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World Wrestling Federation 1996


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Final Card

World Wrestling Federation Championship

Last Man Standing Match

Shawn Michaels© Vs. Kevin Nash

No Holds Barred, Anything Goes

Bret Hart Vs. Vader

World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship

Ultimate Warrior Vs. Owen Hart©

Sycho Sid Vs. Crush

Undertaker Vs. Jeff Jarrett

Ahmed Johnson Vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Rick Martel Vs. Scott Taylor

Smoking Gunns and Marc Mero Vs. Al Snow, Steve Austin and Sean Waltman

Free For All

Bob Holly Vs. Shawn Stasiak

Tie Breakers

1. What will be the first Pay Per View match? Rick Martel V Scott Taylor

2. What will be the match before the main event? Bret V Vader

3. Who will get pinned in the six men tag match? (the loser) Bart Gunn

4. What will be the best match? (overall quality)Bret V Vader

5. What will be the worst match (overall quality)Warrior V Owen

6. What will Cactus Jack do at the Pay Per View? (if he shows up)Interfere in IC Match

7. Will anyone debut. No

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World Wrestling Federation Championship

Last Man Standing Match

Shawn Michaels© Vs. Kevin Nash

No Holds Barred, Anything Goes

Bret Hart Vs. Vader

World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship

Ultimate Warrior Vs. Owen Hart©

Sycho Sid Vs. Crush

Undertaker Vs. Jeff Jarrett

Ahmed Johnson Vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Rick Martel Vs. Scott Taylor

Smoking Gunns and Marc Mero Vs. Al Snow, Steve Austin and Sean Waltman

Free For All

Bob Holly Vs. Shawn Stasiak

Tie Breakers

1. What will be the first Pay Per View match? Ahmed Johnson vs. HHH

2. What will be the match before the main event? Bret vs. Vader

3. Who will get pinned in the six men tag match? Bart Gunn

4. What will be the best match? Bret Hart vs. Vader

5. What will be the worst match Free For All

6. What will Cactus Jack do at the Pay Per View? Somehow startsthe feud with Ultimate Warrior

7. Will anyone debut? No

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World Wrestling Federation Championship

Last Man Standing Match

Shawn Michaels© Vs. Kevin Nash

No Holds Barred, Anything Goes

Bret Hart Vs. Vader (Owen Hart and Cornette will have something to do with this one)

World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship

Ultimate Warrior Vs. Owen Hart© (I just dont see the Warrior winning the title, especially since Owen just won the title)

Sycho Sid Vs. Crush

Undertaker Vs. Jeff Jarrett

Ahmed Johnson Vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Rick Martel Vs. Scott Taylor

Smoking Gunns and Marc Mero Vs. Al Snow, Steve Austin and Sean Waltman

Free For All

Bob Holly Vs. Shawn Stasiak

Tie Breakers

1. What will be the first Pay Per View match? Martel vs. Taylor

2. What will be the match before the main event? Hart vs. Vader

3. Who will get pinned in the six men tag match? (the loser) Waltman

4. What will be the best match? (overall quality) Michaels vs. Nash

5. What will be the worst match (overall quality) Johnson vs. HHH

6. What will Cactus Jack do at the Pay Per View? (if he shows up) attack the warrior most likely

7. Will anyone debut? No

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Guest Prototype

World Wrestling Federation Championship

Last Man Standing Match

Shawn Michaels©

No Holds Barred, Anything Goes

Bret Hart

World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship

Owen Hart©

Sycho Sid


Ahmed Johnson

Rick Martel

Al Snow, Steve Austin and Sean Waltman

Free For All

Shawn Stasiak

Tie Breakers

1. What will be the first Pay Per View match? Martel vs Taylor

2. What will be the match before the main event? Hart vs Vader

3. Who will get pinned in the six men tag match? Billy Gunn

4. What will be the best match? HBK vs Nash

5. What will be the worst match Stasiak vs Holly

6. What will Cactus Jack do at the Pay Per View? Attack a superstar

7. Will anyone debut? No

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WWF Free For All before In Your House "Aggravated Assault"

We're taken inside the Civic Center for the WWF Free For All on the Preview Channel! The crowd is pumped up and look ready for great WWF Free For All action! We're taken to the announce position where Vince McMahon and Jim Ross are standing by, They hype up tonight's Free For All match which will be "The Narcissist" Shawn Stasiak taking on Bob Holly!

Bob Holly Vs. Shawn Stasiak with Clarence Mason

Clarence Mason brings out a big mirror for Stasiak to pose to and admire himself. Referee Chad Patton made Mason go outside with the mirror. Patton calls for the bell and Holly goes right after Stasiak taking down Stasiak with a spear! Holly mounts on top of "The Narcissist" and hammers Stasiak with right hands to the face! Patton pulls Holly off of Stasiak who rolls out to the floor. Holly goes out after Stasiak and clotheslines Stasiak down! Holly lifts Stasiak up and rams Stasiak's head into the steel steps! Holly rolls Stasiak back into the ring. Mason tries to attack Holly but Holly nails Mason with a big right hand to the face knocking down Mason! This proves to be a distraction for Holly, Which allows Stasiak to hit a big baseball slide to Holly sending Holly into the steel guardrail! Stasiak distracts Chad Patton which allows Mason to get a few kicks in on Bob Holly. Stasiak rolls Holly back into the ring and heads up top! Holly stands up and Stasiak comes off the top with a double ax handle to Holly! Stasiak with a cover! 1.......2........ No! Bob Holly kicks out! Stasiak lifts Holly up and sends Holly for the ride. Holly ducks a Stasiak clothesline and comes off the ropes right back into a flying back elbow to the face from Stasiak! Cover! 1.....2..... Holly kicks out again! Stasiak lifts Bob Holly up and slams Holly down. Stasiak flexes his muscles and drops a elbow right to Holly! Stasiak with a cocky cover! 1..........2.......... Bob Holly kicks out again! Stasiak drags Bob Holly up to his feet and sends Holly for the ride...... Holly walks right into a kick to the gut from Stasiak who hooks Holly up and gets a fisherman's suplex! 1........2....... no! Holly kicks out! Stasiak and Mason argue with the referee but he says Holly kicked out! Stasiak drags Holly up and hammers Holly in the back. Stasiak with a spinning back suplex! Cover! 1..........2...... Holly kicks out again! Stasiak drops down on Holly's back knee first! Stasiak lifts Bob Holly up and slams Holly down. Stasiak goes up onto the second turnbuckle and hits a big elbow drop to Holly! Cover! 1......2..... kick out again by Bob Holly! Stasiak locks Bob Holly into a rear chin lock! The Narcissist puts the pressure to Bob Holly! The crowd starts a "lets go Bob Holly" chant. The referee asks Holly if he'll give it up but Holly says no! Holly is able to get himself up and nail Stasiak in the gut! Jaw jacker by Holly! Holly follows up with a clothesline and both men are down for the count! Referee Chad Patton begins the count out as Mason cheers on Stasiak! 1........2..........3..........4.............5..............6...........7...........8...... Both men are up! Stasiak goes to hit Holly with a right hand but Holly blocks it and goes bananas on Stasiak nailing "The Narcissist" with big right hands to the face! Holly sends Stasiak for the ride........ Back body drop to Stasiak! Stasiak crawls up to his feet and Holly runs right over him with a clothesline! Holly lifts Stasiak up and nails Stasiak with another right hand. Holly with a atomic drop and clothesline! Cover! 1...........2....... No! Stasiak kicks out! Holly drags Stasiak up and plants Stasiak with a DDT! Cover! 1........2......... no! Stasiak kicks out! Holly sends Stasiak for the ride and catches Stasiak with a big drop kick! Cover! 1.........2...... Stasiak kicks out again! Holly lifts Stasiak up and drives Stasiak down to the canvas with the Race Car Slam! Holly covers but Clarence Mason is up on the apron distracting the referee! Holly goes over to Mason and decks him! Holly turns around and Stasiak kicks Holly in the gut and delivers the Stasiak Drop to Holly! Stasiak drags Holly up and locks Holly into a Torture Rack! Bob Holly gives it up! The crowd boos as Stasiak drops Holly down to the canvas. Clarence Mason comes into the ring with the mirror as Stasiak's music plays. "The Narcissist" poses while the referee checks on Bob Holly.

Winner by Pin Fall: Shawn Stasiak

74, 69, 79 **1\2

Bob Holly lost overness from this match.

Shawn Stasiak gained overness from this match.

:::::::::::::::::: End of the Free For All ::::::::::::::::::

user posted image

Date: May 19, 1996

Location: Florence, South Carolina

Attendance: 20,276

Ticket Sales: $1,216,560

Pay Per View Revenue: $4,600,000

Announcers: Jim Ross and Vince McMahon

Voice Over- The World Wrestling Federation for over fifty years the revolutionary force in sports entertainment.

In Your House "Aggravated Assault" opens up with a video package highlighting the feud between Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash. It shows a few footage from their match last month which ended with Michaels hitting Nash with Sweet Chin Music to retain the title. It then shows footage from after the match where Nash put Shawn Michaels through the announce table with the Jackknife Powerbomb. We're shown footage from when Ric Flair made the match a Last Man Standing match claiming that there hard to be a winner no matter what happens. Tonight it's Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash once again but this time it's in a Last Man Standing Match. It shows footage from this past week with Nash destroying Michaels on Monday Night Raw and on Friday Night Mayhem putting Michaels through the announce table with the Jackknife Powerbomb. The video ends with a shot of both men staring down each other. We then go inside the Civic Center where pyros go off from the entrance way and from the rafter. We get a live shot at this huge crowd as the attendance number shows up on the screen. 20,276 fans on hand for In Your House "Aggravated Assault"! We get another show of the live crowd before being shown the ring and then the entrance stage. We go over to our announce position where our announcers for the evening are Vince McMahon and Jim Ross. They hype up tonight's huge Pay Per View card which will be Kevin Nash challenging Shawn Michaels for the World Wrestling Federation Championship in a Last Man Standing Match, Bret Hart faces Vader in a No Holds Barred, Anything Goes Match, Undertaker goes up against Jeff Jarrett, Owen Hart defends the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship against Ultimate Warrior, Smoking Gunns team up with Marc Mero to face Steve Austin, Al Snow and Sean Waltman. Sycho Sid faces Crush and Rick Martel faces Scott Taylor. All this tonight on Pay Per View! It's In Your House "Aggravated Assault"!

