowing him to tag in Billy Gunn. Billy Gunn rushed to the ring and cleaned house! Both Austin and Snow went down after Billy hit them with right hands and clotheslines! The Smoking Gunns took Austin out with their back suplex/drop kick combo and tossed him out to the floor! Al Snow was left inside the ring and the Smoking Gunns took him out with the Sidewinder! But before they could cover, Sean Waltman came running down from the back with a steel chair and hit Bart and then Billy with it causing the referee to rule the match a disqualification! Afterwards, The three members of The Corporation beat down the Smoking Gunns like two dogs! Monday Night Raw went to a commercial break with Waltman, Snow and Austin posing standing over the Smoking Gunns.

80, 86, 93 ****1\4


Does Warrior accept British Bulldog's challenge?

Monday Night Raw returns from the commercial break with the music of British Bulldog hitting the arena to boos from the crowd. British Bulldog comes down to the ring with a cocky smile on his face. Bulldog is handed a microphone and prepares to speak while the crowd start chanting "Warrior".

British Bulldog- I arrived in this city today and people were looking at me and asking me why would I challenge Ultimate Warrior to a match at the King Of The Ring? I think everyone is forgetting the fact that I am one of the biggest WWF Superstars of all time! I have beaten some of the top guys in this business. And I'm not afraid of anyone. But I never said it would be me and Warrior one on one. See you people misunderstood me. See I do want Warrior in the ring with me at King Of The Ring but not in a one on one match. See the only way for Warrior to get into the ring with me is to face me and a partner at King Of The Ring in a handicap match! I suffered a very serious back injury this past weekend when I was weightlifting and I have to have a partner for King Of The Ring. I'm not safe by myself! Then if you're able to beat me and my partner you'll get me in the ring when my back injury heals. That's the only way you'll face me! So do you accept Warrior? Or are you too scared?

The fans cheer as the music of Ultimate Warrior hits the arena. Out comes the Warrior with a angry look on his face. Warrior steps inside the ring and stares down Bulldog.

British Bulldog- So are you man enough to accept my challenge Warrior? Or are you two scared?

Ultimate Warrior- You and a partner against me at King Of The Ring? I accept! Because there's nothing I'm wanting more than to get into the ring with you Bulldog! So I accept. And Bulldog after I'm done with you and your little partner, I will take your soul and take all of the filth out of it. I will make you look into the eyes of my Warriors. Bulldog there won't be anywhere for you to run. Your destruction will be very soon!

Warrior is about to talk again but Bulldog nails Warrior with a clothesline and Warrior goes down! Bulldog puts the boots to the Warrior! Bulldog lifts Warrior up and scoops Warrior up for the Running Powerslam but Warrior slips out of it and drills Bulldog with a clothesline! Warrior drags Bulldog up and nails Bulldog with right hands to the face! Warrior comes off the ropes and knocks down Bulldog with a shoulder tackle! Warrior calls for the Warrior Press Slam! Warrior lifts Bulldog up but here comes Owen Hart running down from the back with a steel chair! Owen nails Warrior right in the head with the steel chair and Warrior goes down! Owen and Bulldog start stomping away on Warrior! Owen drags Warrior up and Warrior gets drilled by a steel chair shot from Bulldog! Bulldog drops the chair down and Owen drags Warrior up....... Bulldog delivers a big Running Powerslam to Warrior right into the steel chair! Officials come running down from the back to make sure Owen Hart and British Bulldog can't get anymore shots in on Warrior. Monday Night Raw goes to a commercial break with Owen and Bulldog heading to the back while the officials check on Warrior. Jim Ross asks how Warrior will be able to beat both Owen Hart and British Bulldog at King Of The Ring.



1996 King Of The Ring Tournament

Qualifying Round

Sean Waltman with Ted DiBiase Vs. Scorpio

The announcers announced that the winner of this match will face Rick Martel in the Quarter Finals. DiBiase came out with Waltman for this one to hype the importance of what being the King Of The Ring is all about. Waltman and Scorpio put on one hell of a match up with alot of high flying offense that World Wrestling Federation fans aren't used to. Waltman was able to turn things around his way after catching Scorpio with a huge sit out powerbomb. Waltman used his lightning fast feet on Scorpio to trying to put away Scorpio but the twenty three year old star could not put away Scorpio. Waltman headed up top and went for a long distance senton bomb but Scorpio moved out of the way and Waltman hit the canvas hard on his back! Scorpio made his comeback hitting Waltman with a few high risk maneuvers. Scorpio slammed Waltman down and headed up top. Scorpio went for the Scorpio Splash but Waltman moved out of the way and Scorpio hit the canvas! Waltman then went up top but Scorpio shook the ropes and crotched Waltman on the top turnbuckle! Scorpio went up top with Waltman and tried to superplex Waltman, But Waltman shoved Scorpio down to the canvas! Scorpio slowly got up to his feet and Waltman came flying off the top with the Six Kick! Waltman covered and scored the win! Ted DiBiase came into the ring and raised Waltman's arm in the air. Waltman will meet Rick Martel in the Quarter Finals!

80, 80, 99 ****1\2

Cactus Jack is not afraid

Our cameras take us to outside of the arena where we see Cactus Jack standing by.

