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Queen's Blood (Final Fantasy Thread)


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You have to run around the rift in a certain order, but I can't quite remember what.

The Shadowseer is a dick, got rid of him t'other night, and he's extremely annoying. Make sure you have protection against Imobolise, Confuse, Blind, Poison and Disease, because he'll cast them. All the time. Forever. Go in with a few bubble belts too. Seriously, I was lvl 91 when I fought him, and it was one of the toughest battles I've ever fought in FF.

My plan for the next few hours is to get me Chaos and Zodiark, because like Momo, I just haaaaate Great Crystal, it's a bitch to navigate. Then I've got Hell Wyrm, but before him, I need to upgrade my weapons and equipment, as mine are awful right now.

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I haven't played FF XII in a few weeks, and don't plan to for a few more; the prospect of having to grind out at least another 10 to 15 levels before I can do much of anything except a couple of Hunt Club hunts just doesn't thrill me.

However, I'll drop some advice for anyone who hasn't hunted Ixion yet:

It can appear in any of the mapped rooms of Umbra, Penumbra, or Abyssal, and you'll know when its around because all the other monsters will be absent. Its easier to fight it in the ring areas, because it will have a little over half as many hit points (166,000+ as opposed to 306,000+). It uses Sleepga, Silence (on the whole party) and Thundaga, so you might want to equip some Rubber Suits and have plenty of Echo Herbs and Alarm Clocks.

(That advice is from the strategy guide; I can't even enter Subterra without getting wiped out in the first room yet)

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I beat the Rocktoise when I was that level :P

It killed my whole party (reserves too) apart from Fran. She had a bow (which is vital) if you set her up to attack with the bow and then just run in circles. The Rocktoise is slow it can't attack you and you slowly (but surely) drain its health.

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Jesus syco. You almost shouldn't bother with the Demonsbane, go right for the Deathbringer.

Indeed. I was sorely disappointed with Demonsbane; Its decent when you get it, but within a few levels there are much better weapons out there. Not worth the effort to go out of your way to get.

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When's the earliest I can get the Barheim Key? I'm at the Tomb of Raithwall, but haven't gone in yet. I'm just running around doing some hunts while I have Vossler, and I'd like to get inside to build up, but I'm either forgetting the first step (do I need to talk to Dantro again, or just his wife/lady at the town?), or I just can't do it yet.

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You can buy Deathbringer in Balfonheim for 16,000 gil, steal it from Ithuno in Barheim Passage, or get it from a chest in Feywood. I'd advise stealing one from Ithuno, exiting instead of killing it, then going back and stealing another.

Deathbringer's ATT is 90, so its got some serious dmg capability even without the KO effect. One two other one handed swords have better ATT (Stoneblade and Durandal), and they're harder to get. I usually equip Deathbringer on Vaan or Balthier (if Balthier isn't using a gun), as I prefer to have Basch use Axes.

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