Rick Martel Vs. Scott Taylor

Referee Charles Robinson calls for the bell and both men stare each other down. Both men lock up and Taylor works over Martel's arm with a arm wringer. Martel elbows Taylor in the face and takes Taylor down to the canvas with a side headlock take over. Taylor escapes Martel's side headlock and elbows Martel in the gut. Taylor goes for a irish whip but Martel counters with a elbow to the face and clotheslines Taylor down! Martel covers Taylor! 1..........2..... Taylor kicks out! Martel lifts Taylor up and tosses Taylor out thinking he threw Taylor out to the floor but Taylor lands on the apron! Martel turns around and Taylor springboards off the apron with a sunset flip to Martel! 1........2........ no! Martel kicks out. Both men get up to their feet, And Martel hip tosses Taylor down! Taylor gets up and walks into another hip toss! Taylor gets back up, Martel goes for another hip toss but Taylor and hip tosses Martel! Martel stands up to his feet and Taylor drop kicks Martel sending Martel out to the floor through the middle ropes. Martel slowly gets up and Taylor hits Martel with a big somersault plancha to Martel on the outside! Taylor rolls Martel back into the ring and heads up top! Taylor comes off the top with a cross body block! 1..............2....... No! Martel rolls over on top of Taylor! 1......2....... no! Martel lifts Taylor up and kicks Taylor in the midsection. Martel with a double underhook suplex to Taylor! Martel with a cover! 1..........2... Taylor kicks out! Martel lifts Taylor up to his feet and goes for a slam but Taylor counters into a pinning predicament! 1..............2.......... Martel kicks out! Taylor hits Martel with a big spinning heel kick as Martel was getting up! Cover! 1............2........ Kick out by Martel! Taylor sends Martel to the corner and takes Martel down with a monkey flip! Taylor starts posing and the crowd responds by booing the young man! Taylor lifts Martel up to his feet and hits a big suplex to Martel! Taylor hangs onto Martel and connects with a second suplex! Taylor hangs onto Martel again and hits a front suplex! Cover! 1.............2......... Martel kicks out! Taylor lifts Martel up and goes for a piledriver but Martel counters and back drops Taylor. Martel takes Taylor out to the floor with a big clothesline! Martel goes out after Taylor and sends Taylor to the steel guardrail! Martel then sends Taylor face first into the steel ring post! Martel rolls Taylor into the ring. Martel comes in after Taylor and hits a big drop kick to Taylor! Cover! 1.......2....... Taylor kicks out! Martel lfits Taylor up and suplexes Taylor. Martel covers! 1...........2......... Taylor kicks out. Martel lifts Taylor back up and sends Taylor for the ride. Martel goes for a right hand but Taylor ducks and comes off the ropes with a pair of flying head scissors to Martel! Martel quickly gets up to his feet and walks into a hurricanrana take over from Taylor! Taylor lifts Martel up and sends Martel to the corner. Taylor nails Martel with big chops to the chest! Taylor follows up with a tornado DDT to Martel! Cover! 1..................2................. Martel kicks out! Taylor lifts Martel up to his feet and slams Martel down. Taylor heads up top! Taylor comes off the top with a big frog splash to Martel! Taylor hooks the leg! 1............2............. no! Martel's foot is on the ropes! Taylor argues with Charles Robinson which allows Martel to roll him up from behind! 1.................................2................. no! Taylor kicks out! Both men get up to their feet, Taylor kicks Martel in the gut and hits a swinging neck breaker! Cover! 1..................2............. Martel kicks out! Taylor drags Martel up to his feet and goes for a backslide but Martel tries to count..... Taylor counters and takes Martel down with a backslide! 1.............2.............. Martel kicks out! Taylor quickly hits a knee lift to Martel's face and covers! 1.........2........... Martel kicks out! Taylor lifts Martel up and slams Martel back down. Taylor comes off the second turnbuckle with a leg drop to Martel! Taylor covers Martel! 1.........2.......... Martel kicks out! Taylor lifts Martel back up and hits a back suplex to Martel. Taylor calls for the Flying DDT! Taylor heads up top as Martel slowly gets up, Martel sees Taylor on the top turnbuckle and shakes the ropes causing Taylor to lose his balance! Martel goes up top with Taylor............ Superplex off the top to Scott Taylor! Both men are down! Charles Robinson begins the count out! 1................2...............3.............4............5.............6.............7 no! Both men are up! Taylor goes for a right hand but Martel blocks it and nails Taylor with right hands and then chops to Taylor's chest! Martel sends Taylor for the ride and catches Taylor with a huge powerslam! Cover! 1.............2........... no! Martel lifts Taylor up and hits a back breaker to Taylor. Martel drags Taylor back up and drops Taylor across the ropes! Taylor comes off the ropes right into a flapjack from Martel! Cover! 1......................2............. Taylor kicks out! Martel lifts Taylor back up and knees him in the gut and delivers a big northern lights suplex! 1.........2.......... Taylor kicks out! Martel takes Taylor down with a big chop block taking out Taylor's leg! Martel drops Taylor across his knee with a knee breaker and follows up with a neck breaker! Martel cover! 1................2........ Taylor kicks out! Martel hits Taylor with a atomic drop and clotheslines Taylor down. Martel drops down on Taylor's legs butt first. Martel wrenches back on Taylor's legs as McMahon wonders when he'll go for the Québec Crab. Martel bulldogs Taylor down and scores another 2 count. Martel lifts Taylor up and goes for a DDT but Taylor counters and delivers a russian legsweep to Martel! Taylor goes up top and goes for another frog splash but this time Martel moves out of the way and Taylor hits the canvas! Both men slowly gets up, And Martel takes Taylor down with a huge spinebuster! Martel quickly locks Taylor into the Québec Crab! Taylor tries to make it to the ropes as referee Charles Robinson asks him if he'll give it up......... Taylor almost reaches the ropes but Martel drags him to the center of the ring and Taylor taps out! Martel celebrates his win as his music plays. McMahon and Ross hype his amazing return to the ring as Rick Martel celebrates. McMahon says that Rick Martel is still undefeated since returning to the World Wrestling Federation.

Winner by Submission: Rick Martel

84, 80, 88 ***1\2

::::::::::::::::::: A video is shown hyping Ahmed Johnson's return. Ahmed Johnson debuted at the Survivor Series last year and made an impact quickly pinning Owen Hart and Yokozuna. Since then Ahmed Johnson has also had big wins over many men including Jeff Jarrett. Last time we saw Ahmed Johnson was at Wrestlemania XII when he faced Crush. Tonight Ahmed Johnson makes his big return to the ring but he has to face the Greenwich snob Hunter Hearst Helmsley! :::::::::::::::::::

Hunter Hearst Helmsley Vs. Ahmed Johnson

Ahmed Johnson gets a big pop from the crowd here tonight. McMahon and Ross make sure to hype these two men as superstars of the New Generation. Referee Jack Doan calls for the bell and both men lock up. Ahmed Johnson easily throws the smaller Hunter Hearst Helmsley down! Helmsley gets up and Johnson shoves him back down to the canvas! Helmsley gets up looking pissed off and slaps Ahmed Johnson across the face! This proves to be a big mistake as Johnson clobbers Helmsley with right hands! Ahmed Johnson nails Helmsley with a right hand and knocks down Helmsley! Helmsley gets back up and Ahmed Johnson knocks him back down! Helmsley stumbles back up again and this time Ahmed Johnson sends him out to the floor with a clothesline! Ahmed Johnson tries to go out after Helmsley but Jack Doan holds him back and begins to count out Helmsley! 1................2...............3................4.............5............6.................7..........8.... No! Ahmed Johnson goes out to the floor and breaks the count! Johnson lifts Helmsley up and sends Helmsley to the steel steps! Johnson rolls Helmsley back into the ring and covers! 1...........2....... KICK OUT BY HELMSLEY! Johnson drags Helmsley up and nails Helmsley with a right hand. Johnson sends Helmsley for the ride and catches Helmsley coming off the ropes with a high back body drop! Helmsley stands up and gets run right over by a clothesline from Ahmed Johnson! Johnson pulls Helmsley up and sends Helmsley to the corner making Helmsley flip over the turnbuckles and land onto the apron! Johnson easily throws Helmsley back into the ring! Helmsley gets down on both knees and begs off for mercy but Johnson just stands in front of him shaking his head and plants Helmsley with a kick to the gut! Johnson drags Helmsley up and slams Helmsley down. Johnson goes for a elbow drop but Helmsley moves out of the way and Johnson hits the canvas! Both men slowly get up, Helmsley nails Johnson with big chops to the chest! This has no affect on Johnson who kicks Helmsley in the gut!Johnson sends Helmsley for the ride and goes for a clothesline but Helmsley ducks it and comes off the ropes catching Johnson with a high knee to the face! Helmsley with a cover! 1...................2........... Ahmed Johnson kicks out! Helmsley lifts Johnson up to his feet and quickly suplexes the power house. Helmsley goes into the corner and comes running out of it dropping a knee to Johnson's face! Helmsley covers! 1........2........... Ahmed Johnson kicks out! Helmsley works over Johnson's legs as he drops down onto Johnson's leg butt first. Helmsley wrenches Johnson's left leg and pulls on it. Helmsley puts Johnson down with a clothesline and covers for 2 again. Helmsley goes back to work on Johnson's leg this time taking Johnson's leg out from under him with a chop block! Helmsley drops down elbow first onto Johnson's leg. Helmsley goes for a figure four but Johnson boots Helmsley in the butt sending Helmsley shoulder first into the steel ring post! Johnson tries to suplex Helmsley but somehow Helmsley is able to counter it and again suplex Johnson. Helmsley rolls over on top of Johnson with a cover! 1..............2............. Johnson kicks out! Helmsley goes to lift Johnson up but Johnson nails Helmsley with a big right hand to the jaw. Johnson goes for another one but Helmsley grabs him by the head and drives him face first into his knee with a knee buster! Cover by Helsmely! 1...................2............. Johnson with a kick out! Helmsley lifts Johnson up and connects with a knee breaker to Johnson. Helmsley goes low with a drop kick to the leg of Ahmed Johnson taking Johnson down. Helmsley puts Johnson's leg across the ropes and kicks away at it! Helmsley locks Johnson into a figure four! The crowd chants for Ahmed Johnson as Helmsley applies the pressure to Johnson. Jack Doan asks Johnson if he'll give it up but Johnson says no! Helmsley being the cheater that he is, Grabs the ropes for extra leverage! This makes Johnson scream out even more! Helmsley quickly lets go of the ropes as Jack Doan asks him if he's cheating! Helmsley says no and Doan goes back to checking on Johnson who's screaming in pain! Helmsley grabs the ropes again for extra leverage! This time Doan spots Helmsley's hand on the ropes and kicks it away! Johnson pounds his chest and lets out a roar and turns the figure four over! But Helmsley rolls over to the ropes and the hold is broken. Both men slowly get up and Helmsley plants Johnson down with a DDT! Helmsley with a cover! 1...........2................. KICK OUT BY AHMED JOHNSON! Helmsley drags Johnson up and positions him for the Pedigree. Helmsley goes for the Pedigree but Johnson counters and catapults Helmsley into the corner and Helmsley hits the turnbuckle face first! Helmsley comes out of the corner right into a clothesline from Johnson! Both men are out! The crowd begins to cheer for Johnson while referee Jack Doan counts out both men. 1...................2..............3.............4...........5.............6........7...... no! Both men are up! Helmsley nails Johnson with kicks and chops but it has no affect on Johnson who knocks Helmsley down with a right hand! Helmsley stumbles up to his feet and walks into a atomic drop from Johnson! Johnson sends Helmsley to the corner and charges at Helmsley with a running clothesline! Johnson with a big back body drop to Helmsley! Johnson sends Helmsley for the ride and catches Helmsley coming off the ropes with a huge spinebuster! Johnson calls for the Pearl River Plunge and the crowd goes wild! Johnson drags Helmsley up but Helmsley rakes Johnson in the eyes! Helmsley goes for the Pedigree but Johnson counters and back drops Helmsley all the way out to the floor! Helmsley gets up but does not come into the ring! Helmsley says he's done! Helmsley heads to the back and Jack Doans begins to count him out! 1....................2.................3.................4...............5.................6..................7...............8.............9.....10! The crowd boos as Helmsley takes the cheap way out and gets counted out! Ahmed Johnson's music hits the arena and he's awarded the win by count out!

