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Premiership 2007/08


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Newcastle heading towards the drop more than being turned around by Keegan. Seem to be in big trouble hardly surprising when you look at their team though. Their midfield simply is lacking balance and their defence is hardly much better. Quite frankly their squad isn't any better than the teams in and around the relegationg scrap so I think they're heading towards trouble unless things turn around soon.

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Daryl Murphy. What a goal. What a goal. Take a bow.

That is what you call a counter attack, took all that abuse off Wigan, took our chance, and just killed the game off there. Had we not scored Wigan would have probably scored.

And a great pass from Reid on his debut, but only one thing can be said to him "hey fatty, fatty, fatty"

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26,885 came to see see Alfonso Alves debut? How long did he play, like 5 minutes? They were treated to a useless Asian trotting around the field for the most part. But they got the win so I guess they're okay with that.

43,600 came to see the mighty Dickson Etuhu return for Sunderland against Wigan. What a glamorous tie that was, still, love our fans. If that many people come to see Sunderland play Wigan, then that's something to be proud of in your team.

Still, I'd rather 6 people and a monkey turned up if it met we were playing in Europe >_>

EDIT: I love how every interview Paul Jewell's only read positive is that he can compliment the fans, and other than that, not a lot else. Seeing Paul Jewell manage a side that just flail around like that makes me smile though.

Edited by IAceI
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Bent and Boatang ARE complete "nuffies".

I just sat during the highlights and just watched Robbie Keane...His movement and following in shots was phenominal as always and even Malbranque is actually performing.

So 4-0 at home and 3-0 away victories over Derby this season, I kinda feel sorry for bullying the lads, but hey, it's nice to actually be able to bully a team :P

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Hmm earlier today SAF was complaining that the Manchester derby conciding with the 50th aniversery of the Munich disaster was disrespectful, even though it was said before that this would be the perfect match to honour the disaster. The league have said that neither club aproached them wanting a change in date.

This really doesn't make much sense, he thinks that it'd be great to play City... as long as there weren't any nasty City supporters?

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Ergh the premiership is always so open but this is a big fuck up by United today. Can't see Arsenal dropping any points against Blackburn either. Though if they were to drop points and Chelsea pick up all 3 today then we'll have one hell of a title race again.

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Pleased but still disappointed in a way, would've taken a point before the game considering the run we've been on and having lost Torres a couple of days ago. That being said, we still should've won. Crouch was wasteful, although I fully expect when he next gets rotated Messrs Gray and Redknapp will have a whinge and say he'll always score goals.

Gerrard was a bit on the shit side as well, lots of hopeful punts towards Babel that just didn't come off (and yet, he's the BBC's MotM according to their player rater. What a load of bollocks). Should've played on the right, much more of a threat there.

Defensively we were sound, Skrtel was our best defender by a mile. Lucas didn't look out of place either, and was quite comfortable against Ballack and Lampard (Frank might as well have not been playing).

Hope we have Torres back for the Inter game though, without him we lack a proper threat up front.

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Yeah, I was impressed by Lucas once again. Didn't watch all of the match, but saw him thump a couple of long passes with confidence and precision. It still doesn't feel like a complete Chelsea team until the Cup of Nations players return though, that's when the title race will get even more interesting - even with a draw today, it'd be foolish to think that Chelsea can't improve performances whilst United are seemingly in a dip and Arsenal are surely punching slightly above their weight still.

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