Cactus Jack- I know everyone was expecting me to be in there, In that arena. But I didn't feel like being there with all you ungrateful fans. I didn't want to be with all the fans that love your precious Undertaker. Because Undertaker is nothing to me. Undertaker is not a threat. I'm not afraid of Undertaker. I know what he's done. I seen the damage he's done. He's beaten some big names. But I've been in the ring with some of the toughest men in this business and I got beat up and survived. I'm a survivor. Undertaker's not. Undertaker needs Paul Bearer and a urn. I don't need anything. Undertaker you're what makes this company such a joke! You never worked hard in your life. Not like me. I got beat up each and everyday of my life! No one thought Mrs. Foley's little boy would amount to anything in the wrestling world. Hell the World Wrestling Federation didn't want me. I had to make myself into a WWF Superstar. Undertaker you think you scare me? You're nothing to me. You're all these fans big hero. But to me you're nothing more than a disgusting piece of trash! Undertaker I want you in the ring. I don't care when. I want you one on one. I want to show all these World Wrestling Federation fans that I'm just as bad as you are. I can take all kinds of pain. Undertaker you stand no chance in hell against me. I can take everything you can dish out and I'll keep coming back for more. What makes me sick to my stomach is that these fans cheer for someone like you and boo a hard worker like me. Someone who has dedicated his entire life to the wrestling world. Undertaker if you want a fight you're going to get one. And when we fight it's going to be the worst beating you'll ever get!

Cactus Jack walks off as we go to a commercial break.



What does Michaels have to say?

We go to the back where Dok Hendrix is standing by with the World Wrestling Federation Champion, The "Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels.

Dok Hendrix- Shawn Michaels tonight it's going to be a four corners match between Ahmed Johnson, Sycho Sid, Jeff Jarrett and Vader. The winner will meet you at the King Of The Ring for the title. Shawn Michaels who do you think will walk out as the number one contender when the night is over?

Shawn Michaels- I have no idea, It could be anyone Dok Hendrix. I don't care who is the number one contender. I'll face all four men if I have to. I just want to defend the title at King Of The Ring. Doesn't matter who it is.

Dok Hendrix- At King Of The Ring it'll be you and one of those men, Will you be able to retain the title against one of those four men?

Shawn Michaels- I can beat anyone in the WWF. I've beaten Sid and Jarrett before. I never faced Vader or Ahmed Johnson but I know I can beat them. Whether it's Sid, Jarrett, Ahmed or Vader I'll still walk out the champion. HBK's time isn't over just yet.

Dok Hendrix- Thank you for the interview, And fans the question is who will be the number one contender? We'll find out up next!



WWF Slam Of The Week- Sean Waltman drills Chris Jericho with the Six Kick!(Superstars 5/26/96)

Four Corners Match

Winner faces the World Wrestling Federation Champion at King Of The Ring

Vader with James E. Cornette Vs. Sycho Sid Vs. Ahmed Johnson Vs. Jeff Jarrett

The first man to score a pin fall will be the winner. Shawn Michaels was shown watching from the back. Jarrett and Vader worked together for a bit double teaming both Sid and Johnson. But that union ended when Vader went for a cover and Jarrett broke it up. All four men went at it inside and outside the ring. Ahmed Johnson even delivered the Pearl River Plunge to Vader but Sid made the save! Vader got the Vader Bomb in on Jarrett but Sid made the save! Sid Choke Slammed and then Powerbombed Vader but Johnson made the save! Sid ended up out on the floor with Vader. Both men brawled all the way to the back leaving Jarrett with Johnson! Cornette went to the back to try to get Vader back into the ring, But Sid shoved Cornette down and he and Vader got into a wild brawl backstage! Ahmed Johnson took Jeff Jarrett down with a spinebuster and called for the Pearl River Plunge! Ahmed lifted Jarrett up but Jarrett hit Johnson with a right hand! Johnson went to clothesline Jarrett but it was ducked and Johnson accidentally took out the referee! Johnson then dropped Jarrett down with another spinebuster and called for the Pearl River Plunge again! But then Rick Rude came running down from the back with a steel chair! Rude got into the ring and nailed Johnson in the back with it! Rude then drilled Johnson right over the head with the chair! Johnson fell down to the canvas and Jarrett covered him! Rude left the ring and the referee got up and counted the 1,2,3! Afterwards, Rude came into the ring and raised Jarrett's arm high in the air. Monday Night Raw went off the air with Rude and Jarrett celebrating as Shawn Michaels watched from the back.

76, 88, 81 ***

Overall Rating- 80

TV Rating- 7.83


Monday Nitro

TV Rating- 6.08

Attendance- 6,536

Ticket Sales- $261,440


"Bart Gunn and Billy Gunn work well together as a team, it adds to their matches."- Pat Patterson

"Our ratings battle with Monday Nitro is so close that neither show is gaining a clear advantage!"- Sophie


Julio Dinero has agreed to an open contract with ABWF!

J-Rocc has agreed to an open contract with ABWF!

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Guest Da-One-Da-Franchise

Rude then drilled Johnson right over the head with the chair! Johnson fell down to the canvas and Jarrett covered him! Rude left the ring and the referee got up and counted the 1,2,3!.

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Credit Public Enemy for the logo

Date: May 31, 1996

Location: Memphis, Tennessee

On Monday Night Raw we saw the return of "Ravishing" Rick Rude. Rude interfered in the main event and helped Jeff Jarrett become the number one contender for the World Wrestling Federation Championship. At King Of The Ring it will be Jeff Jarrett and Shawn Michaels one on one for the title. Tonight we're going to hear from Jeff Jarrett and gets his thoughts on King Of The Ring and why Rick Rude helped him this past Monday night. What's the relationship between Rick Rude and Jeff Jarrett? Shawn Michaels will also be in Memphis. What does the WWF Champion have to say about the Rude/Jarrett alliance?

We're also going to hear from Camp Cornette. Last Monday night we saw Bulldog and Owen Hart beat down Ultimate Warrior. Bulldog has issued a challenge for King Of The Ring against Warrior. What will Bulldog have to say? Vader is also not a happy man since losing the four corners match this past Monday night. And we understand that Vader is mad at one person and that is Sycho Sid! The man who he brawled with backstage on Monday night!