Winner by Count Out: Ahmed Johnson

82, 86, 73 **1/4

::::::::::::::::::: A video is shown hyping the feud between Sycho Sid and The Corporation. We're shown how Sid turned down a spot in The Corporation and ended up getting beat down by The Corporation for it! Tonight Sid and Crush end their vicious feud. Who will come out on top? Can Sid continue his rampage on The Corporation until he takes them out one by one? :::::::::::::::::::

Sycho Sid Vs. Crush

Both men stare each other down and the crowd start a huge "SID" chant. McMahon tells us that this won't be a wrestling match, It'll be a fight between two big men who are as vicious as anyone has ever been in the World Wrestling Federation. Referee Jimmy Korderas calls for the bell and both men go after each other trading blows! Sid gets the advantage with his right hands to the dangerous inmate. McMahon and Ross tell us that DiBiase isn't here at ringside because Crush wants do beat Sid on his own. Sid sends Crush for the ride and catches Crush coming off the ropes with a huge clothesline! Sid drags Crush up to his feet and nails Crush with a right hand to the gut. Sid goes for a clothesline but it's ducked by Crush who delivers a big full nelson slam to Sid! Crush stomps away at Sid! Crush lifts Sid up and jabs Sid in the face! Crush nails Sid with a big chop and kicks Sid in the gut. Crush clotheslines Sid but Sid doesn't go down! Crush clotheslines Sid again but Sid doesn't go down! Crush comes off the ropes with a flying clothesline and Sid goes down! Crush drops a elbow to Sid! Crush drags Sid up and slams Sid down quite easily. Crush lifts Sid up again and again he slams Sid down with ease. Crush with a cover! 1.............2............ KICK OUT BY SID! Crush locks Sid into a chin lock! Sid easily escapes and hammers Crush in the midsection. Sid sends Crush for the ride and catches Crush coming off the ropes with a shoulder block sending Crush out to the floor through the middle ropes. Sid goes out after Crush and jumps off the apron with a double ax handle to Crush! Sid sends Crush to the steel guardrail back first! Sid sends Crush to the steel ring post face first! Sid rams Crush head first into the steel ring post one more time! Sid goes to send Crush to the steel steps but Crush reverses it and Sid goes shoulder first into the steel ring steps! Crush rams Sid head first into the steps! Crush rolls Sid onto the apron and comes off the steel steps dropping a elbow right into Sid's throat! Crush comes into the ring and covers Sid! 1............2............ KICK OUT BY SID! Crush lifts Sid up and puts Sid down with a sidewalk slam. Crush goes back to a chin lock on Sid. Sid tries to fight out of it like he did last time but Crush puts the pressure to Sid. Referee Jimmy Korderas asks Sid if he'll give it up but Sid shakes his head saying no. The crowd starts a big "SID" chant as Crush has the chin lock in on Sid. Crush keeps the hold on Sid for a good long while until Sid finally starts to fight out of it, Sid hammers Crush in the ribs! Sid with a right hand to Crush! Sid goes for the Choke Slam but Crush counters and back suplexes Sid down to the canvas. Crush covers Sid! 1...............2............... SID KICKS OUT! Crush slams Sid down to the canvas and comes off the ropes with a big leg drop to Sid! Crush drops a elbow and covers! 1...............2....... Sid is able to once again kick out! Crush lifts Sid up and drops Sid across the ropes. Crush follows up by booting Sid right in the face! Crush covers Sid! 1.......................2.......................... Sid kicks out! Crush with a back breaker to Sid! Crush locks Sid into a camel clutch! Jimmy Korderas asks Sid if he'll give it up but Sid says no. Crush puts the pressure to Sid and the crowd again start chanting for Sid. Crush keeps it locked on tightly. After about three minutes of being locked into the hold, Sid is able to get Crush off his shoulder and drive Crush down to the canvas! Both men are up and they slug it out! Sid ducks a right hand from Crush and boots Crush in the gut. Sid sends Crush to the ropes, Crush comes off the ropes right into a big boot from Sid! Crush goes down to the canvas and Sid comes off the ropes with a huge leg drop to Crush! Cover! 1...............2.............. Crush kicks out! Sid lifts Crush up and sends Crush back to the ropes, Crush walks into a huge powerslam from Sid! Cover! 1....................2............. Crush kicks out! Sid clotheslines Crush down as Crush was getting up to his feet! Sid calls for the Choke Slam! Crush slowly gets up and Sid grabs him by the throat and Choke Slams Crush high in the air! Sid falls on top of Crush with a cover! 1...............2........ No! Crush kicked out of Sid's Choke Slam! No one in the arena can believe it! Sid calls for the Powerbomb! Sid drags Crush up to his feet and places Crush in between his legs. Sid goes for the Powerbomb but Crush counters and back drops Sid down! Both men stagger up to their feet, Crush kicks Sid in the gut and calls for the Heart Punch. Crush goes for the Heart Punch but Sid ducks it and plants Crush with a kick to the gut! Sid then delivers a huge Powerbomb to Crush! Sid covers Crush! 1..............2...........3! The fans go wild as Sid's music hits the arena. Sid heads to the back with his arm raised high in the air as Crush is left out cold in the ring. Jim Ross claims that Sid has got more members of The Corporation to go through.

Winner by Pin Fall: Sycho Sid

87, 86, 88 ***3/4

Crush gained overness from this feud ending.

Sycho Sid gained overness from this feud ending.

::::::::::::::::::: We're shown a video advertising the next World Wrestling Federation Pay Per View which will be King Of The Ring. This year the King Of The Ring comes to you live from Milwaukee, Wisconsin on June 23. The tournament will start on Monday Night Raw on May 27th. The final four men will go on to the King Of The Ring and wrestle two matches on their way to become the 1996 King Of The Ring award winner. Who will it be? What will this year's King Of The Ring bring us? :::::::::::::::::::

Smoking Gunns and Marc Mero Vs. Sean Waltman, Al Snow and Steve Austin with Ted DiBiase

Referee Mike Chioda calls for the bell and it'll be "Stone Cold" Steve Austin starting off with Bart Gunn. McMahon reminds us that the Smoking Gunns are the current WWF Tag Team Champions. Austin and Bart lock up and Bart backs Austin into the corner and gets a clean break. They lock up again and this time Austin backs Bart into the corner but instead of giving Bart a clean break, Austin hammers Bart with right hands. Austin chops Bart in the chest! Austin taunts Bart which proves to be a big mistake, Bart backs Austin up into the corner and gets revenge by beating the hell out of Austin with right hands! Bart knocks Austin down with a forearm shot! Austin stumbles up to his feet and Bart hip tosses Austin! Austin gets back up to his feet and Bart nails Austin with a big right hand knocking Austin down! Austin quickly crawls to his corner and tags in the psychotic Al Snow. Snow comes into the ring and hammers away on Bart. Snow nails Bart with chops and a couple karate kicks. Snow goes for a early Million Dollar Dream attempt but Bart counters and side suplexes Snow down. Bart tags in his brother Billy. Billy runs over Al Snow with a clothesline. Billy lifts Al Snow up and delivers a stalling vertical suplex to Snow getting a 2 count. Billy stomps down on Al and picks Snow up. Billy sends Al Snow for the ride and catches Snow coming off the ropes with a high back body drop! Billy tags in Marc Mero who heads up top! Al Snow slowly gets up to his feet, Mero comes off the top with a high cross body to Snow! Cover! 1................2............... Al Snow kicks out! Mero lifts Snow up and sends Snow for the ride. Mero catches Snow coming off the ropes with a high drop kick to the chin. Mero lifts Snow up and slams Snow down. Mero comes off the second turnbuckle with a leg drop to Snow! Mero goes for another drop kick but Snow swats Mero down and tags in Sean Waltman! Waltman comes into the ring and drills Mero with a spinning back heel kick. Waltman covers! 1...........2.......... Mero kicks out! Waltman takes Mero down with a snap mare and locks Mero into a rear chin lock. Mero easily escapes but walks right into a face buster from Waltman! Waltman drags Marc Mero up and sends Mero for the ride. Waltman goes for a clothesline but Mero ducks. Mero comes off the ropes and takes Waltman down with a pair of flying head scissors! Mero tags out to Bart Gunn. Bart throws Waltman down! Waltman gets up and Bart easily tosses Waltman down! Bart lifts Waltman up and goes for a piledriver but Waltman counters and back drops Bart. Bart stands up, And Waltman clotheslines him down. Waltman tags in Steve Austin. Austin drops a elbow to the back of Bart's head as Bart was getting up. Austin kicks Bart in the gut over and over again! Austin lifts Bart up and suplexes Bart down. Austin lifts Bart back up and hits another suplex. Austin again drags Bart Gunn up and delivers another suplex to Bart Gunn! Austin goes to the second turnbuckle and dives off it with a elbow drop to Bart's heart! Austin covers Bart! 1.............2............. Bart kicks out! Austin slams Bart Gunn down and viciously starts choking Bart! Referee Mike Chioda pulls the psychotic Austin away from Bart. Austin makes the tag to Al Snow. Snow kicks away at Bart and suplexes Bart down. Snow goes up top........ Moonsault by Al Snow to Bart Gunn! Snow covers! 1...............2................. Bart Gunn kicks out! Al Snow drags Bart up and delivers a german suplex into a bridge! 1...........2............. Billy Gunn makes the save! Snow tags out to Waltman. Waltman takes Bart down with a russian legsweep. Waltman follows up with a high leg drop and scores 2. Waltman puts Bart in the corner and scores with a vicious kicking combination to Bart that ends with Waltman hitting a spin kick to Bart in the face knocking Bart down in the corner. Waltman chokes Bart down with his boot to the delight of Ted DiBiase who's at ringside. Waltman backs away from the corner and taunts the crowd and Billy Gunn and Marc Mero. Waltman then charges at Bart with a bronco buster! Waltman rides Bart down! Waltman starts posing as Ted DiBiase cheers. Waltman lifts Bart up and tries to suplex Bart but Bart counters and hangs Waltman across the ropes! Waltman falls back down to the canvas and both he and Bart Gunn go for the tags.......... Bart tags in Mero! Waltman tags in Austin! Austin comes into the ring and Mero knocks him down with a right hand! Austin stands up and Mero knocks him back down! Snow comes into the ring and Mero drop kicks him down! Waltman comes in and Billy Gunn runs into the ring and clotheslines Waltman down! All six men get into the ring! The Smoking Gunns clothesline Al Snow and then Sean Waltman out to the floor! Bart battles Al Snow while Billy goes at it with Waltman! Mero and Austin fight in the ring and Mero hits a big tornado DDT to Austin scoring a 2 count! Mero goes up top for the Wild Thing! DiBiase gets up on the apron distracting Mike Chioda! Austin hangs Mero on the top turnbuckle while Waltman and Snow fight the Smoking Gunns on the outside! Austin goes up top with Mero and attempts a superplex but Mero shoves Austin down to the canvas and follows up by hitting a perfect Wild Thing on Austin! Mero decks DiBiase off the apron and covers Austin! 1...............2...........3! The fans cheer as Mero and the Smoking Gunns head to the back with Mero's music playing. Waltman, Snow and DiBiase check on Austin who's down and out.

Winners by Pin Fall: Smoking Gunns and Marc Mero

84, 83, 85 ***1\2

::::::::::::::::::: A video is shown over the whole issue between Owen Hart/Ultimate Warrior and Owen Hart and British Bulldog. All was good for Owen Hart, Owen won a battle royal to become the new Intercontinental Champion and alongside his brother in law, British Bulldog he held the WWF Tag Team Championship. Owen was a double champion. But that all went away when Owen and Bulldog lost the titles in a steel cage match. It seems like Owen blamed the loss on the Bulldog and as of late both men have been having problems with one another. Owen even claimed that he was the captain of the team! Ultimate Warrior was named the number one contender and tonight Owen's Intercontinental Championship is on the line. Owen is not a double champion anymore and he has everything to lose. His team with the Bulldog looks like it's over. Now will Owen lose his title? :::::::::::::::::::

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World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship

Ultimate Warrior Vs. Owen Hart© with James E. Cornette

Jim Ross mentions that British Bulldog is here tonight but he doesn't know why Bulldog isn't out here with Owen. Owen Hart hands the Intercontinental Championship over to referee Mike Sparks. Sparks shows it to the crowd and then to Ultimate Warrior. Sparks calls for the bell! Owen taunts Warrior saying he's the champ! Owen gets face to face with the Warrior and slaps Warrior across the face! Warrior looks at Owen and smiles...... Warrior punches Owen and Owen goes down! Owen stands up and Warrior knocks him back down with another right hand! Owen is back up and Warrior knocks him back down with another right hand! Owen crawls up to his feet and this time Warrior sends Owen out to the floor with a clothesline. Owen says he's done and asks Cornette to get the title so he can leave! The fans boo as Owen tries to walk out! Mike Chioda goes over to the ring announcer Howard Finkel and tells him something. Finkel gets on the microphone and says if Owen Hart does not come back into the ring then referee Mike Chioda will award the title to Ultimate Warrior! Owen Hart can't believe it! Cornette begs Owen to go back into the ring! Owen slowly goes back into the ring and charges at Warrior...... Warrior clotheslines Owen down! Warrior lifts Owen up by his head and rams Owen head first into the turnbuckle! Warrior starts ramming Owen's head into the turnbuckles and the fans start counting along as Owen's head hits the turnbuckles! 1...................2................3.............4...................5............6...................7.............................8...................9...............10! Warrior knocks Owen down! Owen crawls up to his feet and is met by a running clothesline from Warrior! Warrior points up to the sky! I think it's time for the Warrior Press Slam! Warrior lifts Owen up and puts Owen right over his head....... But Owen slips out of the press slam! Warrior turns around and Owen drills him in the back of the head with the enziguri kick! Warrior goes down! Owen quickly covers with his feet all over the ropes! 1...........2...... Warrior kicks out! Owen goes for another enziguri kick but it's ducked! Warrior nails Owen with a right hand and atomic drops Owen! Warrior sends Owen back out to the floor with a clothesline! Warrior goes out after Owen and throws Owen right into the steel guardrail! Cornette tries to cheap shot Warrior but Warrior nails Cornette with a right hand knocking Cornette down on his ass! Warrior turns around and Owen nails him! Owen goes to whip Warrior into the steel steps but it's reversed and Owen hits the steps shoulder first! Warrior smacks Owen's head right into the steel steps! Warrior rolls Owen back into the ring. Warrior comes in after Owen who starts begging Warrior for mercy. Warrior kicks Owen right in the mouth! Warrior drags Owen up and easily slams Owen down. Warrior charges off the ropes and goes for a elbow drop but Owen rolls out of the way! Warrior is up and Owen comes off the ropes with a spinning heel kick to Warrior! Owen with a cover! 1.....................2..................... Warrior kicks out! Owen heads up top....... Missile drop kick connects to the Warrior! Owen with a cover! 1...............2........... Warrior with a powerful kick out! Owen lifts Warrior up and connects with a back breaker. Owen stomps down on Warrior! Owen with a stomp puller to Warrior! Owen goes for the Sharpshooter but Warrior quickly rolls over to the ropes! Owen stomps away on Warrior. Owen pulls Warrior up and backs Warrior into the corner. Owen stomps Warrior and follows up with chops! Owen starts biting Warrior right in the nose! Mike Sparks pulls Owen off of Warrior! This allows Cornette to get a cheap shot in on Warrior by hitting Warrior with the racket! Owen clotheslines Warrior down and covers! 1.....................2.................. WARRIOR KICKS OUT! Owen with a neck breaker to Warrior. Owen heads up top and comes flying off the top with a elbow drop to Warrior's heart! Owen covers! 1..............2.......... KICK OUT BY WARRIOR! Owen drags Warrior up to his feet and goes for a piledriver but Warrior counters and back drops Owen! Warrior goes to clothesline Owen but Owen ducks and catches Warrior with a devastating belly to belly suplex! Owen covers! 1................2....... Warrior kicks out! Owen locks Warrior into a leglock! Warrior gets out of it by kicking Owen in the face! Both men are up, Owen catches Warrior with another enziguri kick to the back of the head! Warrior falls down to the canvas face first! Cornette tells Owen it's time to finish him off! Cornette tells Owen to lock Warrior into the Sharpshooter! Owen turns Warrior over and grabs Warrior's legs, Owen is able to lock Warrior into the Sharpshooter! Owen puts the pressure to Warrior! The fans chant "Warrior" as Mike Sparks asks Warrior if he'll give it up. Warrior says no! Warrior begins to try to make it to the ropes but Owen pulls him to the center of the ring! Warrior is locked into the Sharpshooter for about two minutes but he's finally able to make it to the ropes! Owen lets go of the hold and kicks Warrior's legs! Owen lifts Warrior up and hits a knee breaker to Warrior! Owen goes up top as Warrior slowly crawls up to his feet...... Owen takes too long up top which allows Warrior to shake the ropes causing Owen to lose his balance! Warrior then throws Owen off the top turnbuckle sending Owen right to the canvas! Warrior is up! Warrior looks at his hand feeling the power of all the Warriors around the world! Owen stands up and Warrior decks him! Warrior nails Owen with another right hand! And another right hand by the Warrior! Warrior atomic drops Owen! Warrior knocks Owen down with a right hand! Owen is up and Warrior clotheslines him down! Owen gets back up and gets run right over by Warrior again! Owen again gets up and Warrior clotheslines him back down! Warrior lifts Owen up and sends Owen for the ride........ Warrior catches Owen coming off the ropes with a high back body drop! Owen stands up and Warrior back drops him again! Owen is up and Warrior nails him with the flying shoulder tackle! Warrior calls for the Warrior Press Slam! Cornette hops up on the apron and Warrior decks him off of it with a right hand to the face! Owen stands up and Warrior lifts him high over his head and drops Owen down with the Warrior Press Slam! Warrior then comes off the ropes and hits the Warrior Splash to Owen! Warrior covers as British Bulldog comes running down from the back with a steel chair! 1......................2.................. No! Bulldog cracks Warrior in the back with the chair! Referee Mike Sparks calls for the bell awarding the win to Ultimate Warrior as a result of a disqualification! Owen stands up and stares down Bulldog. They hug! It was a set up all along! Owen stands Warrior up and Bulldog drills Warrior with a chair shot right over the head! Cornette comes into the ring with the Intercontinental Championship. Bulldog takes the title from Cornette and puts it around Owen's waist! Warrior slowly stands up and Bulldog drills him with a second straight chair shot to the head! Bulldog drops the chair down and scoops Warrior up.............. RUNNING POWERSLAM RIGHT INTO THE STEEL CHAIR! The crowd boos as Bulldog's theme plays. Cornette, Owen and Bulldog raise their arms high in the air as Warrior is left laid out. Jim Ross screams that the brothers in law fooled everybody!

Winner as a result of a Disqualification: Ultimate Warrior

84, 89, 75 **1\2

::::::::::::::::::: We're shown a video package hyping the feud between Bret "The Hitman" Hart and Vader. Last month we saw both men go at it and in the end it was Bret Hart pulling off the upset. These two men have been bitter rivals for months now and now it's time to end it all. It's a No Holds Barred match and Anything Goes! There must be a winner! Tonight who will win this brutal match? :::::::::::::::::::

No Holds Barred, Anything Goes

Bret Hart Vs. Vader

The announcers mention that Vader does not want Cornette at ringside for this one because he wants to do it on his own. WWF Referee Teddy Long calls for the bell and both men start going at it trading right hands to the face! Vader gets the better of Hart with his heavy blows! Vader backs "The Hitman" into the corner and just pummels Hart with right hands to the gut and to the face! Vader starts to choke Hart but it's broken up by Hart by kicking Vader in between the legs! Hart nails Vader with big right hands to the face! Bret Hart clotheslines Vader but Vader doesn't go down! Hart clotheslines Vader again but Vader won't go down! This time Hart comes off the ropes and hits a flying clothesline to Vader knocking the big man off of his feet! Hart starts stomping away on Vader! Hart pulls Vader up and headbutts Vader! Hart with a right hand! Hart with another right hand! Hart sends Vader for the ride and catches Vader coming off the ropes with a hart attack! Hart goes for a early cover! 1...............2............... VADER KICKS OUT! Hart lifts Vader up and tries to slam Vader but Vader hammers Hart in the back and clotheslines "The Hitman". Vader drags Hart up and tosses Hart out to the floor. Vader goes out after Hart and clotheslines "The Hitman". Vader sends Hart to the steel steps shoulder first! Vader takes the top part of the steel steps and hits Hart right in the back with it! Vader rolls Hart back into the ring and comes in after him. Vader sends Hart to the corner and charges at Hart with a huge avalanche! Vader tosses Hart down to the canvas and covers! 1.............2........ Hart kicks out! Vader lifts Hart up and easily slams Hart down. Big Splash by Vader! Cover! 1..........2......... Hart kicks out! Vader goes for another big splash but Hart gets his knees in the way! Hart then clotheslines Vader out to the floor. Hart dives through the middle ropes with a missile like dive right to Vader! Hart mounts on top of Vader and nails Vader with huge right hands to the face! Hart rams Vader head first into the steel ring post! Hart rams Vader's head into the steel ring post one more time! Hart then sends Vader right into the steel guardrail! Hart rams Vader's head into the unforgiving steel guardrail! Hart goes to send Vader back into the steel ring post but Vader counters and Hart hits the steel ring post shoulder first! Vader then grabs Hart and rams Hart back first into the steel ring post! Vader again sends Hart into the steel ring post for a second time! Vader rolls Hart back into the ring and "The Hitman" is in bad shape holding his back. Vader drops down on Hart's back with a big elbow! Vader lifts Hart up and suplexes Hart quite easily. Vader covers Hart! 1..............2............. Hart kicks out! Vader slams Hart down. Vader goes out to the floor and tosses the top part of the steps into the ring. Vader also throws a steel chair into the ring! Vader comes into the ring and grabs the top part of the steel steps. Bret Hart crawls up to his feet and Vader runs right over him with the top part of the steel steps! Vader throws the steps down and covers Bret Hart! 1.............2......... BRET KICKS OUT! Vader grabs the steel chair and plants Bret Hart in the back with a vicious shot! Vader throws the chair down and slams Bret Hart onto it! Vader easily lifts Hart up and sends Hart to the corner. Vader grabs the chair and charges at Hart with a avalanche using the steel chair! Vader throws the chair down and attempts to powerbomb Hart but Hart counters and low blows Vader! Hart with big right hands to the face of Vader! Hart clotheslines Vader down! Hart grabs the steel chair! Vader slowly gets up and Hart hits Vader in the gut with the steel chair! Hart then hits Vader in the back with the chair! Hart puts the chair down and delivers a russian legsweep to Vader! Hart lifts Vader up and connects with a back breaker to the mastodon! Hart again lifts Vader up and this time he's able to slam down Vader! Hart goes up onto the second turnbuckle and hits a elbow drop to the heart of Vader! Hart goes for the Sharpshooter but Vader kicks Hart away right into the corner! Hart comes out of the corner right into a sidewalk slam from Vader! Vader goes outside and grabs the ring bell. Vader comes back into the ring with the ring bell! Vader goes to hit Hart with it but Hart kicks Vader in the gut! Hart grabs the ring bell and nails Vader in the face with it! Hart nails Vader one more time in the face with the ring bell stunning the big man! Hart with a atomic drop to Vader! Hart grabs the steel chair and nails Vader in the legs with it! Vader goes down to the canvas and Hart rams the chair onto his legs time and time again! Hart puts Vader's leg across the ropes and jumps down across it butt first! Hart grabs the chair and again starts nailing Vader in the legs with it! Hart drops the chair down and after some struggle, He's able to lock Vader into the Sharpshooter! Referee Teddy Long asks Vader if he'll give it up but Vader screams out no! Hart has Vader locked into the Sharpshooter right in the center of the ring! Vader is locked into the Sharpshooter for a couple minutes until he's able to grab the ropes! Hart lets go of the hold and goes right back after Vader! Hart nails Vader with right hands to the face! Hart lifts Vader up and tries to suplex Vader but Vader blocks it and hammers Hart in the back. Vader hits Hart with a big powerbomb! Vader drags Hart to the corner....... Vader goes up onto the second turnbuckle and jumps off onto Hart with the Vader Bomb! Vader covers! 1..............2................ Hart kicks out! Vader can't believe it! Vader goes back onto the second turnbuckle and connects with a second Vader Bomb! Vader hooks the leg! 1..................2................3! The crowd starts booing as Vader's music hits the arena. Vader though says he's not done and goes back onto the second turnbuckle and connects with a third straight Vader Bomb to "The Hitman"! Vader poses as Teddy Long checks on Bret Hart. Vader heads to the back as Teddy Long calls for a stretcher to be brought out! Paramedics rush down to the ring and after a couple minutes, They take Hart to the back who appears to be seriously injured!

Winner by Pin Fall: Vader

94, 96, 90 ****

Bret Hart gained overness from this feud ending.

Vader gained overness from this feud ending.

