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Top 100 Video Game Characters of All Time

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No GoGo, I've not. I was on vacation so I didn't really have alot of time for much of anything (obviously I've been posting, but working on any of my projects has been rather limited). I'll be getting up as many as I can over the course of this week, since I'll be back in school and on computers alot more then I have been.

If that was tl;dr, here's the short version: it'll be continuing again this week, GoGo.

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60 through 56 posted! I'll have 55 to 51 up tomorrow.

Now then, a bit of an explanation about how things are going to go once we hit the Top 50:

I've been posting these things in 5-character posts. Once we hit 50, I'll be doing them in 10-character posts until we reach the Top 10. Then, I'll be posting the Top 10 one at a time to keep up suspense/guessing until the end.

Now, I did plan to do this in advance, but part of my reason for actually going through with it is to make up for lost time over the weeks. I should be able to keep this thing regularly updated throughout the week, so we'll probably be wrapping this thing up by next week, finally.

Thanks to all of you for sticking through with this. I had hoped I'd have time to continue work over my vacation, but that sadly didn't work out as planned. Because of that, I'll get this all done ASAP now that I'm back.

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Crash, that's cool.

Fighter is an odd choice though. Fighter from '8BIT Theater' is a hilarious character. If this was the greatest characters in webcomics, he'd definitely be up there. But Fighter in FFI....meh. Well he is a good character, game play wise.

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Same reasoning for Jops from Cannon Fodder, really. Not much personality behind the character at all, but in terms of the character itself, and its importance to the player, Fighter and Jops both can qualify pretty easily.

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You're not the only one disappointed by that GoGo, I was downright shocked Kerrigan placed so badly :\

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Just letting you guys know, there'll be a bit of a delay on the next update due to the fact that I left my laptop back at my apartment and so have no access to my files for the list right now.

Tomorrow I'll have the next update up, however, and start work on the first of the 10-character updates, which should be posted Friday. I'm sticking to the finish date I'd mentioned before, in that by next week this should be done.

Thanks for sticking through this with me, folks.

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55 to 51 posted. Tomorrow, we shall see the beginning of the Top 50 characters. I'll post a little "halfway mark" point in that thread after this, to keep everyone up to speed on who are now out of the standings, and who you might still see make it in the Top 50.

We're now halfway there, folks. Before this week ends, this thing's going to be finished, so stick around!

EDIT: Halfway mark update posted. Take a look to see what characters are now left in the standings!

Edited by The Mask of Norro
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Army Of Darkness, not of the Dead >_>

I expected to see HRH the Duke Of Nukem get higher than that, but good to see him up there all the same.

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You're shitting me, I put Army of the Dead?

God damn me doing these things half asleep. I'm even ashamed of that -.-

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I hate you EWB... I truly do.

You're trying to tell me that fucking RIKU from FUCKING KINGDOM HEARTS... IS A BETTER CHARACTER THAN SUB... FUCKING... ZERO...

I hate you, and your 13 year old minds.

Also, the lack of Johnny Cage makes this list a farce.

I have lost my faith. Sub Zero is one of the 50 best characters of all time... probably more like top 25. I hate you all, I hope you die and are sodomized by a pitbull.

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With that said, the next time I do this list?

People, please, make better choices >_>

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Damn, I really wish I would've noticed this thing while the voting was still going on. No offense, but I can't imagine why half of these people are even on the list. It seems to me that you needed a larger number of people voting, as it appears that if one person rated a character high on their list, they got enough points to make the list. Hopefully the Top 50 is better.

With all of that being said, this has been fun to watch so far. It just seems a bit strange when I don't know who some of the characters are.

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Damn, I really wish I would've noticed this thing while the voting was still going on. No offense, but I can't imagine why half of these people are even on the list. It seems to me that you needed a larger number of people voting, as it appears that if one person rated a character high on their list, they got enough points to make the list. Hopefully the Top 50 is better.

With all of that being said, this has been fun to watch so far. It just seems a bit strange when I don't know who some of the characters are.

Some of us peaked in computer and video games playing in the mid 90s (like myself), othersten years later. That's a lot of different characters there for a start. Hell, half of them I've never really heard of either - I don't play games of some genres but that doesn't negate their presence there (unless they're so useless and watery they shouldn't have made it).

So the sheer number of differently genred games on different formats over twenty years makes for a lot of scope.

Mine for example ranges from 1990 (Guybrush Threepwood - Monkey Island 1), Cannon Fodder (93) and Beneath A Steel Sky (94) through to Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan! (2005).

One person's favourite character is another person's "meh". That's the joy. The interest is seeing which characters more people at least kinda liked. So while some of us will berate certain characters rating so low others will say "I never liked them anyway". Like myself and Duke Nukem. :pervert:

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