Matches for Friday Night Mayhem

Al Snow goes one on one with Bob Holly in a King Of The Ring Tournament Qualifying Round match up. Can Al Snow pick up the win over Bob Holly or will Holly pull off the huge upset?

The Masked Americans face the team of Chris Candido and Brian Christopher. Can Candido and Christopher beat the proud Americans or will they fall victim to some American pride?

Hakushi faces "The Narcissist" Shawn Stasiak in singles action, Stasiak has been on quite a roll but tonight he faces Hakushi. Can Hakushi score the big upset win?

Steve Austin and Marc Mero will go at it in another Qualifying Round match in the 1996 King Of The Ring tournament. Will Sable or Ted DiBiase play a big part in this match? Last time these two men faced it was Austin scoring the win over "The Wildman"!

In the main event, Undertaker will face Hunter Hearst Helmsley. This is no doubt a huge match up for both men. Who will win this battle? Can Hunter Hearst Helmsley apply the Pedigree to Undertaker? Or will he fall victim to the Tombstone?

Plus Jeff Jarrett, Shawn Michaels, Camp Cornette and much more!

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Nice to see that Double J will be getting a world title push. King of the Ring is up in the air, but it looks like a good crop of guys going into it. Also having Rude with him make Jeff even better off.

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Credit Public Enemy for the logo

Date: May 31, 1996

Location: Memphis, Tennessee

Attendance: 10,040

Ticket Sales: $401,600

Announcers: Dok Hendrix and Mr. Perfect

Friday Night Mayhem opens up with it's regular video package and then we're taken inside the arena where pyro shoots off. We're taken to the announce position where Dok Hendrix and Mr. Perfect are standing by. They hype up tonight's main event of Undertaker facing Hunter Hearst Helmsley!

Interview with Camp Cornette

Friday Night Mayhem starts off in a big way as Camp Cornette make their way down to the ring to boos from the crowd. James E. Cornette leads Owen Hart, British Bulldog and Vader down to the ring. Cornette grabs a microphone to boos from the crowd.

James E. Cornette- All you people need to shut your mouthes! Last Monday night if it wasn't for Sycho Sid, Vader would be standing here as the number one contender for the World Wrestling Federation Championship! Sid you had to fight Vader all the way to the back and out of the ring! And it's your fault Vader couldn't get in the ring when Jarrett had the cover. We're placing the blame directly on you! But this Monday night wasn't all bad. Owen Hart and British Bulldog once again left Ultimate Warrior laid out like he was a piece of trash! Warrior at King Of The Ring it'll be you against Owen Hart and British Bulldog! There won't be anywhere for you to run! What are you going to do when these two men are going to be all over you? Ultimate Warrior King Of The Ring will be the last time these fans in the World Wrestling Federation will ever see you! Owen Hart and British Bulldog will make sure you won't come back ever again!

Owen Hart- Warrior did you really think Bulldog and I wouldn't have a plan? Bulldog and myself are going to throw you around that ring! Warrior you make us sick. You think all your little Warriors are a challenge to Bulldog and myself? We left you laying this past Monday night! At King Of The Ring it'll be me and Bulldog in one corner and you all by yourself in the other corner and when it's all done it'll be me and Bulldog with our arms raised high in the air. I'm going to first drill you with the enziguri kick and then locked you in the Sharpshooter and make you squeal like a pig! After that, I'll hand you over to Bulldog who's going to show you what real force is like!

British Bulldog- Ultimate Warrior did you think I would be the one stepping into the ring with you at King Of The Ring? Due to my back injury, I'm not allowed to get in the ring. But I'm so brave that with a partner I'll step into the ring with you. See how brave I am? I'm willing to wrestle with a injured back! No one else but members of Camp Cornette would step into the ring injured! Warrior when Owen and I get done with you, You will be flat on your back one more time. At the King Of The Ring we will prove to you what real force is. You might have all your crazy talk and your stupid fans but me and Owen are a team. We're brother in laws and we're tighter than ever.

Vader- Let me make myself real clear, Sycho Sid you ruined my chances of becoming the number one contender! Now I'm going to have to hurt you! Sid I will be coming after you boy, And when I get you, You will be left lying in a pool of your blood! You will know that it's always Vader time!

James E. Cornette- I think we have said what we needed to say and now.................


Ric Flair changes the rules for King Of The Ring!

Cornette is interrupted by the music of Commissioner Flair hitting the arena. The fans go wild as the Commissioner stands on top of the entry way.

Ric Flair- Wooooooo! Memphis, Tennessee! Wooooooo! Now I have got something to say to you guys. Camp Cornette over there. I was on the phone with the doctors all day and Bulldog they told me that your back isn't hurt badly. Infact you just needed a day off. Not weeks like you told me! And the other thing is, I make the matches around here not you! So at King Of The Ring you want it to be Owen Hart and you against Ultimate Warrior? Not today pal! Wooooooooo! See at King Of The Ring it will now be a tag match. Ultimate Warrior and a partner of his choosing against British Bulldog and well it won't be Owen Hart. A champion should defend their title at King Of The Ring, And since Owen Hart is the Intercontinental Champion he will defend the title at King Of The Ring! But since you tried to pull a fast one on "The Nature Boy" I get to pick your tag team partner. It won't be Vader. It won't be Owen. It'll be James E. Cornette!

James E. Cornette- What? No way! I'm not a wrestler!