::::::::::::::::::: A video is shown hyping the next match up which will be Jeff Jarrett taking on Undertaker. Jarrett has been so cocky ever since knocking out Undertaker with a guitar shot right to the head. Jarrett though did not count on Undertaker coming after him. Tonight Undertaker claims that he will make Jeff Jarrett rest in peace once and for all. Jarrett is in the fight of his life tonight. Who will win this brutal match up? :::::::::::::::::::

Undertaker with Paul Bearer Vs. Jeff Jarrett

Jarrett brings out a guitar with him that has "Undertaker" written on it. Referee Tim White calls for the bell! Under taker comes after Jarrett and Jarrett nails Undertaker with a right hand! Jarrett hammers away on Undertaker but his right hands have no affect on "the phenom"! Undertaker nails Jarrett with a big right hand to the face! Undertaker with a uppercut to Jarrett! Undertaker nails Jarrett with big right hands to the face rocking Jarrett! Undertaker sends Jarrett for the ride but Jarrett ducks a clothesline and kicks Undertaker in the gut. Jarrett suplexes Undertaker but Undertaker sits up! Jarrett goes after Undertaker and kicks Undertaker in the gut! Jarrett sends Undertaker for the ride but this time Undertaker ducks a clothesline and runs right over Jarrett with a boot to the face! Undertaker grabs Jarrett up by his long hair and rams Jarrett head first into the top turnbuckle! Undertaker sends Jarrett to the opposite corner and charges right into a boot from the face from Jarrett! But it has no affect on Undertaker! Jarrett goes to hit Undertaker but Undertaker blocks and nails Jarrett in the face! Undertaker goes for the Tombstone early on but Jarrett slips out of it and connects with a back suplex to Undertaker. Jarrett poses but Undertaker easily sits up! Jarrett kicks away at Undertaker and rams Undertaker head first into the top turnbuckle. Jarrett mounts on Undertaker and does ten punches to the head of Undertaker! Undertaker though tosses Jarrett down to the canvas! Undertaker catches Jarrett with a kick as Jarrett was getting up. Undertaker wrenches Jarrett's arm and goes for the walk on the ropes but Jarrett shoves Undertaker right out to the floor and Undertaker hits the floor back first! Tim White begins to count out Undertaker. 1.................2..................3..................4.............5......... no! Undertaker slowly gets up and Jarrett hits him with a big baseball slide right to the face! Jarrett goes out after Undertaker and drops Undertaker down across the steel guardrail! Jarrett then sends Undertaker right into the steel steps! Jarrett rams Undertaker head first into the steel guardrail! Jarrett rolls Undertaker back into the ring and heads up top! Jarrett comes off the top with a high cross body to Undertaker! 1...................2................... Undertaker kicks out! Jarrett lifts Undertaker up and suplexes Undertaker. Jarrett covers Undertaker! 1...............2.................... Undertaker kicks out! Jarrett connects with a swinging neck breaker to Undertaker as Undertaker was getting up!Jarrett covers Undertaker! 1...............2.................. Undertaker kicks out as Paul Bearer holds the urn high in the air. Jarrett works over Undertaker's leg and hits a big chop block to the legs of Undertaker knocking down the man from the dark side. Jarrett puts Undertaker's leg across the ropes and drops down across it butt first! Jarrett goes for the Figure Four but Undertaker boots Jarrett in the ass sending Jarrett right to the steel ring post shoulder first! Undertaker attempts a big boot but Jarrett grabs Undertaker's leg and takes Undertaker down to the canvas. Jarrett keeps working over Undertaker's legs as the fans chant "rest in peace". Jarrett lifts Undertaker up and plants Undertaker down to the canvas with a DDT! Jarrett with a cover! 1............2........... Undertaker kicks out! Jarrett goes up top and catches Undertaker with a double ax handle. Jarrett says it's time for the Figure Four! Jarrett grabs Undertaker's leg and is able to lock Undertaker into the Figure Four! Tim White asks Undertaker if he'll give it up but Undertaker grabs Jarrett by the throat! Undertaker starts choking the life out of Jarrett making Double J break the hold. Jarrett though quickly clotheslines Undertaker down and scores another 2 count. Jarrett lifts Undertaker up and sends Undertaker for the ride. Jarrett catches Undertaker coming off the ropes with a sleeper hold! Jarrett brings Undertaker down to the canvas as the fans start chanting "rest in peace". Bearer holds the urn high on the air as Tim White checks on Undertaker's arm. It goes down one time! It goes down for a second time! White checks again but Undertaker slowly gets up and connects with a jaw jacker! Undertaker elbows Jarrett in the gut and comes off the ropes delivering a flying DDT to Jarrett! Both men lay flat on their back on the canvas! Tim White begins to count both men out! 1....................................2.......................3.................4.................5.........6........! No! Undertaker sits up and Jarrett crawls up! Jarrett hits Undertaker with everything he has but Undertaker isn't feeling anything and plants Jarrett with huge right hands to the face! Undertaker kicks Jarrett in the gut and uppercuts Jarrett! Undertaker sends Jarrett for the ride and catches Jarrett with a big boot to the face! Undertaker comes off the ropes and connects with a flying elbow drop to Jarrett's heart! Cover! 1...............2........... Jarrett gets the shoulder up! Undertaker lifts Jarrett up and does the walk on the ropes crashing down on Jarrett's arm! Undertaker comes off the ropes and drops down on Jarrett with a flying leg drop! Undertaker lifts Jarrett up and drops Jarrett across the turnbuckle with a pair of the snake eyes! Undertaker catches Jarrett coming off the ropes with a stiff clothesline! Undertaker comes off the ropes and does his flying/rolling clothesline to Jarrett as Jarrett was getting up! Undertaker heads up top! Jarrett gets up and Undertaker comes flying off the top turnbuckle with a clothesline to Jarrett! Undertaker calls for the Choke Slam! Jarrett is up and Undertaker grabs him by the throat! Choke Slam to Jeff Jarrett! It's over! Undertaker is calling for the Tombstone! Wait! Here comes Cactus Jack with a steel chair in hand! Cactus Jack comes to the ringside area and DRILLS PAUL BEARER RIGHT OVER THE HEAD WITH THE STEEL CHAIR! What was that for? Undertaker goes out after Cactus Jack while Jarrett is down! Undertaker nails Jack with huge right hands to the face! Undertaker then sends Cactus right to the steel steps! Undertaker checks on Bearer and then comes into the ring. Undertaker lifts Jarrett up and goes for the Tombstone but Cactus is back on the apron with the chair! Undertaker drops Jarrett down! Jarrett distracts the referee which allows Cactus Jack to drill Undertaker right over the head with a huge chair shot knocking out Undertaker! Jarrett quickly covers Undertaker while Jack gets off the apron! 1.............................2.............................3! The crowd starts booing as Jarrett's music plays. Jarrett quickly flees the ring and heads to the back while Cactus Jack comes back into the ring with the steel chair! Undertaker sits up and Cactus Jack drills Undertaker with a chair shot right to the head! Jack drops the chair down and heads to the back to boos from the crowd. Paul Bearer and Undertaker have been destroyed!

Winner by Pin Fall: Jeff Jarrett

88, 90, 84 ***1\2

::::::::::::::::::: We're shown a video hyping tonight's main event, Which will be Kevin Nash facing the World Wrestling Federation Champion the "Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels in the first ever Last Man Standing match. The rules are simple, Anything goes and there must be a winner. The man who can not answer the ten count will be the loser. Commissioner Ric Flair has announced that there must be a winner no matter what! Tonight it's Michaels and Nash. Two men who were no doubt good friends but now they're better enemies. These two men have a storied past and tonight it's time to settle the score once and for all. Who will win? Who will be the Last Man Standing? :::::::::::::::::::

