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Best Boss Battle ?


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I forget the name of the character, but there was a boss in Final Fantasy VI with a squid that took place in an opera... Maybe it was in the rafters of an opera... Either way, it was awesome. A boss battle at an opera, how many other games have that?
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The End's boss battle is great cos the setting is enormous and beautiful.

You could always shoot him when he's in the wheelchair earlier and he doesn't turn up for the battle as he's already dead, but you do miss out on an excellent battle.

Psycho Mantis is also an excellent boss battle. Generally in each MGS there's at least one top class or clever fight but in MGS3 there were a few as The Sorrow's stuff was beyond genius and Big Boss's fight is really touching AND atmospheric cos of the setting and the imminent threat from above.

I would say some of the Colossi from Shadows Of The Colossus but the game is basically one boss fight after another so probably doesn't count - the third one with the big old sword is EXCELLENT though.

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Psycho Mantis from MGS1.

Personally I hated the bosses in Metal Gear 3, in fact I still haven't beaten The Boss. No matter what I try I always got my ass kicked.

I beat her first or second time easy enough. The RPG does slow her down a bit. :D

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The Scorpion in FF7 is hilarious first time round, because Barrett says to you "attack while it's tail's up!", so you get both guys to attack, only for him to follow up with "...and he'll counter-attack with his laser". Oopsy.

Demon Gate's a bitch. The most legitimately difficult boss battle in the whole game, I reckon, although I didn't do too badly against him last time round.

Psycho Mantis is great, it's all a bit campy and ridiculous, but it's so much fun. And then when you get the bandana, go back and just stand in a circle firing randomly, and you're like "read that, bitch!"

MGS3, for all it's preposterousness, has some beautiful boss battles. The one in the snowfield is fucking immense, although it kind of spoils the emotional end sequence when you're wearing a lab coat and clown make-up for the duration of it, because that's what you wore for the fight >_>

Gigas is awesome too.

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The Fury in MGS3 was spooky as hell. I generally find flame throwers frightening weapons anyway but combine it with an enclosed, dark place, and a headcase astronaught who's burnt up so badly he's still in his spacesuit AND can fly....man...

I beat the Boss with the darts so that I could get the bonus. It's easy enough, just duck down, battle back against her hand to hand, shoot her a few times then scarper. And repeat.

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1. Mike Tyson in Punchout. What a bastard.

That cocksucker, twenty years - TWENTY FUCKING YEARS - and I still haven't beat that motherfucker or his white clone, Mr. Dream. This is my angry face.

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For some reason my mind's drawing a blank, but thinking back to when I used to play NES games at a relative's house when I was younger, there was a wrestling game... and I can't remember the name of it, but basically had a load of (about 10 actually) wrestlers and you had to work your way through them Street Fighter-style. Can't remember if you fought yourself in order or as the last person, but they got progressively more difficult as the game went on, not so much because they were better characters, they were just tougher to beat as their moves did more damage, they regained their stamina quicker etc. Anyway, so you beat the last person, which was tough enough, and the game proclaims you the champion of the world, there's a nice cutscene of you with the belt. And then the lights go out. Then this creepy music starts playing and this eerie guy comes on the screen and says if you really want to call yourself the champion of the world, you'll have to beat him. Great. So it sets up a new fight with him and he has the old boss trick of being able to use everybody's moves at any time, and he's tougher with regards to damage and stamina. So he's a pain in the arse. But a great feeling when you beat him and was a nice surprise to see him in the first place, especially for a very young me, it's just one of those growing up gaming experiences you never forget.

Now what the heck was the name of that game? Namco World Wrestling?

EDIT: Tecmo World Wrestling!


I loved that commentator too lol

Edited by Scott McFly
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Tecmo was a surprisingly deep wrestling game for its time. Probably the best of the NES era... I loved that game. NORTHERN RIGHTS SUPLEX!

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Cyberdemon at the end of episode 2 in Doom...


"Hey, what's that"

**5 rockets fly**

..."Son of a bitch!"

Kefka's tier at the end of Final Fantasy VI.

And my all time favorite, Jaden Korr vs Kyle Katarn, the dark side battle at the end of Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy.

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Metal Sonic on Sonic 2.

0:00 - Level begins.

0:03 - Metal Sonic appears.

0:14 - Metal Sonic dead.

The challenge was just immense. :shifty:

That took me years :( I still can't beat the fuck off huge Robotnik in the original version of the game.

You mean the one you hit in the nose and run away from? Come on now! :P

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The thing that loosely resembles Thor in Painkiller. That was a fucking amazing fight, albeit not as amazing when you know his secret.

Also, Psycho Mantis. And Nelo Angelo was badass (and voiced by the Quantum Ranger, how can you argue with that? ¬_¬)

Edited by Farmer Reil
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