Ric Flair- You will be one at King Of The Ring! It'll be you and Bulldog against Warrior and a partner of his choice! You guys tried to fool the Commissioner but nobody fools slick Ric! Wooooooo! And Cornette you better show up at King Of The Ring or I will suspend you for a year without pay! You won't be being those ugly suits over your's for a long time pal! And if Owen Hart or Vader get involved in the tag match, They will also be suspended! And Owen that means you won't have that title around your waist! So it's set! Cornette and Bulldog will go against Warrior and a partner of his choice. And oh yeah, If Warrior's team wins then Warrior gets Bulldog in the ring the next night on Monday Night Raw! Wooooooooooo!

Camp Cornette is stunned! Friday Night Mayhem goes to a commercial break with Cornette looking worried for his life as Flair heads to the back.



1996 King Of The Ring Tournament

Qualifying Round

Al Snow with Ted DiBiase Vs. Bob Holly

The winner of this one will meet either Steve Austin or Marc Mero in the Quarter Finals. This means we could see Snow versus Austin! Two members of The Corporation could be going at in the Quarter Finals. Al Snow jumped Bob Holly from behind early on. Snow used several kicks and submission holds to try to put Holly away but Holly kept fighting back. They brawled outside and Snow send Holly into the steel ring post three times face first! Snow put Holly back inside the ring and scored a few near falls on the man from Mobile, Alabama. Snow had Holly down and headed up top. Snow went for a moonsault but Holly rolled out of the way and Snow hit the canvas! Holly made the comeback and hit Snow with a few clotheslines and a big atomic drop! Holly drop kicked Snow down and followed up with a DDT but Snow kicked out! Holly lifted Snow up and went for the Race Car Slam but Snow got out of it and locked Holly into the Million Dollar Dream! Holly struggled for a bit but then he tapped out! Al Snow posed as Ted DiBiase raised his arm in the air. DiBiase said that Al Snow would be the 1996 King Of The Ring as Friday Night Mayhem went to a commercial break.

79, 80, 78 **1\2


Masked Americans Vs. Chris Candido and Brian Christopher

The crowd wasn't very vocal for this one except when Christopher was in the ring. Christopher got some pops due to this being his hometown. This one was pretty short around four minutes or so. The Masked Americans don't seem to be too over with the fans for whatever reason. Steve Lombardi was the one who got isolated. Candido and Christopher double teamed him for a bit until he made the tag to Tim Prichard! Prichard came into the ring and started cleaning house taking down Candido and Christopher with right hands! The Masked Americans double clotheslined Christopher out and finished Candido off with a double flapjack! Prichard covered Candido and got the 1,2,3! The Masked Americans then posed while Christopher helped Candido to the back. A few "USA" chants were heard.

74, 67, 81 **1\2

Chris Candido lost overness from this match.

Brian Christopher lost overness from this match.

Tom Prichard gained overness from this match.

Steve Lombardi gained overness from this match.


Will Jeff Jarrett be the next World Wrestling Federation Champion?

Friday Night Mayhem returns from the break with Jeff Jarrett's music hitting the arena. Jarrett comes out to a mixed reaction (since we're in his home state and all). Jarrett steps inside the ring and does his strut as pyros go off from the rafters and from the ring posts. Jarrett is handed a microphone to another mixed reaction from the fans.

Jeff Jarrett- I told everyone! I told all you fans that I was the man around here! I told everyone that I would be the number one contender but no one believed me! Not Shawn Michaels, Not Vader, Not Sycho Sid and not Ahmed Johnson! Well I proved all you son b******* wrong didn't I? Last Monday night I went through three men and because of that, I am now the number one contender for the World Wrestling Federation Championship! I am now the man who will get the WWF Championship match at King Of The Ring. I did it. And now it's time for the Jeff Jarrett era to begin in the WWF. But I'd like to introduce someone to all you people, A man who will now manage me to the top! With this man backing me up there's no doubt in my mind that I will be the next WWF Champion. My new manager "Ravishing" Rick Rude!

The fans boo as Jarrett's music plays once again, Rick Rude makes his way down to the ring in a suit and tie as Jeff Jarrett smiles. Rude gets inside the ring and shakes hands with Jeff Jarrett. Rude is given the microphone and starts talking.

Rick Rude- I know the big question is why did Rick Rude return to the World Wrestling Federation? Why has Rick Rude joined forces with Jeff Jarrett? Is Rick Rude here to wrestle? No I'm not back in the WWF to get in the ring. I've already done everything that there is to do in the wrestling business. I've won all the titles that I needed to. I've beaten all the big names as well. Rick Rude is back in the World Wrestling Federation for one reason and one reason only. And that is to manage the man with the brightest future in the company. And that is Jeff Jarrett. With me by his corner, Jeff Jarrett will become the next World Wrestling Federation Champion. The WWF is being represented by a no good punk like Shawn Michaels. Michaels is nothing but a cheap Rick Rude rip off. Except that I got real women cheering for me. Not some teenage punks! Shawn Michaels is nothing. He shouldn't be the WWF Champion. It's time for the title to go back around the waist of a true champion. It's time for the title to go around the waist of Jeff Jarrett. I'm confident that at King Of The Ring we'll see a new World Wrestling Federation Champion be crowned. And that man will be Jeff Jarrett. And I will be at ringside to see it happen. Shawn Michaels you're going to lose that title and there's nothing you or your Kliq can do about it.

Jeff Jarrett- Shawn Michaels I know you're here tonight and I don't feel like waiting until the King Of The Ring. Later on tonight I will come face to face with you. And I promise you that you'll be left laying! Tonight you'll get a small preview of what it will be like at the King Of The Ring!

Jarrett drops the microphone down and his music starts to play. Rude raises Jarrett's arm in the air and Jarrett does the "title around the waist" motion. Jarrett and Rude head to the back as we go to a commercial break with the announcers hyping "The Narcissist" Shawn Stasiak in action coming up next!