World Wrestling Federation Championship

Last Man Standing Match

Shawn Michaels© Vs. Kevin Nash

Shawn Michaels hands the World Wrestling Federation Championship to senior referee Earl Hebner. Hebner shows it off to the crowd and then to the challenger, Kevin Nash. Hebner hands the title to the time keeper and calls for the bell! Nash though decks Hebner in the face with a right hand knocking down the referee! Michaels goes right after Nash! Michaels and Nash trade blows! Michaels ducks Nash's right hands and nails Nash with everything he has rocking down the big man! Michaels ducks a clothesline attempt from Nash and nails Nash with a right hand! Michaels puts Nash down with a clothesline! Nash stumbles up to his feet and Michaels goes for Sweet Chin Music early on but Nash grabs Michaels by the leg and elbows Shawn in the face! Nash elbows Michaels right in the back of the head! Nash with another elbow right to the back of Michaels' head and Michaels goes down! Nash lifts Shawn up and rams Michaels head first into the top turnbuckle! Nash then rams Michaels into the opposite turnbuckle head first! Nash goes for the Jackknife early on but Michaels slips out of it and catches Nash with a enziguri kick to the back of the head! Michaels clotheslines Nash right out to the floor and almost falls out himself but he skins the cat back into the ring! Michaels nails Nash with a baseball slide and then a big pescado! Michaels sends Nash right into the steel ring post head first! Michaels goes back into the ring and heads up top! Nash turns around and Michaels comes flying off the top with a moonsault to Nash all the way out to the floor! Michaels lifts Nash up and introduces Nash to the steel steps! Michaels rams Nash's head over and over again into the steel steps! Michaels rolls Nash back into the ring and heads up top. Michaels comes off the top with a reverse double ax handle and Nash falls down to one knee! Michaels comes charging off the ropes and goes to clothesline Nash but Nash catches Michaels with a knee to the gut! Nash short arm clotheslines Michaels down! Nash picks Michaels up and tosses Michaels into the corner! Nash uses his knees and drives it to Michaels' gut in the corner! Nash then hits a big elbow to Michaels' face! Nash follows up with another elbow to Michaels! Another elbow by Nash! Nash backs up and taunts the crowd and then Michaels before scoring with another brutal back elbow to Shawn's face! Nash chokes Michaels down with his big boot in the corner as Referee Earl Hebner is finally up! Nash sends Michaels to the opposite corner and charges at Michaels with a running clothesline! Nash drops Michaels down to the canvas and poses drawing huge heat from the fans. Nash lifts Shawn up and easily slams Shawn down. Nash drops a elbow to Michaels! Nash follows up dropping another elbow to Michaels! Nash again drops another elbow to Michaels! Nash tells Earl to count him out! 1...............2..............3.............4...... no! Michaels is up! Nash hammers Michaels with right hands! Nash goes to toss Michaels out to the floor but Michaels skins the cat back inside the ring only to get clotheslined by Nash sending Michaels out to the floor! Nash goes out after Shawn and drops Shawn across the steel guardrail! Nash again drops Shawn across the steel guardrail! Nash lifts the padding off of the floor! But Michaels drop kicks Nash sending the padding right on top of Nash! Michaels stomps down on the padded Nash! Michaels takes the padding off of Nash and rams Nash head first into the steel ring post! Michaels again rams Nash head first into the steel ring post! Michaels tries to ram Nash's head into the steel ring post again but Nash counters and Michaels' head goes smacking into the steel ring post! Nash goes over to the ringside area and shoves someone down and grabs a steel chair! Nash nails Shawn in the ribs with the chair! Nash rolls Shawn back into the ring and raises the chair high in the air. Michaels out of pure desperation, Hits a baseball slide drop kick to Nash sending the chair right into Nash's face! Michaels tells Earl to count out Nash! 1................2..............3...........4...........5....... Nash is up! But he's BUSTED WIDE OPEN! Michaels goes for another pescado but a bloodied Nash catches Michaels and rams Michaels back first into the steel ring post! Nash still has Michaels and again rams Michaels back into the steel ring post! Nash rams Michaels back first into the steel ring post one more time! Nash rolls Shawn back inside and brings the chair back in with him saying he's going to bust Shawn open! Nash goes to hit Shawn with the chair, But Shawn ducks and the chair bounce of the ropes and hit Nash in the face! Shawn grabs the chair and drills Nash with it right over his bloodied head and Nash goes down! Earl begins to count out Nash! 1.........2.......3............4..... Nash is up! Michaels grabs the chair and nails Nash with it on the leg! Michaels nails Nash one more time on the leg with the steel chair! Michaels again nails Nash on the leg with the chair and Nash goes down! Michaels hammers away on Nash's leg with the steel chair! Over and over again, The chair goes down onto Nash's leg! Michaels drops the chair down and locks Kevin Nash into a figure four leg lock! Nash screams and taps out but there's no submissions! Michaels keeps the hold locked onto Nash for a long while before letting go! But will Nash be able to stand up? Hebner begins the count out! 1................2..............3...........4........5...............6.........7.......... NO! NASH SLOWLY GETS UP! Michaels grabs the chair and nails Nash in the leg with it! Michaels goes to hit Nash with it in the face but Nash low blows Michaels! Nash grabs the chair and hits Michaels right on the ribs with it! Nash then hammers Shawn on the back and Michaels goes down! Nash tells Earl to count out Michaels! 1...............2.............3...........4........5.......... no! Michaels is up! Nash plants Michaels with a huge chair shot right to the head! Michaels is down on the canvas and we see that he's busted wide open! Nash shows no mercy and lifts a bloodied Michaels up. A bloodied Nash nails Michaels with right hands as the blood falls down! McMahon yells that it's not a pretty sight! Nash sends Michaels for the ride and back drops Michaels very high in the air! Nash grabs the steel chair and throws it right at Michaels as Michaels was getting up and Michaels goes all the way out to the floor! Nash goes out after Michaels leaving the chair in the ring. Nash lifts Shawn up and nails Michaels with a right hand and then rams Michaels' bloodied face into the steel ring post! A bloodied Nash rams Michaels' face into the steel ring post over and over again leaving the ring post with blood all over it! Earl goes to count Michaels out but Nash says no! Nash says he wants more! Nash grabs Shawn by the legs and catapults a bloodied "Heart Break Kid" face first into the steel ring post! Nash tells Earl to count him out! 1............2...........3..........4................5............6..............7............. no! Nash pulls Michaels up! Nash throws Shawn right into the Spanish announce table taking out the announcers in the process! Nash grabs a monitor and drills Shawn with it right to the head! Nash lifts Shawn up and press slams Shawn into the Spanish announce table breaking the table in half! Nash lifts Shawn up and easily rolls Shawn into the ring. Nash's forehead is all bloodied up but inside the ring, Michaels is in worse shape as his blood pores down to the canvas. Nash brings the World Wrestling Federation Championship into the ring with him! Michaels slowly gets up and Nash nails Michaels with the title knocking out Michaels! Earl Hebner begins to count out Shawn! And Nash parades around the ring with the title! 1.................2.......................3................4.............5...................6.................7.............8.............. no! Michaels is up! Nash quickly knees Shawn in the gut! Nash sends Shawn for the ride but Shawn ducks a big boot. Michaels comes off the ropes but Nash catches Shawn and drives Shawn down to the canvas with a bossman slam! Nash lifts Shawn up and violently sends Shawn to the corner! Shawn comes out of the corner and Nash hits a big sidewalk slam! Michaels is out of it! Nash mounts on top of Michaels and punches Michaels' bloodied forehead in a sick attack of violence! Nash grabs the steel chair and puts it down. Nash lifts Shawn up and goes for the Jackknife but Michaels slips out of it! Michaels low blows Nash! Michaels grabs the chair and goes to hit Nash with it but Nash big boots the chair right into Michaels' bloodied face and Michaels is out! Earl Hebner starts counting out Michaels! 1.............2..........3.........4..............5..............6...............7.............8...........9............ No! Nash lifts Shawn up! Why is Nash doing this? Nash goes over to the corner and undoes the turnbuckle padding. Nash lifts Shawn up and drops Michaels down across the top exposed turnbuckle with a pair of snake eyes! Nash puts Shawn back down with a stiff lariat! Nash lifts Michaels up and calls for the Jackknife! Nash lifts Shawn up and drops Michaels down with a huge Jackknife Powerbomb! It's over! Nash tells Earl to count out Michaels! 1.......................2...................3......................4.....................5...................6....................7...............8...........9..... No! Michaels is up! Nash can't believe it! Michaels slowly stumbles up and Nash hammers him with huge right hands. Nash sends Michaels for the ride and goes for a right hand but Michaels ducks it! Michaels then comes off the ropes with the flying forearm to Nash! Both men are down and the crowd starts a huge "HBK" chant...... Michaels nips up! Michaels stomps Nash's bloodied face! A bloodied Nash lifts Nash up and nails Nash with right hands! Michaels drops Nash down to the canvas and mounts on top of Nash! Michaels busted open and all punches Nash's bloodied forehead with huge right hands! Michaels stops and goes up top. Nash is up and Michaels comes off the top with a moonsault to Nash! Michaels grabs the steel chair! Nash gets up and Michaels drills him with a huge chair shot! Nash gets hit one more time! Michaels with a atomic drop and then he slams Nash down! Michaels heads up top............. Michaels comes flying off the top with the flying elbow drop right to Nash's heart! Michaels calls for Sweet Chin Music! Michaels goes over to the corner and starts stomping down tuning up the band! Nash slowly gets up and Michaels drills him with some Sweet Chin Music! Nash is out! Earl Hebner begins to count out Nash! 1......................2...............3.................4.................5..........................6................7.............. No! KEVIN NASH GOT UP FROM SWEET CHIN MUSIC! Michaels can't believe it! Nash slowly pulls himself up and Michaels clotheslines him out to the floor. Michaels goes out after Nash and sends Nash into the steel steps! Michaels rams Nash's bloodied head into the steps! Michaels looks at the announce table where Vince McMahon and Jim Ross are at! Michaels lifts Nash up and drills Nash with the monitor right to the head! Nash falls on top of the table! Michaels lays in some more monitor shots to Nash's head! Michaels goes back into the ring! Michaels heads up top! Michaels comes flying off the top rope all the way out to the floor right to Kevin Nash with a flying elbow drop right through the announce table! Both men are out on the remains of the announce table! It takes awhile, But Michaels slowly gets up. Earl Hebner begins to count out Kevin Nash! 1...................2...................3.....................4................5.............6..........7..........8................9......... no! Michaels pulls Nash up! Michaels rolls Nash back into the ring. Michaels grabs the top part of the steel steps and throws them into the ring. Michaels grabs the top part of the steel steps and nails Nash right in the head with them! Michaels lifts Nash up and tries to piledrive Nash but Nash counters and back drops Michaels! Nash grabs the steel step and nails Michaels right in the head with it! Nash grabs the steel chair and says it's time to end it all! Nash waits for Michaels to get up, Nash goes to hit Michaels with the chair but Michaels low blows Nash! Michaels grabs the chair and nails Nash with a huge shot right to the head but Nash does not go down! Michaels nails Nash with another shot but he doesn't go down! Michaels with a third chair shot to Nash but he's not down! Michaels with another huge chair shot but Nash is rocking! Michaels again drills Nash with a huge chair shot and now Nash is about to go down! Michaels drills Nash with another shot and drops the chair down! Sweet Chin Music to a bloodied Nash and Nash goes down! Earl Hebner begins the count out! 1.....................2...................3.....................4.................5..................6..................7..................8....................9.........10! The crowd goes wild as Michaels' music hits the arena. Shawn Michaels poses with the title as Earl Hebner helps Nash out of the ring. In Your House "Aggravated Assault" goes off the air with a bloodied Shawn Michaels posing with the World Wrestling Federation Championship as Kevin Nash is helped to the back by referee Earl Hebner. Jim Ross screams that Michaels has survived and that tonight Michaels is still standing as the World Wrestling Federation Champion!

Winner and STILL World Wrestling Federation Champion: Shawn Michaels

94, 99, 85 ***3/4

Kevin Nash gained overness from this feud ending.

The WWF World title has gained in image.

Overall Rating- 89

Pay Per View Buyrate- 1.84



TV Rating- 2.90

Attendance- 7,009

Ticket Sales- $280,360

ECW The Last Hard Men

Attendance- 3,088

Ticket Sales- $92,640

LATMF Retaliation

Attendance- 2,676

Ticket Sales- $80,280


"That last feud rocked, it has helped my career a lot!"- Sycho Sid

"I think i should be higher up the card."- Al Snow

"That last feud rocked, it has helped my career a lot!"- Vader

"Jeff Jarrett and me don't really click. How about booking me against someone like Vader? I think our styles would really work well together."- Undertaker

"Kevin Nash and Shawn Michaels didn't 'click' in their match, maybe due to their mismatched skills causing their styles not to gel?"- Pat Patterson

"That last feud rocked, it has helped my career a lot!"-Shawn Michaels

"Here is my weekly report on our battle with WCW. We have superior star power on our roster, which is hurting their image. We are seen as having better workers, and this is causing fans to choose us over them. The fans see us as being the more professional promotion, thanks to our higher production values."- Sophie

OOC: As you can see, I have dropped the commentary. I didn't really like putting them into my shows so PPV's will be just the matches without commentary. (like my PPV's in WWF '95 for the whole year of 1995.) And the results of the Prediction Contest results should be up later.

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Guest ryan_the_canuck

Ooh, some interesting plot twists. Taker/Cactus should be a really good feud...I take it Bret's injured legit or something...and the Corporation is showing holes.

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Prediction Contest

Hailtothechimp- 9

Prototype- 8

Va Finest 1- 8

hajjhowe- 7

FFX- 7

Da-One-Da-Franchise- 7

tcaf21- 7

Pattitude- 7

Acemaster- 6

Jam- 6

meripu1- 6

themick- 6

nomaster- 6

ryan_the_canuk- 5

LOL- 5

Daniel316- 5

Hailtothechimp- All you have to do is PM me a list of wrestlers you would want hired, Bold the one you want the most since I'm only hiring one. Keep in mind if they're touring in Japan I can't get them. You could also put someone down from WCW that you'd like for me to bid on when their contract runs out. \

Major thanks to everyone who predicted in the contest :D

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Guest Prototype

Good show! I was convinced that Bulldog was going to turn in the future, but his and Owen's plan seemed to work and really surprised me. I guess we'll see a Warrior/Bulldog feud? Cactus attacking Taker was great and they should have an awesome feud. Interested to see what happens with Hart and where Vader goes now. The main event was good and I like that Nash was showed as a difficult win for HBK, and was stubborn to go down, even though Im glad HBK went over.

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Date: May 20, 1996

Location: Greenville, South Carolina

We're just twenty four hours removed from In Your House "Aggravated Assault". Last night the whole world saw one of the most violent matches in WWF history when Shawn Michaels defeated Kevin Nash to retain the WWF Championship in a Last Man Standing Match. The match was so brutal that Kevin Nash has suffered several injuries that he might not heal from for a long while. The question is what's next for Michaels? Who else will be going for the "Heart Break Kid" and the WWF Championship? We'll hear from Michaels tonight!

Last night we also saw Camp Cornette come out on top. First it was Vader beating Bret "The Hitman" Hart with two Vader Bombs. But afterwards, Vader delivered a third Vader Bomb to Hart! We know that Hart is on the shelf as result of injuries suffered at the hands of Vader. Then it was Owen Hart and British Bulldog beating down Ultimate Warrior! There was never any problems between Owen and Bulldog they set everyone up! Tonight we're going to hear from Camp Cornette!

Cactus Jack made an impact attacking Undertaker during his match with Jeff Jarrett last night, Tonight we know that both men are scheduled to appear. What is going to happen when the man from the darkside goes face to face with Cactus Jack?

In the main event we'll see Goldust face Ultimate Warrior. Goldust has a big advantage here due to Warrior getting beat down by Owen Hart and British Bulldog last night. What kind of shape will Warrior be in tonight?

Matches for Monday Night Raw

Rick Martel continues his amazing return to the ring putting his undefeated streak on the line against Jerry "The King" Lawler. Martel has been having great success since returning but tonight he takes on Lawler another dirty player!

"The Narcissist" Shawn Stasiak will have a tough night for him because tonight he takes on Ahmed Johnson. Johnson returned last night after being put out of action for almost two months! Last night Johnson beat Hunter Hearst Helmsley by count out but tonight he has to face Clarence Mason's young client!

Last night it was Marc Mero pinning Steve Austin in the big six men tag match, Austin wants revenge and tonight he'll face Mero one on one! Can Mero score another win over Austin? Will The Corporation play a part in this one?

The Smoking Gunns put the tag titles on the line against Corporation members. Tonight they'll face Kama and Chris Chavis two men who they have met many times in the past. Tonight can Kama and Chavis become the champions?

And Ultimate Warrior faces Goldust in the main event!

Plus we'll hear from Shawn Michaels, Sycho Sid, Camp Cornette, Jeff Jarrett! Plus Undertaker and Cactus Jack are scheduled!

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user posted image

Date: May 20, 1996

Location: Greenville, South Carolina

Attendance: 10,042

Ticket Sales: $401,680

Announcers: Jim Ross and Vince McMahon

Monday Night Raw opens up with it's regular video package and then we're taken inside the arena where pyro shoots off. We're taken to the announce position where Jim Ross and Vince McMahon are standing by. They hype up tonight's main event of Ultimate Warrior facing Goldust! Vince and JR note that Kevin Nash will be out of action for several months due to injuries suffered last night during the brutal Last Man Standing Match with Shawn Michaels. Another injury was suffered by Bret Hart who took three Vader Bombs. McMahon says that Bret's injuries are pretty serious as well.

