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Why are most official movie games awful ?


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The only decent movie game I've played would have to be the Batman Begins game.

I finished the new Pirates Of The Caribeann(spelling?) game and Spider-Man 3.

Spiderman frustrated me a bunch do to the camera. I swear you'd think it had parkingson disease. Especially when your standing still. Then the whole bug with men characters having women voices. That drove me nuts. I was surrounded by a group of policemen who all spoke like an elderly woman.

then thereis other glitches like spidey sinking in the grass and certain other parts of the levels. The only thing I really liked was the boss battles even though they were a tad too easy.

The only entertaining aspect of Pirates was the ability to play poker

I personally think the companies try to rush the devolopment of the games to meet the release of the movies. All games are going to have bugs sure but most in Spiderman 3 should have been found by the testers

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Because the companies cynically KNOW that people who love movies are usually enough of an idiot to buy the game however good it is cos they WANT to be Spiderman/Jack/a Spartan etc etc.

They don't have to try so hard to make a good game cos the name will sell it, get it to number one and get it pimped nationwide.

We had to do a big Spiderman 3 display in store one week and a Pirates 3 the next week. When people ask me about the games I tell them they're pretty awful (They are) and we've already had A LOT of Spiderman games returned and a good numebr of Pirates games after just 2 weeks.

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You also have to consider the fact that with particularly big movies, like Spiderman and Pirates, the company behind the film does not want the story leaked out, so they purposely hold back details to the plot.

Movies and video games just really don't make a good combination; either turning one into a video game or vice-versa. Exceptions are things like T2: The Arcade Game and uh....yeah.

You want an awful video game based on a movie, I suggest Days of Thunder on the NES..... :thumbsdown:

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Its a supernatural balance between games and movies.

All movie games are horrible

All game movies are horrible

Balance you see

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Enter The Matrix was fun when I played it. The Star Wars games for the Super Nintender were good platformers, and the Lord Of The Rings games by EA for the PS2 and XBOX were fun as well. The Warriors was a lot of fun, especially playing with a friend. Jurrasic Park had some good games across a bunch of platforms.

Goldeneye 007 was a classic game, one that sold a pile of N64's and was a catalyst for making multiplayer games as popular and huge as they are now. I thought The Godfather was also a good way of using the license for the classic movie.

These are the exceptions in most cases, but it all depends on the developer. EA tends to put time and effort into their games based on movie licenses, while other developers are looking to simply cash in.

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forgot all about Warriors , Enter the Matrix , LOR , and Goldeneye. I used to have huge partys where we did nothing but play Goldeneye. Good times

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Yes, Goldeneye, Enter The Matrix, The Warriors and The Godfather were all good games. And they were released years after the movies they were based on. A good game often takes as long as a movie to make, sometimes longer. Usually, development of a game starts late in the production process of the movie, and the game developers are pressured to get the game done in time for the release of the movie, on all popular systems, quality be damned. To movie executives, video games aren't works of art, they're another piece of merchandise, more ways to use a movies popularity to milk the populace of their money. And the fact that people actually buy the damned games doesn't do anything to stop the trend.

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I thought Enter The Matrix sucked ass. I rented it and still felt ripped off.

I can't think of anything that isn't Star Wars related that was a good game based on a film. Heard The Warriors was excellent, but neither played the game or saw the film so I had no real reason to find more about it.

And Goldeneye was and still is a classic. Mainly because of multiplayer though, not the Bond tie-in.

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Guest Zeokage

I haven't heard anyone say that Spiderman 3 is a really good game, just a bit of fun that's not long enough. Someone brought it back 5 hours after buying it because he had already finished it (apparantly). On the other hand, I haven't seen Pirates brought back yet, but I don't think that many went out in the first place. Mario Strikers won that battle.

Apparantly Chronicles of Riddick was a good movie tie-in game...

These are the exceptions in most cases, but it all depends on the developer. EA tends to put time and effort into their games based on movie licenses, while other developers are looking to simply cash in.
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You can usually tell how good a movie game is gonna be by the length of time between the film and games release. Like The Warriors, in my opinion is the best tie-in of all-time and they were like thirty years apart. :shifty:

But yeah, I find that if a game is being made to tie in with the films release it'll be shit, if it's being made at it's own pace it could be a surprise.

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Lion King was quite good, but not as good as Aladdin. I find it amusing to play now just because of "3D" (but not actually 3D) running-from-the-wilderbeast-rampage level. Oh, bless its little cotton socks.

Actually, my main memory of the Lion King Mega Drive game is the 'Can't Wait To Be King' level, because it usually went like this:

*music starts up, midi of course, so not actually with lyrics*

"I'm gonna be a mighty king, so -"

*splosh, the sound of a lion cub dropping unceremoniously into water*

*music restarts*



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You also have to keep in mind that these games are nothing but marketing tools for the movie. They're rushed out because they have to have a release to coincide with the movie. That's why The Warriors was good because they had time to work on it and they didn't try to just take the movie plot and put it in video game form.

Spider-Man 3 is inexcusable for its level of suck because the last few Spider-Man games, while absolutely terrible, have at least taken steps in the right direction. The developers were just lazy on this one because it easily could have been a good game.

Oh and Enter The Matrix sucked more than the Matrix Revolutions - now that's a fucking whole new level of suck.

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Yes, Goldeneye, Enter The Matrix, The Warriors and The Godfather were all good games. And they were released years after the movies they were based on

Goldeneye on the N64 didn't come out along the same time as the film?

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Yes, Goldeneye, Enter The Matrix, The Warriors and The Godfather were all good games. And they were released years after the movies they were based on

Goldeneye on the N64 didn't come out along the same time as the film?

Goldeneye came out on n64 in 1997, two years after the movie. Enter the Matrix though, that came out the exact same week as Matrix Reloaded.

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