"The Narcissist" Shawn Stasiak with Clarence Mason Vs. Hakushi

These two men are entered in this year's King Of The Ring tournament but this is not a tournament match up. Clarence Mason again brought out a huge mirror for "The Narcissist" to pose in front of before the match started. Hakushi took it to Stasiak early on and dumped the young superstar out to the floor! Hakushi hit a big time moonsault to Stasiak out on the floor! Mason tried to get involved but Hakushi kicked Mason right in the gut! Stasiak was able to take Hakushi down with the Stasiak Drop back in the ring. Stasiak pounded Hakushi in the corner and hit a couple impressive moves on Hakushi but Stasiak was too cocky and would pose instead of covering Hakushi. Stasiak took Hakushi down with a impressive vertical suplex but decided to go up top, Stasiak posed on the top turnbuckle which allowed Hakushi to shake the ropes crotching Stasiak on the top turnbuckle! Hakushi went up top with Stasiak and delivered a huge hurricanrana to Stasiak off the top turnbuckle! Hakushi connected with a few high risk moves on Stasiak but Stasiak kept kicking out. Hakushi went for a moonsault but Stasiak moved out of the way, Hakushi though landed on his feet and walked right into Stasiak's Torture Rack! Hakushi quickly tapped out giving Stasiak the win! Afterwards, Stasiak picked Hakushi up and tossed him over the top rope all the way out to the floor!

75, 70, 81 **3/4

Hakushi lost overness from this match.

Shawn Stasiak gained overness from this match.

"The Narcissist" Shawn Stasiak mirror and held up as Stasiak posed. Mason put the mirror down and grabbed a microphone. will be the 1996 King Of The Ring!

Charles Mason came into the ring with the big

Charles Mason- That right there is pure perfection! That right there is a man who knows what he's doing. That right there is "The Narcissist" Shawn Stasiak! And Shawn Stasiak is the man who will be the 1996 King Of The Ring! He's ready for the tournament! Did you people see him dominate Hakushi out there? Hakushi is nothing for Shawn Stasiak! "The Narcissist" Shawn Stasiak is the best young man in the WWF. He's only twenty six years of age and he's already one of the top athletes in the World Wrestling Federation! No one can beat this man! He will be the 1996 King Of The Ring! Clarence Mason is promising the whole world right now that Shawn Stasiak will put everyone that stands in his way into the Torture Rack! He will rack everyone up until he gets to the King Of The Ring! And on that night he'll wrestle two matches and win both of them! This Monday night it'll be "The Narcissist" and "The Anvil" Jim Neidhart one on one! Neidhart you better get ready because Shawn Stasiak is going to be bringing it! He's going to put you into the Torture Rack to qualify for the King Of The Ring. All you other men better watch out because Shawn Stasiak is willing to do anything it takes to become the 1996 King Of The Ring winner!

Mason drops the microphone down and grabs the mirror. Stasiak poses in front of the mirror as Friday Night Mayhem goes to a commercial break.


Clarence Mason gained overness from this segment.


1996 King Of The Ring Tournament

Qualifying Round

Marc Mero with Sable Vs. Steve Austin with Ted DiBiase

Mero and Austin put on another great battle here, Austin jumped "The Wildman" from behind to try to get the upper hand early on. Austin stomped Mero down in the corner and choked Mero down like a dog. Austin used his technical abilities to try to put Mero away but Mero kept fighting back. Mero went for a irish whip but Austin countered and took Mero out with a huge spinebuster! After that, It was all Austin. Austin pounded Mero's back! Austin locked Mero into holds like a abdominal stretch and a camel clutch to try to get the submission but Mero kept coming back for more. Austin slammed Mero down and came off the second turnbuckle with a elbow drop to Mero's heart. Austin lifted Mero up and went for the Stone Cold Stunner but Mero countered and put Austin down with a DDT! Mero made his comeback and drop kicked Austin! Mero back dropped Austin and connected with a big powerslam! Mero lifted Austin up and took Austin down with a samoan drop. Mero headed up top and went for the Wild Thing but Austin moved out of the way and Mero hit the canvas! Austin lifted Mero up and taunted "The Wildman"! Austin kicked Mero in the gut and went for the Stone Cold Stunner but Mero countered and took Austin over with a backslide and scored the 1,2,3 to advance to the Quarter Finals! Marc Mero and his wife Sable headed to the back while Austin and DiBiase threw a fit and argued with the referee.

87, 87, 88 ***3/4

Interview with Undertaker and Paul Bearer

We cut to the back where Kevin Kelly is standing by with Undertaker and his manager Paul Bearer.

Kevin Kelly- Undertaker tonight it will be you and Hunter Hearst Helmsley going one on one. But as of late you and Cactus Jack have been in each other's way. Last Monday night we heard from Cactus Jack. Cactus Jack made it clear that he's not afraid of getting hurt. He says he'll fight you anytime, Anywhere. Will we see you two go at it?

Paul Bearer- Oh yes, The time will come. Cactus Jack will face Undertaker very, Very soon. And when it happens we're all going to see Cactus Jack experience the kind of pain many men have felt when they've gotten in the ring with Undertaker. Cactus Jack you claim that you like pain? Well you'll love being in the ring with Undertaker and all the creatures of the night. Because Undertaker will give you the kind of pain you never thought was possible.

Kevin Kelly- Tonight it'll be Undertaker going up against the blue blood snob Hunter Hearst Helmsley in singles action. Undertaker you have never gone one on one with Hunter Hearst Helmsley. Tonight can you beat this bright superstar?