Rick Martel Vs. Jerry Lawler

McMahon and Ross again continue hyping Martel's return to the ring and hyping the fact that he's still undefeated having beaten Scott Taylor last night in a great match up. This one was pretty decent considering that there were two men who were over thirty. Lawler started off trying to shake Martel's hand but Martel sucker punched Lawler in the face! Martel had Lawler right where he wanted him for the early stages of the match. Things took a bad turn for Martel, When Lawler was able to catch Martel with a clothesline. After that, It was all Lawler giving Martel a real tough time. The crowd wasn't too sure who to cheer for but they started a big "Burger King" chant directed at Lawler. This didn't bother Lawler who kept beating down Martel. Lawler ended up going for his Piledriver but Martel countered and catapulted Lawler into the corner! Martel made his comeback and scored several near falls over Lawler. Martel ended up taking Lawler out with a big spinebuster and then locking "The King" into the Québec Crab! Lawler quickly tapped out and Rick Martel was victorious keeping his undefeated streak alive! Rick Martel posed on the ropes to a mixed reaction from this crowd.

71, 74, 67 *1/4

Interview with Camp Cornette

Our cameras take us to the interview area backstage where we see Dok Hendrix standing by with James E. Cornette, Vader, British Bulldog and the WWF Intercontinental Champion......... Owen Hart. Camp Cornette look to be in a good mood as Dok Hendrix prepares to talk.

Dok Hendrix- Last night Camp Cornette was in full force. First it was Vader defeating Bret Hart after delivering two Vader Bombs to "The Hitman". And then it was Owen Hart taking on Ultimate Warrior for the Intercontinental Championship. It looked like Warrior was going to win the title when Bulldog ran in and cracked Warrior with a steel chair! Bulldog you and Owen Hart had a master plan all along. There was never any problems between the two of you! Camp Cornette is riding high at the moment but guys you ticked off alot of people last night!

James E. Cornette- Dok Hendrix you think we're concerned about that? Last night was the greatest night ever for Camp Cornette! Vader took Bret Hart out with three Vader Bombs! Two during the match and one right after it! And then Owen Hart and Bulldog put their master plan in full affect! They fooled everyone! And the Warrior was the one who was the butt of the joke! Owen is still the Intercontinental Champion and now Bulldog is going to get rid of the Ultimate Warrior once and for all!

Owen Hart- That's right! Warrior what kind of moron are you? Did you really think that you were going to be able to take this title off of around my waist? No way! Me and the Bulldog are brothers in law! United we stand and divided we fall! And last night we were united! All those morons out there in that arena thought me and Bulldog were going to get into a fight? Come on! I'm not like my brother! When I have issues with someone I work them out! Sure me and Bulldog lost the tag titles but our friendship is more important! And Warrior learned that last night when me and Bulldog beat the living hell out of him like he was a dog! Warrior there's no way you or anyone else is going to take this title off of around my waist as long as Bulldog and myself are united!

British Bulldog- Warrior you really thought me and Owen were having problems? Like Owen said, Sure the tag titles are gone but we're still brothers in law. We're not like the people here in Greenville who when they get mad at their family go out in their underwear in the front yard and start shooting them with a shotgun like inbred morons! Me and Owen worked things out! We're not like these people! We're brothers in law and we're the ones who fooled everyone! Warrior if you think there's anything you can do about it, Then you're dead wrong! Owen and I proved that we're the smartest men in the World Wrestling Federation! No one saw it coming! Everyone thought I was going to take off Owen's head with that steel chair if I had the chance. But the fact is, I drilled you Warrior with that chair! And if you get in me and Owen's business I will once again have to show you what it's like to go face to face with the British Bulldog!

Dok Hendrix- Last night we also saw Vader take out Bret Hart. Bret Hart suffered some serious injuries due to taking three Vader Bombs. Bret Hart won't be in active competition for awhile. Vader last night was quite a sight with you beating the legend Bret "The Hitman" Hart. What's next for you Vader?

James E. Cornette- I'll tell you what's next! Vader wants the title! It's time for Vader to go after the World Wrestling Federation Championship! It's time for Vader to go after the Kliq! It's time for Vader to go after Shawn Michaels! We want the next title shot! If Shawn Michaels is any kind of a man he'll give Vader the next title shot! Shawn Michaels you proved last night that you can put up one hell of a fight. But so did Vader. Lets see what happens when the "Heart Break Kid" gets inside the ring with this man! Lets see how Shawn Michaels is going to be able to survive the Vader Bomb! Shawn Michaels you've beaten everyone in your way but you have never been inside the ring with Vader! Shawn Michaels give Vader the title shot he deserves! Lets see if you'll be able to beat him!

Dok Hendrix- Fans stay tuned because up next I understand we'll hear from Jeff Jarrett!



Jeff Jarrett wants the World Wrestling Federation Championship!

We return from the commercial break with Jeff Jarrett standing by backstage. Jarrett has a big smile on his face and we can hear the crowd booing Double J.

Jeff Jarrett- I'm in such a good mood tonight. Not even you morons can make me angry. Last night I proved to the whole world that I am simply the best wrestler in the business. Last night I was able to beat Undertaker one on one! The end was me covering Undertaker and beating "the phenom" himself! All his creatures of the night were in shock! No one could believe it! I told everyone I was going to do it and I did! Jeff Jarrett beat your precious Undertaker! I proved to everyone that it's my time! My time! It's Double J's time to be a huge superstar. And I did it last night when I defeated Undertaker in the center of the ring. Undertaker last night my win over you proved to all these people that I should be on top of the World Wrestling Federation. I should be the king of the mountain! But sadly I'm not. After all my accomplishments in the WWF, They still haven't given me a title shot against Shawn Michaels! I want my title shot! Shawn Michaels I know you're banged up from you fight with Nash but I had to go through Undertaker! I deserve a title shot! And Vader I want my shot first! What have you done to become the number one contender? Nothing! I beat Undertaker and I deserve my shot at the WWF Championship! And I better get it soon! Shawn Michaels step into the ring with me and lets see how long you'll last! I will be the World Wrestling Federation Champion and I don't care who I have to beat!

Our cameras take us to the ringside area where Ahmed Johnson is making his way down the isle.


Ahmed Johnson Vs. "The Narcissist" Shawn Stasiak with Clarence Mason

"The Narcissist" Shawn Stasiak took quite awhile to pose in front of the mirror that Clarence Mason held. When the match started, It was all Ahmed Johnson. Johnson took care of business knocking Stasiak down with right hands and clotheslines keeping the young second generation star off his feet. Johnson threw Stasiak out to the floor and both men engaged in a brawl on the outside that ended with Stasiak sending Johnson to the steel steps! Stasiak rolled Johnson back into the ring and clotheslined Johnson down taking control of the match. Stasiak was too cocky for his own good though, He would hit a big move and then pose. Stasiak went for his Torture Rack but Johnson countered out of it and delivered a huge spinebuster to Stasiak! Johnson nailed Stasiak with everything he had and ended up going for the Pearl River Plunge! Mason got into the ring with the mirror and nailed Johnson over the head with it causing a disqualification! Stasiak picked up a battered and bloodied Johnson up and locked Johnson into the Torture Rack! Officials came running down from the back and forced Stasiak to break the hold. Stasiak and Mason headed to the back with McMahon shouting that "The Narcissist" Shawn Stasiak and Clarence Mason have taken it too far!

71, 73, 69 *1\2


Steve Austin with Ted DiBiase Vs. Marc Mero

Austin and Mero had a great match up on Monday Night Raw. The announcers said this match was made because Austin requested it. Last night Mero did pin Austin in the big six men tag team match up. Mero and Austin started off doing a little sequence that ended up with Mero dumping Austin out to the floor and hitting a big pescado to Austin. DiBiase ended up getting involved which lead to Austin sending Mero into the steel steps and then suplexing Mero right on the padded floor! They went back inside where Austin dominated Mero. Austin stomped a mud hole on Mero in the corner and got several near falls over "The Wildman". Austin though could not put Mero away no matter what he tried! Austin headed up top late in the match and tried a big splash but Mero moved out of the way and Austin hit the canvas! Mero made a big comeback and scored several close near falls on Austin. Mero took Austin down with a samoan drop and headed up top. Mero came flying off the top and scored with the Wild Thing to Austin! Mero covered Austin but DiBiase got up on the apron and distracted the referee! Sean Waltman came running down from the back and got into the ring! Mero turned around and Waltman drilled him with the Six Kick! Waltman rolled Austin over on top of Mero and fled through the crowd! DiBiase got off the apron which allowed the referee to count 1,2,3 giving Austin the win! Monday Night Raw went to a commercial break with Austin standing victorious posing celebrating his victory.

87, 87, 88 ***3/4


What's next for Sycho Sid?

Monday Night Raw returns from the commercial break with Vince McMahon standing inside the ring holding a microphone. Vince prepares to speak as Ross hypes Sid's performance from last night.

Vince McMahon- Ladies and gentlemen, Last night we saw a brutal battle. It was Sycho Sid taking on Crush one on one. In the end it was Sycho Sid beating Crush. Sid Powerbombed Crush and picked up the win. Tonight we are going to hear from Sycho Sid on his thoughts on his feud with The Corporation and his thoughts on other subjects. So right now let me introduce to you Sycho Sid!

Sycho Sid's music hits the arena and the crowd gives Sycho Sid a pretty huge ovation as Sid makes his way down to the ring. Sycho Sid poses as the big "SID" pyro goes off from the rafters.

Vince McMahon- Sycho Sid thank you for joining us tonight on Monday Night Raw. Sid last night you were in a war with Crush. When it was all said and over with, It was you pinning Crush with the Powerbomb. Sid how do you feel after that brutal match up with Crush?

Sycho Sid- Vince McMahon! Last night was the most brutal fight of my life! Last night me and Crush tore the house down! Crush is the toughest son gun I have ever been in the ring with! He gave me a real pounding and a real beating. But the better man won! Last night Crush looked into my eyes and saw that there was no way he could beat me! Crush I command you for one hell of a fight but last night I was the better man! Crush if you ever want a rematch you'll know where to get one!

Vince McMahon- Sid will you continue going after The Corporation? One down but there are many more men to go after to end The Corporation.

Sycho Sid- No McMahon, Not at the moment. Right now my focus is on Shawn Michaels and the title!

Vince McMahon- You want the World Wrestling Federation Championship?

Sycho Sid- You're damn right I want it! I had the title won back in February if it wasn't for Jeff Jarrett! Shawn Michaels has yet to give me a title shot! I want a shot at the championship and I want it this Friday night! Friday Night Mayhem! Shawn Michaels lets see you be a man and give me the title shot! We've fought before and I haven't gotten payback for what you did last time we were in the ring! I want the title! All these people want Sycho Sid as the WWF Champion! It's time for Sycho Sid to take his place on top of the World Wrestling Federation! It's time for Sycho Sid to be the World Wrestling Federation Champion!

Vince McMahon- Sid I don't know if you heard but so far we have Vader and Jeff Jarrett wanting the next title shot! Both men want to face the "Heart Break Kid" for the title. Your thoughts?

Sycho Sid- I don't care who wants the titles! I beat Crush last night and therefore I should be the number one contender. I've beaten Jarrett before and if he wants a match with me I'll kick his butt again! And Vader, You might have been able to bully Bret hart but I ain't no Bret Hart! Lets see you beat me big man! You two want a match? You'll get one! But just remember that I am the master and the ruler of the world!

Vince McMahon- Thank you for the comments and it'll be interesting to see what Commissioner Ric Flair has to say. Ladies and gentlemen Monday Night Raw will return with great tag team action soon!

Sid's music plays as Sid poses. The fans chant "Sid" while Sid poses and we go to a commercial break.



World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship

Smoking Gunns© Vs. Chris Chavis and Kama with Ted DiBiase

McMahon announced that next the Qualifying Round for the King Of The Ring tournament would begin. Kama and Chavis attacked the champs early on! Chavis and Kama isolated Billy Gunn and came close to putting Billy away several times but Billy kept fighting back. Billy was able to make the hot tag to Bart after escaping the Supreme Driver and taking Kama out with the Rocker Dropper! Bart got tagged in and came into the ring cleaning house! This one came to an end with Billy and Kama fighting outside. Bart nailed Chris Chavis with a Forearm Shot to pick up the win! Afterwards, Smoking Gunns posed with the titles while The Corporation members headed to the back. The Smoking Gunns posed with the titles as Monday Night Raw went to a commercial break.