Paul Bearer- Hunter Hearst Helmsley might have alot of money and he might be filthy rich but he's just another soul for Undertaker to take. Hunter Hearst Helmsley is no match for Undertaker and the creatures of the night worldwide. Tonight Hunter Hearst Helmsley must look into the eyes of Undertaker and he will know that there's no beating the phenom of the World Wrestling Federation.

Undertaker- Tonight Hunter Hearst Helmsley must look into the eyes of the demon. Hunter Hearst Helmsley will step into the ring with me and he will not come out the winner. All the creatures of the night will watch what I do to Hunter Hearst Helmsley. I just hope Cactus Jack is watching, Cactus Jack if it's a fight you want then it's a fight you'll get. First it'll be Hunter Hearst Helmsley and then you'll be the one who rests in peace!

Kevin Kelly- Fans up next it's Undertaker versus Hunter Hearst Helmsley in the huge main event! Can Undertaker put Hunter Hearst Helmsley to rest?



Undertaker with Paul Bearer Vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Undertaker got into the ring and Hunter Hearst Helmsley quickly fled the ring. Helmsley said there was no way he'd get inside the ring with the deadman! So Undertaker went out to the floor after Helmsley! Undertaker stalked Helmsley around the ringside area until Helmsley got into the ring. Helmsley tried to jump the phenom but Undertaker clotheslined Helmsley! Undertaker nailed Helmsley with lightning fast right hands in the corner! Helmsley was finally able to take Undertaker off his feet after catching Undertaker coming off the ropes with a high knee to the face. Helmsley beat down Undertaker and send Undertaker out to the floor through the middle ropes. Helmsley send Undertaker right into the steel steps and then dropped the top part of the steel steps right into Undertaker's back! Back inside the ring, Helmsley got several close near falls on Undertaker but the man from the dark side wouldn't go down. Helmsley ended up going for the Pedigree but Undertaker countered and catapulted Helmsley into the corner! Undertaker hit Helmsley with his trademark moves and came off the top turnbuckle with a flying clothesline to Helmsley! Undertaker grabbed Helmsley by the throat and delivered a huge Choke Slam to Helmsley! Undertaker called for the Tombstone! Undertaker lifted Helmsley up and planted Helmsley with the Tombstone! Undertaker looked like he was going to cover, But Cactus Jack came running down from the back with a steel chair! Jack got into the ring and drilled Undertaker with a chair shot right to the back taking down Undertaker causing a disqualification! Undertaker stood up and Jack drilled him right over the head with a huge chair shot! Jack dropped the chair down and lifted Undertaker up....... Jack delivers a huge piledriver to Undertaker right into the steel chair! Cactus Jack stood over a fallen Undertaker as we took our final commercial break.

88, 92, 82 ***1\4


WWF Slam Of The Week- Hunter Hearst Helmsley picks up the win against Bob Holly using the Pedigree! (Monday Night Raw 5/27/96)

Jarrett and Rude lay out the champion!

Friday Night Mayhem goes back from the commercial break with Shawn Michaels' music hitting the arena to a huge ovation from this sell out crowd. The WWF Champion makes his way down to the ring slapping hands with the fans at ringside. Michaels posed in the ring with the title as pyros went off behind him. Michaels was handed a microphone and the "HBK" chants already started going up.

Shawn Michaels- Now I'm sure everyone was expecting the "Heart Break Kid" to stay in the back while Jeff Jarrett and Rick Rude came out here and talked their trash. But Jeff Jarrett said he was going to leave me laid out here? Well here I am. Jeff Jarrett I know you're thinking that at King Of The Ring you're going to be the man who beats HBK for this title. But it isn't going to happen. The Kliq will no die at the King Of The Ring. My title reign will not come to an end at this year's King Of The Ring. I have worked all my life to become the champion and I won't let you or Rick Rude end my title reign. One way or another I will be leaving the King Of The Ring still the World Wrestling Federation Champion. And if Rick Rude gets in my way I will have no other choice but to nail him with Sweet Chin Music! Rick Rude I know you can't wrestle anymore but I'd advice you to stay away from the King Of The Ring if you know what's good for you. I'm not afraid to beat you up if I have to!

Michael is about to talk about Jeff Jarrett's music hits the arena, Instead of Jarrett it's Rick Rude who comes down to the ring. Rude gets inside the ring and is handed a microphone. Michaels and Rude go face to face.

Rick Rude- I'm not out here to fight. Those days are over. You won't ever see Rick Rude in a ring again. But Shawn Michaels I came out here because while I was at home all I could hear was the "New Generation" and how Shawn Michaels is the leader of this "New Generation". I do got to hand it to you Shawn, You're a great wrestler. I never thought you would be the World Wrestling Federation Champion. I never thought that the "Rocker" would be standing here in front of me with the title. And I have seen what you've done as champion. You've been in all sorts of brutal matches. But at King Of The Ring you'll be facing the future of the World Wrestling Federation. You'll be in the ring with Jeff Jarrett. And Shawn there's no way you're going to beat Jeff Jarrett. At King Of The Ring everyone is going to see me raising Jeff Jarrett's arm high in the air while he has that title held in the air. The different between you and Double J is that you depend on your Kliq. Jeff Jarrett doesn't need some morons cheering him on. And at King Of The Ring you will be a loser!

Shawn Michaels- No Rick the only loser I see here is you. You're nothing more than a has been who has to manage Jeff Jarrett! Well I got news for you, At King Of The Ring I will walk out still the World Wrestling Federation Champion. It doesn't matter if you're in his corner or not! The Kliq will be by my side and I will prove to everyone that HBK's time is still here. At King Of The Ring........

Before Michaels could finish, Rick Rude slaps him in the face! Michaels stares Rude down and shoves Rude down! Michaels drops his title down and goes to the corner! Michaels tunes up the band! Jeff Jarrett comes running down from the back! Jarrett gets up on the apron and distracts Michaels! Michaels goes over to Jarrett and decks Jarrett with a right hand knocking Jeff Jarrett off the apron! Rick Rude takes the title and nails Michaels over the back of the head with it! Jarrett comes into the ring as Rude puts the title down. Jarrett lifts Michaels up and plants Michaels with a DDT right into the title belt! Shawn Michael is left laid out on the canvas as Rick Rude and Jeff Jarrett stand over him. Jarrett grabs the WWF Championship and poses with it! Friday Night Mayhem goes off the air with Rude and Jarrett standing over Shawn Michaels!


Shawn Michaels lost overness from this segment.

Overall Rating- 81

TV Rating- 7.75


Saturday Night

TV Rating- 2.90

Attendance- 7,035

Ticket Sales- $281,400

Hardcore TV

TV Rating- 0.37

Attendance- 503

Ticket Sales- $10,060


Dirtbike Kid has agreed to an open contract with ABWF!

WCW have signed Masahiro Chono to a written contract!

WCW have signed independent worker Raymond Rougeau to a written contract!

WCW have signed Jimmy Snuka to a written contract!

Horace Hogan has agreed to an open contract with LATMF!

OOC: The June news report should be up soon :D

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Wrestling News for June, 1996

Taking a look at the wrestling world

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World Wrestling Federation

Owner: Linda McMahon

Public Image: 95

Size: Global

Based In: America

Risk Level: 70

Production Values: 100

Merchandising: 100

Advertising: 100

Top 5 Faces

1. Ric Flair (100)

2. Shawn Michaels (98)

3. Sycho Sid (97)

4. Bret Hart (96)

5. Undertaker (92)

Top 5 Heels

1. Kevin Nash (99)

2. Vader (98)

3. Cactus Jack (94)

4. Hunter Hearst Helmsley (90)

5. Goldust (88)

user posted image

World Championship Wrestling

Owner: Ted Turner

Public Image: 50

Size: Global

Based In: America

Risk Level: 40

Production Values: 95

Top 5 Stars

1. Hulk Hogan (100)

2. Sting (100)

3. Randy Savage (97)

4. The Giant (91)

5. Lex Luger (90)

user posted image

Extreme Championship Wrestling

Owner: Paul Heyman

Public Image: 92

Size: Cult

Based In: America

Risk Level: 90

Production Values: 60

Top 5 Stars

1. The Sandman (73)

2. Sabu (70)

3. Goldberg (70)

4. Terry Funk (65)

5. Terry Gordy (65)

user posted image

League Against The McMahon Family

Owner: Helen Pring

Public Image: 71

Size: Cult

Based In: Ameirca

Risk Level: 70

Production Values: 60

Top 5 Stars

1. The Sandman (73)

2. Bam Bam Bigelow (72)

3. Fabulous Moolah (71)

4. Sabu (70)

5. Honky Tonk Man (67)

League Against The McMahon Family have issued a bankruptcy warning!

user posted image

Supreme Wrestling Federation

Owner: Nicholas Stanley

Public Image: 50

Size: Cult

Based In: America

Risk Level: 40

Production Values: 60

SWF have a new TV show on Sundays in the graveyard time slot!

Top 5 Stars

1. The Sandman (73)

2. Brother Love (73)

3. Sabu (70)

4. Goldberg (70)

5. Terry Funk (65)

user posted image

Amber Benson's Wrestling Federation

Owner: Nik Simpson

Public Image: 54

Size: Backyard

Based In: America

Risk Level: 30

Production Values: 5

Top 5 Stars

1. Elektra (20)

2. Julio Dinero (13)

3. J-Rocc (7)

4. Dirtbike Kid (4)

5. ?

Edited by Baby Hewey
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Date: June 2, 1996

Location: Memphis, Tennessee

Attendance: 10,006

Ticket Sales: $40,0240

Announcers: Michael Cole and Kevin Kelly

Superstars opens up with it's regular video package. We're then taken inside the arena where Michael Cole and Kevin Kelly are standing by. Cole and Kelly hype up today's main event of Rick Martel facing Goldust in a rematch from Monday Night Raw!

Marty Jannetty Vs. Savio

Marty Jannetty looks to be in pretty decent shape since being in USWA. He's improved a bit too. Since Savio is on his way out of the WWF, Naturally he did the job. Jannetty seems to be a heel now which might freshen up his act. Jannetty dominated the entire match with Savio barely getting any offense in on Jannetty. Jannetty finished Savio off with a roll up using the tights to his advantage to score the win!

63, 65, 75 **

Marty Jannetty debuted his new gimmick, it got a positive response.

Interview with D'lo Brown

Todd Pettengill interviewed D'lo Brown backstage to get his thoughts on his upcoming match with Hakushi, Brown said he respected Hakushi but he was looking to win this match today on Superstars. Brown also said he's entered in the King Of The Ring and that he's going to win the tournament one way or another.



D'lo Brown Vs. Hakushi

Both these men are entered in the 1996 King Of The Ring. Brown and Hakushi had a pretty good match up here with alot of close near falls. The crowd wasn't too sure on who to cheer for though. The announcers chose to talk about the King Of The Ring and how Rick Martel, Sean Waltman, Marc Mero and Al Snow have already advanced into the Quarter Finals. Hakushi controlled most of the match after delivering a huge moonsault to Brown out on the floor! Hakushi came close to putting D'lo away but D'lo wouldn't stay down. D'lo took everything Hakushi had and kept fighting back. Hakushi missed a big moonsault which allowed D'lo to make his come back. D'lo won the match after catching Hakushi with the Sky High. Afterwards, Both men shook hands showing a sign of respect.