77, 78, 78 **1\2


Interview with Shawn Michaels

Monday Night Raw returns from the commercial break with Jim Ross standing in the ring holding a microphone.

Jim Ross- Last night it was a war. In the main event it was the "Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels facing Kevin Nash with the World Wrestling Federation Championship on the line. We saw all kind of carnage that ended with Michaels drilling Nash with chair shot after chair shot before drilling Nash with Sweet Chin Music to retain the title. Ladies and gentlemen at this time allow me to introduce to you the World Wrestling Federation Champion, Shawn Michaels!

The crowd gives Shawn Michaels a huge ovation as his music starts playing. A battered "Heart Break Kid" makes his way down the isle way with the WWF Championship over his shoulder. Michaels has a bandage over his head from where he was bleeding last night. There's no posing as Michaels gets inside the ring and shakes hands with Jim Ross. Ross prepares to speak as the crowd chants "HBK".

Jim Ross- Shawn Michaels last night it was a brutal affair. You and Kevin Nash battled it to death. And in the end you stood tall as the WWF Champion. Shawn I know you're sore and beaten from last night's war but can I get your thoughts on what it was like to be in a violent match like Last Man Standing?

Shawn Michaels- It was tough JR. It was the most important match of my life. It was no doubt the most violent match old HBK has ever been in. Kevin Nash beat me down like a dog. He gave me everything he had. I bled like I have never bled before. It was bloodied, battered but not beaten. In the end Nash went down for the ten count and I am still the WWF Champion. I will give the big man some credit, He gave me the worst beating of my life. I had to to everything it took to beat him. Kevin Nash if you ever want a rematch you have got one!

Jim Ross- Shawn now that this whole feud with Nash is over, Do you think that maybe someday you and him will go back to being friends?

Shawn Michaels- Jim Ross you think after all that we're going to be able to be friends again? The fact of the matter is that Nash made his choice when he turned on me. He made his choice last month when he Jackknifed me through the announce table. He kept making his choice last night when he beat the living hell out of me. No I don't think the Dudes With Attitude will ever team up again.

Jim Ross- Earlier tonight we heard from three men, Three men who want the next shot at you and the World Wrestling Federation Championship. Jeff Jarrett, Vader and Sycho Sid all said the same thing and that is that they want the next shot. They want you in the ring with the title on the line Shawn!

Shawn Michaels- Yeah I heard their comments. They all want this title? Well I'll put the title on the line against all three of them! You think HBK is going to back down from them? I faced Jarrett just last month on this show and I beat him! I faced Sid before and I beat him! Vader I have never faced you before, But last night everyone saw what I did to Kevin Nash to retain this title. You think you're going to be able to put Shawn Michaels down?

Jim Ross- Who will get the first shot?

Shawn Michaels- That's for Commissioner Flair to decide not me. But I could care less. I'm better than all three men combined and I can beat all three men. Vader, Sid and Jarrett want their shot? I'll give them one but in the end it'll be HBK hitting them with Sweet Chin Music! It doesn't matter who the number one contender is. I'm the champion and I'm going to stay the champion for a long time.

Jim Ross- Ladies and gentlemen, Shawn Michaels!

Michaels' music plays and Shawn Michaels poses with the title before heading to the back.


Interview with Ultimate Warrior

We cut to the back where Dok Hendrix is standing by with Ultimate Warrior.

Dok Hendrix- Ultimate Warrior tonight you face Goldust in singles action. But last night it was you and Owen Hart going one on one for the Intercontinental Championship. When it was over, British Bulldog came down to the ring and nailed you over the head with a steel chair! Owen and Bulldog then proceeded to beat you down! Warrior your thoughts on what happened last night?

Ultimate Warrior- Warrior is pacing back and fourth So Bulldog and Owen followed everyone? So they fooled all my Warriors? They fooled all the good people in the world? I don't like that! They took my soul in their hands and destroyed it! Warrior lets out a grunt and stops pacing You two were in it all along? Well now it's time for me to rid the WWF of you two! You two are the evil that I have come in after. And I won't stop until the WWF is rid of you two! Warrior is now yelling You two are the scum of the WWF! You two are nothing but greed! Bulldog I'm going to start with you! I will be destroying you! You two are going to be in my world now! Bulldog what are you going to do when you're inside my soul? Warrior stops yelling and lets out a laugh Bulldog I'm going to take you and go inside your soul and end the evilness inside you once and for all! Bulldog what are you going to do when you look into the eyes of each and every Warrior! Warrior snarls

Dok Hendrix- Warrior tonight it's you and Goldust one on one. Goldust is one of the most bizarre wrestlers to have ever step foot in the World Wrestling Federation. Will you be able to beat Goldust tonight?

Ultimate Warrior- I consider Goldust a freak of a nature. He's nothing to me. Goldust has no soul Dok Hendrix! Tonight he's going to take a trip inside the Warrior and he will never ever forget it! Goldust tonight you can play your mind games all you want, But when it's all said and over with, I will be the one coming out on top!

Dok Hendrix- Fans up next it's the big main event!



Ultimate Warrior Vs. Goldust with Marlena

This one was pretty long and not too pretty. Warrior destroyed Goldust in the beginning nailing Goldust with big right hands to the face knocking down the bizarre one. They went outside and Goldust got sent into the steel steps! Marlena tried to attack Warrior but he shoved her down! Goldust quickly nailed Warrior from behind and sent Warrior into the steel ring post face first! Goldust kept the momentum his way for the rest of the match coming close to putting away Warrior. Goldust ended up going up top but Warrior threw him off and sent Goldust crashing him down to the canvas! Warrior made the comeback and ran right over Goldust with multiple clotheslines! Warrior finished Goldust off the with Warrior Press Slam and then the Warrior Splash for the 1,2,3! Afterwards, Goldust was helped to the back by Marlena while Warrior celebrated his win posing in the ring. British Bulldog came running down from the back with a steel chair! Warrior saw Bulldog coming and knocked down Bulldog! Warrior grabbed the chair but Bulldog fled the ring! Warrior posed with the chair daring Davey Boy Smith to get back inside the ring as Monday Night Raw went to a commercial break.

82, 90, 66 *3/4


WWF Slam Of The Week- Shawn Michaels comes flying off the top turnbuckle all the way out to the floor right onto Kevin Nash with a flying elbow drop putting both men through the announce table! (In Your House "Aggravated Assault" 5/19/96)

Why Undertaker?

Monday Night Raw returns from the commercial break with Cactus Jack's music hitting the arena. Cactus Jack makes his way down to the ring to big boos from the fans.

Cactus Jack- I know all you people are wondering why I went after Undertaker. Why would Cactus Jack go after someone as feared as Undertaker? Undertaker why? Why? You want to know why? It's simple! You're everything that I hate! What have you done? What kind of sacrifices have you made Undertaker? I have done everything for this sport and for these ungrateful fans! I lost half a ear for this sport! I got beat up! I went through tables and barbed wire! I got set on fire! And no one cared. No one ever cared about me. Not the WWF, Not the fans in Philly. Not the fans in Atlanta. I have made all kind of sacrifices but no one cares. Undertaker you on the other hand, Got famous because of what? What makes you so damn special? Undertaker you intimidate people to make yourself a force. Well Cactus Jack is going to do what I do best and that it take the violence to a whole new level. Undertaker I'm going to be the guy who ends you. You have had a great run in the WWF but now it's time for Cactus Jack to be the dominant force. It's time for Cactus Jack to become the phenom. Last night was only the beginning. I'm not scared of you Undertaker. I'm not afraid of getting hurt either. Lets see how badly you're going to hurt me! Pain is my calling Undertaker. It's what I life for. And yet none of these people can realize that. Undertaker what are you going to do to me that's so bad? You see..........

Cactus Jack is interrupted by the lights going off! The bells toll and Undertaker's music plays to a huge ovation from the fans! And out comes Undertaker walking with purpose. Undertaker gets inside the ring and the lights come back on! Cactus Jack goes right after Undertaker! Both men start trading blows in the center of the ring! Undertaker uppercuts Cactus! Undertaker with a clothesline and Cactus Jack goes down! Undertaker goes to lift Cactus up but Cactus low blows Undertaker! Cactus Jack takes Undertaker down with a double arm hook DDT! Undertaker sits up and Cactus clotheslines himself and Undertaker out to the floor! Cactus Jack sends Undertaker right into the steel steps! Cactus Jack grabs a steel chair and whacks Undertaker over the back with it! Cactus Jack drops the chair down and nails Undertaker with a right hand! Cactus Jack comes charging at Undertaker but Undertaker back drops Jack all the way out into the crowd! Undertaker goes into the crowd and goes after Cactus Jack! Both men brawl through the crowd and eventually out of sight as Monday Night Raw goes off the air!


Overall Rating- 80

TV Rating- 7.51


Monday Nitro

TV Rating- 6.06

Attendance- 6,550

Ticket Sales- $262,000


"Jerry Lawler and me don't really click. How about booking me against someone like Billy Gunn? I think our styles would really work well together." -Rick Martel

"Ultimate Warrior and Goldust didn't 'click' in their match, maybe due to their mismatched skills causing their styles not to gel?"- Pat Patterson

"Our ratings battle with Monday Nitro is so close that neither show is gaining a clear advantage!"- Sophie


WCW have fired Meng!

WCW have fired Michael Wallstreet!

WCW have fired Sonny Oono!

Nik Simpson has taken over control of ABWF!

Due to new management's cost-cutting measures, Kid Kash has left ABWF!

Due to new management's cost-cutting measures, Julio Dinero has left ABWF!

Due to new management's cost-cutting measures, J-Rocc has left ABWF!

Due to new management's cost-cutting measures, Elektra has left ABWF!

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Guest Prototype

Nice show! The Cactus/Taker feud is already starting with a bang. I also like hpow the WWF title picture is a little clouded. Maybe a 4-way match in the future with HBK, Sid, Vader, and Jarrett?

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Greats hows, and the PPV was great. Lot's of unexspected wins (IE: Jarrett). Can't wait to see what you do after Nash leaves and you need new top heels. Also interested to see where you take Rick Martel.

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Credit Public Enemy for the logo

Date: May 24, 1996

Location: North Charleston, South Carolina

Tonight on Friday Night Mayhem we're going to hear from Commissioner Ric Flair. We understand that Ric Flair has a huge announcement over the number one contender situation in the World Wrestling Federation. We know that Sycho Sid, Jeff Jarrett and Vader want the title shot. But what will Flair's announcement be? Who will be crowned the number one contender?

Tonight's main event will be a huge match, Two champions go at it! It'll be Owen Hart and Shawn Michaels facing each other in a non title match. Michaels' WWF title won't be on the line and neither will Hart's WWF Intercontinental title! Both these men have a storied past and you might remember that it was Owen Hart who knocked Michaels out with the enziguri kick to the back of the head last year. Michaels and Hart faced each other in February at In Your House that ended with Michaels coming out on top. Tonight who will win this grudge match? Can Owen Hart score the biggest win of his career by beating the WWF Champion?

The Corporation will be in North Charleston and we understand that Ted DiBiase will address us on the future of his group. What does DiBiase have to say?

Matches for Friday Night Mayhem

Ron Simmons faces the veteran Jake "The Snake" Roberts. This should be a great battle between two men who have been in the wrestling business for a long time. Who will come out on top tonight? Can Jake score the DDT on Simmons or will he fall to the Dominator?

Marc Mero faces his old rival Hunter Hearst Helmsley. These two men have feuded this year and have put on some great matches. Tonight should be no different. Last time they faced it was Helmsley picking up the win. But tonight can Mero pull off the win after losing to Steve Austin on Monday Night Raw?

The Masked Americans and D'lo Brown team up to face Chris Candido, Scott Taylor and Brian Christopher. Can D'lo and the patriotic Masked Americans pull off the upset against the three cocky stars?

Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart goes one on one with Goldust! Last Monday night Goldust lose to the Ultimate Warrior but tonight he has a chance to pick up a win against Neidhart. But it won't be a easy task because Neidhart is one of the top WWF superstars!

And Shawn Michaels faces Owen Hart in the main event! What kind of condition is Michaels in after his brutal Last Man Standing match with Kevin Nash this past Sunday night?

We'll also hear from The Corporation, Marc Mero and British Bulldog! All this and much more!

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