71, 68, 91 ***1\2

Interview with Fatu

Fatu made his return to the WWF and was interviewed by Todd Pettengill. Fatu said he hasn't been wrestling because he took time off to do charity work for the children in the "hood". Fatu said he's ready to go and today on Superstars he would start a whole new era.



Fatu Vs. Chris Chavis

The crowd was pretty silent for this one. Fatu gave a kid in the front row his beanie before the match started. Fatu is also another man who seems to have improved during his little trip to USWA. Ted DiBiase wasn't at ringside for this one for some reason. This is probably the best match of the careers of both these men. They fought it out and came very close to putting each other away. The announcers didn't pay attention to the match and hyped the 1996 King Of The Ring Tournament. Fatu put Chavis away with the Fatu Driver. Afterwards, Fatu posed and brought a little kid from the crowd into the ring. Fatu posed with the little kid. The announcers put over Fatu's kind heart.......

68, 66, 86 ***


The Godwinns with Hillbilly Jim Vs. Bill Irwin and Chris Candido

Looks like Candido is again being punished for his bad attitude. Looks like the WWF won't stand having midcarder wrestlers with big egos backstage. The Godwinns dominated the entire match. This one was not even three minutes long! Phineous pinned Candido with the Slop Drop to pick up the win. Afterwards, Both Irwin and Candido got slop thrown on them! The Godwinns and Hillbilly Jim posed and did their hillbilly dance to some cheers from the crowd.

62, 65, 73 *3/4

Interview with Rick Martel

Backstage Rick Martel was interviewed by Dok Hendrix. Martel said that he's already advanced in the King Of The Ring and he did it by beating Goldust! Martel said he would again beat Goldust today on Superstars. Martel told Hendrix that he'd beat Goldust today and then that he'd become the 1996 King Of The Ring. Martel mentioned the fact that he's still undefeated.



WWF Slam Of The Week- Shawn Stasiak locks Hakushi into the Torture Rack for the submission! (Friday Night Mayhem 5/31/96)

Rick Martel Vs. Goldust with Marlena

This one was just like their match from Monday Night Raw except there were a couple "Martel" chants. Goldust jumped Martel from behind early on and pounded Martel in the corner. Goldust got huge heat when he'd do his gay taunts. Cole mentioned that Martel could win the King Of The Ring this year. Goldust had Martel beat down for most of the match until he went for the Curtain Call, Martel countered out of it and and bulldoged Goldust down! Martel fought back hitting Goldust with chops and right hands! Martel atomic dropped Goldust and clotheslined Goldust down! Martel hit Goldust with a spinebuster and locked Goldust into the Québec Crab! Goldust had nowhere to go and he quickly tapped out! Superstars went off the air with Rick Martel posing.

76, 84, 86 ***1\2

Rick Martel gained overness from this match.

Overall Rating- 69

TV Rating- 2.79



TV Rating- 2.90

Attendance- 7,034

Ticket Sales- $281,360

SWF Sunday

TV Rating- 2.24

Attendance- 405

Ticket Sales- $8,100


"Goldust and Rick Martel work pretty well together due to their similar styles”- Pat Patterson

“How about booking me against Ron Simmons? I'm sure we could do some pretty entertaining stuff that the fans would like.”- Ahmed Johnson

“Our ratings battle with Worldwide is so close that neither show is gaining a clear advantage!”- Sophie


WCW's Worldwide has been renewed for a further 30 weeks!

OOC: Monday Night Raw preview will be up later after I sim it out :D

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Date: June 3, 1996

Location: New Orleans, Louisiana

Last Friday Night we saw Jeff Jarrett and his manager "Ravishing" Rick Rude stand over Shawn Michaels. Michaels was laid out at the hands of Jarrett and Rude. But tonight Michaels is going to have to wrestle. Infact tonight Shawn Michaels will put the WWF Championship on the line! Tonight it'll be Sean Waltman of The Corporation challenging the "Heart Break Kid" for the title. This is a huge opportunity for Waltman due to Michaels not being 100%. Can Waltman score the biggest win of his young career by winning the title and becoming the youngest WWF Champion in history?

Cactus Jack is scheduled to be in New Orleans, Jack left Undertaker laid on this past Friday night. We don't know if the phenom will show up tonight but we will hear from Cactus Jack. What does Cactus Jack have to say about his brutal actions?

Matches for Monday Night Raw

Ahmed Johnson faces Ron Simmons in a King Of The Ring Tournament Qualifying Round match up. Who will advance to join Martel, Waltman, Mero and Snow?

Steve Austin and Al Snow face The Godwinns in tag team action. This should be a romp em stomp em affair between two of the best tag teams in the World Wrestling Federation. Can the members of The Corporation score the win over one of the best teams of all time?

Marc Mero will face Owen Hart in a non title match, Mero scored a big win over Steve Austin last Friday night taking him to the Quarter Finals of the King Of The Ring. Tonight Mero will be in action against a former King Of The Ring, Owen Hart. Can Mero continue his winning ways or will the King Of Harts stop him dead in his tracks?

Another King Of The Ring Tournament Qualifying Round match up will take place as Jim Neidhart faces "The Narcissist" Shawn Stasiak. The winner will advance to meet the winner of Johnson and Simmons. Can "The Anvil" pull out the big win against the cocky young man or will he fall victim to the torture rack?

And in the main event, Shawn Michaels defends the WWF Championship against Sean Waltman!

Plus British Bulldog, Vader, Cactus Jack and much more!

Edited by Baby Hewey
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